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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: The Woke Psychopathology Taxonomy with David Abramowitz

David Abramowitz joins us once again, this time to discuss Michael Shellenberger and Peter Boghossian's Taxonomy of Woke Psychopathology. With Andrew Lobaczewski's Political Ponerology as inspiration, the taxonomy summarizes how certain Woke topics and causes express Cluster B personality disorder dynamics. While the topics themselves may not be pathological, the manner in which they're presented is, expressing such features as attention-seeking, grandiosity, emotional dysregulation, excess and lack of empathy, victimhood ideology, impaired reality testing, and splitting.

Join us as we take a broader look at political causes, the pathocratic function of ideology, and its role in creating a worldview that makes sense to the Cluster B personality. Pathocratic personalities then attempt to force everyone else to conform to the world they have created.

Running Time: 01:27:00

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Western Obsession With Russia: Carlson's Putin Interview, Navalny's Death and the Ukraine War Racket

Putin carlson navalny ukraine newsreal
Well over a billion views later, the Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin has been overshadowed in global media coverage by the sudden death this week of Russian political opposition figure Alexey Navalny, and the US 'national security leak' about... Russian space nukes?

Meanwhile, the Russian military captured the Ukrainian military stronghold of Avdeevka outside the city of Donetsk, sending Western governments into deeper delirium about 'sending more billion$' and 'signing eternal security contracts' with the Kiev regime.

Their obsession with Russia is apparently an incurable condition!

Running Time: 01:47:43

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: USA's Terrorist Proxy War Substitute For Actual War Against Iran

airstrikes jordan iran newsreal
On Friday night the US military says it fired 125 missiles at 85 targets in Iraq and Syria in 'retaliation' for 'Iranian-backed militias' firing a drone at a US base in Jordan and killing three American soldiers. Why didn't Russian air defenses in Syria attempt to block the US airstrikes? Why did the Jordanian government initially deny any base in its country had been hit? What are these 'Iran-backed militias'? And will this escalate into direct war between major world powers?

This week on NewsReal, Joe and Niall take you on a tour outside the BS zone of the Western 'infosphere' to learn what's actually happening in the Middle East.

Running Time: 01:47:59

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: ICJ Orders Israel to Prevent Genocide, West Responds by Slashing Aid to Gaza

newsreal musk israel icj
You have to hand it to Israel. In the space of 24 hours it diverted international media focus from the ICJ's ruling that it 'must prevent genocide' and 'allow humanitarian aid into Gaza' into a de facto Western blockade of humanitarian aid into Gaza by alleging that the UN agency working to keep Gazans alive was 'involved in the terror attacks of October 7th' - a decision that is going to cause famine and disease, forcing Gazans to die or flee.

Also on this NewsReal, Joe & Niall discuss the growing attacks against Anglo-American targets in the Middle East, the widespread farmers' protests in Europe, the promotion of 'World War Three' in NATO countries, and the Texas border showdown.

Running Time: 02:01:23

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Raindrops Before The Storm? Multiple Mid-East Countries Fire Missiles at Each Other

iran missiles mossad pakistan syria newsreal
So many Mid-East countries have carried out missile strikes against each other of late, it's becoming hard to track them all... Just last week, Iran fired at Pakistan, Pakistan fired back, Israel fired at Lebanon, Iran fired at Syria, Iraqi militias fired at a US airbase in Iraq, Jordan fired at Syria, and the US-UK fired at Yemen. Is this just 'temporary tensions' playing themselves out? Or raindrops before an almighty storm?

Gazans, meanwhile, continue dying in droves as Israel's 'final solution' stops at nothing to drive them out: mass executions, extreme psychological torture, hunger and disease, and systematic desecration of cemeteries.

Also in this NewsReal: 'Ukraine' strikes Russian energy infrastructure (again), still no signs of life from US SecDef Lloyd Austin, and Putin just casually mentions that the 2020 US presidential election was rigged. All goes well at the end of empire...

Running Time: 01:51:59

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: What Really Happened to Lloyd Austin, And What Were Jews Doing in Those Tunnels?

jew tunnels austin ukraine newsreal
This NewsReal opens with a closer look at the official line that US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has been out of the public eye for several weeks due to "hospitalization for a urinary tract infection arising from previously undisclosed surgery for prostate cancer" - supposedly without telling anyone, not even the White House!

