Much of it is based on the Mayan Calendar which is presumably ending on 12/21 2012. Many people seem to be fixated on this date. I don't want to get into the technicality of the Mayan Calendar. Lies are mixed with truth and there are all kinds of theories from historians, experts, channeled material and authors who make various claims about this date and the Mayan Calendar, many of them contradicting each other. Instead, I'd like to look into some overlooked issues our world is facing, examining the possibility of a cataclysmic "end time" scenario or a "collective awakening" from a different perspective. But let's backtrack first.
I first heard about the Mayan Calendar and the mystery of 2012 in 1998. The first book I read about it was Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our time : The Mayan Calendar by Carl Johan Calleman. I was intrigued to say the least. However, back then I wasn't very discerning and much of my "research" was partly emotionally driven with wishful thinking and assumptions, lacking critical thinking. The more I read and took in information, the more I was also confused because there was so much conflicting data. It was hard to discern what was true and what was not. According to Calleman, the Mayan Calendar already ended on October 28th 2011. He also made predictions of ET disclosure and the mass awareness of the UFO phenomenon before that date. As we can see, none of that has happened.
Other books I've read were Maya Cosmogenesis 2012: The True Meaning of the Maya Calendar End-Date by John Major Jenkins, The Mayan Factor by Jose Arguelles, and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck, as well as countless articles on the internet and various other books that touch on this subject, including Terence Mckenna's concept of the Timewave Zero. While insightful and interesting to a point, none of these works really satisfied my thirst for deeper knowledge. It seemed that something was missing.
At the same time I also got into more fringe topics, conspiracy theories, the UFO phenomenon as well as esoteric teachings and channeled material. What I've learned most from digging deeper is that there is a lot of smoke, disinformation and noise surrounding the topic of 2012. I learned about COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Programs) and about how much of the material about 2012 is infected with many lies, distracting the seeker on purpose. In fact, the "New Age Movement" and much of the distorted spiritual concepts we see these days seemed too have been created for that very purpose: to disinform, distract and vector anyone away from the truth. The reader is encouraged to check out my other articles which examine some of these New Age corruptions in more depth:
- Know Thyself
- All you need is Love!
- The Positivity of Objectivity and The Time of Transition
- Being the change you want to see in the world
I've said before that I didn't "like" to find out the more disturbing aspects of our reality. My rose colored glasses were shattered in the face of a cold harsh reality where most people dream of being awake but are asleep. Waking up and seeking truth entails facing the lies we tell ourselves through sincere self-work and networking. For some time I was also blinded with wishful thinking, assuming that everyone who is seeking truth would do so sincerely, without an agenda, and be willing to look into certain topics more critically, neither with "blind belief" or "cynical debunking", even if these subjects contradicted what they'd found out so far.
A big wake-up call in that regard was my interaction with Daniel Pinchbeck, author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl and co-founder of the Evolver Social Movement. He gives talks around the world and festivals such as 'Burning Man' and 'Lightning in a Bottle'. I thought he touched on some important subjects (although very superficially) in his 2012 book, such as the UFO phenomenon, alien abductions, crop circles and shamanism. It mostly dealt with his personal journey, infused by his psychedelic experiences. Pinchbeck's claim is that we are in the final stages of a fundamental global shift from a society based on materiality to one based on spirituality.
In 2007 we connected on a 2012 forum at, a social network. He initially liked what I had to say about the UFO phenomena and suggested that I write an article about it for his online magazine Reality Sandwich. This was the birth of my first draft of "UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact" (which was the basis for the documentary of the same name I made with Humberto Braga, with 1.5 million views so far). He rejected the article, saying that "it's unfortunate that you have such a negative view of this topic". I purposely focused more on the overlooked aspects of the UFO phenomena, especially the darker side of alien abductions and hyperdimensional realities. Some of it was not in line with what he wrote in his 2012 book, which only covered the alien topic in a very generalized and philosophical way. I wrote him a lengthy response, asking him to be more clear about his assessment. He just answered that he has no time to get into it and that he resonates more with the ideas of Steven Greer (founder of the "Disclosure Project"). Anyone who has researched the UFO topic in more depth knows that Greer spreads a lot of disinformation, so I was actually surprised to hear that Pinchbeck "resonated" with his work. It clearly showed and proved that his research was off.
A couple of years later we connected again on Facebook when he came across an article I posted about Alex Jones being potentially COINTELPRO. Pinchbeck had a similar view and asked if I'd like to try to write an article again for Reality Sandwich. Before I even got to that he found another post of mine where I recommended the book The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed (since Alex Jones is known to avoid the topic of Zionism). He wrote to me, asking why I recommend this "conspiracy book" and if I'm holocaust revisionist (denier). I wrote him back stating I simply question everything, including the official story of the holocaust (not denying that it happened, but HOW it happened and how it has been used for social control and justifying the politics of the "victim" state Israel), considering that we've been lied to about virtually everything regarding our history. I supported my claims with articles and documentaries made by Jews who also took a more critical look into what had happened, which also ties into the subject of Zionism. This opened up a can of worms. He didn't look into any of it and just responded with a passive aggressive and emotionally-driven insulting tone, telling me that I must have a "psychological disposition" because of my German heritage. He then stated that he lost family in the holocaust and didn't want to work or communicate with me anymore in the future. While I had compassion for what happened to his family, I was still surprised that he wasn't capable of remaining objective.
That was it and we never communicated again since then. Complete lack of critical thinking and objectivity on his part. He didn't look into any of the information I sent him, but had already made up his mind, driven by his own conditioning/programming. Pinchbeck also advocates the use of psychedelic drugs and his work is very much influenced by it. It seems he trusts his psychedelic experiences more than he does research, study or empirical evidence, similar to the late Terence McKenna, who also put way too much importance on these drugs, resulting in lack of critical thinking and not fully grasping the dangers of these substances from an esoteric perspective.
The reason I mention this interaction I had with Pinchbeck is because I observed similar reactions in many self-proclaimed visionaries and truth seekers. There are certain topics that are usually automatically dismissed, ridiculed and debunked without any of the debunkers looking into them and researching them sincerely and unbiased.
"Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief."Most of these topics are also not mentioned by many 2012-ers or are highly distorted. Interestingly, the few who actively research these subjects sincerely and speak out about them are attacked or ignored. You don't get to be on mainstream TV or have articles about you in the NY Times or Rolling Stone Magazine if you speak the truth and talk about taboo topics that go against the status quo of a deeply conditioned/programmed culture.
- Frantz Fanon
In that sense, Daniel Pinchbeck and others become like "useful idiots", essentially supporting the system they claim to oppose through their denial and lack of critical thinking regarding certain topics, despite their well-meaning intentions and visionary approach. It also became clear to me how psychedelic drugs can impair one's critical thinking abilities and how these substances are romanticized and have a darker side to them. Most "psychonauts" are either not aware of or simply deny this darker side. I fell into this trap myself when I was experimenting with them, deluding myself about many things. I know people who use these entheogens on a regular basis, but who still vote for Obama or believe the official 9/11 fairy tale and the phony war on terror. There is even a well-known healer who works with ayahuasca in my area, conducting medicine journeys throughout the country. He's also an outspoken Democrat and constantly posts on Facebook supporting Obama, buying into the the illusion of choice through voting in this two party set-up. A "shamanic healer" who not only believes in but supports the political circus side show that is clearly used for social/cultural control and he even identifies himself with a country and political party? What an oxymoron! It shows that these mind expanding drugs are no "magic pill" that automatically pierce through the cultural conditioning and the lies we believe in.
"The Neo-Shamanism that is around today has distorted what Shamanism is truly about and rendered it into a hyped attraction where all you have to pay is some $ to have THE experience. While medicinal plants and herbs can undoubtedly be helpful as a physical healing aid, their use for so-called 'accessing of higher realities' usually serves to distract people from what deeper spiritual and esoteric work is about, even giving one the illusion that one has "awoken". There are many dangers - energetically, psychically (spirit attachments) and esoterically - when forcing oneself to enter a higher state of consciousness through these drugs. This is a touchy subject that requires a careful approach, certainly a much more careful approach than what I've seen from Pinchbeck, McKenna and others, especially when considering "the topic of all topics" (more on that later)."
