Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Try the pharma way instead of bombs. Mengele instead of Gรถring and Guderian. But don't stop the genocide ...
In the picture of the day, they have orange makeup on in it. This is so that it is easier for the images to be used as deepfakes later in videos...
Doug Whitney, who lives near Seattle, Wash., inherited a mutation that has caused many family members to develop Alzheimer's disease at about age...
President Donald Trump has his infamous 2023 mugshot framed just outside the Oval Office. I can relate to that, at least on a personal level....
Russia knows to not take land where they haven't already won the people over. Ukraine is about 20 years too late on the psychological warfare....
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