Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Hegseth has described Kiev's ambitions to recover its 2014 borders as "unrealistic, Hegseth has described Kiev's ambitions to recover its 2014...
Quite a trophy, actually. ;)
Excellent article! Almost funny, the way he describes the reactions.
MISS you RC ๐ Enjoy his fav. [Link]
Makes one wonder, which people were cut - the ones making the financial decisions, or the secretaries and janitors.
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I was unaware of the situation there until 2005 when I learned at an event that some of my church members had been involved in the "Orange Revolution" as mediators.
In places like the Ukraine, the struggle between established interests ("the oligarchy") and other groups is more openly talked about. The Communists remain active there, along with corporate, banking, and other external interests. The government seems to be a rats nest of factions, trying to tear each other apart with a combination of murderous intrigue and endless exchange of allegations of impropriety. A "popular" movement existed there, which seems to have been subsumed in its efforts to establish coalitions with other groups.
The only chance of telling whose story is more honest probably depends, as it does here in the US, of knowing which faction controls the media outlet releasing the given story.
In the US, where is is thought that the aging European oligarchy still controls all of our mainstream media channels, if someone is being pounded in the mainstream press, you can assume that they did something that the oligarchs didn't like.
As for this lady, the appearance is that either she or her supporters have indulged in criminal activity. That this is not unusual in politics does not seem to dull the enthusiasm of the various rival groups for accusing each other of such actions.