The 2012 "movement" has become in many ways another distraction infiltrated with COINTELPRO which works in favor of the powers that be. It's almost "hip" and "in" to talk about a shift and awakening these days. Festivals like Burning Man and Lightning in a Bottle, attended by many self-proclaimed aware people, supposedly representing the "counter culture", are also part of this. It's interesting to note how the "psychedelic movement" is also very much intertwined with this (with Pinchbeck being one of the main figureheads) and how carelessly mind-expanding drugs are promoted for "spiritual growth" or just for partying, where most often hedonism is mistaken for spiritual work/awareness. These drugs have been used for social control since the "creation" of the hippie/psychedelic movement in the 60s. Various researchers have uncovered certain CIA operations (such as MKUltra) supplying youth with LSD and other mind-expanding drugs to vector people away from the truth for the purpose of creating a "controlled opposition". Author Jan Irvin recently made compelling discoveries when researching about R. Gordon Wasson, the so-called discoverer of magic mushrooms and the founder of the field of ethnomycology, revealing how the psychedelic revolution was launched by the CFR, CIA and the elite, and how Wasson was himself a government asset, a friend of Edward Bernays (the father of modern corporate and government propaganda techniques), and was one of the key figures for launching one of the largest mind control operations in history. Irvin writes in R. Gordon Wasson: The Man, the Legend, the Myth - Beginning a New History of Magic Mushrooms, Ethnomycology, and the Psychedelic Revolution:
"There are several reasons why the psychedelic movement may have been launched, including attempts to distract people from government policy failure; extracting information from people under the influence, such as with MK‐ULTRA; making money from the drugs through the pharmaceutical industry; and even pacifying people with a Huxleyan‐like soma or with positivist spirituality so that they could be more easily controlled."Here are some other eye-opening articles connecting the dots between COINTELPRO, the corruption of the "Human Potential Movement" and the creation/infiltration of the Hippie, Psychedelic and New Age Movement:
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
"[...]Aldous Huxley also made an early connection between the effects experienced by those partaking of psychedelic drugs and the experiences of Eastern Mysticism and this set the consciousness-raising bomb off with a BANG! Along came Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert AKA Baba Ram Dass with their LSD and other modes of mind marvels, leading the parade of those who were "turned on, tuned in." Abraham Maslow became a father figure to the new "wave" of those desiring to fill the gaping hole of their reality with "peak experiences." Maslow cited psychedelic drugs as one of the means in which even ordinary people could have a little of what the Eastern Mystics worked many years to develop. Now, it could be had for a weekend seminar at Big Sur, or a study by mail course at only $29.95 per lesson! What a deal!Inside The Lauel Canyon - The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation (21 parts) by Dave McGowan
Peak Experiences...experience, experience, and experience...became the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow of the 1960's. No one needed to live in Existential Despair any longer! Everyone could become a "spiritual voyager" and achieve extended periods in realms of consciousness they had only heard about in veiled, mysterious allusions down through the ages. Encounter groups, radical therapies, old and new combinations of theories and practice came rolling off the conveyor belt of techno-spirituality. The intangibles of spirit had been harnessed! Anyone could evoke some desirable experience by manipulating awareness at the basic physical and psychological levels. Never mind that all of this bypassed the vital processes of reason and conscious decision making. By its very nature, the whole techno-spiritual machine operated completely without critical thinking; it tapped the bottomless pit of feeling-emotion...primal being. Never mind that much of this emotion was negative, confusing, anxious and fearful! Let's just get it all out here in the open and have a party with it!
Each of the many techniques developed during this time was fully capable of producing an emotional high of one sort or another. There were endless "peak experiences," and dramatic "personal breakthroughs." The mixtures of Zen, yoga, meditation, and drugs along with strict mechanical technology, were a veritable adventure in awareness! The only problem was: in the midst of all this peaking, mind-blowing, turning on and tuning in, ecstasy and encountering, many people encountered things that, perhaps, ought not have been awakened. Boundaries were breached into unseeable and terrifying realms of consciousness. William Chittick, translator of the works of the great Sufi Shaykh, Ibn al-'Arabi, wrote:Nowadays most people interested in the spirituality of the East desire the "experience," though they may call what they are after intimate communion with God. Those familiar with the standards and norms of spiritual experience set down by disciplined paths like Sufism are usually appalled at the way Westerners seize upon any apparition from the domain outside of normal consciousness as a manifestation of the "spiritual." In fact, there are innumerable realms in the unseen world, some of them far more dangerous than the worst jungles of the visible world. [Al-Arabi himself said]:By the end of the decade of the 60's, the "human potential" movement had become a veritable potpourri of religion, science, mysticism, magick and "the occult." The drug use got out of hand, the "techniques" began to show serious flaws with a number of tragedies resulting in crime or madness, and the whole idea of human beings becoming "psychic supermen" hit the skids. The promise of the 60's decayed into an aimless lethargy...old hippies living in communes, braiding their gray locks and lusting after the sweet young teeny boppers while they fired up another bong and reminisced about the "good old days" at Esalen.So preserve yourselves, my brothers, from the calamities of this place, for distinguishing it is extremely difficult! Souls find it sweet, and then within it they are duped, since they become completely enamored of it.
But wait! Something else happened here! Remember, this is America! The home of the Free...Market that is. Many people suggest that the subsequent proliferation of the "New Age" consciousness raising movement was the result of big business seeing a pile of money to be made in the development of slick, newly packaged psychoanalysis and psychodrama. There was, indeed, mass distribution and Madison Avenue marketing of things like Mind Dynamics, Arica, Silva Mind Control, Transcendental Meditation, and on and on. Individual entrepreneurs knew a good thing when they saw it. However, there is more to this than meets the eye. This is important to our subject, so bear with me. [...]"-
"Hippies came out of no where and sort of co opted it, I think it was quite deliberate...they wanted to give the anti-war movement a face that would be completely unacceptable to mainstream America...I mean everything about them was offensive to mainstream America, to middle America, the hairstyles, the clothing styles, the open drug use, the music, everything about them was designed to repel mainstream America and prevent the anti-war movement from gaining any additional speed by putting this face on it...I think the whole hippy flower child thing.....was a creation of the Intelligence community to take the steam out of the anti-war movements and various other movements....The battle cry of the hippy movement was turn on, tune in, drop out...telling people don't worry about it, get high."We can see the same thread in many "conscious movements" today and at the aforementioned festivals. It's as if history is repeating itself with a different appearance: more tech, more potent drugs, new gadgets and clothes but the same attitude with even more pseudo New Age "spiritual techniques" to activate your "third eye", DNA or speed up your "ascension process" and where sexual pathologies are often buffered up as "sexual healing" and "spirituality". There is the usual "just focus on yourself", focus on "we are all one" and our "oneness". Don't look at the "negative" things happening in the world, but "connect to earth", meditate on the "Shift" to activate your light body, send love and light to the world and its leaders, etc.. As long as you "feel good" and focus on "love", everything will be ok. Everything is as it is supposed to be, etc. It is proclaimed that there is no objectivity, just your own subjective reality and that you create your own reality by your thoughts and what you focus on. But as various ancient esoteric teachings and mystery schools have transmitted , even the "children of light" shall be deceived by false prophets and false teachings. And we see exactly that happening now:
"It is possible to obtain so-called esoteric results that are impure, but they are false and thus transitory. Here we refer to the vast realm of occultism, where the children of this century, more capable than the children of light, seek to apply their abilities beyond the visible world. This occurs in what we call 'mysticism of phenomena'.Of course, it's not black and white and I wouldn't say that everyone who enjoys these festivals or is part of a "conscious movement" is co-opted or asleep to what is truly going in our world. However, one only needs to look only at the workshops and lectures available at many of those events to see what the prevailing thought patterns are. Anything that sounds or "feels good", infused with pop-psychology/spirituality, is being promoted and anything that is perceived as "negative" is being avoided and ignored. As I said before, important subjects that are actually part of becoming aware and conscious seem to be missing. They are neither negative nor positive, but simply ARE part of our reality and we're all affected by them. I've posted this following video many times before. Marianne Williamson really hit the nail on the head. It's from a talk she gave at 'Lightning in a Bottle' in 2011, a festival I attended to see it for myself. A rare voice of truth among the "Love & Light" crowd. I couldn't agree with her more:
It is curious to see how much these false prophets, magicians and 'christs' impressed themselves on the imagination of the men and even more of the women of the past. It is the same today.
For there is a type of human being who declines all moral responsibility for himself or for those to whom he is in duty bound. One comes across this type quite often, always trying to find someone else to shoulder his responsibilities as long as this someone else possesses some kind of authority, earned or otherwise. These people are open to any form of hypnotic suggestion and practically ask to be hypnotized. They are of good faith, but they search for the 'marvelous' because they are too weak or too lazy to undertake esoteric work successfully.
And the 'wolves' devour them finding justification in the fact that they are only the 'scourings of humanity.' But this is not true; for 'scourings' who are converted can become key figures on the esoteric chess-board. Mental apathy and emotional inertia are responsible for tipping man down the slope of least resistance even when armed with the best intentions, especially if he justifies himself for his human frailties by finding them normal, particularly on the sexual plane."
- Boris Mouravieff, Gnosis
Instead of "countering culture", many of these movements become another form of the same conditioned culture with similar manifestations of cliques, feeding dynamics, their own fashion, marketing, programming/conditioning, and (new age) religion. Many people say we need to stop pointing out what is wrong and what we don't have in common (aka being "negative"), but instead present solutions and focus on what we have in common (aka being "positive"). Yes, but solutions and building community/tribe, reflecting our common "humanity", without a deeper understanding of humanity and our world to begin with, including the "unpleasant" things, will disintegrate eventually, as history has proven. What topics am I talking about which are virtually ignored in many "conscious movements" and in the alternative media? What follows are just VERY brief summaries of three topics. The reader is encouraged to read/study/watch the suggested resources under each point before rejecting these ideas or making hasty conclusions which only lead to distortions.
1. We are all one, but we are not all the same
The biggest illusion many people seem to have is the assumption that, since we're all one, we all have the potential to awaken in this life time and have access to love, empathy, conscience and higher values. It is assumed that because we're collectively connected and look like "humans", we are all are "equal" and the same. Another assumption is that everyone who is not "aware" is just misguided and can be "fixed". This illusion is based on projecting one's own higher qualities onto others, especially people in power.
There exists a type of human who has no connection to the higher centers of universal love/awareness at birth. He/she is not genetically wired this way, not being able to access them during this lifetime but he/she can emulate and mimic these higher characteristics quite well and even distract you from evolving by sapping your energy and feeding off it. He/she can tell you exactly what you want to hear, appear compassionate, empathetic and understanding without meaning or feeling it. This type of "human" is the psychopath (making up about 6% of humanity) which is hiding behind a mask of sanity, creating misery and chaos from which they feed. They are not necessarily criminals in prisons, but can be successful CEOs, politicians, spiritual leaders, a husband, wife, child or the neighbor next door. They're also pathological liars who never feel any guilt or remorse. This is a topic which is very misunderstood and ignored. Becoming aware of it and educating oneself and others about it is the most crucial and important action we can undertake to make this world a better place. It's the underlying cause of the reason why our world is in the state it's in: it is run by psychopaths.
""Likeable," "Charming," "Intelligent," "Alert," "Impressive," "Confidence-inspiring," and "A great success with the ladies": These are the sorts of descriptions repeatedly used by Cleckley in his famous case-studies of psychopaths.It affects EVERYONE since our society has become ponerized, where normal people and society as a whole have taken on pathological traits that are seen as normal. It ties in with the atrophy of critical thinking and not recognizing pathological individuals as such. I'm not just talking about the average mainstream public, but especially spiritually inclined people who deny/ignore this topic (usually without having done any sincere research into it). It's of no use to envision and create new money/barter systems, a resource-based economy or focusing on environmental issues if this topic is not addressed and brought to light. The virus of psychopathy will destroy any communities and utopian visions eventually. I'm not saying NOT to focus on such solutions, but the illusion that all humans are equal and the same needs to be shattered for true change to happen.
Psychopaths seem to have in abundance the very traits most desired by normal persons. The untroubled self-confidence of the psychopath seems almost like an impossible dream and is generally what "normal" people seek to acquire when they attend assertiveness training classes. In many instances, the magnetic attraction of the psychopath for members of the opposite sex seems almost supernatural.
This lack of "soul quality" makes them very efficient "machines." They can be brilliant, write scholarly works, imitate the words of emotion, but over time, it becomes clear that their words do not match their actions. They are the type of person who can claim that they are devastated by grief who then attend a party "to forget." The problem is: they really DO forget.
Being very efficient machines, like a computer, they are able to execute very complex routines designed to elicit from others support for what they want. In this way, many psychopaths are able to reach very high positions in life. It is only over time that their associates become aware of the fact that their climb up the ladder of success is predicated on violating the rights of others. Even when they are indifferent to the rights of their associates, they are often able to inspire feelings of trust and confidence. The psychopath recognizes no flaw in his psyche, no need for change." - from "The Psychopath - The Mask of Sanity"
"One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic ways....When the habits of subconscious selection and substitution of thought-data spread to the macrosocial level, a society tends to develop contempt for factual criticism and to humiliate anyone sounding an alarm."Recommended reading and watching:
- Andrew M. Lobaczewski
- Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski
- The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
- The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, Ph.D.
- Snakes in Suits by Paul Babiak & Robert D. Hare, Ph.D
- Without Conscience by Robert D. Hare, Ph.D.
- Women Who Love Psychopaths by Sandra L. Brown, M.A.
- Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopathby Thomas Sheridan
- I Am Fishead - Documentary
- Defense Against the Psychopath - Documentary
But beyond the reality of psychopaths among us, there is another topic that relates to the difference between humans on a mass scale. Certain sources that talk about a shift or transformation occurring in our age also mention a "splitting" of humanity and that not everyone is going to wake up. The main reason for this can be found in a very interesting issue this planet faces and has been written about in various esoteric teachings as well as transmitted through certain channeled material (more on that later). It relates to two different "humanities" coexisting on earth, alike from the outside, but unlike in the inside. All six billion people on the planet are not the same. There are fundamental differences that are genetic and esoteric. But these differences have nothing to do with those cited throughout history and used to justify the domination of one group over another: color, race, culture, language, wealth or social status.
According to Gnosis by Boris Mouravieff, there seems to exist two kinds of humans that are equally divided (50/50): adamic man and pre-adamic man. One type with soul potential, the other has no individual soul, but is connected to a "soul pool". Only the former has the inherent capacity to evolve esoterically, fusing the lower with the higher centers. The latter does not have this possibility in his current evolutionary cycle to bridge the higher centers and has no access to higher knowing/awareness/love, but is NOT a psychopath. They are like "cardboard" people who are "empty" inside, living mechanically under the rule of the General Law. Looking at the Indian chakra model, one could say that pre-adamic man only exists on the lower three chakras without any access to the higher ones, while adamic man also only exists on the lower centers, but has the ability to activate and bridge the higher centers through conscious esoteric work.
Suppression and distortion of esoteric knowledge is one of the means for control of the masses on planet earth. This has been going on for thousands of years. Even the material presented in "Gnosis" is covered with a biblical gloss that one needs to weed through. The topic of "soulless people" (also coined "Organic Portals (OP)") is deep and far-reaching. It begs the question, what is a "soul" to begin with? Some people who appear "soulless" may actually be a "soul in struggle", so we need to be careful not to judge too quickly, but get a better and deeper understanding of this topic. When exploring this idea more closely with an objective, open and critical mind, it gives huge insight into the state of the world. OPs have their natural place in the grand scheme of things and they also serve a purpose in the evolutionary process. There is nothing evil or wrong with them, nor is it about "us vs. them", but simply having a deeper understanding of humanity so we can actually live truly in more harmony, aligned with the universe, nature and evolution of Being and Knowledge.
EVERYONE is on the level of an OP until he/she engages in esoteric work activating the higher centers. We all are "Organic Portals" to one degree or another as the "predator" and matrix works through all of us (see next point) until we make the effort to gain self-knowledge and work on fusing our higher centers that connect us to our higher self in a conscious way, dislodging our programs and conditioned, mechanical behaviors so we're able to use our will in a conscious and awake manner. That is the basis for true free will. A good introduction into this topic is "Organic Portals - Soulless Humans" (it also explains the difference between psychopaths and OPs), which ties in with the next point. Laura Knight-Jadczyk writes about it extensively in The Secret History of the World. For an in-depth discussion about this topic go here.
2. Hyperdimensional Realities
There is more to our reality than our five senses can perceive. We are not God's ultimate creation, nor are we at the peak of the evolutionary ladder in Darwinian terms (whichever creationist/evolutionary theory you believe in). Our reality is embedded in a complex system of unseen worlds and controlled by denizens of higher reality. The forces at work are not all good and we're not on top of the food chain. "Food" doesn't have to be physical and these beings feed off our negative emotions and energy, predominantly chaos, sexual pathologies and fear, the conditions for which they generate through us. The ancient esoteric teachings, each in their own way, talk about a "hyperdimensional matrix control system" (MCS) that has influenced and controlled humanity for millennia. Don Juan in Castaneda's last book called it "the topic of all topics", speaking of a cosmic predator that uses man as food: Man has a glowing coat of awareness which the predator eats, leaving just the bare minimum of "consciousness stuff" for man to remain physically alive. The predator "milks" man by arranging for constant trouble and crisis and senseless preoccupation, so as to generate flashes of awareness that it then proceeds to eat. Gurdjieff refers to it in the tale of "The Evil Magician" and the concept of "Food for the Moon". The Gnostics maintained that the Earth and material creation in general were the product of an evil demiurge, chief of the "archons of darkness". Boris Mouravieff writes about the "General Law" in his trilogy "Gnosis" which influences humanity and keeps it in its place. It takes tremendous effort, awareness and esoteric self-work to "escape" the General Law and the influences of the MCS.
