Just as television viewers everywhere marvel about the daylight meteor/fireball/unknown object videotaped over Texas, Inexplicata has received an e-mail posting from Jorge Luis Figueras, photographic analyst with the Fundacion Argentina de Ovnilogia (FAO):

"[The incidents] occurred on Saturday, and regional members of the FAO are involved in researching it. At this time, eyewitness accounts span locations as distant as Casa de Piedra in the south of La Pampa, Viedma in eastern Rio Negro, Sierra Grande and Ramos Mexia, Cutral Co, Bariloche on the western end of the province, Neuquén proper, Zapala, Las Lajas and Chos Malal -- that is to say, two entire provinces 600 kilometers from north to south and some 500 from east to west. There is a strong likelihood that it was also seen in Chile.

"Witnesses I've been with up to this moment (my wife included) total five in Cipolletti (the approximate center of the sighting) and suggest an angle greater than 45 degrees west. In Viedma they're saying 30 degrees in the same direction. All agree on the white light that turned to blue and finally to greenish blue, with an approximate duration of between 5 to 10 seconds. Some witnesses - not all - report hearing a detonation. But only a few have said this."