You name the weather or geological type of phenomenon; someone in the world had it: volcanoes, earthquakes, torrential rain, floods, sinkholes, tornadoes, droughts, wildfires ... even summertime snow! Let's review them all as best as we can, starting from the top: the cosmic factor.
Cosmic Changes Are Under Way
Changes on planet Earth comprise such a wide variety of phenomena, from extreme weather anomalies to volcanoes and earthquakes, so perhaps it's a good idea to zoom back and see if we can make sense of any changes in the cosmic climate that may be affecting us. Yes, we are aware that this approach goes against the sanctioned narrative claiming that these changes are caused by carbon-burning human beings living in an isolated bubble that can only grow warmer. But the pieces of the puzzle on the table point to a different, larger picture.
A huge central piece is our sun, which is not surprising, since this ongoing explosion in space is what brings order to our corner of the universe and to life to Earth. For the last couple of years the sun was expected to go into high activity in accordance with its usual 11-year sunspot cycle. But scientists were left scratching their heads as our local star remained quiet. Now it's giving off such a display of flares that it has NASA scientists going 'ooh and ahh'.
A huge storm on the sun this past week unleashed what some have called the most massive eruption of solar plasma ever seen. NASA astronomers said the huge June 7th solar eruption, called a coronal mass ejection, probably wasn't the biggest ever, but it is notable both for its size and its odd behavior, as massive waves of plasma roared off the sun only to rain back down on the solar surface.Just a day or two before the eruption, the sun was making these spectacular waves:
"We're seeing things we've never seen before," said Phillip Chamberlin, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center and a deputy project scientist on the agency's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite. "It's a really exciting event. There are a lot of exceptions to it."
The solar storm of June 7th lasted about three hours and was a moderate, or Class M, solar flare. It was particularly interesting because it let loose a coronal mass ejection (CME). But instead of sending material flying into space, a large majority of it fell back down to the solar surface.
"Why it happened this way, instead of the usual process of ejecting out into space, is still a mystery. We're still trying to figure that one out," astrophysicist Chamberlin told "That's science. I don't know. We're stumped."A colleague of Chamberlin's, also from NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center, put it a bit more dramatically:
"We'd never seen anything like it," says Alex Young [...] "Half of the sun appeared to be blowing itself to bits."Watch this spectacular clip to see what they mean:
[...] "In terms of raw power, this really was just a medium-sized eruption," says Young, "but it had a uniquely dramatic appearance caused by all the inky-dark material. We don't usually see that."
[...] Solar physicist Angelos Vourlidas of the Naval Research Lab in Washington DC calls it a case of "dark fireworks". The blast was triggered by an unstable magnetic filament near the sun's surface," he explains. "That filament was loaded down with plasma, which exploded in a spray of dark blobs and streamers."
The plasma blobs were as big as planets, many larger than Earth. They rose and fell ballistically, moving under the influence of the sun's gravity like balls tossed in the air, exploding "like bombs" when they hit the stellar surface.
Some blobs, however, were more like guided missiles. "In the movies we can see material 'grabbed' by magnetic fields and funneled toward sunspot groups hundreds of thousands of kilometers away," notes Young.
Curious, no? This is the first time NASA has recorded such a thing. Why would material from the sun, which normally flies off into space after a flare like this, instead fall back on the sun? If something doesn't fly off, it could be because it doesn't reach escape velocity, which is the minimum speed needed to escape gravity. Unless this is some not-yet-understood electromagnetic effect, you would think that the sun's gravity is misbehaving. But we all know gravity is constant, right?
By the time you are finished reading this edition of Connecting the Dots, you'll be left wondering whether destroyed high-voltage transformers are the least of any government agency's problems when the real emergencies take place. The above message may have been motivated by something else entirely, particularly because, in spite of the sun's recent fireworks, scientists from the National Solar Observatory (NSO) are predicting a new Maunder Minimum, i.e. a period of a lack of sunspots corresponding to a mini-ice age. How can this apparent contradiction be reconciled?
US scientists say the familiar sunspot cycle seems to be entering a hibernation period unseen since the 17th century, a pattern that could have a slight cooling effect on global temperatures.It is not only Frank Hill and his colleagues who are proposing this scenario. One paper by Richard Altrock of the US Air Force Research Laboratory, and another by Matt Penn and William Livingston, also of the National Solar Observatory, reach similar conclusions by using different arguments based on analyses of solar magnetic activity and solar flare magnetism.
For years, scientists have been predicting the Sun would move into solar maximum around 2012, a period of intense flares and sunspot activity, but lately a curious calm has suggested quite the opposite.
The signs include a missing jet stream, fading spots and slower activity near the poles, said a trio of studies presented Tuesday at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society's Solar Physics Division in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
"This is highly unusual and unexpected," said Frank Hill, associate director of the National Solar Observatory's Solar Synoptic Network.
"But the fact that three completely different views of the Sun point in the same direction is a powerful indicator that the sunspot cycle may be going into hibernation."
Solar activity tends to rise and fall every 11 years or so. The solar maximum and solar minimum each mark about half the interval of the magnetic pole reversal on the Sun, which happens every 22 years.
Experts are now probing whether this period of inactivity could be a second Maunder Minimum, a 70-year period when hardly any sunspots were observed between 1645-1715 known as the "Little Ice Age."
"If we are right, this could be the last solar maximum we'll see for a few decades. That would affect everything from space exploration to Earth's climate," said Hill.
This possibility caught our attention for more than one reason. There is the obvious catastrophic impact of entering a prolonged Ice Age - something we have been warning about for years. Winters are getting harsher, as you have probably noticed. In contradiction with the global warming narrative, senior UK-based academics have analyzed the Central England Temperature (CET) record, which dates back to the mid-17th century, and found that
The mean CET for December, January and February for the recent relatively cold winters of 2008/09 and 2009/10 were 3.50C and 2.53C respectively. Whereas the mean value for the previous 20 winters had been 5.04C. The cluster of lower winter temperatures in the UK during the last three years had raised questions about the probability of more similar, or even colder, winters occurring in the future.But even more alarming is the following information that has been gathered as a result of the Cassiopaean Experiment regarding a hypothetical companion star in a binary orbit with the sun:
Session 11 July 1998According to the twin sun hypothesis, the solar system is in reality a binary system (a hypothesis which is seriously discussed by some scientists, and with good reasons, we should add). The sun's companion, however, is not visible as it is a brown dwarf. As it travels through its orbit, it approaches the outer rim of the solar system, pushing through the Oort Cloud on its way in and hurling comets into the inner solar system. You can imagine what this means for us Earthlings.
Q: (T) As the brown dwarf approaches, will it intensify the solar flare activity?
A: The effect on the physical orientation of the sun from the periodic passage of its companion is to flatten the sphere slightly. This returns to its original spherical shape with the retreat.
Q: (L) Is this flattening of the sphere of the sun going to have any noticeable effects in terms of enhanced, accelerated, or magnified radiation from the sun?
A: No.
Q: (T) Solar flares or anything like that?
A: No.
Q: (T) So there is not going to be any appreciable effect on the planet from this as far as the sun goes?
A: The sun's gravity increases, thus inhibiting flares.
We have a clue about what happens to the sun when its twin approaches. The inhibition of flares can be interpreted in two ways. Either there are less flares (and sunspots); or the increased gravity makes flares behave differently, somehow making it harder for coronal mass ejections to achieve escape velocity. This could possibly explain the lackluster solar activity we've witnessed during this recent solar cycle.
Another possibility to explain the lackluster solar activity has to do with the electrical nature of the solar system itself via the theories proposed by James McCanney. According to McCanney, the whole bubble extending from the sun to the outer heliosphere forms a capacitor - the Solar Capacitor, as McCanney calls it. Here the sun represents the negatively charged point and the outer heliosphere represents the layer of positive charge.
Some would also call this a plasma double-layer. If flares, sunspots, CMEs and other activity on the sun are the result of discharging this solar capacitor, then a lot would seem to depend on the potential differences between the sun and the outer heliosphere. If this hypothetical brown dwarf companion star is close enough to the heliosphere to "ground" current from this outer layer, one might suspect that this would lower the potential difference between the sun and the heliosphere, thus diminishing solar activity in the process. In fact, a similar assessment has come through the Cassiopaean Experiment as well:
Session 31 October 2001Regardless of the mechanism behind these changes and how a hypothetical companion star might fit into the picture, the bottom line is that big changes are underway. And, by all means, help us pay attention to the signs in case this is more than mere speculation.
Q: (L) Are the planets of the solar system going to kind of shift out of their orbits and run amok? Is that a possibility?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Due to cometary orbits alone?
A: Yes. Twin sun also.
Q: (A) When we speak about these cometary bodies, are we speaking about impacts?
A: Some will hit.
Q: (A) What would be - if any - the role played by electric phenomena?
A: Twin sun grounds current flow through entire system setting the "motor" running.
Q: (L) Does this mean that all of the different bodies of the solar system are like parts of some kind of giant machine, and once this electric current flows through them, depending on their positions relative to one another at the time this current flows, that it has some influence on the way the machine runs?
A: Yes, more or less.
You are probably thinking - and rightly so - that the above does not explain the solar fireworks we experienced in early June. For that too we would like to offer a hypothesis. As Ryan X explained in a recent Focus article, drawing on James McCanney's Solar Capacitor Theory and John H. Nelson's work on planetary alignments, "it appears that planets and comets are like electrical conduits for moving charge from the Sun to the outer-reaches of the Solar System - an electrical pathway, or wire, of sorts." Ryan X reports that it has been observed that the 11-year sunspot cycle is related to when Jupiter and Saturn align with the sun. Furthermore, he speculates that
when a planet in the inner Solar System lines up with an outer planet (i.e. when their 'wires' connect), there's a greater potential to "discharge the Solar Capacitor," in McCanney terms, and thus bring a higher likelihood of sunspots, flares, CMEs, etc. Thinking of the Solar System as an elaborate electrical circuit might be a useful analogy to consider... Since all the planets are connected to the Sun, this means that when the Sun begins to discharge, all planets, including Earth, receive a jolt, or some disruption in their normal electromagnetic connection with the Sun.All alignments with the Sun - conjunctions, squares and oppositions - appear to increase the likelihood of solar flares. Ryan X noted that around June 2nd, Mercury and Venus were conjunct with Jupiter; while Mercury's ascending node occurred on the 7th and Venus' descending node on the 6th. Activity on the sun began to ramp up on May 29th, a couple days before an alignment between Mercury and our new friend Comet Elenin. Despite the fact there were no visible displays of solar activity for June 2nd, two days later the planetary k-index (a measure of geomagnetic activity) spiked to around 7 (low activity is usually given as 3 or below).
