Renowned comet hunter David Levy discovered Comet C/2006 T1 on Monday, marking his twenty-second find. Soon after hosting his live web broadcast on, Levy turned his telescope towards Saturn and was astonished to find the unexpected object close by the ringed planet. The International Astronomical Union confirmed his discovery Tuesday.

Slooh will broadcast live images of the comet throughout the week -- culminating in a special edition of "David Levy's Sky" at 9:00PM EDT Monday, October 9. "I look forward to seeing the comet live thorough the Slooh Telescopes and sharing my story of discovery with its global membership," said Levy.

" allows astronomy to be enjoyed as a true international sport." The soon to be launched "Slooh Discovery Project" will empower everyday people to make their own amazing astronomical discoveries by expanding Slooh's telescope network to new continents, and coordinating with distinguished comet and supernova hunters worldwide.