The UFO phenomenon relates to this in more ways than is usually acknowledged by contemporary UFO researchers, who have a very "nuts and bolts" physical approach to the idea of UFOs, aliens and extraterrestrials. Paranormal characteristics often accompany UFO sightings, alien abductions and other high strangeness occurrences that should encourage us to look at this phenomenon in a different way, instead of the relying on the popular assumptions that UFOs are physical "alien space ships coming from other planets". When researching the topic of hyperdimensional realities it also puts into question the various Disclosure and Exopolitics scenarios promoted by some UFO researchers. There is a lot of disinformation surrounding that topic and it is interesting to note that attempts to reveal the hyperdimensional aspect are often ignored, attacked and ridiculed, even more so than the "nuts and bolts" scenario.
However, in light of the ancient esoteric teachings mentioned above, it all begins to makes sense. The MCS is trying to conceal precisely this: Hyperdimensional realities and the beings inhabiting them mean that humanity is not on top of the food chain, nor is it in control of itself. Some UFO, paranormal and history researchers such as Dr. Jacques Vallee, John Keel and Laura Knight-Jadczyk have done groundbreaking research into this topic.
"If we look at the world from an informational point of view, and if we consider the many complex ways in which time and space my be structured, the old idea of space travel and interplanetary craft to which most technologists are still clinging appears not only obsolete, but ludicrous. Indeed, modern physics has already bypassed it, offering a very different interpretation of what an "extraterrestrial" system might look like. I believe there is a system around us that transcends time as it transcends space. The system may well be able to locate itself in outer space, but its manifestations are not spacecraft in the ordinary 'nuts and bolts' sense. The UFOs are physical manifestations that cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality. What we see in effect here is a control system which acts on humans and uses humans."
- Dr. Jacques Vallee
"The scope, frequency, and distribution of the sightings make the popular extraterrestrial (interplanetary) hypothesis completely untenable... Many flying saucers seem to be nothing more than a disguise for some hidden phenomenon. They are like Trojan horses descending into our forests and farm fields, promising salvation and offering us the splendor of some great super-civilization in the sky... Do the ultraterrestrials really care about us? There is much disturbing evidence that they don't. They care only to the extent that we can fulfill our enigmatic use to them.
The real UFO story must encompass all of the many manifestations being observed. It is a story of ghosts and phantoms and strange mental abberations; of an invisible world which surrounds us and occasionally engulfs us; of prophets and prophecies, and gods and demons. It is a world of illusion and hallucination where the unreal seems very real, and where reality itself is distorted by strange forces which can seemingly manipulate space, time, and physical matter - forces which are almost entirely beyond our powers of comprehension.
Our skies have been filled with "Trojan horses" throughout history, and like the original Trojan Horse, they seem to conceal hostile intent. ... This hostility theory is further supported by the fact that the objects choose, most often, to appear in forms which we can readily accept and explain to our own satisfaction - ranging from derigibles to meteors and conventional-appearing airplanes. ... In other words, flying saucers are not at all what we have hoped they were. They are a part of something else. I call that something else Operation Trojan Horse.
The real truth is that the UFO cultists have been played for suckers for years, not by the government, but by the phenomenon."
- John Keel
"In the case of the idea of man being "food" for hyperdimensional beings, there is an enormous amount of both vertical and lateral corroboration of all kinds. So much so that, in fact, it is almost impossible to understand why it is not generally known. Clearly, there have been deliberate efforts to "hide this fact". And, the fact that it is hidden may itself tell us something.Recommended reading and watching:
The point is, when Don Juan and Gurdjieff and the Cassiopaeans (and others) tell us that our religions, our social structure, our values, our beliefs about our spiritual nature and condition have been deliberately created to perpetuate the illusion that we are free; that we are (or can be) "special and adored children of a loving God"; that we are or can be "co-creators" with God, that we can do anything at all of a positive and powerful nature, we need to carefully examine this issue!
But it is work to examine it objectively. It is hard work because it consists of long and difficult self-examination in order to be able to overcome the emotions that prevent us from discovering what illusions we are hanging onto, what illusions are preventing us from seeing and acting in such a way as to become free.
As we continue to think in these terms, it becomes more and more apparent that this Great Work of the alchemists was essentially the process of becoming "free of the Matrix", described in alchemical and allegorical terms.
This hyperdimensional world is all around us, yet we are unable to see it because it is beyond the range of our senses. All the objects of our world are very likely just our limited perceptions of what is happening in this total reality.
Since those forces that create and maintain the Matrix have so much to lose, they exert a great deal of energy to keep the Matrix of lies and false beliefs in place. And doing it from a state of hyperdimensional reality enables them to work from a state of timelessness, so as to be able to produce all the perceived effects that support their agenda; the Evil Magician of Gurdjieff; the "Flyer" of Castaneda; the Shaitans of the Sufis. And the reality has been manipulated for so long that it seems natural. It has become a comfortable prison in which Stockholm Syndrome reigns supreme, and the inmates love their captors.
Thus it is that we may find that our religious myths and rites are remnants of narratives - a message in a bottle - designed to explain these phenomena, and that the monotheistic versions, declaring a Final End, or a Judgment Day of a final end, are merely distortions of the myth designed to establish a Control System on our planet. These distortions are beneficial to those who seek power and wealth, who are under the control of archetypal forces of another realm of which our own reality is but a shadow or a reflection. Let me reiterate: I do not mean, here, to suggest that this other realm is "astral" or ephemeral or non-material. I am suggesting that it is an intermediate realm of para-physical, hyper-dimensional beings whose existence and nature has been carefully concealed from us for millennia - for a reason that is not to our benefit.
And as we have learned from Jesus, Gurdjieff and the Gnostic Sufis, Castaneda, and the Cassiopaeans, the rules of this World in which we live were set up and are controlled by this STS (Service to Self) hierarchy and have been for a very long time. Each and every time the revelation of this Control System is attempted, the Matrix goes into overdrive to destroy it. And it is clear that this is the present situation....It is in "seeing the unseen" that we become aware of higher levels of being; it is in ordinary human interactions that we experience the "battles" between the forces of STS (Service to Self) and STO (Service to Others)! And it is most definitely this factor that the Matrix Control System vigorously attempts to conceal!... In other words, we are not just talking about a "petty dispute," we are talking about a battle of forces at other levels, manifesting - as ALWAYS - in human dynamics."
- Laura Knight Jadczyk
- High Strangeness by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
- The Secret History of the World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
- Messengers of Deception by Dr. Jacques Vallee
- Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel
- Gnosis by Boris Mouravieff
- In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky
- The Active Side of Infinity by Carlos Castaneda
- Stalking or Precis on The Good and The Evil by Michael Topper
- UFOs, Alien, and the Question of Contact - documentary
Our climate and weather is sure acting strangely these days. We're being told that much of it is our fault since we contribute to global warming. The mainstream scientific consensus and other interest groups (political and business) push this idea onto the public, supported by very questionable science. Scientists who don't conform to it and instead question man-made global warning often don't get funding for their research and lose their jobs. Data and research that contradicts the consensus view is often being suppressed. It has even became a political issue with the old illusory fight between left and right, liberals and conservatives, all of which is distracting from what is truly going on. Climate change is happening, but it doesn't have much to do with man-made global warming. In fact, the planet is cooling and we seem to be entering a new Ice Age. I want to point out that this doesn't mean we shouldn't be more environmentally conscious since we do obviously pollute the planet in many ways. However, humanity is not all responsible for what is going on with our climate and weather. Our planet has survived worse conditions than what we're dealing with now. Follow the money trail and you'll see what Al Gore and other high-profile global warming proponents' true agenda is.
