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AlJazeera, CNN, BBC, and many more have flooded our TV screens showing us the passionate youth of Egypt struggling in the streets for democracy. Quotations, videos, photographs and narratives have moved people all around the world. Millions of Egyptians, it was claimed by AlJazeera, took to the streets on the "Day of Departure." BBC's Jon Leyne said it seemed as if "all of Egypt" had come to Tahrir Square. It was a glorious time to be alive for many, almost like living amongst the pages of a Hollywood script.
The protesters were depicted as superficially and as ambiguously as possible. We were told that the Muslim Brotherhood played but a small role in the protests and that the vast majority of them were secular, young, and craving "change." We were introduced to Nobel Peace Prize Laurette Mohamed ElBaradei, a man returning to his country after "standing up" to the United States during his time as director-general of the IAEA.
But, like a Hollywood script, after a terribly short, finite amount of time and brain numbing suspended disbelief, the credits begin to roll and we see who was responsible for the entertaining tale we just watched.
It has been well established who
Mohamed ElBaradei is. Sitting as a trustee on the US foreign policy think-tank
International Crisis Group, he lied and betrayed his nation by feigning contempt for American foreign policy as he openly consorted with the very men who produced it. Americans are under the impression he just "flew back" to Egypt. Closer to the truth is that Mohamed ElBaradei had been in Egypt
since February 2010 campaigning for the November 2010 Egyptian elections.
He of course lost those elections, but not before assembling several groups under his "
National Front for Change." They included the
April 6 Movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, members of the
Democratic Front Party and a troupe of popular Egyptian entertainment personalities. Strangely enough, it's these very people
still occupying Tahrir Square.
The April 6 Movement
began in 2008, it exists as a Facebook group, and had been "blogging," "tweeting," and networking on behalf of the US's ICG stooge ElBaradei before he even
touched down in Cairo in early 2010. While the 'tech savvy' youths still seem to have the rest of the world fooled, Mubarak's security forces weren't and arrested two April 6 members days ahead of their planned reception for ElBaradei. Now they flank ElBaradei in Tahrir Square in a renewed effort to stoke chaos, destabilization, and pressure after Mubarak's repudiation of their
feckless demands.
If April 6's year long support of ElBaradei isn't suspicious enough, perhaps its support from
Movements.org, partnered with the US State Department is. They attended a
2008 event in Washington shortly after their creation where they networked with many of the groups now supporting them. The tentacles of the globocratic elite sponsoring Movements.org include Google (
CFR), Pepsi (CFR), Omnicom Group (CFR), and MTV. Also worth noting is Edelman, a public relations firm which ran lobbying services for
Thailand's Thaksin Shinwatra, leader of yet another foreign backed color revolution.
With April 6 representing the brains and voice of ElBaradei's coalition, the knuckles dragging upon the ground would be the independent trade unions. The US
National Endowment for Democracy fueled "
Solidarity Center" makes no secret of its role in building up Egypt's independent unions. It proudly exclaims on its own website the creation of a new federation of independent unions.
"In the spirit of the pro-democracy movement, on January 30, 2011, representatives of independent Egyptian unions, retirees, and important industrial areas, along with workers from the garment and textile, metal, pharmaceutical, chemical, iron and steel, automotive, and other industries and government employees who have fought for decades for the right to form unions free from government control, announced the creation of a new Federation of Independent Egyptian Unions.
The new federation announced that it supports and will participate in a national strike, called for by opposition activists, to begin on February 1, 2011, whose aim is to bring an end to Egypt's days of oppression."
One must seriously ask themselves what the
board of directors of the National Endowment for Democracy have to gain by backing such an endeavor. And to such questions NED board member, CSIS counselor, former US Ambassador to Iraq and Afghanistan,
Zalmay Khalilzad answers in his
article found in Foreign Policy magazine. In it he writes a breathtaking ultimatum of reforms the US should call for in Egypt, such reforms that would put their man ElBaradei in office, reforms only possible with leverage afforded by serious unrest caused by their mobs in the streets.
AlJazeera reporting on the unions out bolstering the protests, it should be fairly clear by now who they are referring to. And while AlJazeera is expertly ambiguous with their reports,
other news agencies do objectively cover who some of these protesters are.
It turns out the core of our noble protest is nothing more than US State Department laid astro-turf and foreign funded independent labor unions, all led by a man who is a member of the US's International Crisis Group which includes the very men who helped create and cultivate the Murbarak regime in the first place.
The globocrat elite then entirely depend on the inevitability of the world's emotions getting the better of them, evoking knee-jerk reactions and instant sympathy for these protesters. Suspended disbelief sets in and the globocrats sprint through another several legs of their nefarious, self-serving agenda. Its almost too ridiculous to believe, and surely enough to make one sick. And now that we know who the protesters are, it should be self-evident as to why we should care.
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