This spike in geomagnetic activity on June 4th created auroral displays as far south as Wisconsin, USA. So far, this has been the largest geomagnetic surge in June despite all the other reports of CMEs we've seen. Interestingly, the same day we were hit by this solar storm, Chili's Puyehue volcano erupted along with Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano (more on these below), releasing massive amounts of energy. As we've hinted in previous articles here on SOTT, we suspect that there is a correlation between planetary alignments, geomagnetic activity and events such as earthquakes, volcanoes and large storms.
If an alignment of Jupiter, Saturn and an inner planet with the sun can produce ordinary solar activity, we wonder what would happen if the sun's companion brown dwarf came within proximity of the solar system? Right now we seem to have a paradox of sorts. While the sun's activity is seemingly at a low for a time when it is supposed to be at a high, electrical displays among the planets seem to be at an all-time high. It appears that the electrical dynamic or distribution for the solar system has somehow shifted. Could the sun's brown dwarf companion be the cause of these changes, and if so, what further changes are in store for us?
That the Earth is going through some serious weather anomalies needs no arguing. But if, as James McCanney's work suggests, weather phenomena are electrical in nature, could that explain the larger number of exploding transformers since the beginning of the year? At the current pace, twice as many will have exploded by the end of the year compared to 2010, judging by the news stories reporting them. (Do take a minute or two to click on this link and see some videos with colorful transformer explosions. We'll return to the subject of transformers below.)
There is evidence that climate change is to be understood in terms of the solar system rather than exclusively terran influences. Saturn, for one, is experiencing a storm the size of Earth, circling the planet so fast that it catches up on itself! The storm began forming in Saturn's northern hemisphere in December. This is anomalous as it is about 10 years too early for Saturn's Great White Spots to appear. These usually recur about every 30 Earth years, when the ringed planet's northern hemisphere reaches its greatest tilt toward the sun. Only five such mega-storms have been observed on Saturn since 1876, and this one is the first to have been observed in the northern hemisphere since 2004, while the spacecraft Cassini has been spotting lesser storms from orbit.
So stars and planets seem to affect each other and in turn affect our weather and likely even geological changes. What would once have been considered an astrological premise, belonging to the realm of magic and superstition, is slowly gaining traction with a few decent scientific minds. Consider the correlation discovered by Danish and British physicists between cosmic rays and cloud formation. Not that we expect to see these ideas reach mainstream science any time soon, mind you. As one of our readers observed, a Danish documentary called "The Cloud Mystery" includes the following revealing quote from Danish scientist Henrik Svensmark:
In 2005 we actually found experimental evidence that the sun and the galaxy is determining climate here on Earth. But for some reason, no scientific journal wanted to publish this. It was a big disappointment for me and my team.By the way, it was Snesmark's boss, Eigil Friis-Christensen, who found a correlation between the magnetic activity of the sun and the temperature of the Earth. This is a sobering idea should the sun indeed enter a Maunder Minimum in the near future as predicted.
This brings us to the exciting subject of supernovas. Here too, scientists are also seeing 'things they had never seen before'. First, we had a report from March about the discovery by the University of Texas of one of the three brightest supernovas ever recorded.
Then we heard that the IceCube neutrino observatory at the South Pole determined that cosmic rays appear to be coming from particular locations, rather than being evenly distributed across the galaxy. Interestingly, there is no source close enough to produce this strange pattern. We also read that an enormous flare which erupted from the Crab Nebula supernova on 12th April and left NASA scientists 'baffled' as it lasted lasted six days. On April 16th, an even brighter flare erupted.
'These superflares are the most intense outbursts we've seen to date, and they are all extremely puzzling events,' said Alice Harding at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. 'We think they are caused by sudden rearrangements of the magnetic field not far from the neutron star, but exactly where that's happening remains a mystery.'More astronomical bafflement reached our ears in early June as an international team of astronomers discovered a new type of supernova that shines 10 times brighter than any previously recorded. The team based at the California Institute of Technology has identified a batch of six supernovas with radiation properties that cannot be explained by any of the known mechanisms. Adding to this string of mysteries, a star was observed by powerful telescopes from Hawaii to the Canary Islands as it was being 'killed' by a black hole in the constellation Draco.
Its so-called "death rattle" was a high-energy flash or jet pointed straight at Earth - of all places. It was described as "a very strange one" and "unlike any previously observed." With all this new supernova activity being observed, and with supernovas being a leading suspect for sources of incoming cosmic rays, one wonders what effect these supernovas are having on Earth's climate.
One last observation regarding the Earth and its relationship with the cosmos comes from the Inuits of Arctic Canada. The 2010 film Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change features a number of interviews with the locals, and although it focuses on the warmer conditions of their environment - presumably meant as evidence of the man-made global warming theory - a particular fragment of the documentary caught our attention. Inuits have observed that the rising and setting of the sun, as well as the positions of the stars, are all out of place! One of them even proposes that it is the higher position of the sun in the sky that is making their lands warmer.
Accepting for a moment that people whose lives depend on accurately reading nature, a rarity among both human species today, know what they are talking about regarding the sun and stars, then how can we explain this? We can think of two possibilities: either the axis of the Earth has changed and no one is telling us about it, or the atmosphere has changed so dramatically that objects in space are perceived differently.
Fireballs and Comets
Recently, the job of tracking fireball news and reporting about them became significantly more difficult, mainly due to the fact that the pace of events has switched up a gear. You don't have to be interested in "out there" topics to notice that whatever is happening around us has intensified to the point that a day hardly goes by without a major disaster or crisis happening somewhere.
Our civilization is going through a serious shake-up, and those who choose to spend their time learning how to interact with reality in an objective way instead of watching Big Brother, often find themselves in a pretty gloomy, if not depressed mood. But as pessimistic as that may sound, seeing and reflecting on our current situation is the right and the most sane thing to do in the circumstances. After all, judging by the lessons from the past and our inability to learn from them, our society may not have much choice but to face the consequences of our collective ignorance.
If we were to contemplate history, as it is, we would be forced to realize that we are in the iron grip of an existence that seems to have no real care or concern for our pain and suffering. Over and over again, the same sufferings fall upon mankind multiplied millions upon millions of times over millennia. The totality of human suffering is a dreadful thing. And the biggest mistake of our civilization appears to be forgetting or disconnecting from the horror, allowing the never-ending loop of suffering to continue. Indifference and ignorance continue to perpetuate the vicious circle and contribute to the global malady.
One of the lessons from history that is not only being ignored but also twisted and misrepresented is, of course, the issue of threats from space. These words may appear repetitive to our regular readers, but they are nonetheless necessary if we are to make the best attempt at breaking through the barrier of trans-generational amnesia.
But it's best not to despair. As Socrates said, we need to remember that no human condition is ever permanent. Then we won't be overjoyed in good fortune nor too scornful in misfortune. So let's concentrate on the issue at hand and begin this section with a joke:
As a passenger jet was flying over Arizona on a clear day, the co-pilot was providing his passengers with a running commentary about landmarks over the PA system.Funny, yes? But doesn't it also poignantly illustrate the disconnect we all experience when it comes to pondering potentially disastrous impacts. On the one hand we are told by big shots like NASA that there is nothing to worry about, and that they have everything under control; on the other, for the past several months we had at least four "big rocks" near-missing our planet. Here are the selected few, the rest of which can be found on the pages of our ever-growing of "Fire in the Sky" category.
"Coming up on the right, you can see the Meteor Crater, which is a major tourist attraction in northern Arizona. It was formed when a lump of nickel and iron, roughly 150 feet in diameter and weighing 300,000 tons, struck the Earth at about 40,000 miles an hour, scattering white-hot debris for miles in every direction. The hole measures nearly a mile across and is 570 feet deep."
From the cabin, a passenger was heard to exclaim, "Wow! It just missed the highway!"
June 27, 2011: Yet another asteroid skims past Earth today!Disturbingly enough, nearly all of the above mentioned asteroids were spotted as they flew past! Talk about last minute surprises. What if one day one of them doesn't miss the highway, or a city perhaps?
June 3, 2011: An Asteroid Missed Earth this Week - What are the Odds that We'll Always be Lucky?
April 15, 2011: Scientists find asteroid with potential power of 15 atomic bombs. Heading this way. Tonight.
March 16, 2011: House-Size Asteroid Zooms Close by Earth
Suicide Comets and Night-Shiners
On May 11th, a comet dove into the sun and triggered a massive eruption. Two weeks later, same thing happened during a solar storm and triggered another CME.
Amazing as it may sound, NASA stated that the confluence of solar storms and suicidal comets is purely coincidental - that there is no evidence of any physical connection between the two. The mental gymnastics NASA scientists must undergo to really believe their own nonsense is breathtaking! Because, given the electrical nature of comets and the Sun (in its aspect as a 'solar capacitor'), there is likely more than just "coincidence" at play here.
Consider the idea that electrical discharge phenomena are taking place here. This can explain why the solar eruption began before the physical arrival of the comet. If a comet in the far reaches of the solar system can induce solar discharge events - which is part of the Electric Universe theory - then certainly, a discharge event can begin to manifest as the comet approaches.
Harrison Koehli's review of Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes by J.M. McCanney summarized solar discharge events as follows:
Basically, electrons' movement are slightly retarded in the Sun's corona, with solar flares hurling out an excess number of protons. The excess protons in the solar wind creates a separation of charge throughout the entire solar system - a giant capacitor with a positively charged, doughnut-shaped nebular cloud of dust and gases stretching to the far reaches of the solar system, and the negatively charged the surface of the Sun. An electrical potential exists between these two poles and any object moving through plasma regions of varying charge density will become charged, depending on its size and relative velocity. When new bodies (e.g., comets) enter this plasma region from outer space, they ignite and begin to discharge the solar capacitor.So how we are to understand NASA's claims? Are they just willfully ignorant? Do they really have no clue, as indicated by their statements on noctilucent clouds, which are now visible from all over the world and at much lower latitudes than normal.
