Perhaps most astonishingly, this suspect arrested in the woods was named in an Associated Press report as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza. The original report has long since vanished of course, but you can see it referenced here. This was despite the fact that Ryan had already been named as the deceased suspect inside the school, lying next to two handguns.I have since found the original Associated Press report, which in fact states that it was "Ryan's younger brother", Adam Lanza, who was arrested in the woods. So let's take a closer look at this revealing report.
2:25 p.m. CST -- A FoxNews report said:That Fox News report has since been 'updated', but here is the full original text and screenshot of the Associated Press report which places both brothers at the scene, one dead (Ryan), and the other arrested (Adam):witnesses said a handcuffed man, dressed in camouflage was led out of a nearby woods by officers who reported to the shooting. The individual is Lanza's younger brother, according to the Associated Press.
AP source: Suspect is 24; younger brother heldWho exactly is this 'law enforcement official' that has access to the premier news agency in the country, and on behalf of which state agency does he/she work for?
Pete Yost, Associated Press
Friday, December 14, 2012
Washington (AP) - A law enforcement official says the suspect in the Connecticut school shootings is 24-year-old Ryan Lanza and that his younger brother is being held for questioning as a possible second shooter. The law enforcement official says the boys' mother, Nancy Lanza, works at the school as a teacher.
The official also said Ryan Lanza's girlfriend and another friend are missing in New Jersey.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said the suspect is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the source was not authorized to speak on the record about the developing criminal investigation.
How did they even know at this point that Ryan had a younger 20-year-old brother when there are no public records of Adam Lanza since 2009 and the two brothers had not seen each other since 2010, as claimed by Ryan? How could they have known on Friday morning that Ryan had a girlfriend and that she and another friend were missing in New Jersey? How did they even know that Ryan had any connection to New Jersey at all? The Lanzas' mother was dead at this point and their father only found out later through a reporter asking him about Adam, who had by then become the 'lone gunman' in the official narrative.
Surely the first point on the timeline at which anyone can even begin to discover these things about Ryan is the moment he piped up on Facebook and said "Hi, I'm alive, I didn't do it, and I live and work down here in New Jersey!" How could 'law enforcement officials' have pieced together details of his life but not known that he was actually still alive in the very location where they stated that his girlfriend had gone missing?
The only way they could have found out all this about Ryan Lanza was if they had 100% positively identified him as the 'dead gunman inside the building', then worked backwards from there by investigating who his next of kin were, then questioning family members, then discovering where he lived and worked, that he had a girlfriend and that she and a friend were missing, etc.
Such things take time to investigate, especially as they would involve cross-checking with police and other officials in New Jersey. And even before that, somebody there would first have had to receive local reports of two missing people before any connection could be made to the shooting in Connecticut.
Even if we granted these 'law enforcement officials' superfast detective powers, they would not have been able to travel back in time to rewrite the script regarding how they knew what they knew about the Lanza brothers, particularly Ryan. Because from the moment the official line was forced to deviate towards saying that Ryan Lanza was no longer the 'dead shooter inside the building', it became impossible for these 'law enforcement officials' who "weren't authorised to speak" (but heck, were telling lots of people lots of things that morning anyway, and whose credentials enabled them to speak through the Associated Press and other media outlets) to have retrospectively discovered all these connections of Ryan.
The only logical conclusion I can draw at this stage is that somebody or some group with high-level media access had FOREKNOWLEDGE of the crime, foreknowledge that is revealed by their 'anonymously' leaking to the press things which they could not otherwise have known, foreknowledge that exposes their hand in originally planning to use both Lanza brothers as patsies.
Reader Comments
I am new to this site so I was not able to find a way yet to make a comment so I decided to make a reply on (bngenoh) comment. In regards to the Sandy Hook ordeal , the false flags are popping up everywhere, and I too believe this was a hoax of total disgrace. One point I would like to make along with all the others is about something that seems to have not picked up on and reads false flag all over it. I have been able to bookmark a tweet that was sent by Jillian Soto asking for prayers that her sister maybe alright because there was a shooting at the Sandy Hook school where her sister had worked. According to the whole media coverage the shooting happened around 9:30 am est or just there after, however Jillian`s tweet was embedded at 8:01 am est. Almost a hour and a half prior to the claimed shooting. My book mark of that tweet is still in contact and I have made note of it in other fashion as to not lose it along with a few other interesting facts. Funny though. when you go to check out her tweeter page , it has become less informative with things removed. I will post the original tweet soon on a youtube site and anywhere else I can. I wish to hell more people would just open their eyes to how some people feel we are all this stupid.