Second major topic: what in the name of God were those Jews doing 'tunneling' under their own world HQ of the Orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch sect in Brooklyn?

Also, Hunter Biden's bizarre appearance in Congress, Texas clashes with DC over the millions of illegals crossing the US Southern border, the ICJ genocide case opens against Israel, France's new 'government', and a wild conspiracy theory: another 'global pandemic' ahead of the US election?

Running Time: 01:59:09

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Dark Matter Monsters and the Sociology of the Paranormal with Dr. Simeon Hein

simeon hein
Let's face it. Bigfoot is real. The only question is, what is it? With now thousands of credible encounters that would be difficult to ignore or dismiss, we know many individuals have also observed a host of seemingly paranormal phenomena that quite often accompany these large strange creatures. Orbs, ball lightening, strange smells, space-time anomalies, electromagnetic fluctuations; not to mention witnessing these cryptids moving at super-fast speeds, and morphing into different forms; making our conceptions of what Bigfoot are very likely obsolete.

But what if some of the experiences of these beings, and others like them, has something to do with our tentative understanding of cutting edge science? What if what many have seen has much in common with the way that "coherent matter" works? Are there correlations between cold fusion, or low-energy nuclear reaction, technology and access to other realms of reality? And what have a number of leading scientists in physics been known to say about the fluid nature of reality?

This week on MindMatters we are pleased to speak with Dr. Simeon Hein whose recent book, Dark Matter Monsters: Cryptids, Ball Lightning, and the Science of Secret Lifeforms, is a serious exploration of just such questions.

Running Time: 02:05:40

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Nobody's 'Saving' Gaza, But Israel Can't 'Win' Anyway

israel gaza netanyahu iran newsreal
Strong earthquakes in Japan, more Israeli war crimes and terrorism, and 'aliens' in downtown Miami - 2024's off to a rocky start! Joe and Niall are back with another NewsReal, opening with the freak-out over '8-foot-tall aliens' allegedly sighted at a mall in Miami on New Year's Eve, and ending on the return to news cycle of the Mossad-Epstein child-sex-blackmail operation.

The bulk of this show, however, discusses the latest developments in the Middle East: Israel's ongoing atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza, Israel's assassination of Hamas leaders in Beirut, Lebanon, Israel's terror attack against civilians at IRGC General Soleimani's grave on the 4th anniversary of his assassination, and the likely forthcoming condemnation of Israel at the ICJ.

Running Time: 01:34:35

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: From Archons to the Matrix: Understanding American Gnosis with Arthur Versluis

The ancient idea of spiritual gnosis has evolved and branched to reflect the time and place in which we live. Nowhere is this development more evident than in the writings and scholarship of author Arthur Versluis. In his groundbreaking new book American Gnosis: Political Religion and Transcendence, Versluis takes an in-depth look at the varieties of modern 'neo-gnosticism.' These include cosmological gnosticism - the worldly effort to escape from archons of darkness or hostile beings that would seek to subjugate the world through politics and other power structures. Another is metaphysical gnosis, or transcendence that is less a reaction to the perception of evil overlords than movement towards divine knowledge for its own sake.

Join us this week on MindMatters as we delve into the realm of cosmological gnosis with Arthur Versluis, and look at the plethora of ways in which some really old ideas have been reinvigorated (alongside some newer ones). How do these ideas present themselves in literature, TV and movies? Is there is a crossover between 'political awakening' and 'spiritual awakening'? And what, if anything, may this have to do with some developments we've been seeing with the so-called 'dissident right' in the US?

Running Time: 01:26:16

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Irish Rebellion, Israeli Genocide, Western Russia Obsession

gaza ukraine migration newsreal
In this final NewsReal of 2023, Joe and Niall bring you on a whirlwind global bird's-eye view of recent events, with updates on the popular resistance against directed mass migration in Ireland, Russia's path to victory over NATO proxy forces in Ukraine, the ever-darker horrors of Israeli war crimes in Gaza, and the farcical pantomime that was 'COP28'. And there's so much more to look forward to in 2024: more wars, more disputed elections, and probable global economic FUBAR.

It's Clown World, folks. And remember, it's their world: we're all just here to observe it, give each thing its due, and try to stay out of the way. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Running Time: 01:35:22

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