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Wall Street and London hedge fund tycoon George Soros sent a signal to his minions and infiltrators when he stated that he sympathized with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Soros's statement dovetailed with David Plouffe, President Obama's Senior Adviser, making contact with certain newly-minted "leaders" of the "Occupy" movement across the United States to ensure that they are as politically-manipulated by the White House as a vast majority of "Tea Party" members have been manipulated by senior Republican Party officials and the billionaire Koch Brothers.
Essentially, Soros and the Koch Brothers have ensured that the anti-corporate state movement in the United States, represented by the Democratic and Republican parties, remains split between artificially-created "left" and "right" camps and fractures into even
smaller competing blocs within the two major camps.
The "divide and conquer" strategy is frustrating real attempts to mobilize the American people against Wall Street and lobbyist-occupied Washington.
Plouffe and his operatives want to ensure that the "Occupy" street protests generically call for "jobs," "public education," "Social Security," "health care," and the "environment," as long as they do not take on an anti-Obama tone. Essentially, protesters can call for "jobs," and the Soros-funded manipulators will claim on the slight-expanding main stream media coverage of the "Occupy" protests that the protesters want the Congress to approve Obama's jobs bill. When the protesters call for "health care for all," the Soros opinion manipulators will tell the main stream media that the protesters are against any repeal of "Obamacare."
This campaign to infiltrate the "Occupy" movement has all the fingerprints of Cass Sunstein, the head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Sunstein has pioneered in the use of social networking and media technologies to engage in "cognitive infiltration" of anti-government movements.
Now that the White House and Soros are engaged in joint damage control, Sunstein's policies are being applied throughout the main stream and social media. One meme that has been spread is that the protesters lack "goals" and a "single voice."Gawker.com is reporting that now entering the scene is the top-shelf Manhattan public relations firm Workhouse Publicity, whose clients include Saks Fifth Avenue and Mercedes-Benz, hardly firms that would sympathize with unemployed protesters, which has /pro bono /started to send out press releases to the corporate media on behalf of the "Occupy" movement.
At the progressive Democratic "Take Back the American Dream" conference in Washington, the "Occupy" movement was
being hailed by many of the same groups that are funded, some to almost 100 percent, by Soros and his affiliated tax-free contrivances, including the Open Society Institute/Foundation and Tides Foundation. WMR learned that Plouffe was in contact with many of the organizations involved in the progressive conference to ensure that anti-Obama rhetoric was tamped down. The move succeeded with anti-Obama feelings only being discussed by union and other activist rank-and-file attendees and not by any of the speakers who represented such Soros-supported conference sponsors as Center for American Progress, Media Matters,
MoveOn.org, and Netroots Nation.
Soros, working with the Obama White House, has called into service veterans of popular movement catalytic and infiltration movements, including "themed revolution" and social media uprisings, in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Libya, Iran, Ukraine, Serbia, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Lebanon and other countries. The "Arab Spring" backfired on Soros and his allies because the infiltrators could not guarantee the majority of the protesters would be pro-West, pro-capitalist, and ambivalent on Israel.
The major marching orders for these infiltrators is to take over the "leadership vacuum" of the "Occupy" movement and steer it into voicing support for Obama's pro-Wall Street policies without the protesters, themselves, unaware that they are supporting the status quo. The
strategy is to ensure that no new and unrecognized leaders appear from within the movement, whether from union or political rank-and-file ranks. Leaders who are not already known quantities and who might resist control by political and financial interests will be eclipsed by those who have been on the Soros payroll for years.
The only way for the Occupy movement to ensure its independence is to begin fashioning protest signs that read:*"SOROS IS WALL STREET!"* and *"OBAMA - OWNED AND OPERATED BY WALL STREET!"
. . . these financial tapeworms will probably pull it off . . . again.
There was a reprint here a while ago about the power of and depth within the brain of disgust, perhaps that's worth digging up and rereading . . .