Or are they intentionally covering up the glaringly obvious truth that comets interact electrically with our Sun, causing it to discharge enormous amounts of energy in the form of solar flares, CMEs, etc. (as was the case here, here, here, and here)?
In Planet X, McCanney claims that NASA personnel are "prohibited from disclosing to the public anything that would cause a national panic" (p.83). Like the 'in the interest of national security' excuse cited in the War on Terrorโข, this excuse about 'not wanting to cause a national panic' is wearing a little thin. So thin, in fact, that it has become transparent and, thanks to researchers and real scientists like James McCanney, we can see straight through it.
But the lies and deception go even deeper than this.
Smokescreen of Lies
One of the attributes of human nature, beside being socially oriented, is looking up to someone and seeing them either as an example or as a leader. In complex social structures everyone has their role where they have an opportunity to contribute their talents, and at the same time rely on others to carry out their own duties to the best of their abilities. Some roles require exceptional talents or extensive knowledge, and it assigns the people performing them with greater responsibility and impact on others, of which they should be aware of at all times. At least, that's how it would work if we lived in an environment free of pathological influence.
As we are all painfully aware of, the reality is quite different. The problem is, as a human species, we still have the same basic behavioral attributes. We still look up to those in authority, even when they make grave mistakes or cynically use us for their own interests. Just like children of pathological parents, we may endure lies and manipulation and even think that it's somehow our fault because we are led to believe that they retain control in our adult lives, that they have the power, and that they know what they are doing.
In May, Laura Knight-Jadczyk posted an article, From Where I Sit: Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head, where she said the following:
It's getting harder and harder to cover up and distract attention away from the fact that our planet is in crisis. People are noticing and all this weather weapons nonsense is designed to make people think it's all a 'game'. The controllers want people to think they are in control because if people really could see that it is really all of the long-ago-predicted Earth Changes that we are experiencing NOW, they would turn on the governments and devour them. Because realizing that it is Earth Changes - and that no one can control what is happening - takes away hope. And hopeless masses are very dangerous.Therefore, in order to avoid this unfortunate outcome for the ruling class, they will use every trick up their sleeves and every tool in their toolbox to keep the illusion going. And in this case it takes the form of reshaping and modifying the facts as they see fit:
Sometimes the topic of meteorites will be completely ignored and described as a "once in a lifetime" event, or explained as a sonic boom, an earthquake or temperature inversion. In some cases, and especially following a sighting of a particularly bright meteorite, the data will morph into "about once a month". And sometimes, when the facts can't be ignored, we are presented with the explanation that it's "just a meteorite", nothing to worry about. For example, many of this past month's fireball sightings weren't particularly exciting, except for the fact that they made the news in the way they did, and there was an admission by authorities that they were probably meteorite impacts. Here are a selected few:
May 4, 2011: Meteorite lands on roof, northern PolandBesides ridicule and denial, another favorite method of the Powers That Be when it comes to muddying the waters, is disinformation or outright COINTELPRO. Ridiculing the issue and making sweeping generalizations has become NASA's default mode of operation. That's what David Morrison, planetary astronomer and senior scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center had to say about theories surrounding Comet Elenin upcoming fly-by:
May 11, 2011: Virginia, US: Meteor Likely Caused Mysterious Boom
May 11, 2011: US: Officials Believe Meteorite Hit Basking Ridge Lawn
May 14, 2011: NASA says earth shattering boom just meteorite
"We live in nervous times, and conspiracy theories and predictions of disaster are more popular than ever. I like to use the word cosmophobia for this growing fear of astronomical objects and phenomena, which periodically runs amok on the Internet. Ironically, in pre-scientific times, comets were often thought to be harbingers of disaster, mostly because they seemed to arrive unpredictably - unlike the movements of the planets and stars, which could be tracked on a daily and yearly basis."With all due respect, David Morrison displays abysmal ignorance when it comes to knowledge 'pre-scientific' civilizations had about the cyclical nature of the cosmological phenomena and the role "harbingers of disaster" play in reshaping the world around us.
This month's prize for outright COINTELPRO goes to Richard Hoagland (who boasts of his insider connections at NASA and JPL, by the way) for reintroducing the "Elenin is a giant spaceship" meme, something SOTT considers worrying and downright dangerous. The last time they whipped up hysteria about a comet being, or being accompanied by, a 'mother ship', members of a certain Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide. The fact that there has been so much noise and disinformation spread about this comet is telling indeed. It seems to indicate that there is a good chance that the Powers That Be know something about Elenin that they don't want us to discover.
So what exactly are they working so hard to conceal?
Here comes the Pestilence - Meteorites and Viruses
At the end of May 2011, Europe and Germany in particular, were in the grip of cucumber-hysteria. Bacterial outbreak of the "most virulent strain of E.coli ever seen" was taking victims and making headlines. Scientists in Europe were racing to locate the source of a bacterial outbreak that killed at least 16 people, sickened hundreds more and disrupted food markets across the continent.
At that time, the German newspaper Sรผddeutsche Zeitung reported that Helge Karch, director of the Robert Koch Institute's EHEC consulting laboratory at the Mรผnster University Hospital in Western Germany, had discovered that the O104:H4 bacteria responsible for the outbreak was a so-called 'chimera' that contains genetic material from various E. coli bacteria. It also contained DNA sequences from plague bacteria, which made it particularly pathogenic.
And at the beginning of June, the World Health Organization issued a statement that fatal E coli was indeed a mutant blend of two different varieties and had never been seen before.
As a result, tons of lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes in the north of Germany, and later in other European countries, have been destroyed due to worries over the bacterial outbreak. But what if all this focus on cucumbers and vegetables is a distraction from something far worse?
Before we present our own hypothesis, it's important to mention that we are aware of certain commentators like Mike Adams who claimed that because this E.coli was resistant to many types of antibiotics, it must have been a man-made bio-weapon. Again, we see an example of people desperately clinging to the belief (understandably, of course) that someone is in control!
But one of the main problems with such claims is that they are based on dubious science at best. Another red flag is the reliance of this bio-weapon theory on the 'bubonic plague sequence' found in the E.coli's DNA. As we will explain further on, this hysteria is again unfounded, because as Dr Gaby Segura's research pointed out, the bacteria Yersinia pestis wasn't the cause of Black Death. The evidence shows that it's far more likely that a deadly virus rode in on a comet.
But we are getting ahead of ourselves.
Our extensive research indicates that if the possibility of an impact event or the high probability of the upcoming Ice Age weren't alarming enough, there is another, more 'up close and personal' calamity that, if it does come to pass (and based on the recent cucumber-scare, it may have already started), will add more suffering and turmoil - not to mention panic and disorientation. But forewarned is forearmed, and since we are not about to spread unsubstantiated rumors similar to the "head for the hills" loonies, let's see if the following data based on scientific research can assist us with adding more clarity to the matter and prepare us for what may happen in the near future.
R. Joseph, Ph.D., and Chandra Wickramasinghe, Ph.D, Director of the Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Wales at Cardiff wrote the following in their paper 'Comets and Contagion: Evolution and Diseases From Space':
For much of history comets have been associated with death and disease. There is increasing evidence that life on Earth originated in comets and other stellar debris. If passing comets have continued to deposit viruses and microorganisms on this planet, this may explain why ancient astronomers and civilizations attributed the periodic outbreak of plague to these stellar objects. Moreover, the subsequent evolution and extinction of life may have been directly impacted by the continued arrival of bacteria, archae, viruses, and their genes from space.Besides this paper, there are many other works that back up the "plague from space" hypothesis. At the end of August 2010, a paper was published claiming that a growing body of evidence reinforces the panspermia theory, championed by physicist Fred Hoyle, which posits that lifeforms exists on comets, asteroids and interstellar dust clouds and that life on Earth was seeded from one or more of these sources. The paper also claimed that the red rain which fell in India in 2001 contained cells "unlike any found on Earth."
On this picture the evolution of higher plants and animals, including humans, would be impacted by the insertion of genes from space, as well as recurrent episodes of pandemic disease. Near-culling pandemics and extinction episodes have in fact been preceded by or followed by inserts of viral genes into survivors who have transmitted these viral elements to their progeny, thereby impacting future evolution. Although ancient fears and reverence of comets may be coincidental with the outbreaks of pandemics, they may also have a factual basis.
A study conducted near the Tunguska impact site also found significant concentrations of microorganisms in the skies of southwestern Siberia, at an altitude 0.5-7 km, within the 5-10 km range where the large chunk of comet blew up in Earth's atmosphere.
Another study published on 25th April 2011, claimed that several different species of bacteria can survive and reproduce in 'hypergravity' more than 400,000 times stronger than that of the Earth. The find suggests that alien life could take root in a wide range of conditions - and that it could survive the high G-forces imposed by meteorite impacts and ejections, strengthening the case for the possible exchange of life between planets.
Furthermore, at the beginning of June 2011, a Canadian study determined that a meteorite found in British Columbia contains evidence that asteroids are production sites for molecules such as amino acids that form the building blocks of life.
Apparently, warmer temperatures in the asteroid and the presence of water and possibly certain minerals provide a better environment than interstellar space for certain chemical reactions. Those reactions are needed to produce organic molecules, a class of carbon-based chemicals that living things are largely made of. It means that meteorites could have been original sources for some of the elements necessary for life on Earth.
So having established the scientific possibility of cometary bodies or meteorites carrying pathogens of an extraterrestrial origin, let's see what our "10% inspiration" has to say about this and our incoming comet:
Session 13 February 2011We encourage any reader who would like to learn about the true causes of the Black Death and how to protect oneself from possible future plague outbreaks to read New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection by Dr Gabriela Segura.
(Andromeda) Anything else on Elenin? (Perceval) We'll have to wait and see? (Psyche) {Considering the research we have recently done on comet borne pathogens and their possible relationship to the destruction of more than half of humanity during the Dark Ages which have now been identified as periods of cometary bombardment}, are we going to see a return of the Black Death?
A: Extremely likely.
Q: (Galaxia) In Europe first? Where's it gonna hit?
A: Wait and see.
Q: (Galaxia) Oh no! That's all I've got to say.
A: Those that have a certain genetic profile may suffer very little.
Q: (Andromeda) Is that any of us? (Galaxia) That doesn't sound like anybody is immune... like, "They'll suffer very little before they die!"
