Scientists measuring Fukushima nuclear fallout in Japan report radioactive cesium deposits in Tokyo bay are now up to 26 centimeters deep

Map of Tokyo Bay Cesium Radiation Levels
© n/aMap of Tokyo Bay Cesium Radiation Levels
The Fukushima Diary reports a survey of Tokyo Bay being performed by Kinki University scientists shows level of radioactive contaminates on the bottom of Tokyo bay is steadily.

In samples of mud take 5 centimeters deep at 36 different points the latest survey showed 511 Bq/Kg of average Cesium contamination.

That represents a sharp increase from a survey taken last August which averaged 308 Bq/Kg and another taken in October which measured 476 Bq/Kg.

Prof. Yamazaki from Kinki university, who has been leading the survey since last May, goes on to report contamination levels increase as you move from the center of bay toward the Tama river which feeds the bay.

At the mouth of the river, 4 samples were taken showing cesium deposits between 24 and 26 centimeter deep.

Kinki warns that while the government is not concerned with monitoring radiation levels in Tokyo Bay, this report shows monitoring is needed for the health and safety of the citizens of Tokyo.

In the report, Kinki also warned that while nuclear testing in the 1960s was preposterous, data collected from those tests that the level of radiation in Tokyo Bay will remain very high for decades due to the long half-life of Cesium.

The Fuksuhima Diary report was a follow-up on an early report which showed high levels of Cesium contamination in fish caught in rivers in several Japanese prefectures.