At this moment, people in Osaka and Kobe are tweeting the color of Osaka bay looks strange. From the picture, it looks pale yellow. From local citizens, it became strange color before the Great Hanshin earthquake (1995) as well. They might need to stay informed just in case.
© Unknown

くらふと工房 融 @craftyuu


2012 6月 13

Moving from parents house to Mikage. Osaka bay looked yellowish when I saw from an eminence. am afraid it's a sign ~ ?


くらふと工房 融 @craftyuu
2012 6月 13

たにさん @bokodaichi

@craftyuu 今しがた神戸から 友人から 同じく大阪湾の色合いがおかしいと連絡。地震?

2012 6月 13

Now I received a message from my friend in Kobe, says the color of Osaka bay is strange. Earthquake ?


たにさん @bokodaichi

大阪湾の色が おかしいって?どういう現象なんだろう。自分は見れてない。須磨在住の方から 「今まで見たことない」と連絡。

2012 6月 13

They say the color of Osaka bay is strange.. What kind of a phenomena is it ? I didn't see it myself. Someone from Sumaku Kobe messaged "I haven't seen it before.".