Andrés Perezalonso writes in Global Warming And The Corruption Of Science:
"[...]Since it is unlikely that all of the above are a simple series of honest mistakes, we must ask if there is an agenda other than a strictly scientific one driving the discourse of Global Warming as a whole. In searching for possible motives the $2.7 billion carbon emissions market overseen by the UN appears as a plausible candidate. This scheme effectively permits polluters to continue with their less than optimal practices as long as they pay money for it. The hype over reducing the 'carbon foot print' of industry is also set to make certain individuals very rich. Al Gore for example is a founder of Generation Investment Management a UK based company that has substantial interests in 'green technology'. Gore is also heavily financially invested in Silver Spring Networks, a US company that has contracts with utilities that in October 2009 received a combined subsidy of $560m from the US energy department.With all the focus on man-made global warming, environmentalists doing everything to "save the planet", people buying hybrid cars, feeling good about themselves to do something for the planet and "green" business opportunities flourishing (there is always a buck to be made, even (or especially) if it is based on lies and corrupted science), something else is happening in our skies which is not given much attention.
'Global warming' is also a major money-making opportunity for the financial establishment. JP Morgan Chase, Bank America Merrill Lynch, Barclay's, Citi Bank, Nomura, Société Générale, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are actively involved in carbon trading. According to a Guardian report of late 2009 "the carbon market could become double the size of the vast oil market if the new breed of City players who trade greenhouse gas emissions through the EU's emissions trading scheme have their way"."
Over the last couple of years fireballs and meteorite sightings have increased exponentially, one of which may even be responsible for the wildfires in Colorado and the crash of Air France Flight 447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris in 2009 (it took three years for the official report to come out, only to then tell us that it was caused my "mechanical and human failure". Can we say "damage control", considering the suspicious timing of that report just as it emerged that raging wildfires in the US were likely started by fireballs falling from the sky?)
There are obvious cosmic changes under way and other strange occurrences (like masses of birds falling dead from the sky around the world) in our atmosphere that are not even closely related to man-made global warming. These cosmic influences have an effect on our climate more than what is publicly acknowledged or recognized. On the contrary, there seems to be a deliberate effort to hide this information from the public. Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley made an excellent analysis of what seems to be happening in Reign of Fire: Meteorites, Wildfires, Planetary Chaos and the Sixth Extinction, showing that the Powers That Be know what is going on, but are trying their best to vector the public away from the truth:
"Compounding our suspicion that the US government is racing to put out more than just forest fires is this impeccably timed dispatch from the official 'al Qaeda magazine' Inspire, in which the CIA's favourite 'terrorists' called for jihadists of the world to "torch forests as part of the Islamic war against the West." The Department of Homeland Security apparently had their story planned in advance, claiming that for more than a decade "international terrorist groups and associated individuals have expressed interest in using fire as a tactic against the Homeland to cause economic loss, fear, resource depletion, and humanitarian hardship." Pretty coincidental, eh? Those 'al-qaeda' terrorists really are very useful.Global cyclic cataclysms have been recorded throughout history, yet the possibility of that happening in our time and age is suppressed, ignored or ridiculed. One thing most Mayan Calendar scholars have pointed out is that time is cyclic and the ancient civilizations have recorded this. However, with all the focus on "shift of consciousness" and the "galactic alignment" on 12/21/2012, many of them don't seem to acknowledge the obvious: that cosmic bombardment has always been a part of our history during such shifts and it seems very likely that we're just at the beginning of massive changes of a cosmic nature that also manifest in the form of cataclysms.
Meanwhile COINTELPRO has been set to work helping the US government deceive the community with the usual garbage about super-secret (sic) scalar weapons, plasma weapons and HAARP being tested on unwitting Coloradans.
In a report commissioned by the US Air Force, British astronomer Victor Clube, author of The Cosmic Serpent and The Cosmic Winter, succinctly summarized the fundamental tenet of geopolitics:"We do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intentions; rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions!"No, Clube wasn't referring to aliens or spacecraft; the 'celestial threat' he was referring to appears in Earth's skies during times of turmoil and social upheaval that are linked to a serious imbalance in human evolution. They also induce all kinds of weird environmental effects, the least of which are those strange sky sounds and other electromagnetic phenomena that are also picking up in frequency and intensity. Flooding the Internet with disinformation about chemtrails has convinced some that governments can master Nature's most powerful forces. For everyone else, there's always the 'terrorist' bogeyman and man-made global warming to remind them why they need Big Brother."
A SOTT reader posted his research recently under this article, proposing a different interpretation of the Mayan Calendar:
"I have been tracking the incidence of reported fireballs over the US for over a year now, since the increase first caught my notice. Mind these figures are for US only, a fraction of global events.Usually when I bring up the topic of cyclic cataclysms in conversations or on facebook and point out that we may enter such a period right now, I'm met with the usual accusation of being a "fear and doomsday mongerer" or "you're so negative!". The information I provide is often denied off-hand without further investigation on their part. This has nothing to do with the "end of the world", nor do I see ALL of the population being wiped out, nor do I want that to happen. However, facts are facts and the fact is that there has been a significant increase of meteor and fireball sightings that are either downplayed or ignored. Most importantly, the Powers That Be know what's coming, even if they delude themselves that they won't be affected. So don't expect an early warning anytime soon.
Working from the database, and researching prior reports going back a century, what I found was that the reported fireball incidence has held steady at around 1.2-1.3 per day for a very long time.
Beginning in 2006 we see the following pattern of steady increases, save for 2009:
2005: 1.28
2006: 1.41
2007: 1.61
2008: 1.98
2009: 1.90
2010: 2.59
2011: 4.46
And so far for 2012, as of 2 July: 5.03
Plot those points and the slope is pretty steep.
I am beginning to suspect that the "Mayan" calendar, which is not really Mayan, since they inherited it from the Olmec, who got it from who knows where, is actually a countdown calendar the pinpoints an intersection with the dense stream of cometary fragments that caused the Younger Dryas period some 12.5K years ago.
My reasoning is that if the impacts that likely killed the megafuana and Clovis culture occurred over a period of time, say months, instead of hours, then it is possible that those people or more properly, the survivors,were able to figure out the orbit, and that orbit was very long.
If you knew that something devasting was going to return may thousands of years later, how do you warn the future?
About the only thing that might possibly stand the test of time would be a calendar system. So if you construct the calendar to end at the beginning of the intersection, there is some small hope that people will be prompted to pay greater attention to things around them and pick up on the warning signs. Small hope, but better than nothing.
For what it is worth, that's my theory.
I hope I'm wrong, but with the fireball incidence rising as fast as it is doing, I'm not so sure I am. I think we are now entering the front of a dense cloud of rocks or comet fragments that will intensify come December.
I think that the increase has a lot to do with the freaky global weather; so much extra energy is being put into the upper and middle layers of the atmosphere and that energy is being expressed in the weather. Not to mention that we are heating the bottom pretty hard ourselves. Combined with extra solar input from higher sunspot activity, the totality seems to predict some very bad weather ahead.
Most folk worry about a big asteroid smashing into the planet and killing everything in fell swoop. Me, I worry about the shotgun blast effect of many much smaller fragments impacting over a long period of time.
Heads up!"
Recommended reading and watching:
- Reign of Fire: Meteorites, Wildfires, Planetary Chaos and the Sixth Extinction
- Reading Celestial Intentions Through the Wrong End of the Telescope: Missiles, UFOs and the Cold War
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- Global Warming And The Corruption Of Science
- Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- Forget About Global Warming: We're One Step From Extinction!
- Cosmic Winter by Victor Clube and Bill Napier
- Cosmic Serpent by Victor Clube and Bill Napier
- The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes by Richard Firestone, Allen West and Simon Warwick-Smith Where do we go from here ?
12/21/2012 is around the corner. Don't miss your Mayan galactic alignment cruise to the Mayan Pyramids for only $999!
Joking aside, anyone who takes a sober look at the world can see that we're far from any significant collective shift in consciousness. We live in a day and age where most people still believe the lies we're being told. It's a global Stockholm Syndrome, the perfect Matrix Control System, where the prisoners build their own walls and worship their captors, becoming tools of the matrix as the sheep police each other. No martial control needed.
"Till at last the child's mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child's mind. And not the child's mind only. The adult's mind too-all his life long. The mind that judges and desire and decides-made up of these suggestions. But all these suggestions are our suggestions... Suggestions from the State."Much of it has also do to with what Bob Altemeyer termed "The Authoritarians" - those who blindly believe government (left or right) and official authority.
- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
"They [Authoritarians] are highly submissive to established authority, aggressive in the name of that authority, and conventional to the point of insisting everyone should behave as their authorities decide. They are fearful and self-righteous and have a lot of hostility in them that they readily direct toward various out-groups. They are easily incited, easily led, rather un-inclined to think for themselves, largely impervious to facts and reason, and rely instead on social support to maintain their beliefs. They bring strong loyalty to their in-groups, have thick-walled, highly compartmentalized minds, use lots of double standards in their judgments, are surprisingly unprincipled at times, and are often hypocrites. But they are also Teflon-coated when it comes to guilt. They are blind to themselves, ethnocentric and prejudiced, and as close-minded as they are narrow-minded."This is not only true for the obvious right-wing conservative (republicans) oriented folks, but also for many self-proclaimed liberal, progressive lefties and Democrats who support Obama, the man-made global warming scam, the official 9/11 story (fantasy), Israel's genocide in Palestine, etc, without question. I've had many "discussions" with such individuals who pride themselves on being "aware" and "spiritual". Some of them are even popular yoga teachers, life coaches and "healers" (such as the aforementioned "ayahuascero") here in Los Angeles, hiding behind a passive aggressive mask and who are more close-minded and conditioned than they are aware. Much of it is also about keeping a "politically correct" attitude because speaking out about such topics may not serve their career and public image. What I've experienced in my interactions with them mirrors exactly what Bob Altermayer said: "They bring strong loyalty to their in-groups, have thick-walled, highly compartmentalized minds, use lots of double standards in their judgments, are surprisingly unprincipled at times, and are often hypocrites. But they are also Teflon-coated when it comes to guilt. They are blind to themselves, ethnocentric and prejudiced, and as close-minded as they are narrow-minded."
As I said in "Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition":
There is always more to learn and find out that requires an adjustment and new understanding, expanding our view and understanding of reality. It is what raising consciousness implies. People who are stuck in one idea or teaching and try to explain everything through it are building their own limited reality box. This also relates to psychology, astrology, philosophy, the healing arts, spiritual practices or any religion (east and west) where many "experts" in any of these systems are looking through one lens (many of them distorted/false to begin with), not realizing that this approach can easily lead to distortion and a tunnel vision. It can also become an egotistical point of pride preventing that person to admit to him/herself that there is maybe more to the story which one hasn't considered before, especially when they have written books about it, their career depends on it and they have an image to sell/live up to.In response to growing awareness of the fundamental condition of Right-Wing Authoritarians, 'Anti-Authoritarians' are being diagnosed as mentally ill. People who question their government and learn about "the man behind the curtain" are often labeled as "paranoid conspiracy theorists" in a condemning ad hominem way, as though governments never act in secret.
One can see these fallacies with many popular spiritual teachers, researchers, visionaries, therapists and self-help gurus, where career and image seem to take precedence over truth and reality. There are many topics that affect us more than many of them are aware of. But instead of being more open to such topics and looking into them sincerely and unbiased, these seemingly intelligent and aware individuals ignore or debunk them right off-hand exposing their own lack of critical thinking.
What better way to maintain the status quo than to view inattention, anger, anxiety, and depression as biochemical problems of those who are mentally ill rather than normal reactions to an increasingly authoritarian society.... We are now in another dark age, only the institutions have changed. Americans desperately need anti-authoritarians to question, challenge, and resist new illegitimate authorities and regain confidence in their own common sense.... Authoritarians financially marginalize those who buck the system, they criminalize anti-authoritarianism, they psychopathologize anti-authoritarians, and they market drugs for their "cure."I've been living in the Los Angeles area for 17 years now. What I've come to realize more and more is the vast difference between people "appearing" aware, spiritual and conscious, as opposed to their true state of being and awareness, which is reflected in their beliefs and (non)-actions. California is known to be "progressive" and, being a professional bodyworker, I can certainly attest to that in the "healing arts" sphere. I don't know any other place in the world that has so much to offer in that regard. I've learned from amazing teachers and am able to make a living with something I love doing and which would not be very easy in other parts in the world that are not that open to alternative healing modalities. It's a strange mixture of open mindedness, progressiveness, niceness and the same time close mindedness, denial, self-delusion and self-grandeur.
- Bruce Levine, Ph.D., Why Anti-Authoritarians are Diagnosed as Mentally Ill
Humanity is not as special as we believe ourselves to be. The universe and our planet are part of a living system that has its own purpose. If we don't align ourselves with the universe and its evolution, the system will do what it has always done in the past and adjust itself, even if it means "shaking off" a large part of the population. We're talking about the evolution in knowledge and consciousness, which is tied in with seeing the world as it is without blinders on. As I wrote in Reflections on Love, Healing, and 9/11:
If you believe a lie, no matter how 'positive', 'loving' or 'peaceful' you are, you are feeding negativity and entropy. When you believe a lie, you have allowed your energy of awareness to be vectored and given away your power to the liars, allowing yourself to be manipulated, essentially losing free will.So the question is, are there any signs of a real "raising of consciousness" and "awakening"? There is the Occupy movement where people are finally standing up to the crimes of their governments, yet at the same time most "Occupiers" mistake the symptoms for the cause, not being aware of psychopaths in positions of high power and how they affect society. Despite the issues I pointed out with certain "conscious" festivals, they are also a great outlet for self-expression, art and dance, connecting people from all walks of life. But they can also easily be an escape from reality, instead of being a sign of a true "collective awakening".
Lies are aligned with the principle of entropy simply because the more lies the world contains, the less organized and fragmented it becomes and the more energy is expended in maintaining all this complexity. This ties up energy which otherwise could be expressed creatively. This is true within the individual as well as at the societal scale.
No matter how well-meaning our intention is, as long as we support lies by mistaking them for truth or by not speaking out against them, we'll keep feeding entropy and the suffering in the world. During this "Time of Transition" we don't get to move on until the lessons are learned. Essentially, there is no Love where there is no Truth.
Technological progress and the Internet is connecting millions of people across the globe. Social networks like facebook can help in the process of seeking truth and spreading awareness. However, they can also increase narcissistic tendencies and disconnect us from real-life interaction. They are tools, neither good or bad and it depends on the user how they are being applied. There is much nonsense and disinformation on the internet as well. Lies are mixed with truth, so discernment is imperative without falling into the traps of "cynical debunking" or "blind belief", the two sides of the same coin.
There are many well-meaning people who also see that our world is going through big changes and that we need to make changes within and without. Many of them do their best to look for alternative ways of living, offering more sustainable solutions. However, each of the various Conscious Movements (The Zeitgeist Movement, Evolver Social Movement, Thrive Movement, etc) can easily be (and may have been already) co-opted (or even created) by COINTELPRO, spread disinformation and ignore/deny important topics, even without the conscious intent/awareness of their founders and members/followers because of cognitive dissonance, denial, wishful thinking and ego-related issues that are lie in the way of the pursuit of truth. Again, understanding how the Matrix Control System works through us is crucial and how easily we can buffer up the lies we're telling ourselves, dreaming that we're awake.
"Try for a moment to accept the idea that you are not what you believe yourself to be, that you overestimate yourself, in fact that you lie to yourself. That you always lie to yourself every moment, all day, all your life. That this lying rules you to such an extent that you cannot control it any more. You are the prey of lying. You lie, everywhere. Your relations with others - lies. The upbringing you give, the conventions - lies. Your teaching - lies. Your theories, your art - lies. Your social life, your family life - lies. And what you think of yourself - lies also.
But you never stop yourself in what you are doing or in what you are saying because you believe in yourself. You must stop inwardly and observe. Observe without preconceptions, accepting for a time this idea of lying. And if you observe in this way, paying with yourself, without self-pity, giving up all your supposed riches for a moment of reality, perhaps you will suddenly see something you have never before seen in yourself until this day. You will see that you are different from what you think you are. You will see that you are two. One who is not, but takes the place and plays the role of the other. And one who is, yet so weak, so insubstantial, that he no sooner appears than he immediately disappears. He cannot endure lies. The least lie makes him faint away. He does not struggle, he does not resist, he is defeated in advance. Learn to look until you have seen the difference between your two natures, until you have seen the lies, the deception in yourself. When you have seen your two natures, that day, in yourself, the truth will be born."
- Jeanne de Salzmann, First Initiation
"The scientific discourse misses the fact that the ability to deny is an amazing human phenomenon, a product of sheer complexity of our emotional, linguistic, moral and intellectual lives. Denial is a complex unconscious defense mechanism for coping with guilt, anxiety and other disturbing emotions aroused by reality."