A: Smoking tobacco is a clue and an aid.
Q: (L) A clue to the genetic profile?
A: Yes.
Q: (Psyche) Oh, interesting. [everyone lights a cigarette and starts laughing] (Psyche) Everybody lights up! I feel like smoking! (laughter)
A: It is not just aliens that don't like to eat people that smoke! But from a certain perspective the viruses that cause such illnesses as the Black Death are "alien".
Q: (Psyche) You should read the article in the next issue of The Dot Connector magazine: "New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection". (L) If you look at it from a 4th density perspective, when something like the Black Death comes and there is global suffering - and when you read about it, the Black Death is just horrible - but if there was such suffering on our planet from something like that, 4D STS would be getting a rich feast of suffering which is what they feed on. So, an alien virus would be interactive with 4D reality by providing its food.
A: Close enough!
Q: (Andromeda) When will this start? (Atriedes) That's kind of a prediction... (laughter) (Galaxia) Soon, or long term?
A: 18 months to 2 years.
Q: (L) In other words, if Elenin or something else has something like that in its tail, and the Earth goes through the tail, it can still take a year or so for it to precipitate onto the Earth?
A: Yes
What can or should we expect this fall when Comet Elenin, even if it is just an ordinary comet, passes by the Earth?
We know that Elenin will probably not come close enough to impact Earth directly, but what are some of the possibilities as the Earth passes through the tail of Comet Elenin? We know that comet tails do contain a large amount of dust and smaller asteroids. We also know that bacteria and other microbes can survive in the tail region while attached to this dust. Since Elenin has traveled quite a distance to make it here, it might have picked up some distinctly alien microbes somewhere along the way.
Is it possible that we might experience a rash of new diseases, or some pandemic disease sometime in the late fall or early winter (northern hemisphere)? Or not until next year perhaps? It can take time for the material picked up by the upper layers of the atmosphere (as Earth passes through debris fields of varying density) to precipitate down through the lower layers.
Unannounced Guests?
We like mysteries at SOTT, and we enjoy looking for clues or missing pieces of the puzzle. When we find something extraordinary or curious, without a point of reference or at least an idea of what we are dealing with, we are nevertheless free to speculate on where that piece may fit. There is nothing wrong with speculation per se, but as we know too well, unfounded speculations can take hold of the imagination and run wild.
Fireballs and meteorites have received their fair share of being labeled as 'UFOs', 'hyperdimensional portals' and 'motherships on descent'. We don't entirely refute the possibility of such in all cases because, in line with our own observations, UFO sightings do tend to cluster around meteor events and paranormal phenomena. But in such cases, as with any hypothesis, it's important to collect the data and look for a point of reference that may lead to a possible explanation.
So let's take a look at the data first. lists the world's orbital launch attempts in 2011, including the date and time, location, type of launch and status - whether it was successful or not. Due to the amount of preparation that goes into orbital launches and their large budgets, they are usually announced beforehand or close to the launch date. Of course, there may be secret launches, but nevertheless, they have to be done from a facility that is properly equipped.
Now, many of you may remember the video that showed an interesting aerial phenomenon in Kazakhstan, the same one that bore an eerie resemblance to a cometary fragment entering the atmosphere. Baikonur Cosmodrome is located in Kazakhstan, so the sighting could be easily explained as a rocket launch, but the following puzzle piece may offer us a possible point of reference.
Session 13 February 2011Of course, you could argue that perhaps the above-mentioned launch was a secret one. After all, it's so close to a location known to fire rockets into the sky. Then on the 22nd of June, video footage of a similar aerial phenomenon was taken in Vytegra, Russia:
Q: (Perceval) The thing that we thought was a comet over Kazakhstan, was it a rocket from the Russians as reported?
A: No.
Q: (Perceval) Was it a comet?
A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) It looked like a comet from what we know about comets.
A: Fragment. Expect a lot of the "rocket launch" excuses. If it was really a "rocket launch" they would have been able to announce it in advance.
According to, there were no launches on this date. One was on the 21st of June from Baikonur, Kazakhstan, and the other from Plesetsk on the 27th of June. Does it mean it was a cometary fragment? We can't tell for sure, but it sure looks eerie!
Earth's Inner Fire
Whether there is a cosmic cause for geological activity on planet Earth or not, the fact is that our home is heating up. Have you noticed how many volcanoes have gone active recently all over the globe? Is this Earth's way of becoming unstable or energized in the same way that the sun seems to be?
In April last year we had Icelandic Eyjafjallajรถkull volcano spitting a cloud of ash which, as you may recall, led to an hysterical closure of airspace in Northern Europe. This year the Grimsvรถtn volcano, also in Iceland, erupted and grounded at least 500 flights, but this time the airline industry staved off another blanket airspace closure and flights quickly resumed normal operations. The International Airlines Group announced that British Airways conducted a 45-minute test flight at different altitudes over the north of England and Southern Scotland, where the ash cloud was meant to be at its densest, and found "absolutely tiny" levels of ash concentration.
Meanwhile, there is some concern for another volcano in Iceland. The powerful Katla volcano underneath the Myrdalsjoekull glacier is heating enough to create a massive flood of meltwater. It is not clear yet if this is due to baseline geothermal heating only or if it indicates that an eruption is on its way. During last year's Eyjafjallajรถkull scare, one of the things we were repeatedly told was that every time Eyjafjallajรถkull erupts, Katla follows soon enough. That is reason enough for us to keep a close eye on Katla.
The activity of Poas volcano in Costa Ricahas has increased rapidly according to a team of geologists and volcanologists from Universidad de Costa Rica. Also in the Americas, Mexico's Popocatepetl Volcano has blasted a tower of ash. But most notorious of late has been Chile's spectacular Puyehue volcano:
This one is particularly interesting as a rift more than 10 km long and 5 km across opened about 4 miles from the volcano's peak. We cannot help but make the connection to all the mysterious sinkholes and cracks that have opened up all over. More on those below.
Puyehue's ash cloud has already managed to travel around the southern hemisphere, disrupting flights in South America, Australia and New Zealand, leaving more than 60,000 passengers stranded.
Indonesia has also seen rising volcanic activity as Dieng Mountain in Central Java has been spewing poisonous gas into the air, while that Javan mud volcano has not stopped erupting for five years now. Indonesian officials raised the alert for Mount Lokon volcano after a series of eruptions, and urged people to stay 3.5 km away from the volcano and to prepare to evacuate if necessary. Indeed, they did not have to wait long.
Following another eruption on the 13th of July, 2,000 people were evacuated from the local villages - just in time apparently, as activity is on the rise, forcing more evacuations since then. Residents of Vanuatu are also facing being 'voted off the island' by the rumbling and ash-spitting Ambae volcano.
In Russia, the Kizimen and Karymsky volcanoes on the Kamchatka Peninsula spewed ash and gas in June, accompanied by earth tremors. Not far from there, the alert level for the Cleveland volcano in Alaska has been raised after officials say persistent thermal anomalies have been spotted in satellite data. Meanwhile in Hawaii, where the Kilauea volcano erupted in March, an 800-mile-wide 'hot anomaly' has been found off the coast. How many more hot-spots are there under the sea, and are they and the land volcanoes together contributing to the evaporation of water and precipitation?
Vulcanism is a largely ignored factor in climate studies, but we rather suspect that Mother Nature will soon correct that. Recently a string of dozens of volcanoes were discovered under Antarctica. Many of them are active. French scientists studying the influence on the weather of Eyjafjallajรถkull volcano reached the conclusion that small sulfuric acid particles react chemically with molecules in the atmosphere and both help to form and seed clouds, changing precipitation levels over large areas. Another recent study found that even small volcanic eruptions can send particles high enough into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and cool the planet. However, the study did not consider the possibility of undersea volcanoes turning water into vapor and possibly contributing to the greenhouse effect global warmists harp on about.
Air travel disruptions have also affected the Horn of Africa courtesy of the Nabro volcano in Eritrea. A similar scenario is taking place in Italy, where Mount Etna awoke, forcing the close of an airport in Sicily. During the first half of 2011 Etna had five eruptive episodes in total.
Shattering Trends
There hasn't been a temblor as strong as Japan's 9.0 mega-quake since March, but the aftermath of the subsequent nuclear disaster will affect us for years to come (more on that below). The frequency of earthquakes has continued its elevated pace and it forces us to take notice and be prepared for the next big one. The overall number of quakes that should give us pause to thinkHere is a sample of noteworthy events (dates as reported), bearing in mind that we haven't listed them all here:
May 3rd - 6.1 Magnitude Quake Hits off Coast of PanamaAn image speaks more than a thousand words, as they say, so have a look at this graphic:
May 5th - Earthquake shakes wide area of southern Mexico
May 9th - Earthquake Magnitude 6.3 - West of MacQuarie Island
May 10th - Loyalty Islands: Earthquake Magnitude 6.8
May 11th - 5.2 Earthquake hits southern Spain, ten dead
May 13th - Costa Rica - Earthquake Magnitude 6.0
May 14th - New Zealand: Aftershocks Continue Daily after Christchurch Earthquake 2011
May 15th - Central Mid Atlantic Ridge - Earthquake Magnitude 6.0
May 15th - Papua New Guinea - Earthquake Magnitude 6.5 - Bougainville Region
May 19th - Turkey: Earthquake Magnitude 6.0 - Western Turkey
May 20th - Australia: Earthquake Magnitude 4.6 - Western Australia
May 21st - Kermadec Islands - Earthquake Magnitude 6.1
May 29th - 6.3 off Sumatra Island
June 1st - Chile: Earthquake Magnitude 6.2 - near Bio-Bio
June 3rd - Japan: Earthquake Magnitude 6.3 - off East Coast of Honshu
June 5th - West of MacQuarie Islands - Earthquake Magnitude 6.3
June 6th - New Zealand: Earthquake Magnitude 5.0 - Christchurch
June 7th - Southern Peru - Earthquake Magnitude 6.0
June 8th - Five Injured in 5.3-Magnitude Earthquake in China's Xinjiang
June 12th - Eritrea/Ethiopia Region: Earthquake Magnitude 5.1 and 9 subsequent large aftershocks
June 12th - South Island of New Zealand - Earthquake Magnitude 6.0
June 13th - Molucca Sea - Earthquake Magnitude 6.4
June 15th - Papua New Guinea - Earthquake Magnitude 6.6
June 16th - Earthquake Magnitude 5.2 - Alaska: Kenai Peninsula
June 20th - Chile - Earthquake Magnitude 6.5 - Antofagasta
June 20th - India: Earthquake Magnitude 4.9 - Uttaranchal
June 22nd - Magnitude 6.7 Quake Rattles Northern Japan
June 22nd - New Zealand: Late night quake scares Christchurch residents
June 24th - 7.4 quake rattles Alaska
June 24 - Santa Cruz Islands - Earthquake Magnitude 6.3
June 26 - Earthquake Magnitude 5.1 - Eastern Iran
June 26 - Near The North Coast Of Papua - Earthquake Magnitude 6.4
June 26 - China: Magnitude 5.2 Earthquake Hits Yushu, Qinghai Province
June 29 - 4.7-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan, 7 Injured
July 5th - New Zealand: No Damage From Strong 6.5 Magnitude Quake
July 9th - Japan in Tsunami Alert After New Earthquake, Magnitude 7.0
July 16th - Alaska Peninsula - Earthquake Magnitude 6.1
July 20th - Casualties Confirmed After Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan Quake, 6.2
July 20th - Solomon Islands: Earthquake Magnitude 6.0
What this means is that 2011 is on target to record the largest number of earthquakes in a single year for at least 12 years. We are half way through the year and 2011 is already exceeding the total annual seismic activity for the years 2001, 2002 and 2003. This is exactly the kind of thing that makes us wonder if any scientists out there are actually doing their job - or if part of their job is to keep their mouths shut about the possible causes of such a spike. Expect one day soon that they will attempt to explain this away with their catch-all man-made global warming theory!
