Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Of all the political leaders, Putin is the best statesman. Quote: "An essentially emancipatory, anti-colonial movement against unipolar hegemony...
Tulsi is more diplomatic than Vance. Quote: "(Trump) continues to be focused on countering radical Islamist terrorism, the proliferation of drugs...
I enjoy Rachel's writing She is on target, Putin and Trump are moving ahead with a peace plan. They both are dismantling the globalist clown show...
Of course the Bad Guys did all of this stuff. Please get on with the hanging them from lamposts phase.
That's not true. I dated "the largest-scale structure in the known universe". She had her own gravitational pull. I think that's what attracted me...
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The first one is for a sore throat. Take two fingers and cause a gag reflex (try not to let up food).
For hiccups force down as much liquid per swallow as is possible and as rapidly as possible. Both of these have always worked for me and mine.