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The US military
is being used to protect civilian events, like the 2012 Democratic and Republican Party National Conventions in Tampa, Florida and Charlotte, North Carolina.
USNORTHCOM and Leon Panetta, US Secretary of Defense, has readily admitted that US armed forces will collaborate with local law enforcement "if called upon".
In fact, more than 20,000 troops were brought home and
readied for deployment within the US to assist in "civil unrest and crowd control".
The US military will prop up the US Secret Service "for operational security reasons we do not discuss the numbers of military personnel and resources that are involved. Additionally, we do not share our operational plans," said U.S. Navy Lt. Cdr. William G. Lewis.
The extent of use of military forces on civilian matters, as
reported by mainstream media (MSM) have included the reallocation of hundreds of military police officers being trained to "assist local authorities" in investigation, crime scene and case building.
An estimate 500 military police and dogs will be used as "law enforcement battalions". These soldiers, having served on tours in Afghanistan, will now be activated and based out of military bases across America to help local police forces.
National Guard has been witnessed in Virginia conducting
"wellness checks" and patrolling residential neighborhoods as well as downtown city areas.
In Southern California, the
TSA have been caught patrolling train stations and bus terminals.
The US Congress has given over $25 million in
more funding to support unannounced TSA checkpoints.
According to one
whistleblower: "We're doing patrols in the parking lot with dogs, we're even going as far out to the train station because the train station is connected to the airport here and we have guys walking around the train station, walking around the rental cars, we're inspecting cars coming into the parking garage, I mean we've fully expanded - we're no longer just at the gate and just at the security checkpoint."
Military soldiers and TSA checkpoints are not the only tricks up the US government's sleeve.
Researchers at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, led by Roland Brockers, have developed
micro-aerial vehicles (MAVs) that utilize a camera pointed at the ground to navigate, choose landing destinations and identify people and targets.
Operators have only to command the MAVs to a location, beginning with the starting point, and the
specialized GPS system will guide the micro-drone through mapped out sites, dimensions and landscapes.
Other military defense contractors like Lockheed Martin and LaserMotive have combined to preform drone testing with the use of wireless energy technology.
While the US government is facilitating the military on American streets and the TSA are beefing up their range with new checkpoints and areas of patrol, the national debate over gun control continues.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) are bringing attention to the anti-gun purveyors like New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who are calling for immediate restriction of gun sales to average Americans.
Thomas Menino, Mayor of Boston and member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, commented: "The best way to honor the memory of those who senselessly lost their lives in Aurora is to make it harder for this to ever happen again. Our political leaders need to lead - and we demand they act now." NRA members are reporting, according to a new survey, that they are not only purchasing more guns because of recent events like the Batman shooting, but recognize that their purchases may put them on a terrorist watch list.
John Velleco, director of federal affairs for Gun Owners of America, acknowledges that gun control is a heated topic "in the wake of this horrible shooting" but that "more gun control could actually make situations worse by making it harder for law-abiding folks to own and carry guns, which means for lunatics that there are more unarmed, potential victims." Velleco admits that as of now, legislation is lacking in the gun control debate, however he recognizes that these anti-gun advocates are "kind of like vultures to take advantage of a situation to further an agenda that doesn't get traction and that people don't support." The NRA has political pull in swing states, which is being suggested by the MSM as a deterrent from Obama to support stricter gun laws; however Obama and Clinton have both publicly stated their support of the
Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) being discussed by the UN in conference in New York until July 27th.
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