There are a few more items that need to be taken note of. A massive underwater landslide 200 miles off the coast of Cornwall in England caused a series of mini-tsunami waves and tides at the end of June. It was freaky. The rapid drop in tide led to a perceivable shift in air pressure which created so much static in the air that it caused people's hair to stand on end! This is a clear reminder that while we can see geological changes on land, surely they are happening on the ocean floor too, and who can keep an eye on the vast surfaces of the Earth covered by water?
Who is to say that this event in particular was not another of those mysterious sink-holes that have been making the headlines lately? Speaking of which, how do we explain that a single 39-story office building in Korea had to be evacuated as it shook for ten minutes? More sinkholes or are we having private earthquakes now?
While inspecting the Martis Creeks Dam in California - which merits 'urgent and compelling' safety concerns - scientists with the US Army Corps of Engineers discovered an active, 22-mile-long strike-slip fault, now named Polaris. Suddenly safety concerns about the dam became even more urgent and compelling, as Polaris runs just 200 meters from the dam.
A new study from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography has some more 'dam' bad news to deliver. It is predicting the big one for California any moment now because the inland 'Salton Sea' (which isn't actually a sea anymore), east of San Diego, lies directly on the San Andreas Fault, where a big earthquake has hit the lake bed about every 180 years. When officials began damming the Colorado river, moderate earthquakes ceased for the Salton Sea. Now they fear the pressure is building and the area could be as much as 100 years overdue a mega-quake measuring 7.5 or larger. We should also mention that the nearby Diablo Canyon nuclear plant sits atop two known faults. If USGS seismologist Jeanne Hardebeck, who discovered one of the faults, is correct in her interpretation of the data, "there is the possibility of a magnitude 7.7 earthquake under the plant."
Predictions for the Northwest US are not looking good either. At a June conference in Portland, Oregon, experts warned of a 10 to 15 percent probability within the next 50 years of an offshore quake powerful enough to kill thousands and launch a tsunami that would level coastal cities in Washington and Northern Oregon. Off Southern Oregon, the probability of an 8-or-higher magnitude earthquake is of 37% on the same timescale. Oregon is apparently worse prepared than Japan was - and Fukushima taught us that Japan was not nearly as prepared as it should have been. Another area of North America at risk is Puerto Rico, where the probability of a big one happening is said to be between 35% to 55%!
Tumbling Down the Sinkhole
So with extreme weather, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, solar flares, meteorites or "just discovered" asteroids barely missing the Earth, all appearing to be on the increase, it seems like Mother Nature is making her best efforts to engage humanity's attention. Changes are impending, and one of them carries a perfectly symbolic representation of our current situation. They are called sinkholes. From the looks of things, we are literally losing the ground under our feet.
If you search on the web for 'sinkholes', you will find many links to various blogs or forum threads on the topic. People are definitely noticing that something is amiss, and assign all kinds of interpretations to the phenomenon. Some of them, unfortunately, are a tad hysterical or, shall we say, uninformed. There is no doubt that the Earth is going through a major process of change, and much more is in store. But if we are to interpret signs and portents in a way that will allow us to interact with reality objectively, it is important not only to see beyond the present limitations of our lie-saturated environment, but also to weed through those lies and be careful not to make conclusions based on erroneous premises.
The Cassiopaeans said: "Remember...There is no 'supernatural' or 'paranormal,' only natural and normal." Unknown is what is yet to be discovered. If so, let's see if we can understand why such alarming events are occurring - alarming to everyone who is not asleep, that is. What are sinkholes and why do we have to contend with sudden appearances of giant holes all around the Big Blue Marble, as if all the other Earth-rattling calamities were not enough?
Sinkholes can form due to water-dissolving minerals, natural processes of erosion in the ground and washing away of the soil and residue from voids in the rock. They can be due to lowering of groundwater levels, seasonal changes in the groundwater table, freeze and thaw of the ground, and extremes in precipitation (drought vs heavy rain). Human activity can also contribute to sinkholes: poor construction, weakened foundations, water leakage from old pipes or sewer collapses underground that soften the soil, etc. Sometimes several factors combine to create a sinkhole. What is important to understand is that a sinkhole is not simply a hole in the ground. Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection site provides the following explanation:
A common misunderstanding is to think that a sinkhole is the hole in the rock. Actually, the sinkhole is what we see on the ground surface because of the hole in the rock below. The space in the rock (known as a void, solution cavity or cave) takes hundreds or thousands of years to form. Then, soil from above can move into the void in rock. If the soil is sticky, a void can form within the soil. As more soil washes down (over years or maybe just days), the void space moves toward the surface until it can't hold together anymore. When it collapses (or subsides), you see the sinkhole on the surface. Often, you can only see soil in the hole and not the actual hole in the rock itself because the rock is too far below.Sinkholes are a natural phenomenon. There are parts of the world that are more prone to developing them, especially those with karst landscapes. But after considering all the information, it still doesn't doesn't explain the apparent unusual increase of such incidents. Unless, of course, we put it in its proper perspective and framework. As with any other phenomenon, it is easy to miss the big picture if each of the cases are treated on an individual basis. But that is the beauty of connecting the dots and seeing something that otherwise would be dismissed as irrelevant and considered only as a local drama, or tragedy if lives are lost.
So what would be the wider implications, if there are any, and how do they connect to the shaking and trembling our planet and its inhabitants are going through?
First, lets take a clue from the following Cassiopaean Experiment session:
Session 17 January 1997The officially accepted inner structure of the Earth can be compared to that of a boiled egg. The crust, the outermost layer, is rigid and very thin; while the next layer, the mantle, is composed of semi-solid rock approximately 2,900 km thick. Despite being made of rock, the mantle, especially its upper levels, behaves like an extremely viscous liquid. Since this is where most of the internal heat of the Earth is located, large convective cells in the mantle circulate heat and may drive plate tectonic processes and cause mountains to rise.
A: ... What do you suppose happens when the mantle stops, or slows, and the crust does not?
Q: (Laura) Frank had a dream about this the other night, too. (Terry) About the mantle slowing? Okay, if the mantle slows and the crust doesn't... (Laura) It's like walking around the room, carrying a bowl of soup, and then stopping... (Terry) It sloshes over because the crust keeps moving... water in all of the oceans is going to slosh...
A: No sloshing.
Q: (Laura) Okay, what happens when the... is it that there will be lots of earthquakes?
A: Maybe, but what is the bigger picture?
Q: (Laura) The bigger picture is that the Earth Changes its orbital position, velocity... (Terry) No. The bigger picture is that life on Earth gets pretty well wiped out.
A: No.
Q: (Laura) It exchanges energy potentials with other bodies?
A: No.
Q: (Jan) Gravity changes...
A: Warmer...
Q: (Laura) Gravity changes, ok... gravity lessens...
A: What have we hinted about gravity.
Q: (Laura) Oh, gravity is the binder... (Terry) and is the one truth of the universe.
A: Element.
Q: (Terry) The element. Gravity is the one true element. This is what you're saying?
A: Close.
Q: (Laura) So, if gravity is lessened, and it is the binder, then, everything... ohhh, I see what you're getting at! (Jan) Yes, gravity is the binder. Without gravity, it just all fall s apart...
A: Not "Falls apart," my dear, it all "opens up!"
Q: (Laura) And when it opens up what happens?
A: Change.
Q: (Laura) So, in other words, this cosmic event is the catalyst for the change in those human beings who are ready and prepared to experience it in a positive way...
A: Well, sort of, but... Remember... There is no "supernatural" or "paranormal," only natural and normal. Your 'Noah Syndrome' implied, originally, a discrimination between "wicked" and good. Being ready does not recognize such distinctions!
Q: (Laura) What does being ready imply?
A: Being on the verge of transformation to next density level, be it STO or STS. So, you see, the transformation maintains the balance!
The mantle is an underlying mechanism that moves and shifts tectonic plates, while at the boundaries of the plates, the relative motion of plates leads to earthquakes. And since there is also extreme pressure and heat in the mantle, high temperature and the push-and-pull forces cause some of the mantle to melt. This molten rock is known as magma. The outer layer of the Earth has some weak spots and cracks in it. When the magma in the mantle pushes and finds those weak spots, it pokes through, forming a volcano.
But an objective account of the inner workings of the Earth does not end here. Enter the magnetic field and its interaction with external influences. According to McCanney's theory, Earth has five layers of magnetic field - two permanent and three variable. Earth's central core maintains a permanent magnetic field, which formed as it cooled early in Earth's life. Next is the molten layer in the sub-mantle - the area that geologists today believe is the main driver of Earth's magnetic field.
