Borat - understanding 'anti-Semitism'

Zionist groupings like the ADL, AIPAC and the Israeli government regularly regale Jews and non-Jews alike with fantastical claims that "anti-Semitism is on the rise" and that all Jews must quickly flee to the 'safety' of Israel. These groups never waste an opportunity to remind those of Jewish faith that they can never rest easy among non-Jews, going so far as to assert that "hatred of Jews simply because they are Jews" may actually be an unconscious genetic trait of non-Jewish people.

I don't know about you, but I am somewhat unnerved by the idea that Zionist leaders claim to know my mind better than me. Personally, the idea that anyone would hate a person or group simply because "they are who they are" is a ridiculous contention, which would seem to explain why Zionist leaders must resort to an equally outlandish explanation of how such a situation could possibly come about.

From the founding of Judaism, the small group of people that were coerced to adhere to its hardnosed teachings (as described in the all-too earthly Torah and Talmud) were destined (by way of the self-fulfilling prophecies of their leaders) to be a people apart and persecuted. Of course, there was no natural or divine law that could effect such a schism, so one had to be created (hence the separationist and persecutionist teachings of Talmud and the Torah).

Indeed, the term anti-semitism as applied to Jews is entirely inappropriate given that most modern-day Jews are originally of Khazarian stock and therefore Caucasian (literally) rather than Semitic origins. The claim (which has crept into dictionaries) that someone is Semitic because they speak a Semitic language (like Hebrew) is as nonsensical as saying an English-speaking African American is Anglosaxon. The term anti-Semitism therefore has been hijacked by Zionist leaders and forcibly re-defined as meaning a "hatred of Jews" when it cannot possibly be interpreted in such a way by any logical reasoning. The real reason for this radical redefinition is quite apparent: Zionist leaders wish to associate criticism of Zionist policies with a virtually non-existent "hatred of Jewish people because they are Jewish" and at the same time, by way of this same unfounded fearmongering, swell the population of the state of Israel with loyal Jewish subjects. To do so, they need a rallying cry, and anti-Semitism is it.

A recent example of the opportunistic and far-fetched nature of Zionist claims of a rise in anti-Semitism is provided by the reaction of the ADL to British comedian Sasha Baron Cohen and his satirical Khazak character "Borat".
ADL: Concerned over Borat's depiction of anti-Semitism

Popular entertainer Sacha Baron Cohen, more widely known as Ali G., has entertained audiences with his bombastic, push-the-envelope humor. However, his upcoming film Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan based on one of his characters, Borat, has the Anti-Defamation League worried. Borat is a parody of an outlandish anti-Semite in a series of laughably inappropriate situations.

"The premiere of Sacha Baron Cohen's new film featuring his farcical character 'Borat' has raised anew concerns among some in the Jewish community about the character's notoriously boastful expressions of anti-Semitism and stereotyping of others," wrote the ADL in a press release Thursday.

The ADL worries that not everyone will understand the satirical nature of Cohen's sketch, fearing the humor to be dangerously too sophisticated for some. [...] We hope that everyone who chooses to see the film understands Mr. Cohen's comedic technique, which is to use humor to unmask the absurd and irrational side of anti-Semitism and other phobias born of ignorance and fear.

"We are concerned, however, that one serious pitfall is that the audience may not always be sophisticated enough to get the joke, and that some may even find it reinforcing their bigotry," the press release elaborated." [...]
The ADL believes that Cohen's intent is to "use humor to unmask the absurd and irrational side of anti-Semitism and other phobias born of ignorance and fear," yet the biggest promoters of the irrational side of anti-Semtism are Zionist organisations like the ADL itself. Far from "reinforcing anti-Semitic bigotry", the antics of Cohen's 'Borat' leaves one with the feeling that he is making light of the very concept of anti-Semitism in terms of the Zionist claim that it a very real threat to Jewish people everywhere.

It is important and interesting to note that, in general, Cohen uses his characters to expose extremist view points, including those found in various aspects of American and British life, and that most of 'Borat's' sketches make no reference to Jews at all. Cohen has, for example, mercilessly ribbed the British aristocracy including fox hunters and military men and in America the Christian right. It is more likely therefore that Cohen's target was not any alleged anti-Semitism among ordinary people but rather the extremist views on anti-Semitism of Zionist groups like the ADL.

What is clear from their response is that the ADL were not prepared to allow Cohen to place Zionist claims of "a rise in world-wide anti-Semtism" in the context in which they truly belong - farce - because 'G-d'-forbid that Israel would be robbed of the one piece of fear-based propaganda that it has used to great effect over the past 100 years to silence any criticism of the brutal actions of the state of Israel towards Middle Eastern Arabs, and at the same time corral ordinary Jewish people into what is, for them and Arab peoples alike, clearly the most dangerous place on earth.

'Borat's' most humorous take on the Zionist's irrational theory of anti-Semtism is perhaps best portrayed in a song he sang at an unknown southern US country and Western club. For the light-hearted entertainment of all normal people Jews Christians, Muslims and atheists alike, we reproduce it below: