How does your brain bounce back from intense stress? When is your subconscious brain going to start believing you should actually be that weight you desire? Any why is it you just can't seem to break that bad habit? The answer may lie in how flexible or "plastic" your brain structures are.

A new study shows that synaptic plasticity is a key feature of nerve architecture that enables your brain to tolerate stress, recover from trauma, and make actual changes.

Synaptic plasticity is based on having well-nourished and properly energized brain cells - compared to inflamed brain cells that have become damaged and "stuck in their ways."

The health of your nerve cell membranes is vital to their plasticity. Higher amounts of essential fatty acids like DHA and phospholipids like phosphatidylserine and calcium AEP are vital to the healthy structure of nerve cells. Many other nutrients either protect nerve cells from stress (like tocotrienols or R-alpha lipoic acid) or directly boost the rejuvenation energy of brain-related rejuvenation compounds like BDNF (DHA, pantethine, blueberries, curcumin).

Regular aerobic exercise also stimulates brain plasticity.

Use enough nutritional support and have a lifestyle and stress management plan that keeps your head above the fray - which you can tell because you have a distinct feeling of being in charge, your head is mostly clear and feeling good, and there is a lack of feelings of wear and tear, mental fatigue, or weak motivational drive.