In McCanney's model, this layer is only a lesser component and subject to influence from the layers above. To top off this layer, there are localized pockets of iron and nickel in the mantle and outer crust, forming more or less permanent magnetic fields, which (on the whole) align with the field of the core. Some of these magnetized pockets form such large localized distortions of the Earth's magnetic field that compass readings are near useless in these locations.
Another important factor in understanding the nature of magnetic fields is electric current flow. Stellar and planetary magnetic dynamos are not "self-generating", but externally powered by interaction with other electrically charged bodies and their own inner cores and atmospheres. Only planets with moons have a magnetic field worth speaking of, and the current flow between them and their planets helps create and maintain the planet's magnetic field. Earth's magnetic field is connected to the jet stream and plays an important role in the planet's weather patterns as well.
Now, take an external and electrically charged body, like a comet for example. Its passage can have gravitational effects (like the Moon has on the tides), causing massive tidal waves to course through the Earth's mantle and oceans, causing chain reactions of earthquakes and volcanoes. Like the eggshell of a spinning egg, this can cause the more solid outer layers of the Earth to shift over the molten layers below.
Why the chain reaction? Because continuous interaction between the external body and Earth causes the crust to vibrate and shift, and as a result produce new weak spots, or trigger and awaken existing ones. So how does all this tie in to the increasing reports of sinkholes? Imagine a multilayered body where each of its layers moves in a mostly harmonic way with a few local and pressure-releasing "hiccups". Now, consider the following excerpt from the Cassiopaean Experiment:
Session 6 July 2010Current geophysical knowledge maintains that sudden changes in the dimensions of the Earth's tectonic plates can alter Earth's velocity, which can either speed up or slow down the rotation, as has happened with several particularly strong earthquakes. On the other hand, slowing Earth rotation can also trigger a tremendous dynamic stress within the crust as it would continue to shift. So we are dealing with a chicken and egg dilemma, or rather a combination of external and internal factors which, when combined, present a picture of a process that was probably set in motion years ago.
Q: (L) Is oil leaking out of the ocean bed floor in the Gulf of Mexico in any other places besides through the well?
A: Yes but that is happening elsewhere as well. All part of the "opening up" phenomenon.
Q: (L) So, you mean that what we've speculated about sinkholes and cracks in the Earth... What is causing this opening up?
A: Misalignment, or rather sliding of layers of crust of Earth due to slowing of rotation.
Q: (L) Okay, what is causing this slowing of rotation?
A: We have mentioned the approach of companion star and its tendency to "ground" the system.
But for argument's sake, what would happen if one particularly pressured layer of semi-solid rock would significantly slow down or even come to a stop, while its crust level continues to move (despite the current understanding that Earth's mantle regulates tectonic plates' movement, and if the mantle were to stop from moving, tectonic plates would halt their movement as well)? What would happen to the lower rock layers that would be subjected to greater internal and external pressure or wobbling, while the upper ground would continue to shift and be modified by floods and other disasters that would facilitate formation or exposure of even more weak spots?
Lower rock layers would crack or crumble, of course, leading to more and more sinkholes! Another contributing factor to the creation of sinkholes: when the land above the hidden crack becomes too heavy for its "ceiling" to support, a depression or collapse of the land surface can occur. And sliding layers of crust can definitely do that!
Basically, the process of forming holes or cracks in rocks that would usually, we are told, take 'hundreds or thousands of years to form' would be sped up by the change in homeostasis of Earth's internal machine, not to mention the possibility of a weakened gravity field that would undoubtedly have an effect, as irregularities in the density of Earth's mantle directly affect the gravity measured at the surface of the Earth.
In the case of lower gravity, it appears that again, we are dealing with a chicken and egg dilemma. In the process of investigating the mystery of 'missing' gravity in Canada, particularly the Hudson Bay region, scientists came up with two main theories. One theory centers on a process known as convection, which occurs in the Earth's mantle. Convection drags the Earth's continental plates down, which decreases the mass in that area as well as the gravity. Another theory talks about the Ice Age times, when the Hudson Bay area was covered with the 2-mile-thick Laurentide Ice Sheet.
The ice sheet was so heavy it weighed down the Earth. In effect, the area around Hudson Bay has less mass because some of the Earth has been pushed to the sides by the ice sheet. And less mass means less gravity. If so, we can't help but wonder what kind of effect sinkholes (depressions in the Earth's crust) could have on gravity (and vice versa).
Of course, there are probably additional factors influencing the process. We don't yet have full understanding of the transformation that may occur, or the mechanisms involved. But that is why it is so exciting, even if a bit scary. We live in interesting times, and if we continue to keep our eyes open, we may witness how our planet and the Universe bring about the dramatic wonder of change.
Speaking of dramatic, watch the following video of a recently formed sinkhole at a beach in southeastern Queensland, Australia:
As for the rest of the 'sinking' stories, take a look at this long list (or the following article for some dramatic images of holes on the ground). It is not a complete list, and its largest portion comes from the United States. That is simply due to the fact that although SOTT has a multilingual staff, it is not always possible to find all the gems that are hiding on news sites in various foreign languages that do not get translated into English. As always, we do encourage readers world wide to share their local stories with us and participate in the dot-connecting that will help us reach a greater understanding of our ever-changing reality.
July 2011Twister Season
22.07.2011: Charlotte, North Carolina, US
21.07.2011: Council Bluffs, Iowa, US
20.07.2011: Chinatown, Hawaii, US
20.07.2011: Guatemala City, Guatemala
20.07.2011: Leesburg, Florida, US
20.07.2011: New York City, US
20.07.2011: Shelton, Connecticut, US
16.07.2001: Point Richmond, California, US
17.07.2011: Spring Hill, Tennessee, US
15.07.2011: Clarksville, North Carolina, US
15.07.2011: Innisbrook, Florida, US
14.07.2011: San Jose, California, US
14.07.2011: St. Louis County, Missouri, US
14.07.2011: Tabiona, Utah, US
12.10.2011: Lenoir, North Carolina, US
11.07.2011: Sochi, Russia
10.07.2011: Daisetta, Texas, US
07.07.2011: Calgary, Canada
07.07.2011: South Carolina, US
05.07.2011: Fairfield, Ohio, US
05.07.2011: Queensland Lakes, Australia
03.07.2011: Marietta, Georgia, US
June 2011
30.06.11: Tver', Russia
27.06.11: Luskville, Quebec, Canada
27.06.11: Leesburg, Florida, US
26.06.11: Novgorod, Russia
26.06.11: Chetwynd, Canada
26.06.11: Inskip Point, Queensland, Australia
24.06.11: New Orleans, Louisiana, US
24.06.11: Lake Stevens, Washington, US
22.06.11: Anderson Township, Ohio, US
22.06.11: Union Township, Ohio, US
22.06.11: Cleveland, Ohio, US
22.06.11: Voronezh, Russia
21.06.11: Lyman County, South Dakota, US
20.06.11: Morristown, Tennessee, US
16.06.11: Tarpon Springs, Florida. US
15.06.11: Perm', Russia
14.06.11: Troy, Pennsylvania, US
14.06.11: Baden Ontario, Canada
14.06.11: North Dakota, Fargo, US
14.06.11: Palm Jumeirah, Dubai
13.06.11: Christchurch, New Zealand
12.06.11: London, Ontario Canada
10.06.11: Buffalo, New York, US
10.06.11: Brussels, Belgium
11.06.11: Moscow, Russia
09.06.11: Kiev, Ukraine
07.06.11: Myers Park, North Carolina
07.06.11: Cecil Township, Pennsylvania, US
07.06.11: New York, New York, US
07.06.11: Yirbit, Russia
06.06.11: Detroit, Michigan, US
06.06.11: Spring Hill, Florida, US
06.06.11: Wilmette, Illinois, US
03.06.11: Clinton, Iowa, US
03.06.11: Moscow, Russia
02.06.11: Calgary, Canada
02.06.11: Buffalo, New York, US
02.06.11: Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, US
02.06.11: Syracuse, New York, US
01.06.11: Kazan', Russia
May 2011
30.05.11: Saskatoon, Canada
30.05.11: Allentown, Pennsylvania, US
29.05.11: Changchun, Jilin Province, China
27.05.11: Quebec City, Canada
25.05.11: Cairo, Illinois, US
25.05.11: Punu, Peru
23.05.11: Braunsdorf, Germany
24.05.11: Krabi, Thailand
20.05.11: Waterloo, Iowa, US
19.05.11: Hickory, North Carolina. US
17.05.11: Streator, Illinois, US
18.05.11: Everett, Washington, US
16.05.11: Youngstown, Ohio, US
12.05.11: Detroit, Michigan, US
12.05.11: Jersey City, New Jersey, US
11.05.11: Studio City, California, US
11.05.11: Harlesden, UK
10.05.11: Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, US
09.05.11: Staunton, Georgia, US
08.05.11: Memphis, Tennessee, US
06.05.11: Danville, Pennsylvania, US
03.05.11: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US
03.05.11: Miami, Florida, US
02.05.11: Usedom, Germany
The number and intensity of tornadoes in the US this year have left us spinning. It has been the deadliest tornado season in 50 years. In April alone more than 360 were people killed. That is 6 times the annual average of fatalities. The previous record of 267 was set in 1974. Then, by late May, 482 people had been killed - levels not seen since 1953. Note the 2011 spike in the following graphic:
NOAA officials delivered a briefing in June and displayed the following slide, which shows that the number of tornado deaths per million people in 2011 has shot up to levels not seen in modern weather forecasting.
There were 506 tornadoes reported in the US by the end of May 2010. It was already more than double - 1151 - by the same date this year. A record of 226 tornadoes were registered in one single 24-hour period in late April. Here are April's tornadoes as documented by NOAA:
And this is what a tornado looks like on the ground:
The one you see in the videos hit the town of Joplin, Missouri, on the 22nd of May, and was the most devastating of the season. The twister was a scale 5 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale - the highest category - with winds exceeding 200 mph, and apparently contained a "multivortex" tornado, with two or more small and intense centers of rotation orbiting the larger funnel. This monster decided to tread down the middle of the town, cutting it in half and making it look like a war zone.
It was the deadliest single tornado since 1950, killing at least 124 with 1,000 people injured and many more missing. Some 2,000 buildings were destroyed and 10,000 damaged, causing up to $3 billion in insured losses. These figures register the impact for a relatively small town of just 50,000 people.
