His address to the UN General Assembly on September 23, 2009. Crazy people often speak some truth because they are not afraid of the reactions they might get.
I don't know much about this man, but if I had to judge by this video alone, I would say he is indeed crazy, coming forward in public saying such things. I applaud, on the basis of this particular speech.
Kaddafi is not the least crazy. Extravagant, yes. Eccentric, yes. Impulsive, yes, but certainly not crazy.
President J. F. Kennedy was assassinated for insisting that the Dimona Nuclear Plant had to be inspected and for signing the Treasury Bill 011110, that gave the Treasury Department the right to issue money. To make sure that none of his family members will carry on his patriotic ideas, the Zion Talmudic Mafia Dons assassinated his brother Robert and his son John John.
Kaddafi is dead right about Obama, a puppet of said Mafia, brought to the White House by the same outfit, a smooth talker who does just as instructed to do by the Power Configuration.
It seems probable to me that Gadaffi has more information of international dealings than others not in the ruling circles of nations. What part of his speech supports the conclusion of crazy?
And white people never bombed white countries? Perhaps you might want to review your logic: assuming that the colour of one's skin somehow makes them somehow immune to hatred (or manipulated feelings) toward those with the same skin colour.
There are enough examples of dictators inflicting massive pain, suffering and death upon their own countrymen. Psychopathy knows no boundaries. To think otherwise puts oneself at risk of tha hazards of one's illusions.
How many other leaders speak The Truth to their people? He was no fool. I hope he is not dead - the pictures looked nothing like him - aka bin laden? Why are they always found hiding in a hole?
This world is a downward spiral of lies and deception. When a glimmer of light escapes the dismal black hole of the political genre it must be immediately silenced because the structure of lies that the American people follow blindly would be exposed of what they really are.
Also the president in the US holds no real power. Someone is his boss and he follows their orders. No matter who gets elected the same procedure will be followed unless the entire system gets revamped, in other words, the people of America stand up and take back what is rightfully theirs. Their peace, love, and liberty.
True,they didn't carpet bomb them eh,but your just playing with words,a classic brotherhood ploy.
The difference is similar to arguing the difference between using a .38 instead of a .44.
The results still the same.
Carpet bombing hasn't been utilized post Vietnam as y/our tax funded munition corporations have taken the art of killing to dizzying laser-GPS guided heights delivered & authorized by yellow belly cowards hiding behind state sanctioned anonymity,& they still can't get it right,daily reports of innocents killed in collateral fuck ups that will never see the light of day on lame stream media.
Why didn't he say anything about 911? Someone above said they found it ironic that a black president would bomb Africa & someone else pointed out that whites have bombed whites too. I'm going with George Carlin on this one. When's the last time time the US bombed white people? Germany in WWII and they were trying to take over the world....Bullshit! That's our job!
Whites bombing Whites...
1999, NATO bombing Serbia (Europe)
From Wikipedia:
" However, NATO forces relied mostly upon the Americans and the proven effectiveness of its air power by using the F-16, F-15, F-117, F-14, F-18, EA-6B, B-52, KC-135, KC-10, AWACS, and JSTARS from bases throughout Europe and from aircraft carriers in the region. The American B-2 Spirit stealth bomber also saw its first successful combat role in Operation Allied Force, all while striking from its home base in the continental United States."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe a number of ethnic groups of Afghanistan are Caucasoid in nature (e.g. Pashtuns - the majority of their population, by the way). So, the answer would be: Afghanistan, presently. If "white" = Caucasian in one's schemes. Who cares what color. Does color affect something outside the propaganda-ends to which it is, and has always been, used? This matters little apart from it being a tool for divisiveness or a restraint to unity.
Note regarding color: a better question would be why the media portrays Afghanistan's citizens as collectively "swarthy?"