While many were 'jolted' awake by the glaringly obvious inconsistencies in this tragedy - many will simply go back to sleep and re-immerse themselves back into their busy, fast paced lives; some having been successfully conditioned thusly. Some just at a loss as to how to stop this.
The evil bastards who organised this disgusting 'event', count on the predictable reluctance of men to face unpleasant truth(s), combined with having worked long and hard to condition people to become numb to others suffering (playing to the basest of mans desire).
I don't see any way these evil people will be stopped. Exposed yes - but stopped? Not yet. But there will come a day...
Lesson: All: Save your Screenshots and Videos. (These days, we've all got GIANT hard drives. Use 'em!)
As Niall's excellent post above, and his previous story, on this evil mess make clear, since day one and through now, SOMEONE was and still is realtime MODIFYING the timeline, events and story: that is to say burying the facts and "spinning away the truth." Though in a fairy tale world, such things wouldn't get lost, we know otherwise.
Great thinking to have done that screensave! which otherwise by now probably would have been lost down this story's giant Rabbit cum Memory Hole. Given how sadly sideways this whole "official story" has gone while spinning "out of control," (see, e.g., the State Police Lt. Paul Vance's defensive, non responsive statement pointed out by same author in his previous story at [Link]mentioned above, and Niall's perfect description -in the comments section - of the "Methinks he doth protest too much" aspect of it, (plus plenty of other problems with it), it sure makes sense to save these things in the event they should later be "disappeared."
Likewise, see the video of a "distraught father" and yet is instead what sure looks like an actor getting ready to look sad for his lines in this video link: [Link]which was posted by Amazed by the Lunacy as a comment to Niall's previous article. I wouldn't be surprised to find that that will become a clip that's going to be hard to find absent the saving of it by folks like SOTT Types.
I was given a letter by my father that was written to his father in 1921.
He wrote:
'For my boy ***, I wish but THREE things ~:
FIRST ~ A Sound body all his livelong days.
SECOND ~ The intellect of a splendid, discriminating and appreciative mind.
THIRD ~ The use of both body and mind in only those causes and for only those purposes which can bring credit to himself, satisfaction to all who love him and the respect of those of his fellow men who may know him.'
I wish I could live up to those words and I would hope humanity can come to a level where we may see more people following these guidelines than what we see today, which is in the almost complete opposite side of the spectrum.
Thank goodness for SOTT
Think again.
Both realities are equally scary... either the Lanza brothers were patsies or the government has that extensive of a database to instantly know how each of us are connected to everyone else. And the Associated Press feed must be hooked directly to the CIA's "Good Morning Vietnam" spin room. Our reality is being constantly written by people whose job is to lie.
Indeed the government has extensive database and knowledge on how all citizens are connected. This is a given right? Common knowledge? So I was unsure of the point of this article.
I'll read it again incase there's something I'm missing. It takes me a few goes sometimes.
Good Digging Niall.:)
It looks Ryan Lanza's FB post is the turning point in this.Suddenly they caught offguard and it took 4 days for them to change the narration while distracting people during this time. Hopefully people will wake up to this and ignore the MSM patsy drama's. IF it happens, this will be huge REVOLUTION. Unfortunately, people are easily distractable.
I'm confused, mainly because I haven't been able to find the answers to a couple of basic questions. If the deceased alleged killer had his brother's ID, was it current? When was it issued? Did his brother get a replacement? When was IT issued? If one claims not to have seen the other since 2010, it would follow that the ID found on the deceased was issued prior to that date, and that any reissued ID for the surviving brother would have been issued subsequent to that date. Just wundrin....
Between the lines we're being asked to believe that Adam Lanza was capable of incredible feats of wickedness because he worshipped the devil:
'I am the devil': Former classmate reveals school gunman had 'online devil worshiping page' [Link]
Note: this list is BS in itself, because it recounts almost exclusively incidents in the "Western world." Most notably, it leaves out 89 students killed in Angola in 1994 by the Angolan military supposedly due to an error, and 46 kids killed by the IDF in 1970 also claimed to be an error.
