© UnknownSarkozy and his partner in crime.
Eleven million French people live in poverty. France is going through its biggest crisis since 1929. At least 13.5 percent of the population in France has to exist with less than 954 Euros per month, 3.3 percent with less than 640 Euros.
Their monthly income would be just enough for 13 plates of lobster ravioli at Fouquet's, the posh restaurant on Champs-Elysées in Paris, where the incumbent president Sarkozy and his cronies like to dine out.
He has used his mandate to serve the rich, giving them fiscal gifts of tax exemption, for example his special friend, the notorious billionaire, Liliane Bettencourt (Oréal), who financed his election campaign in 2007. One hand washes the other, of course. "You'll finance my election campaign and I'll give you a nice tax gift in return."
The French working classes find their president's lifestyle indecent, even obscene. Sarkozy loves the bling-bling of France's nouveau riche Zionist elite, wearing expensive suits, stylish sunglasses and adorning himself with a wife who is much taller and much younger than him, ex-model and singer Carla Bruni, who recently had a new face lift and a new baby.
He is so unpopular that he needed a pre-election boost and found it in the unfortunate affair of the Montauban and Toulouse shootings. The premature liquidation of the chosen scapegoat, young Mohammed Merah, who never got a chance to defend himself in a legal court procedure, raises many eyebrows in France.
That the bodies of the allegedly dead Jewish children, who lived in France and went to school in France, did not undergo autopsy in France, but were quickly whisked away to Israel, is seen as another breach of French criminal law.
The affair, dubbed Toulouse-gate, was mediatised for 32 hours by interior minister Claude Guéant who serves as Nicolas Sarkozy's handmaid.
Presidential candidate Eva Joly from the Green Party, a magistrate (Juge d'instruction) by profession, said that it was not the interior minister's task to give premature comments in the media, branding the young Muslim as "murderer" and "monster", before the legal proceedings had started, let alone come to a definite result. Guéant clearly overstepped his limits. The interior minister is not part of the judiciary.
Sarkozy thought to divert the French voters' attention from his catastrophic economic policies, trumpeting loudly about the need for tightened security measures and rounding up several Muslims, some of whom were deported soon afterwards.
This was called a "rafle" by some media, in the style of the "rafles" which the French police carried out in 1942, when they helped the Nazi occupation forces to round up unwanted people in France.
The French voters, however, are not to be tricked. They know from five years of painful experience that Sarkozy likes to run with the foxes and hunt with the hounds. He has promised a lot, but delivered nothing.
A recent poll by BVA, published in
Le Parisien one week after Toulouse-gate, shows that the French people do not give a hoot about the themes of security and immigration.
Their preoccupation focuses on the hot topics of growing unemployment and debt, inflationary prices, worsening educational facilities and lack of social security. In other words, their day-to-day life and the future of their children are of interest to them.
Most French families live quietly side by side with their Muslim neighbors. They have been doing so since the 1980s and are used to it. Islamophobia is hyped by the Zionist regime and the media, a chimera which does not really exist in France.
Some French people even dared to express their empathy for Mohammed Merah. There was a site on the Internet commemorating him. More than 800 people had clicked the "like" button, before the site was taken down.
A school teacher in Rouen, who asked her pupils to keep a minute of silence for Mohammed Merah, was suspended from work. A passenger at an airport, who dared say loudly that Sarkozy was an "idiot," was taken into custody.
The outgoing president himself threatened his citizens with legal punishment, should they dare to visit "terrorist" internet sites. He has not given a definition yet of what he deems to be the criteria of a "terrorist" internet site.
He will not have much time anymore, since the elections are nearing on April 22. The French people will have to keep quiet for a while and count the remaining days on their fingers.
Comment: For more information on Toulousegate, see these Sott exclusives:
New Sott Report: Toulouse Shootings: Mohamed Merah Sacrificed To Give Sarkozy Election Win?
Sarkozy The American's 9/11: Mohamed Merah: 'Liquidated' French Intelligence Asset
Sarkozy's Backers To Use Toulouse Attacks To Steal French Election - UPDATE!