While parents, schools, provinces and states across North America bicker about the democratic process of running public schools, forces are manipulating education from behind the scenes. Major international players are reshaping public education to suit their own self-serving agendas, without regard for the wants of parents and the welfare of their children. This video lecture documents how today's educational system dumb down kids deliberately, making zombie-like people who don't ask any questions but just follow orders.
Banks loot our money instead of keeping it safe.
Governments rob us of our rights instead of protecting them.
The pharmaceutical companies make us sick with their poisons instead of healing us.
The agricultural companies starve us with GMO instead of feeding us.
The educational system is dumbing us down instead of educating us.
Religions don't teach spirituality.
Ignorance is not bliss and the truth will piss you off before it sets you free. I'm still in the pissed off phase....