I'm still reeling from seeing the false and/or subjective headline "worst-ever school shooting," which is a sad commentary on what journalism is alleged to be. Interesting also that the knifing of 22 students outside a school a few hours earlier, in China, was extremely limited in exposure by the Chinese press. Had to dig on Chinese news sites to find it on the back pages.
"...Connecticut State Police announced Monday they will be holding all crimes scenes connected to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting for the foreseeable future, while they investigate the horrific mass murder....."
While the bobble-head sheep are distracted with their annual "feast of materialism", the PTB are busy confiscating all the evidence.
One has to wonder why the same thing wasn't done on 911. Perhaps the State Police will actually produce the truth in this matter. Regardless of what they divulge, we can rest assured that the perps and their agenda will proceed.
Very good article(s)
In several posts and responses on Facebook and Beliefnet in relation to 'assault' rifles I have posed, what I assume is a very simple question (regardless of they type rifle used in the shooting at Newtown)(Ya'll correct me if I am wrong): There are NO 'assault' rifles legally owned in this country. Present law prohibits the manufacture of firearms that can be easily converted to automatic fire. The gun claimed as the murder weapon, the AR-15 is a military mock-up to look 'bad', but is simply a semi-automatic, as opposed to the fully automatic original. The gun claimed fires a .223. I have a Browning 7mm magnum, with a 5 shot clip is ALSO a semi-automatic. So, it appears to me that other than clip, bullet, and hole size, the guns are 'semi-automatic', essentially the same firepower, and essentially the same with the exception of 'looks'. But 'looks' do not an 'assault rifle' make....They have AR-15 lookalikes used in paint ball.
The sheep are essentially jumping on the 'semi-auto' bandwagon for the need of big government 'protection'. Originally it was 'automatics', that was remedied, now, another massacre, and it is 'semi-automatic'. There-in lies the problem for me, but an 'ongoing' solution with them: Make 'em illegal one by one. Technically my Browning semi-automatic will now certify as an 'assault weapon' (which ALL guns are anyway).
So, I have to disagree here, I DO believe it is about gun control, of course, there are a myriad of end prerogatives that are being pushed, but gun control has to be the first.
It has been reported that those miscreants at Westboro church are going to picket those funerals as they do those servicemen returning home in boxes. The group 'Anonymous' has stated that they will block Westboro. I haven't seen it happen yet, or it has not been reported which should come as no surprise.
Anonymous picketed the Church of Scientology, here in Atlanta, which had a lease in one of the buildings I managed. Their principle identification is the mask used in 'V'....
They had to go through hoops to get their permit and Dekalb County pulled all the stops the day of the protest. I didn't think much about it but when I turned into the complex, I saw the protestors lined along the street, many had masks, others did not, they were basically in their 20's. There were about 5 prowl cars, and eighteen wheeler, and 2 huge operations vehicles. I was sopped and gave identification, and was waved on in and was confronted by a swat team in full armor, about 30, with their automatic 'assault' rifles, and all the fixings. They were all marching heavily in step, not going anywhere, and their eyes were staring down those across the street....all that for about 80 protestors...I'm thinking WTH....actually a bit more coarse...
That made a Huge impression, realizing just how technologically advanced the government has become in regards operations towards 'terrorists' , or if the necessity arises, simple citizens. Back when the second amendment was written, it was all equal, 'government' troops had the same weaponry as the citizens, so the basis of the second amendment and the citizen militia was about even. Today, even with semi-auto 'imitation military' AR-15's, etc, citizens are basically carrying pitchforks should it come to confronting your basic swat team.
Some of the fools out there advocate law abiding citizens to basically disarm themselves in their idiotic attempts to placate and feel good about 'doing something to prevent this ever happening again'. They do not consider the thousands of children that disappear every year, an untold number to be found in ditches somewhere. No, it happened en masse here, so this finally stroked their sensibilities, but as usual, they prefer to go about the solution with the usual left wing emotional dickering and demand people give up their guns.
Is this going to happen here? No time soon, but time is on their side.
Such atrocities, though, will happen again, for they always have, and always will.
Extremely importand work. Thanks, Niall and Sott.
I have suffered greatly (though not as much as some very unfortunate others) for my lifelong resistance toward, and disobedience to, the emerging technocracy and totalitarianism of the state and the evil which lurks and smirks and routinely exerts its dominance and control over human life now in every corner of the world, as a direct result of this technocratic, statist fervor, fanaticism and belief.
Psychopaths and their technological 'tools' of mind control be damned!
