George Carlin almost gets it right. However, it's not big business, they are simply a tool. It’s the central bankers that own and/or control America’s debt and therefore they are the defacto owners of America. The central banks are owned and controlled solely by the house of Rothschild. It is the central bankers who call the shots through the auspices of the Federal Reserve at the behest of the House of Rothschild. Two hundred years of dominant economic control have enabled the Rothschild interests to remove themselves from any physically traceable connection to their empire that no one dares try and implicate their involnvement. Like other criminal families, one might say they run their empire though a campaign of whispers. “I call now on my trusted liaison to Goldman Sachs. Sholomo, I ask you: would it not be tragic if Greece were to suffer an economic collapse? Perhaps you should look into that and tell me what you discover.”
The main point he's making is accurate--though I agree, the center of the control system is the control of the economy through the power to control all money through the criminal fractional reserve banking system.
Not only was there nothing funny in what he was saying, but I couldn't even begin to guess what kind of a punch line he could have been leading to that could possibly have cracked me up! Although, he has always had a talent for using really foul language in an appropriate and strangely tasteful way. I mean, how can anyone talk about these people without letting go a few f-bombs, let alone George Carlin?
"..At all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. And that’s what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue d*ck being jammed up their as*holes everyday. Because the owners of this country know the truth. It’s called The American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
I think he was brilliant and had great foresight. He'll not soon be forgotten. What is quoted above can be seen at the end of this 6-7 minute Yahoo video: [Link]Salutes!
That is Anglo Saxon eloquence at its best. Amazing summary, devastating reality.
The more I think about it though, the more I'm in awe of how fiendishly clever they are. Get the people to WANT to be in bondage! And make them think they are FREE! Awesomely well executed, you've got to hand it to them.
George Carlin died June 22nd 2008. This video was timestamped January 8th, 2008. .
Another Comedian who "gets it"
I love this clip. George Carlin could see the bigger picture and wasn't afraid to talk about it. Another comedian who got it was Bill Hicks. Here's a link and to the trailer for the documentary "American: The Bill Hick's Story":
And here is one of my favorite quotes of his:
"The world is like a ride in an amusement park and when we choose to go on it we think it's real, because thats's how powerful our minds are. And it goes up and down and round and round, it has thrills and chills and its very brightly colored and very loud, and it's fun - for a while.
Some people have been on the ride for a long time and after a while they begin to question: Is this real, or is it just a ride? But some people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say. "Hey, don't worry and don't be afraid ever, because this is just a ride" - and we kill those people...
"Shut him up! Ive got a lot invested in this ride... Look at my furrows of worry... Look at my big bank account... Look at my family... This has to be real"
But it's just a ride.
But we always kill those good guys who try to tell us that and we let the demons run amok. But it doesnt matter, because it's just a ride - and we can change it any time we want.
All we need is the choice.
No effort, no work, no job, no savings or money - just a choice - right now - between fear & love.
The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns and and close yourself off, the eyes of love instead, see all of us as one.
Here's what we can do to change the world to a better ride right now. Take all the money we spend on weapons and defence every year and instead spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded and we can explore space...
George Carlin almost gets it right. However, it's not big business, they are simply a tool. It’s the central bankers that own and/or control America’s debt and therefore they are the defacto owners of America. The central banks are owned and controlled solely by the house of Rothschild. It is the central bankers who call the shots through the auspices of the Federal Reserve at the behest of the House of Rothschild. Two hundred years of dominant economic control have enabled the Rothschild interests to remove themselves from any physically traceable connection to their empire that no one dares try and implicate their involnvement. Like other criminal families, one might say they run their empire though a campaign of whispers. “I call now on my trusted liaison to Goldman Sachs. Sholomo, I ask you: would it not be tragic if Greece were to suffer an economic collapse? Perhaps you should look into that and tell me what you discover.”