On top of that, the tornado left a bizarre curse for the injured, as some of them are being infected by a rare and potentially fatal fungal infection, caused by soil or plant matter on flying debris penetrating the skin.
The rarities do not end there. A tornado of this magnitude, it seems, can bend the laws of physics:
The tornadoes hit several states of the US: Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, among others. But other places around the world not usually known for tornadoes saw a little action too. In Northern Ireland a tornado destroyed the roof of a barn. In Chile, a storm described as 'tornado-like' injured nine. TV cameras caught a surreal and awe-inspiring display of nature off the coast of New South Wales, Australia:
The northern Jet Stream - that fast-moving current of air moving from west to east high in the atmosphere - shifted further south than usual last winter and brought frigid cold and much snow down from the Arctic Pole. The jet stream was also a factor in last year's drought in Russia and Pakistan's biblical floods. It looks like it was again involved in producing this year's killer twister season, at least in the US. Meteorologist Jeff Masters of Weather Underground explains:
"The jet stream, which is that powerful river of air aloft over the country, turned out to be very strong this year. It had very high wind speeds in it. And it was moving over tornado alley, where we tend to get cold, dry air from Canada colliding with warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico. The combination of those contrasting air masses, and then the very powerful jet stream, was just the perfect storm of conditions to make a lot of tornadoes."In this respect, it is interesting that ten days before the Joplin tornado there was a multiple vortex forming over Northern America. Here is the satellite image of the east coast:
Coincidentally, or not, the ocean Gulf Stream was looking particularly bad those days - quite broken right under the vortex in the image above:
For a moment there we thought it was 'Game Over' for the Gulf Stream! It seemed to come back to life for a while but it is not looking great in general, so keep an eye on it. Remember what happens when it stops - your life may depend on it!
Jeff Masters continues:
'Is climate change making tornadoes more deadly? That's less clear: "On the one hand, we would expect that a warmer climate would bring warmer temperatures and potentially warm moisture in the atmosphere, enhancing instability."Did you catch that? In the fragment above, 'climate change' is used instead of 'global warming'. Because global warming predicts a weaker jet stream, but the opposite is happening, they do not know what is going on. Only an increase in warm moisture, storms and precipitation seems to confirm their theory, but what if that is not the product of fossil fuels and their relatively insignificant greenhouse effect but a different mechanism - such as an increase in volcanic activity? Or perhaps any apparent warming in certain areas of the planet has to be accompanied by cooling in others? Or is it a precursor for an ice age?
Instability, explains Masters, is what happens when large masses of cold air from Canada high in the atmosphere create updrafts, which can be up to 10 miles high. These unstable conditions can lead to deadlier tornadoes. But that's not the whole story. Again, the jet stream plays a vital role:
"Climate change is expected to weaken the jet stream. And that's a key ingredient for making tornadoes. You need to have a really strong jet stream that changes velocity and speed with altitude in order to put a shearing force on those updrafts, to get them spinning, so that they become tornadoes. So it's unclear what's going to happen in the end."
Extreme is the New Normal
So let us state once again's current hypothesis regarding climate change - subject to change as we gather more data - as summarized in the comments to this article:
Comet dust is electrically-charged and is causing the Earth's rotation to slow marginally. The slowing of the rotation is reducing the magnetic field, opening Earth to more dangerous cosmic radiation and stimulating more volcanism. The volcanism under the sea is heating the sea water which is heating the lower atmosphere and loading it with moisture.We believe that this is, in a nutshell, the single central mechanism behind climate and Earth Changes that we have been 'lucky' enough to witness thus far and that it explains the combinations of extremes - rains and floods, droughts and fires, hail and snow.
The moisture hits the cooler upper atmosphere and contributes to a deadly mix that inevitably leads to an Ice Age, preceded for a short period by a rapid increase of greenhouse gases and "hot pockets" in the lower atmosphere, heavy rains, hail, snow, and floods.
With so much information reaching us on a daily basis it is difficult to decide where to start. Since graphics provide a good visual overview, let's start there. This one is for precipitation in the US, followed by a map showing the uneven distribution.
Meteorologist Jeff Masters points out that the US had its most extreme spring on record for precipitation: 46% of the country had abnormally wet or dry conditions. Notably, waters from the Mississippi river rose in May by more than an inch over their previous record of 1927, thanks to record rains in the Ohio River Valley. In North Dakota, 10,000 people had to be evacuated as the Souris River had the worst flood in the history of the city of Minot. The Missouri river too was setting historical records, flooding some 600 blocks in Sioux City and forcing 5,000 people out of their homes. It also gave Montana its worst floods in decades.
The affected areas around the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, as well as other Midwestern regions don't expect to see any relief throughout the summer. Indeed, as recently as mid-July almost seven inches of rain brought flooding to Minnesota. Michigan was also affected by storms and rain, as was every state from Vermont to Georgia, and all the way down to Florida.
Some of the precipitation came in the form of hail, for example in Texas and from the Carolinas up into New England. Colorado was hit by three-quarter-inch freak hail, big enough to damage about 40 planes at Denver International Airport and leave strand 1,000 passengers overnight!
With Fukushima still fresh in our minds (and still, and for years to come, representing a serious crisis), flooding around the Fort Calhoun nuclear power station in Nebraska gives cause for concern surrounded by waters following the collapse of a bank holding back the Missouri River. The plant was supposedly shut down for refueling, something the mainstream media basically accepted at face value and has since ignored.
While half of the US was under water, other states were experiencing severe drought and fires. Arizona has suffered the worst wildfire in its history as a a result of high temperatures, strong winds and low humidity. By mid-June the fire had burned more than 760 square miles, displacing at least 10,000 people. That was the third wildfire in Arizona in 2011; not an easy challenge to overcome given that the state cut $250,000 from the 2011 fire budget under the assumption that it would be a 'quiet' year for fires. At least 40 houses and 10 structures have been destroyed.
Texas too has been facing a similar fate. In July the Department of Agriculture designated 213 counties in Texas as primary natural disaster areas after one of the worst droughts there in more than a century. The remaining 41 counties also qualify for assistance because they are contiguous, making the entire state a disaster area.
But of course it is not only the US which has seen such extremes. Mexico too has had a busy fire season. It usually ends in May, but as late as the 20th of that month, satellite images distinctly showed a great number of fires across the country. By that time, more than 2,000 square miles of land had burned in Mexico since the beginning of the year. By the second half of July Hurricane Dora had arrived, bringing floods to Mexico's southern states.
In the eastern hemisphere, Russia has experienced 36 forest fires on an area of over 5,700 hectares. Firefighting has recruited 700 people for the ongoing job and 74 pieces of equipment.
At the end of May, France raised a drought alert after it was said to be having its hottest spring since 1900. Likewise, the UK was reported to have the warmest spring since 1659. However, the Sott editors choose to take these two particular reports with a grain of salt, since some of them live in the UK and France and spring was not a particularly warm experience. Mind you, while Britain was officially in a drought, it was snowing in Wales! Welcome to the new normal!
Elsewhere in Europe, the Balkans are going through a July heat-wave, with temperatures consistently reaching above 30 degrees Celsius.
The UN has warned that both East Africa and the Horn of Africa have been hit by the worst drought in 60 years. More than 10 million are thought to be affected. Large regions of northern Kenya and Somalia are now in the 'emergency' category, one phase before what is officially classified as famine, while two regions out of eight in Somalia have been 'upgraded' to 'famine'. Child malnutrition rates in the worst affected areas are more than double the emergency threshold of 15 per cent and are expected to rise further. They conclude that there is no chance of improvement until 2012. Well, as long as the planet's resources are diverted toward high-technology used to slaughter some of Africa's more prosperous citizens in Libya, then it's not hard to see how doing nothing to arrest another developing famine would leave the situation unchanged for a whole year.
Like the US, China is battling a double disaster. First the country underwent prolonged drought, affecting grain production in key growing regions. With a population so large, when the Chinese feel hunger they have no option but to seek supply from abroad. The problem is that other food-exporting countries - like the US - have problems of their own. Corn prices have climbed 80% since the start of May last year, while wheat has risen around 50%.
Then came were rains. More than half a million people were evacuated in China's central and southern provinces due to massive flooding. Ironically, the floods hit the drought-stricken areas, but with no top soil to absorb the water, people and places were washed away. The fllods have been described by the government as the worst since 1955. And that's saying alot for a country that is soaked very often! (Please notice how many times the words 'the worst since' have been used in this summary of extreme weather events.) Altogether more than 5.7 million people in China have been displaced or otherwise have had their lives disrupted by the floods. Almost 1,000 businesses have been forced to suspend operations. More than 7,000 homes collapsed or were otherwise damaged and direct financial damage was estimated at almost 6 billion yuan.
South from China, the monsoon season caused the Brahmaputra River to overflow its banks and submerge scores of villages in India's northeastern state of Assam. More than 150,000 people have been affected by flooding there.
Typhoon Songda drenched Southeast Asia in May when it reached category 5 status. Although the casualties and damage were light, thanks to the typhoon's off-shore path, it also brushed off the southeastern Japanese coast. We wonder how much more radiation from Fukushima got dispersed to a larger area thanks to Songda and later Typhoon Ma-On.
Back in Europe, Norway too has been under water as a result of the combination of melting snow and heavy rains, washing away several houses and roads and causing landslides.
Prelude to an Ice-Age?
If you only read the section above, you would probably conclude that the globe is indeed warming and that explains it all. But things are not that simple. For starters, winter in the southern hemisphere has been particularly harsh this year. Parts of Melbourne, Australia, received winter as early as May, with their coldest start of the month since records began. Snow was falling as low as 700m in an unusally cold start to the snow season. In New Zealand, near record snowfall has already been recorded in July close to Milford Sound, closing a large part of the a 120 km highway for several days.
In South America, heavy snow storms have buried southern Chile in six feet of snow leaving communities isolated with blocked roads and downed power lines. 15,000 people were reportedly without electricity. The Chilean Atacama desert, one of the driest places on Earth, has had its heaviest snowfall in almost two decades with up to 80 centimetres (31.5 inches) of snow.