I often feel near total despair. I mean, who can stop it? How will it ever be stopped, except by everyone's combined death/murder/suicide?
The diligence of certain others, fighting more-or-less the very same battle as I have, is very important to me.
So thanks, Sott.
Thank you.
Thank you, SOTT team. Thank you, Niall.
Thanks. I'm a great defender of freedom of speech and expression. I make no bones about it. Most of these comment boards (on various alternative news and information sites) are censored to varying degrees with punishments for offenders. I don't know too much about this one (Sott), having only appeared here sporadically. I don't really 'know' anybody here.
I think there are some good authors (regular article writers) at Sott, but I have concern, wherever I go as a commenter, about censorship.
I make this remark based on my experience with quite a few such websites. I can think of nothing more important, than maintaining freedom of speech, regardless of the 'color' (ie., tone) of that speech.
If someone comes on a site and makes a lot of useless noise, it should be up to the other commenters to respond (or not) and not up to site administrators. Otherwise it is 'same old, same old'.....centralized power structure/government holding sway. No one should be kidding themselves, we are deep deep shit because of centralized authority.
That's all.
Thanks to everyone.
In the screen shot of ? Adam Lanza in the woods. If you enlarge the image it looks like he is with a woman with long hair, she appears to be wearing glasses, her face is not in view of the camera. ? Ryan does not have the appearance of a 20 yr old he looks younger.
Was this taken at the time of the incident? I dont' recall the mention of a woman being in the woods. Just my observations.
I wonder what is going through the minds of the local law enforcement in Newton? Their heads must be spinning, and I would guess that some of them would have plenty to say if they could speak up. If they were witness to the crime scene they must be aware that they are dealing with monsters of the highest order. I harken back to all of the 9-11 witnesses that came forward, and how many met an early demise by doing so.
It sickens me beyond belief that threats and intimidation are going to work again, but it sure appears to be the case. If only journalism was an honest profession, and not the whore house it is, there may be some hope for the truth. But to be honest, I don't think most people could handle, or stomach it, so the charades will continue. When I attempt to bring to light certain details and fact to friends and family, I am often met with a blank stare, or even a condescending "oh no, not again. Give it a rest". But for those with any awareness, and I can only speak for myself, it feels like I am living in a nightmare from which I cannot awaken. As this story continues to unfold, the sadness I originally felt is subsiding, and anger is beginning to boil. Where to safely direct it is now the pressing question.
Caption of photo reads: "Young children wait outside Sandy Hook Elementary after........" This photo is of Sandy Hook students subsequent to the evacuation., not either of the Lanzas.
As they were the only "Players" in the playing field, something must have gone horribly wrong for them to make such a HUMONGOUS blunder.
The Shape of Things to Come
Volume 1, Issue 0
Issue date: May 21, 2012
The data sets are saying that nowhere will the [shrill voices] be more [denying] than [on american teevee]. These data sets would seem to indicate something of a [final frenzy] of [false patriotic fervor] on the part of the [propaganda whores of the msm]. There are sets going to [frothing (at the mouth)], and [spewing guests/opposition (with spit and invective)]. The idea is that the [linguistic tone] of the [msm] will become [so rabid] and [verbally abusive] of [any and all opposition or disputations] as to be [lambasted] by the [planetary populace]. The data reads as though the [daily spew] from the [msm] is just [so outrageously false] that the ['raggers' (video bloggers)] are waiting to [pounce] for the [juice bits] for their [parody video work]. This situation seemingly sets up a 'feed back loop' situation in which the [media (msm)] will be [tortured internally] as they [recognize] their [own vulnerability (to satire and ridicule)] and begin a rather [strange] form of [self-censorship]. This no win [media war (indie vs msm)] is indicated to last for over [3/three weeks] as the [msm] wrestles with an ['appropriate' response]. The data further indicates that the [sniping wars (msm vs. indie video artists)] is somewhat curtailed by [terra intrusions] including a [big eruption (volcano)] and a [big rip (tear in land)].
2011 Norway attacks
The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential lone wolf terrorist attacks against the government, the civilian population and a Workers' Youth League (AUF)-run summer camp in Norway on 22 July 2011, claiming a total of 77 lives.
about 6 months ago I did a study
on columbine, vatech, aurora, norway
shootings, finding only one wounded,
the rest all dead; well, wouldnt you
know it, same thing in Sandy.... how
can that be? bc dead men tell no tales,
right? the one survivor i saw mentioned
has never been located for questioning
as far as I can see, interesting, eh?