- Stanley Cohen
"To awaken is difficult to do, as sapiens is submitted to a cosmic hypnotic influence which is the universal energy of creation; and if this were not enough, each individual, when he does not like the reality of life or is not satisfied with himself, dreams of himself and the world in a manner ideal for himself."The three subjects mentioned above hold the clues and keys to the Golden Age and world peace most of us yearn for. They need to be approached in a scientific and open-minded way, while questioning our own beliefs about the world and humanity. This entails working through our social, religious and cultural programming and adjusting our understanding even if it contradicts our long-held beliefs. From an esoteric perspective lies to the self are the most harming and as long as we believe lies about the world we will keep going around in circles until mother earth has had enough and she shakes us off. There is always the danger of dogma and agendas, mistaking the false for the true, that are in the way of creating a new world, if we don't make sincere pursuit of truth the foundation in every aspect of our lives.
- John Baines
Whatever your talent, profession or vocation may be, ask yourself, why you do what you do and what is your true intention? How much of it is socially conditioned and what is truly YOU? Don't be afraid to speak out in fear of ridicule or what others may think. So much of what people do is driven by the need for acceptance, appearance, approval, money, status and security. Our lives lose integrity if we're not honest with ourselves. There is only Love where there is Knowledge and Truth.
I see 2012 as an opportunity, not in the literal sense of the date, but in terms of the times we're in. There is potential for an awakening on a mass scale, although I question that there will be anything close to a "collective awakening". A splitting may happen as "The Wave" approaches. There is still so much we don't know. For that reason we must make the search for Knowledge and Truth a priority before we present solutions too quickly. The more we see the world as it is, with all "the faces of God", the more we are aligned with the universe and the more creativity we can access, enabling us to to act in tune with nature without fighting her. This has an effect on the the external world such that maybe the archetypal "reset button" won't need to be pressed. That is the evolution of consciousness, which is the evolution of Knowledge and Being. It doesn't happen by itself. Conscious work and effort are needed to counter the forces of entropy within and without.
I don't see a fundamental rise in consciousness or awakening happening at or after 12/21/2012 if the aforementioned topics are not made conscious. There are no short cuts we can take. We must learn our lessons, both personally and collectively. Whatever the living system's purpose is, we need to align ourselves with that and get out of our anthropocentric view of the universe, so that we can make the transition from a material-based view of our world to a spiritual one.
"The fact of the matter is that our planet and everything on it comprises an intelligent and living system that has designed into it a mechanism through which any imbalance in any aspect of the system can be dealt with. Consider the way in which animal populations are naturally kept in check via predators or disease. This mechanism is designed to protect the overall system and prevent any one aspect from compromising the evolutionary goals of the system itself. Humans have evolved to the point where they have no natural predators, and while disease still kills many human beings each year, modern medicine has succeeded (so far) in preventing a pandemic from wiping out the human race. But it would be foolhardy for anyone to think that the 'living system' has overlooked human beings when it comes to redressing any imbalance caused by human beings that threatens the aim of the overall living system. We trust that what we have written here provides ample evidence that it has not."Discomfort" and examining our fears can serve a purpose. There is a chance for healing from a shamanic and esoteric perspective. It is good to put oneself into a state of vulnerability when looking at the "darker" aspects of our reality or of ourselves - truly looking at it, facing it and not giving the ego a chance to explain it all away so we can go back to our comfort zone through self-calming and ultimately back to "sleep". It is not about buying into fear and panic either, but about gaining knowledge and understanding. Sometimes things need to be confronted without automatically defending our beliefs and views, allowing us to look at the world and ourselves more objectively. That's part of the awakening process and raising consciousness.
We also hope that it is fairly clear that human beings, as a species on planet earth, have reached a point of serious imbalance, both in terms of their effect on the planet and on other living beings on it, and in terms of humanity's own proper evolution which can be defined as evolution in knowledge and consciousness. Clearly, humanity today has stalled in its evolution. Indeed it appears to be back-sliding at an alarming rate, due primarily to the influence of the deviant ideology spread by psychopaths in positions of power around the world. We need only consider the fact that billions of people today have bought into and support the lie that is the psychopathic 'war on terror', which has as its goal the murder and domination of as many innocent people as possible. What does that fact alone (among many other deceptions that people have bought in to) say about the level of knowledge and awareness of the human race as a whole?"
- Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley, Reign of Fire: Meteorites, Wildfires, Planetary Chaos and the Sixth Extinction
There is help out there, but no one is coming to save us. No Aliens, Jesus, or Galactic Federation of Light. There are accounts of information and help from "channeled sources", stating that is it is up to us to discern truth from deception and that we are our own 'rescue team'. Everything is part of creation. Evolution is a process of learning, becoming aware and conscious, gaining knowledge and hence wisdom and love.
"Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future.""The topic of channeled information needs to be examined very carefully, neither in blind belief nor rejected with cynical debunking. We need to be careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. "Higher benevolent forces" (including our higher self or even "us in the future") may be able to contact us that way, when asked for and when it doesn't infringe free will nor interfere with the learning process of the one asking. However, who is coming through and what the source is really saying is what we have to question. Sometimes the messages can be subtle in our everyday life and it is up to us to be able to "see" and "hear" them. There is much disinformation, so that most often the devil appears as angles of light. Even synchronicities and "coincidences" are not always positive nor beneficial but can be orchestrated by negative entities to trap or vector the seeker away from truth, be it through temptation or ego/emotional hooks. It's the archetypal spiritual war of dark and light through us.
- from the Cassiopaean Transmissions
Channeled material can be approached as Superluminal Communication from a scientific perspective. It should never be taken as fact and proof alone, but one should cross-reference it with other material and combine it with scientific research, using it as inspiration for new ways of thinking. There are some sources that actually encourage that approach and tell us that it is up to us to learn, discern and gain knowledge, hence becoming more aware and conscious, consciously engaging in the process of evolution and awakening. This entails piercing through the corruption of science and opening pathways to scientifically study the paranormal and high strangeness aspects of our reality, particularly the "topic of all topics", which is so roundly ridiculed and ignored by our "official culture" for reasons that are actually un-scientific. That alone should make us think.
The path of seeking truth within and without is not an easy one. It goes against literally everything we've been told and taught by society and governments. The indoctrination through lies, the conditioning and programming is deep and far reaching. It has been going on for millennia. It takes tremendous effort to wake up from the hypnotic slumber, where most people dream of being awake. At this Time of Transition, as more and more knowledge is coming to the surface, there is the potential to create a new earth. However, this is also the age of deception for there are forces at work that do not want this to happen. They do their best to vector us away from truth. The most effective way to make someone swallow a lie is to sandwich it between some truth and flavor it with emotional hooks. As mentioned many times before, lies are mixed with truth, so discernment is essential. We need to engage our higher emotional center - connecting us to divine intuition - and also activate our higher intellect, engaging in sincere, open-minded critical thinking, fusing the heart and the mind, mysticism and science.
That is the prerequisite to building the vessel inside of us that can receive Gnosis/Knowledge. For the truth is hidden in plain sight, so we can "see the unseen" and not get distracted by the shadows on the wall. James Baldwin said "Precisely at the point when you begin to develop a conscience, you must find yourself at war with your society." There has been much struggle, depression and suffering on my own path since I started to question reality. It has lead to alienation and ridicule from friends and family. However, "alienation" is actually a good thing and depression can be a stepping stone to seeing the world as it is and connecting with one's real "I". It's part of the awakening process. The sincere truth seeker will inevitably feel alienated from society at some point, because he/she starts to "see" through appearances and the lies of "official culture". As J. Krishnamurti said: "It is no sign of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." Essentially, the Matrix works through people just as they defend the prison they are in.
Each and every time some revelation exposes the Control System at work, the Matrix goes into overdrive to destroy it. It is very clear in humanity's present situation. It is in "seeing the unseen" that we become aware of higher levels of being; it is in ordinary human interactions that we experience the "battles" between the forces of STS (Service to Self) and STO (Service to Others)! And it is most definitely this factor that the Matrix Control System vigorously attempts to conceal! In other words, we are not just talking about a "petty dispute," we are talking about a battle of forces at other levels, manifesting - as ALWAYS - in human dynamics.
"In general, the reaction of those around towards someone who begins to search for the Way is negative. This negative attitude is the result of the action of the General Law, which, as we know, tends to keep man in his place. Not being able to do this directly by the action of Illusion, the General Law, when it loses its dominion over the man who 'moves', acts indirectly by the mediation of those around him.As tedious and hard it is at times, the esoteric axiom remains: "The truth shall set you free!" The necessity of disillusionment is unavoidable before we can truly become free, fulfill our potential and create a New Earth. Despite the struggle within and without and the madness in our world, I can say that I find more and more true love, fulfillment, happiness, joy, authentic friendships and a deeper connection to nature and the universe. It's an ongoing process. There is light at the end of the tunnel and the only way out is through it. Don't ever give up. Every sincere effort will be noticed by the universe, even if seemingly unnoticed in your immediate environment, and it will contribute to a positive outcome in this Time of Transition and to the progress of your soul. All there is is lessons. Our task is to give the lies what they deserve: the truth. Many are called, but few choose to answer the call.
