The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit of liberty remembers that not even a sparrow falls to earth unheeded; the spirit of liberty is the spirit of Him who, near two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but has never quite forgotten; that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest.
Both Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln both told federal judges to go pound stand. And they made it stick.
Most F35 sales have been made in the arm twisting department of Bureau of Political-Military Affairs the bulk of the early sales to compliant...
From early childhood I was taught this…from an area in the North of the Netherlands lightning strike capital of the world (maybe not but we used...
"Next week, the Federal Reserve? The Pentagon?...." Pentagon. The US military has just pulled out of the F35 show at the last minute. It happened...
they likely - easily said after the fact - would have been "better off" laying in the field and getting wet - then seeking shelter under a tree...
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the exotic animals mostly lost. The latest news report said deputies had to shoot numerous animals at close range with their side arms - most on the way to the farm. The farm owner apparently let all the animals loose and then committed suicide. He had permits for all the animals as of last year. Jack Hanna of the Columbus Zoo said the sheriff did the right think issuing a shoot to kill order - that it is very difficult even under the best of circumstances to tranquilize a wild animal - and certainly not at night, in the rain, with formerly caged/cared for animals suddenly turned loose to fend for themselves. Fortunately, they had been fed the day they were turned loose. Hanna indicated he had lost a dear friend, a veterinarian, attempting to tranquilize a Bengal tiger - it leapt 18 ft upon the man and killed him.
Currently, a cougar, a bear, and a monkey are still loose. Some animals were captured but most were shot and killed. Of course, the animals did not deserve such a fate - but as long as people are given permits to keep wild, exotic animals, tragedies such as this can continue to occur.
56 animals let loose from the 73 acre farm; 49 killed - 6 rescued:
Killed -
18 rare Bengal tigers
9 male lions
8 lionesses
6 black bears
2 grizzly bears
3 mountain lions
2 wolves
1 baboon
Rescued -
one grizzly bear, three leopards and two macaques (a breed of monkey)
Still unaccounted for: 1 snow monkey with Herpes B virus - may have been eaten by one of the other animals.
Jack Hanna is receiving death threats - apparently some folks don't see the danger of 38 wild lions, 8 bears, 3 leopards, 2 wolves, and numerous baboons/monkeys running loose in the dead of night in close proximity to I-70, might pose to vulnerable humans.
There are reports that more monkeys/baboons and alligators were kept in the house and weren't let loose.