Ever since 1750 the mysterious monster in Seljord Telemark has been written about.
Periodically, there have emerged new pictures of the snake, which eventually was named Selma.
Thursday afternoon family and Vefall Haga turned to look at the water, when they suddenly saw what they are now convinced is Selma.
The mysterious film, which you can see the top of the article, was shot by 17-year-old Lisbeth Vefall. She brought her camera with her to film the family on a trip, but quickly realized that she had made a real scoop.
- It is absolutely amazing. I have long dreamed of filming the monster, she said adding:
- The ones I have shown the video to, find it very funny, she says.
The video by Lisbeth Vefall clearly shows a long object in the water.
- It is very long. We counted 40-50 humps, and I've never seen it so long before. It can have grown in one year, says mother Gunvor Vefall.
The Monster in Seljord has repeatedly been mentioned in international press, including the Discovery Channel and BBC.
Planning and business manager in Seljord municipality, Harriet Slaaen, is project manager of "The lake and the sea," and has since 2008 worked to do with Seljord attractive. And then, Selma is a natural highlight.
- We have been based on the story, and it is the observation of the sea serpent since 1750.
In addition to the aforementioned lookout tower, there are three other lookouts at Seljord which was built in 2009.
- We have a tally on the tower, and since Easter there have been 15,000 visitors so far, says Slaaen.
But according Slaaen it is far from all who will share their observations of the sea serpent.
- There is not anyone who dares to say that they have seen it. There have been sightings earlier this year, but people have not dared to come forward, she said.
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