I never hear anyone talk about this topic,
how can a deranged shooter have time and
ability to never let one victim escape?
bc it is all psyops
Columbine shooting had 21 students injured.
Vatech had 16 wounded.
Aurora had 59 injured.
I'm coming to a different conclusion. Imagine how pleased the PTB would become if everyone started talking 'conspiracy', psyops or foreknowledge .... when all there was was a lone nut with a loaded gun in the throws of a psychotic break.
Imagine how THAT would muddy the waters when it comes to all the psyops that they actually WERE involved with, and did pull some triggers. Stiring up confusion and doubt. Sounds useful to me. Well, actually it sounds like a God send (for them) to me.
Pretty difficult to be in two places at once.
Very good article! Thank you!
From the very start - I felt things werent right about this.
What I can't get my head around is that there could be people, represented in some way by our government, that went into that school and shot these children and then made it look like someone else did it? Its just unimaginable.
How can they get away with it? Please explain how and why this can happen.
Well, you're at least in the right place if you really want to know...
Reading articles here on is a excellent source for the answer/explanation.
It will take effort but 'anything worth doing' takes effort.
Love and respect,
One thing leads to another.
Once they convince people that JFK was murdered by a lone assassin with a magic bullet, once they can convince people that other people who want the best for their families in other places are Communist terrorists, once they convince people that Muslims are terrorists, once they convince people that torturing other people is ok, once they convince people that 9/11 was pulled off by medieval Muslim men living in caves, once they convince people that it's ok to invade and plunder other countries to 'protect our interests'... once they can do all that and not only get away with it, but have the people AGREE with it, they then have a population that is ripe for witnessing the slaughter of children in broad daylight and letting the real perpetrators get away with it.
The overlords supply to satisfy the physical and social needs of the people, as the people demand - so does the Power that feeds them - if it's needs are to manipulate by destruction - it will do so without compunction,as to keep it's power it firstly has to win the war against it's own subjects.Nothing is something of a permanent battle that's been fought for many millennia.
Hi Niall,
I am wondering about the CBS image which is reporting the shooting some 2 hours before it actually happened. I didn't read anywhere on the article about where this was reported. Was it a TV station in L.A. (that would make sense) or was it broadcast on the East coast (eerie)?
Can you please provide more info. On the source of the image?
Thank you!
Does the time on the image have relevance to this article?
firstly greetings from down under ! I came across your comments about the recent shooting in Newtown and while my condolences for the lives taken, it reminds me of the strong similarities between what happened in Port Arthur in Tasmania, without re hashing the whole story, suffice to say that Martin Bryant was a mental defective with a IQ of 75, now anyone can google his name and find out that , he did NOT plead guilty by himself, his mother appeared on 60 minutes about a year ago , to say that she was pressured and coerced by high Police to get him to plead guilty and thereby avoid a messy trial , so he pled guilty was found insane and put away for life on medication , the disturbing aspect aside from the rushed " conviction " is that Federal parliament had the legislation already put forward and signed within 3 weeks after the shootings occurred and now of course the rest is history, no more EBR (evil black rifles ) anymore in Australia, the country is effectively disarmed of the means of defense, since then there have been no mass shootings, my theory for that is that's because the aim of the real powers that be , that are looking to push for a world wide government, achieved their aim of disarmament and control . if you look objectively to the UK also, the exact same effect, no more mass shootings, the country ( UK ) is disarmed of semi auto rifles ( to me they are the only ones that count in serious defense of ones country or home ).
I maintain , the mass shootings in the USA will increase till the objective of the shadow men that rule is achieved , none of this I can prove of course, but in a logical way its the only scenario that explains what is going on .
will there be a fight by the NRA and others ? of course ! but public opinion is changing en masse, I cannot predict the future, but I can tell you , that most people are not rational thinkers, just because a person is a Dr , does not make them a rational thinker, I deal everyday with people you would think I could hold a intelligent discussion with about firearms and self defense, most are brain dead, I see the same people in the USA.
anyway apologize for going off track.
by the way, the article you wrote on the inconsistencies ring true with too many of the shootings worldwide.........Colombine , 9/11 there are too many questions not answered.
"the Associated Press feed must be hooked directly to the CIA's "Good Morning Vietnam" spin room."
