If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.
There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful.
Get a LIFE Ken, before it's too late.
The hits just keep on coming, how organized is Zion Donny and Elon, like Hannibal Hayes and Kid Chalene!!☘️😡
Isn't this in Brooke Rollin's basket? Where is she, btw? Will she be taking a stand for family farms and local beef or is the media going to...
Any independents who hung on and battled deserve the utmost respect, I would have crumbled without them, well maybe not crumbled, but I would have...
2 of the 5000 were the source 😂😂☘️🇨🇦
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To hell with flying. It uses way too much petrol, it is way too polluting and to fly today is to volunteer to put oneself into a virtual prison system with NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER the authorities are obliged to respect. They are free to feel all over your body, they can make you take your clothes off, stick speculums up the vagina (not a shred different from rape), force you to take a laxative and stand there watching you while you take a crap, dig through your personal luggage - there simply is nothing - I repeat - nothing sacred - no crack or crevice of the body, soul or belongings - when you fly. They are lying through the teeth when they say its for your own protection. They know its bullshit the minute the words come off their lips. These are the royalty of control freaks and intimidation. Their aim is solely to make the sheeple heel at their mere presence, scaring the chickens into believing that all this nonsense is protection. Ha. Notice how whole pallets are loaded into the belly of these big planes.
Meanwhile, whole pallets of un-inspected cargo are loaded into the bellies of all passenger planes. Also, thanks to the wonderful weapons industry, mainly of the US, Israel and Britain, there are more than plenty laser-guided RPGs and surface-to-air missiles floating all over the world which could flawlessly liquidate a plane with the perp getting home in time for dinner. In other words, it takes neither a rocket scientist nor self-immolation to compromise the mythological and bad feel-good ‘security’ of airplanes. Nevertheless, the people just go along, unquestioning and obedient. In short, the “home of the brave” is populated with cowardly sheep.