womenhood stolen
© Unknown
One girl's ovaries were destroyed, with Gardasil the only potential cause. Worse, though, is that Merck either didn't bother to examine potential effects on ovaries or hid them - but did examine effects on testes.

The BMJ has published the case report of a healthy 16-year-old Australian girl whose womanhood appears to have been stolen by Gardasil vaccinations. She has been thrust into full-fledged menopause, her ovaries irrevocably shut down, before becoming a woman. The authors, Deirdre Therese Little and Harvey Rodrick Grenville Ward1, draw direct attention to the fact that, though the girl has been thoroughly examined and tested, there is no known explanation other than the series of three Gardasil vaccinations she had.

Making matters worse is that there may be many other such cases, but most are likely masked by the routine treatment of irregular or scanty menstruation with oral contraceptives. Indeed, it's only because this girl refused them that the truth of her situation was unmasked. Just how many other girls have lost their chance at motherhood, but don't know because their condition is masked?

The authors noted that, although the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia provides data on the histology of rat testes and epididymides in the Australian Public Assessment Report for Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent Vaccine*, no information is provided for rat ovaries. They sent a Freedom of Information request for "documented rat ovarian histology post-quadrivalent* HPV vaccination that may have been performed by the sponsor and forwarded to the TGA".

*Note: There is only one "quadrivalent HPV Vaccine". It's Gardasil.

Here is their report of this highly significant missing data:
It is not known whether this event of premature ovarian failure is linked to the quadrivalent HPV vaccine. More detailed information concerning rat ovarian hist-ology and ongoing fecundity post-HPV vaccination was sought from the Therapeutic Goods Administration(TGA). Although the TGA's Australian Public Assessment Report for Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent Vaccine, February 2011, does report on the histology of vaccinated rat testes and epididymides, no histological report has been available for vaccinated rat ovaries.

The TGA subsequently agreed to a freedom of information application in the public interest (FOI 001-1112) requesting documented rat ovarian histology post-quadrivalent HPV vaccination that may have been performed by the sponsor and forwarded to the TGA. However, a histological report of the ovaries of vaccinated rats remained unavailable beyond a numbering of the corpora lutea present at postweaning euthanasia following the first litter.
Why did the manufacturer provide information regarding male rat testes, but not for female rat ovaries? This is more than a little shocking. It's absolutely damning! We must question the sincerity of both the manufacturer, Merck, and the TGA - not to mention questioning other regulatory agencies, such as the US's FDA and the UK's MHRA.

Potential Gardasil Risk to Ovaries

Is it conceivable that Merck didn't consider the possibility of harm to the ovaries? In point of fact, it's unreasonable to suggest that they were unaware of potential harm to ovaries. At least one Gardasil ingredient, polysorbate 80 (also called by brand names Tween 80, Alkest, and Canarcel), is a known cause of ovarian deformities, degenerative follicles, hormonal changes, and womb and vaginal changes in rats2,3. Worse, that ovarian damage is known to be caused by injection of polysorbate 80 - just as it's injected with Gardasil.

Another Gardasil ingredient, L-histidine, a naturally-occurring amino acid, carries significant risks, too, in the same manner that squalene does. It's a naturally-occurring substance in the human body, so injecting it could have the effect of causing an autoimmune response to that substance wherever it's found in the body. There is more on this issue in Gardasil Destroys Girl's Ovaries: It Should Have Been Predicted.

A large part of one girls' life has been destroyed, and the only plausible explanation is that the cause is the Gardasil vaccination. This vaccine is sold as a cervical cancer preventative, though it has never been shown to prevent any cancer of any kind. Cancer prevention has never been more than a presumption, based on a possible connection between herpes papilloma virus and cervical cancer. No cause-and-effect has ever been documented.

The reports of deaths and debility from Gardasil keep pouring in. As this girl's plight demonstrates, Gardasil cannot be assumed to be safe. There is highly significant - not to mention suspicious - missing data.

We don't know, of course, whether Merck calculatedly avoided doing the studies on ovaries or is refusing to release data on such studies because of its damning nature. We do, though, know that the very fact that it's missing - especially in light of equivalent data on the male reproductive tract being available - must be treated as suspicious.

Certainly, the combination of one girl's loss of her ovaries, the probability of there being many others, and the utterly callous disregard for its potentially devastating effects, is more than enough reason to remove Gardasil from the market. Surely, it should be removed from governmental lists of mandated vaccines.

  1. Premature ovarian failure 3 years after menarche in a 16-year-old girl following human papillomavirus vaccination, BMJ Reports 2012, Deirdre Therese Little, Harvey Rodrick Grenville Ward, doi:10.1136/bcr-2012-006879
  2. Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility, An Emulsifier That Can Damage Your Reproductive Health
  3. Delayed effects of neonatal exposure to Tween 80 on female reproductive organs in rats. Gajdovรก M, Jakubovsky J, Vรกlky J., Food and Chemical Toxicology, 1993 Mar;31(3):183-90.