These two media giants are controlled by a Rothschild board of directors. Check it out. They are the propaganda voice for the NWO, as far as I can tell. They twist all the news to meet their agenda.
Who shot Adam and Ryan's Mother? The papers say the Adam did. Where is the proof and why should be accept this as fact? Was the .223 used or not. We are told that the wounds are from a .223 which the government and law enforcement have thousands, but the only one found at the scene was in the trunk of a car. What is going on?
Please, lets get to the bottom of this so we can expose the real crime and lead us to others as well.
The NRA asked for armed guards to be placed in schools.
Watch the news after the manufactured event, and know their purpose. After 911 came the wholly unconstitutional PATRIOT Act.
After Newtown, the debate is all about gun control.
Disarmament preceded 7 genocidal events in the 20th century committed by the government of those nations, the subject of a 1994 book, Lethal Laws: Gun Control Is the Key to Genocide. (Chart from that book is about 1/3 page down at my article: [Link]
Attorney Dave Kopel reviewed Lethal Laws, noting:
“To the generation that drafted the Second Amendment, possessing arms to deter a government (or a mob which might be inspired by the government) that might contemplate mass murder was an uncontroversial moral imperative. The fact that the same message in the 20th-century book Lethal Laws may be considered so radical as to be not even worth discussing is perhaps one reason why genocide has become the great pandemic of the twentieth century.”
Why they want to seize our guns is fodder for speculative debate, although it's historically sound to assume it's because of the economy. People get violent when hungry.
VERY FEW know or remember this but like the "impossible to prepare in the time allowed" "PatrioSh*t" act (blatantly unconstitutional, though no court will touch the issue), passed weeks after 9/11 with no one (or almost no one.. I forget the gory details) allowed to read it.
People don't remember that OKC was prep work for 9/11:
1. (See Official Report of USAF Gen. Partin, (US's Bunker Buster Bomb Designer Chief!) which PROVED there had to be other explosives - along with multiple first reports of other bombs insiide the buildings); AND,
2. That after the OKC Bombing, new, unconstitutional rights-restricting law ALSO came into place. Clinton (who was made/allowed to be President by Bush*t Sr. and owned by him - see Mena Ark., Gary Webb, etc) signed this bill into law. (Here's a quote from nothing less* than WeeWeePeePeeDUH.
"As a result of the [1995] bombing, the U.S. government passed the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, which TIGHTENED THE STANDARDS FOR HABEAS CORPUS in the United States,[16] as well as legislation designed to increase the protection around federal buildings to deter future terrorist attacks."
* And it's hard to get "less" than that. Ha ha.
P.s., As Pathocrats are not good creative/original thinkers, for 9/11 they merely dusted off 1961-1962's "Operation Northwoods" and put it into effect 40 years later. Similarly, 7/7 was an remake of 9/11, etc., etc. These latest shootings are "Operation Gladio" redux. These BASTARDS don't worry about killing children!!! And there's plenty enough of Authoritarian Followers "with the program" - e.g., those who hope they'll be among those "warned" not to fly on 9/11, or hinted to buy puts on American Airlines, etc. Yet they too will be sacrificed in their own due time.
I heard/read all these reports about Ryan Lanza right after the event happened. That was my first clue that this was a staged event - how could they have gathered all those pieces of info about him and his girlfriend before they had even managed to get all the people out of the building (it took 4 hrs to locate and remove the school nurse and her assistant) if it wasn't info they had already gathered about members of the Lanza family?
And why would they even know anything about Ryan and his girlfriend in NJ - though the info was wrong - if they weren't supposed to be part of the plan? My guess is they were supposed to have been eliminated before the event, but for whatever reason, it didn't happen.
Ryan may have saved his and his girlfriend's lives by his quick-thinking FB posts. Surely they would have been "taken out" so as not to leave the messy trail that has been left.
Or else I'm completely wrong and it is all part of the design - you just never know with these tricky bastards.
Watch the news after the manufactured event, and know their purpose. After 911 came the wholly unconstitutional PATRIOT Act.
After Newtown, the debate is all about gun control.
Disarmament preceded 7 genocidal events in the 20th century committed by the government of those nations, the subject of a 1994 book, Lethal Laws: Gun Control Is the Key to Genocide. (Chart from that book is about 1/3 page down at my article: [Link]
Attorney Dave Kopel reviewed Lethal Laws, noting:
“To the generation that drafted the Second Amendment, possessing arms to deter a government (or a mob which might be inspired by the government) that might contemplate mass murder was an uncontroversial moral imperative. The fact that the same message in the 20th-century book Lethal Laws may be considered so radical as to be not even worth discussing is perhaps one reason why genocide has become the great pandemic of the twentieth century.”
