HAYWARD -- The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a walking tour on Thursday in Hayward, showing off the stress that is building up on the Hawyard Fault. USGS scientists say the Hayward fault is predicted to be the most likely fault in the Bay Area to generate a major earthquake by 2032. The fault runs from the South Bay to San Pablo Bay. The last major earthquake on the fault occured in 1868, though several small earthquakes have shaken the East Bay in recent months.

Scientists say the stress building up on the fault is visible. There are cracks in concrete and in some places, offset of 3 to 4 inches. There is a virtual tour set up on the USGS website showing areas under going stress.

When a major earthquake does occur, there of course will be damage. But says USGS scientist Phil Stoffer, "the truth is 99% of the people are gonna survive an earthquake that doesn't mean they won't have trauma or witness trauma. It's the people that are prepared who are gonna get through it a lot better."

The USGS also revealed on Thursday what an earthquake similar to the recent quake in China would do in Southern California.

Comment: See SoTT article HERE.

The prediction: 1,800 people would die, 50,000 people would be injured, and the earthquake would cause $200 billion damage.