This is strange, considering that the average amount of yearly precipitation for the Atacama desert is less than 50mm of rain and the daytime average temperature for winter is 22ยฐC (72ยฐF) and by night 4ยฐC (39ยฐF), descending to -2ยฐC (28ยฐF) in extreme cases. Not only Chile, but also Argentina and Uruguay are experiencing subzero temperatures.
But it gets better. We have bizarre and unexpected summer shivers in patches of the northern hemisphere too! While most of China was enduring the hot weather, the Zheduo Mountain section of the Sichuan State Highway 318 was covered in snow. Yes, in summertime.
As noted above, while the UK was said to be in a drought, the tallest mountain in Wales, Snowdon, was honouring its name with snow. These two cases are telling. In both of them high mountains are cold enough to freeze water in summer, which suggests that we may be right in our hypothesis that the upper atmosphere is cooling. It also demonstrates what the effects may be for a combination of an increase in moisture and precipitation, and cool air. It was a similar story in Colorado, US, where at the end of May mountains were dressed up in as much snow as in winter.
Also in May - too late for winter - about 10,000 people in the Lower Silesia region of Poland were left without electricity due to heavy snowfall, with temperatures dropping to -5 degrees celsius. At the same time, a cold storm hit northern Arizona in US, bringing a mix of rain, sleet and wet snow into spring. Even at the beginning of July, and while most parts of the US were baking, holiday skiers were attracted to the snow in mountains around Denver, Colorado, and Squaw Valley, Idaho.
Now for the bigger picture. We know that winters have been colder in recent years, and now UK-based academics are expecting the trend of severe winter weather to continue for the UK and Ireland, based on the correlation between the CET winter temperatures and solar activity reported earlier. UK-based forecaster, Exacta Weather, has also issued a severe winter weather warning for 2011 - 2012. James Madden, from Exacta, said they have been correct in their predictions for the last two years. He said the 2011-2012 winter "will be exceptionally cold and snowy with well below average temperatures. I fully expect to see records broken with the highlands of Scotland being once again particularly hard hit. It is therefore vital to start preparing now in terms of high energy bills and raising awareness amongst the most vulnerable and elderly people of society."
Although these scholars and forecasters fall short of predicting a Little Ice-Age, others are not so optimistic. Here is one of rarely heard voices in science:
Vรญctor Manuel Velasco, of the University of Mexico's Institute of Geophysics, says that recent winter conditions are similar to those of the "little ice age", and in particular the "Maunder Minimum," a period during which sunspot activity dropped significantly. He also notes that the Earth is in a similar position today in relation to the rest of the solar system, a fact which he regards as significant for climate.For those of you far from the Equator, we suggest you buy (or make!) your gloves and woollen socks now while they are cheap.
The Bizarrometer
Before concluding this edition of Connecting the Dots, we would like to include a few observations of the increasingly weirder 'atmosphere' - this time using the term in its widest meaning.
As reported in an interesting article from the Gralian Report, there has been an alarming increase in incidents of madness during the past couple of months, including murder, mayhem, inexplicable nudity, and High Strangeness. One of the most bizarre episodes was a 28-year-old Bulgarian transient who "inexplicably (and savagely)" murdered a woman in her sixties as well as another episode in the ongoing bizarre saga in Bridgend, Wales. It was also reported in the US that Dallas, Texas has experienced "a sudden five-percent spike in killings" after "years of declines", which has left detectives perplexed although some have suspected the crashing economy could be a reason.
There have also been a number of incidents of "spiritual epiphanies" in which a number of people tearing off their clothing and wandering around in the nude:
- An elementary school teacher in Georgia had a "spiritual epiphany" where he claimed his third eye had opened. He removed his clothing while still in the school where he taught, and began strolling the halls in the nude.
- A 47-year-old man was arrested for "nude sunbathing" in Palm Beach on May 7th, after being found tanning in the buff near South Ocean Boulevard.
- A 19-year-old decided to strip naked and walk down the street in Boise, Idaho, to help others "overcome their fear of public nudity." Maribel Gomez of Pompano Beach was arrested after "flashing" school children, and even asking one to stop running from her so she could "get him."
- A man on a New York subway stripped down and began attacking people, shouting a slew of racial slurs while doing so.
- An Australian man boarded a commercial airliner and disrobed during the flight. The man "had to be taped to his seat" until the aircraft had landed.
Session 20 June 2010In addition to the general mayhem, other unexplained weirdness is increasing. During the first week of June, digital clocks in Catania, Italy were skipping ahead 15 to 20 minutes every day. Researchers at the University of Catania's electronic engineering department were unable to explain the irregularity, but it was suggested that it could have to do with the network of power generators based in Sicily, or even with an underwater electric cable that is currently under construction.
Q: (L) Well, in that respect, there's also some other things that are very strange that are going on. For example, I would like to know what is going on with D****? D**** has been writing us many e-mails that are more or less incoherent. We tried at one point to communicate with him and to persuade him that he needed to get counseling, to do something, and I don't know whether he has or whether he hasn't. But he seems to be mentally deteriorating. At the same time, I also got an e-mail today from a former member of the forum, and he has also been a member of QFS for a very short time, although he never participated - or very little - over a period of a couple of years. But anyhow, he says his name is M**** (Arabic name), and he says he lives in {Middle Eastern Country}, but his IP address points to Washington DC. His e-mails are very similar to D***'s: fairly incoherent, and actually threatening. I mean, reading his e-mail, I thought this was strange. If your name is M**** in this day and age, you don't go around vaguely threatening somebody with end of the world scenarios saying that something big is gonna happen. Nevertheless, that's what he did. And I would like to know is there any relationship between the apparent deterioration of the minds of these two people? {Added note: the similarity of writing styles actually made us think for awhile that it might be the same person. The best way to describe it is schizophrenic ideation.}
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is the relationship?
A: It is not just "waves" beamed by such things as HAARP or microwaves, it is also a quickening of the cosmos. Those who are not integrated will disintegrate at an even faster rate than ever.
Q: (L) Are there any kinds of negative spirits or attachments involved here?
A: Not necessary when the personality is so fragmented.
Our SOTT representative in Italy has told us that local Italian newspapers were quoting Italian authorities as saying that the Hz frequency changed from 49-50 to 50-50.13 as workers were setting up a new undersea power cable. This consequently moved all the digital clocks forward after they were hit by EM signal that supposedly affected the whole island. The only problem with the proposed explanation was that during the same period of time, a battery-driven clock at the SOTT rep's workplace also moved 15-20 minutes backwards, so something else appears to be at play here.
Interestingly, it was reported last week, that the US is planning a yearlong experiment with the US electricity grid to "allow more frequency variation than it does now without corrections" which could play havoc with traffic lights, security systems and some computers, as well as make plug-in clocks and appliances like programmable coffeemakers run up to 20 minutes fast. No one can say for sure what will be affected and there is disagreement as to whether there will be minimal or widespread effects. Yet they're somehow able to predict the clocks on the east coast of the country may run as much as 20 minutes faster over the year, west coast clocks are only likely to be off by 8 minutes, while in Texas, a speedup of 2 minutes is expected.
Adding to the general weirdness, another electrical phenomenon on the increase is electrical transformers exploding - and often causing major fires. Besides much disruption, some of them have caused bright displays of electric arcing like the one shown here in Fort Worth, Texas in May.
SOTT's research indicates that so far in 2011, in comparison to the recent years, there have already been as many transformer explosions as during the whole of 2010. Here is a partial list:
Connecticut: Transformer fire knocks out power to 1,200+ in TorringtonIt's interesting that the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute reported that June set a record number for lightning strikes in Sweden having currents greater than 5000 A. The most likely scenario that is that the number or power of lightning strikes has increased, thus causing an increase in the power surges that trigger these transformer fires. But whether lightning is the actual cause of these fires or if there is some larger phenomenon to take into account, it is hard to say at this point. Even if increased and more intense lightning is all there is to it, the exploding transformers are still noteworthy. The main point to consider is that something big is happening, or about to happen, and changes in the electrical environment of our planet may play a larger role than most suspect.
Transformer Fire at Georgia Power Substation
Transformer Explodes in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
Missouri: Transformer fire may have tripped tornado sirens across St. Charles County
Nevada: I-15 shut down by Vegas transformer fire
Pennsylvania: Upper Providence home damaged by fireVirginia: Transformer fire shuts down power to half of Lee High
U.S.: 1 Injured In underground transformer vault explosion
Transformer Fire in Phoenix - Thousands Without Power
UFO sightings around the world continued unabated and the Gralien Report correspondent Mobius said he's "lost count of UFO reports, they no longer can be counted and some of them have video which cannot be explained or debunked." Here a couple of the more remarkable ones:
Two UFOs over Bridgman, Missouri, USA:
UFOs during Oklahoma, USA tornadoes:
Maine-et-Loire, Southwest of Paris, France:
Bright mothership monitoring the city of Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 2011
Multi-formation of space craft over Denver
Arlington, TX
Nurnberg, Germany
San Bernardino, CA
Montreal, Canada
Rzeszow, Poland
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mayfield, Tasmania, Australia
Los Angeles, CA
Oakland, CA
Indian Head, Maryland
UFO, 'Star Gate' or just a ballistic missile? Mysterious bubble-like light burst seen over Hawaii
It's Not Just the Climate
Now is the time to think of the possible consequences of the extreme Earth Changes we are witnessing. Probably the most obvious is the problem of food. Even if you live in a mild area, far from major geological activity and unlikely to turn either too cold or too hot, you rely to a large extent on the global network of food production, which is directly dependent on the climate. There was a 40% rise in food prices over the past year. The droughts and floods in 2011 are pushing prices even higher.
As always in a world marked by injustice, the poor will be hit first and hardest. But the ongoing financial crisis is taking care of the middle classes. Where can this situation lead if not to social instability and revolution - things that we have already been witnessing in several countries for many months now?
The bright brains of the United Nations are taking notice. Their solution? A new environmental peacekeeping force - 'green helmets' - which could step into conflicts caused by shrinking resources. Although this is still in the stage of early talks, it is yet another grim reminder of the hierarchical world we live in. The psychopaths on top have decided that if the masses will not eat cake, they will face the sword.
All of this takes us to political, economic and social matters. But these will have to wait for the next edition of Connecting the Dots. In the meantime, whatever the weather, remember the Signs and be excellent towards each other!
very well put together compendium of the signs and the times Sott Editors.