Secret HistoryS

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: The Jewish Holocaust and the Palestinian Holocaust

The Israeli government repeatedly denies that its treatment of the Palestinians is anything like the treatment suffered by Jews under the Nazi regime. But the Nazis too denied that they were engaging in genocide and war crimes.

Rather than attempting to argue in writing the point that the stewards of the state of Israel appear to be the ideological descendants of the Nazis, the following photo essay of juxtaposed images of Palestinian life today in the occupied territories and Jewish life 68 years ago in Germany and Poland say much more than words ever could:

Building walls and fences to imprison people

Jews Palestinians Nazis

Heart - Black

SOTT Focus: The Butchering Of Gaza - Nazi Germany Revisited

Much has already been written about the eight-day-long running massacre of Palestinians that is taking place in Gaza. Indeed, what more can be said when it is clear that the Israeli government is intent on blithely ignoring all petitions, both the ambivalent and the unequivocal, to stop the indiscriminate murder.

At least 450 dead so far (other reports put the figure closer to 500), many of them civilians, women, children, old and young, the rest policemen or Hamas officials. At least 2000 injured, many too seriously to survive or be treated in Gaza's severely blockaded hospitals. In short, in the last eight days the state of Israel has murdered approximately 500 innocent Palestinians and seriously injured 2000, and the representatives of the world's leading democracies sit virtually silent. Make no mistake and do not be fooled by the mainstream media reporting, every single Palestinian that has died or been injured as a result of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza is innocent. When a people that have been dispossessed of their land, livelihoods and homes, occupied, periodically murdered and regularly starved take action to resist and defend themselves, they are guilty of nothing but standing up for their human rights and their rights under international law.


Teutonic Knights' remains identified in Poland

Teutonic knight
© Public domainIllustration from the circa 1305 Manesse Codex showing the habit of a Teutonic knight.
Polish archeologists believe silk-draped skeletons found in a cathedral crypt are the 600-year-old remains of three grand masters of the Teutonic Knights.

An archeologist says DNA testing was done on the skeleton remains of the three in the city of Kwidzyn -- the Teutonic fortress of Marienwerder in the Middle Ages.

He says the tests indicate the remains are those of Werner von Orseln, the knights' leader from 1324 to 1330; Ludolf Koenig, who ruled from 1342 to 1345, and Heinrich von Plauen, who reigned from 1410 to 1413.

Bogumil Wisniewski, the archeologist who spearheaded the search, tells The Associated Press that researchers are 95 to 96 per cent sure it is them.

He says the skeletons, found in wooden coffins, were draped in silks -- some painted with gold -- a fabric reserved only to those highest in power in the Middle Ages.


SOTT Focus: SOTT Editors Discuss 9/11 On UK Television

SOTT Editors Simon Davies and Joe Quinn appeared on UK-based TV show On The Edge on Thursday 9th October 2008.

Watch the 1 hour show (streaming video) below:

Comment: Towards the end of the interview, 9/11 film In Plane Sight director, William Lewis states that a few of the military personnel who were controlling planes as part of the military exercises that took place on 9/11 unwittingly flew Flight 11 and Flight 175 into the WTC North and South towers believing they were flying simulators. Lewis claims that the children of these individuals have been kidnapped to "silence them". While somewhat sensational, we at are reluctant to believe this claim for several reasons. A discussion of this question is ongoing on our forum at this link


SOTT Focus: Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of Lies

A few years ago, when my book The Secret History of the World was published, I rashly promised that volume 2 would soon be completed and ready for publication. After all, I pretty much knew what I wanted to zoom in on - the topic of Moses and the creation of Judaism - and I already had a good hypothesis and had tons of supplementary support material. I even had a title: The Horns of Moses (triple entendre!) It should be a piece of cake, I thought. And so, I sat down to write.

I had a pretty good flow going, Moses was coming to life on the computer screen, and then... well, then I started to have doubts. I knew that I knew a lot about Moses from the theological point of view and from the point of view of a lot of alternative research. I even knew a lot of what the scholars knew - the people who spend their lives studying and analyzing the Biblical texts. But I still felt uneasy. So, I went searching for more source materials and discovered that there was a whole lot more I needed to read before I could complete this project. That's pretty much what I have been doing for the past year or two: reading stuff that nobody except specialists ever reads, and collecting piles of data.

What has been shocking to discover is exactly how much IS known among the scholars that is not known by the general public. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised since I have discovered this to be true in other fields, but when the subject is the foundation of religion - stuff people believe in and stake their lives on and use to determine their actions in life - well, it's pretty bad.

Star of David

Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the Russian revolution: New book exposes the role of Jews in Soviet-era repression and genocide

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who first exposed the horrors of the Stalinist gulag, is now attempting to tackle one of the most sensitive topics of his writing career - the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges.

In his latest book Solzhenitsyn, 84, deals with one of the last taboos of the communist revolution: that Jews were as much perpetrators of the repression as its victims. Two Hundred Years Together - a reference to the 1772 partial annexation of Poland and Russia which greatly increased the Russian Jewish population - contains three chapters discussing the Jewish role in the revolutionary genocide and secret police purges of Soviet Russia.

But Jewish leaders and some historians have reacted furiously to the book, and questioned Solzhenitsyn's motives in writing it, accusing him of factual inaccuracies and of fanning the flames of anti-semitism in Russia.

Solzhenitsyn argues that some Jewish satire of the revolutionary period "consciously or unconsciously descends on the Russians" as being behind the genocide. But he states that all the nation's ethnic groups must share the blame, and that people shy away from speaking the truth about the Jewish experience.


SOTT Focus: The Assassination of Robert Kennedy, Part 5 - Sirhan Sirhan


We conclude our look at the Robert Kennedy assassination with a view to revealing new evidence and a few hints at just how wide the spider's web is.

Comment: If you'd like to know more, here is some recommended reading:

The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (Turner and Christian)
An Open & Shut Case (Joling and Van Praag)
Programmed to Kill (McGowan)
Political Ponerology (Lobaczewski)

And, for your viewing pleasure
Evidence of Revision (5 DVD set)


SOTT Focus: The Assassination of Robert Kennedy, Part 4 -- Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole

In Part 3 we looked at one way in which people, manipulated by beliefs that have been programmed into them throughout their lives, can become unwitting accomplices in a conspiracy. However, that is the soft side of this subject; there is a hard side, too. Many more people that hold positions of power and trust are very willing accomplices.

RFK at Rockaway


SOTT Focus: Book Review: 9-11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press

The mind of David Ray Griffin is refreshingly clear and logical. With his exceptional gift for discerning significant distinctions he has, once again, produced a meticulous critical analysis of documentary evidence that is astute and compelling. In "9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press,"

Dr. Griffin presents a sequence of irrefutable facts drawn from documents and testimony that demonstrate twenty five internal contradictions in the official 9/11 story. As each contradiction is presented, the author juxtaposes documented timelines and official memos, eye-witness testimony, television broadcasts and news articles that are logically inconsistent with the narrative contrived by the 9/11 Commission.

Griffin objectively questions these contradictory narratives, some of them inherent within individual alibis, and observes that the Commission avoided confronting these inconsistencies by eliminating all mention of them in its report. Facts that could not be logically refuted were strategically omitted, thereby erasing from the historical record all evidence of possible perjury and complicity. Each chapter is devoted to one category of contradictions and ends with the request that Congress and the press investigate this inconsistency.


SOTT Focus: The assassination of Robert Kennedy, Part 3 -- The woman in the polka dot dress


As we dig deeper into the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, things get curiouser and curiouser, as Alice would say.

It seems there are some things that people just "know." There are no such things as ghosts, astrology and psychic powers are just ploys used to get money from the gullible, the chances that Earth will be hit by a comet within our lifetimes are astronomical (forgive the pun) and everyone deep inside is basically the same: just trying to be good as they understand it.

The strange thing about this kind of "knowing" is that no one can tell you just how they know. Ask them how they know that two plus two equals four and they will have at least a vague recollection of their early school years. But ask them how they know about ghosts, astrology, psychics, comets and the psychology of the rest of humanity and you'll likely get a response that is something akin to, "Everybody just knows that." But the question bothers me. Just when did "everyone" learn these things and why can't they remember having learned them?