It is a classic situation. From his side, after having passed through moral bankruptcy, he who seeks the Way becomes different from men who continue to live within the limits permitted by the General Law, and thus take mirages for reality. Due to this, he will feel himself more and more isolated. The center of gravity of his interest will progressively turn to esoteric work, which will end by absorbing him completely. But it is entirely in his interest not to show the new attitude which he has taken towards exterior life. The 'World' will be hostile to him, because its own purposes are different; it is not in his interest to provoke this tendency, and even less to keep it alive. The day will come - if he remains in the same milieu - where, apart from rare exceptions he will be openly or secretly hated.
The Way is a one-way street. Meaning that whoever begins to walk it is forbidden to turn back. This is not because of some kind of external imperative, but due to the fact that each step forward on the Way irrevocably modifies the content of whoever has started walking it. It follows that he will become more and more of a stranger to his surroundings; that he will lose more and more interest in exterior life, in which only yesterday he participated fully. The appearance of things, and especially of beings, undergoes a deep change in his eyes. He will one day be surprised to constate that certain faces which only yesterday he found very beautiful now reveal to him marks of bestiality behind their features: not all, but many of them!
The more man progresses on the Way, the more his feeling of being a stranger is intensified. Soon he will become boring: later still he will become unbearable, and finally, odious. That is why 'the prophet is despised in his country, among his close relations and in his own house.' That indication is precise and leaves no room for doubt. He who wants to start esoteric studies is invited to think it over twice, and weigh it all, before he rushes to cross the moat-threshold. We repeat that it will not be possible for him to return to exterior life and to find his place, his pleasures and his satisfaction there as in the past.
However, as well as the difficulties which are the first results of his evolution, such a man will receive comforting impressions, especially in his human relations. He will be surprised to perceive one day that certain faces which only yesterday appeared to him ordinary, today shine in his eyes with a bright beauty. It is because his sight, sharpened by esoteric work, has acquired the faculty of penetrating beyond the external crust. It is amongst these brighter beings that he will find his new friends. Their society will welcome him as one of their own. He will be understood among them, and their community of common aims and interests will be a stimulus and a help for all."
- Boris Mouravieff, Gnosis
"Organic life on Earth serves as a "transmitter station . As such a transmitter, during times of Transition, as it is in the case of a quantum wave collapse, what is being "transmitted/observed determines the "measurement . There are approximately 6 billion human beings on the planet at this moment of transition, most of them contributing to the quantitative transmission. But what is missing is the qualitative frequency resonance vibration that will create the template for the New World.
The quality of humanity has changed little in the past many millennia. Most human beings are still ruled by fear, hunger and sex in states of misery and chaos.
In short, although the global intensity of transmission has grown exponentially with the increase of the population of the planet, the spectrum of energies transmitted is incomplete. It lacks massive amounts of the finest energies of the psyche. Only human beings on the verge of true spiritual ascension are capable of ensuring the transmission of these energies in sufficient quality and quantity.
The energies needed are the Three Currents of Objective Love: Spiritual, Emotional/Mental, and physical love. And we emphasize that these currents must be pure.
Man alone has the ability to capture and live all three. But to grasp and fully experience the Soul Love, the giving love, the courteous Love demonstrated and taught by Chivalry and the Knights of the Grail stories, the Seeker must develop a magnetic center within himself.
Human beings are penetrated through and through by the two currents of mental/emotional and physical love, but these currents are not pure; without a fully developed magnetic center, the individual has no capacity to capture them. It is only by actualizing these three currents in his or her life, either in the mode of the Alchemist, or in the Model of the Grail Quest, both of which exemplify the Shamanic Ecstatic Ascent, that a person has the real possibility of Ascension, the return to the Golden Age.We have seen in our survey of the history and the evidence, what the potentials are: a Return to the Edenic State in the literal terms of Primitive Chiliasm - a New Heaven and a New Earth.
Again, this depends upon capturing and holding stable - possibly in the face of extraordinary events - massive quantities of what the tradition refers to as purified Objective Love.
It is clear to those who have been paying attention to what is going on in the world that there are forces that do not wish for this possibility to manifest! They do not want to lose their supply of negative energy food! And with this end in mind, they propagate endless lies and deceptions upon humanity - so as to deceive even the very elect!
How to achieve this anchoring of the frequency - the three currents of Objective Love? Let's look first at what the tradition teaches utilizing the commentary of Mouravieff with editorial clarification.
The attitude a person takes toward Love reflects his level of being. The splendor of the Love of God/Creation is generally inconceivable to human beings; it would burn out all their circuits with a mere glimpse. However, a human being can glimpse and survive the spiritual Love of Objective Knowledge. But, in order to do this, the individual must pass to a higher level of BEing and become a true individuality. Only those beings who have achieved the level of Individuality, who obey the imperatives of the Divine within, the real "I , have the possibility of holding this frequency and radiating it at the Time of Transition.
The "Elect , the Children of Elias as Fulcanelli terms them, are human beings who have crossed the Second Threshold and who have achieved the Second Birth. They will be "gathered from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other, to pass through the Transition and form the seed of humanity in the New World. This means that they will be humans of all colors and types - the only criteria being that they have crossed the Second Threshold. Each of them will be Fully Conscious through a direct and indissoluble union of the Personality with his Higher Emotional/Intellectual Center. This direct contact of the new humanity with the higher planes explains why the Second Coming will not require a "new incarnation of Christ. This is why we were warned: "If any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great prodigies and miracles; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall seduce the very elect."
The path that must be followed is that which is exemplified in the Quest for the Holy Grail. Human beings must travel from the residue of Celestial Love that we experience in our ordinary lives, to the Love of the Spirit. This is the general requirement for "Salvation".
This path is the way to the Second Birth. But to be reborn, a human being must pass the test of True Love. Only he who has mastered his personality and burns with this True Love can cross the Second Threshold. And before he can even reach this point, the Seeker, will pass through intermediate stages. These stages include challenges that test Sincerity and Strength. These challenges cannot be met without discernment, and discernment can only be acquired by first attaining Knowledge.
Knowledge acquired through study and work is only a temporary - but essential - stage. Only Higher Love can reveal the Divine Nature. But if there is no vessel built by Knowledge to receive Gnosis, there is no possibility of anchoring the Forerunner Spirit - creating the magnetic center - which will open the gates to the Holy Spirit. The Gatekeeper is Knowledge.
But for this to occur, the sign of Knowledge, that is, the Sign of St. Matthew-Science as Fulcanelli describes it, must be correctly oriented. And this means that the Seeker must be liberated from lying [to oneself and others] and believing in lies. Without this, there is no possible access to the Era of the Holy Spirit. No matter how well-meaning the individual, if they are following practices or teachings that are based on lies, they will not achieve the Grail.And so, we see why knowledge and discernment is essential. Again, I refer the reader to the section of this book that discusses neurochemistry.
Access to knowledge requires courage, as it demands a special psychological effort from the Seeker: he has to accept the postulate that, "the truth is out there", but it is very difficult to find , while at the same time disregarding his own ideas and personal beliefs to which he is emotionally attached.
With the approach of the era of the Holy Spirit, everything must be gradually brought to the light of day, not only the secrets of the laboratory, but the deepest meaning of esotericism. The same must happen with illusions, errors and lies, which must be revealed so that they can be rectified. This process, including the Revelation of the deepest esoteric Knowledge that has been promised and prophesied, will fully reveal the many deviations of man's fundamentally inquiring spirit. Initiation, in the esoteric meaning of the word, is not simply a "ceremony . In fact, the "initiation ceremony does not occur on the human plane with human rituals. True initiation occurs on the super-sensory plane. It confirms the Initiate in a new dignity earned by his Work, and carries him towards the Divine Grace.
To solve the problem of anchoring the Three Currents of Objective Love, we must concentrate on a positive and practical solution to the problems of individual human beings. A practical application of esoteric knowledge should help those who are Seekers and who burn with the desire to reach the Second Birth.
The Seeker of the Holy Grail, burning for Truth, just as depicted in the stories, must first assimilate all he can learn exoterically and mesoterically. And he must then be ready to serve the Cause joyfully. To Burn and to Serve is the motto of the new Knight."
- Laura Knight-Jadczyk, The Secret History of the World
Thanks for this collection of information surrounding 2012. It clears up some confusion that is spread with many differing ideas regarding these crazy times.