Why they want to seize our guns is fodder for speculative debate, although it's historically sound to assume it's because of the economy. People get violent when hungry.
There is now a push for Obama to " consider Australian gun laws " by no less than the coalition for handgun control , former Australian Prime Minister In August Mr Howard wrote an opinion piece for the Fairfax press in which he said
"there is a near religious fervour about protecting the right of Americans to have their guns".
In the wake of the massacre in Aurora, Colorado, earlier this year, he expressed his disappointment with Mr Obama's failure to act on gun control. Unquote .
"There are growing calls for action on gun control after the slaughter of 20 young children and six of their teachers at a Connecticut school on Friday.
As the US once again struggles with the issue of gun control, the success of John Howard's 1996 laws banning semi-automatic weapons in Australia has been raised in the American debate.
The New York Times has referred to Australia's gun laws as a "road map" for the US, saying that "in the 18 years before the law, Australia suffered 13 mass shootings - but not one in the 14 years after the law took full effect."
but do not believe the spin and propaganda of the puppet masters we have here, here in Sydney, there are driveby shootings EVERY day, knife attacks occur daily , the privelidged Political glass are given armed bodyguard protection and the paid thugs in blue then protect the upper class , only the very rich and the elite win . beware of going down the Australian road !
This gun control debate instead of finding the real culprits sounding like a means for labeling people or dividing the society. What they will do this division comes later, which is always disastrous, when one looks how empires work(old or new ) . Game theory loving psychopaths doesn't give damn to either group except their short term domination.
(from my article,
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
“To disarm the people (is) the best and most effectual way to enslave them…” George Mason, author of the 1776 Virginia Bill of Rights
“The great object is that every (adult) be armed . . . Everyone who is able may have a gun.” Patrick Henry, in the Virginia Convention on the ratification of the U.S. Constitution
“Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal.” Janet Reno, former US Attorney General, 1993
“Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.” Rudolph Giuliani, former mayor of New York, 1994
“Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of Americans to feel safe.” Dianne Feinstein, US Senator, 1993 (who carries)
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed the subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty.” Adolf Hitler
“One man with a gun can control 100 without one…. Make mass searches and hold executions for found arms.” Vladimir I. Lenin
“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms…disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants…” Thomas Jefferson in Commonplace Book 1774-1776, quoting from On Crimes and Punishment by criminologist Cesare Beccaria
“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed — unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.” James Madison, The Federalist, No. 46 at 243-244
“An armed society is a polite society.” Robert Heinlein
It does appear that way: [Link]
"Second, why was the school nurse found in the closet, fortunately alive, hours after the shooting when other school children were located minutes after the shooting in a bathroom?"
It's a big school with some 650 students. Other groups of children were also found hours later.
"why did his hairstylist say, in another news article found out there, that he wished he had slipped with the scissors and killed Adam himself while Adam was sitting in the barber chair to prevent this tragedy from happening?"
People say all kinds of things to 'go with the flow' once they've been induced to believe lies.
"I admit I bought into the final official version that Adam was the lone shooter; but, now it is hard to believe he did this if neither he or his mother had any connection to the school."
Same here, I initially thought "Oh dear, another loner has gone postal in the U.S.". I suspect they were making all that noise about Adam or his mother's connection to the school in order to seed that idea in people's minds. The point was to quickly get a more or less plausible motive out there so people would accept that he did it because he had 'mommy issues'. It didn't matter that it would eventually emerge that there were no connections; by then the public would already 'know' the gist of what happened and the official narrative would have become history.
"why would he destroy his hard drive on his computer before going on his rampage?"
We don't know that he did it. This is what we were told so that we would think, "Ah, this further incriminates him - he had something to hide." It's absurd of course because even if you wanted to, you can't hide anything from the authorities by smashing your hard drive: all emails, browsing history, purchases, etc. are accessible remotely.
"It is also odd how the shooting in Colorado seems to be related to the shooting in Connecticut."
Not really. Multiple gunmen is a recurring pattern. So is the official lone gunman narrative. That's what connects many if not most of these mass shootings. What they reveal is that U.S. society is in extreme danger. But not enough people seem to care enough to do anything about it.