- Signs of the Times for Mon, 11 Sep 2006 -

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Signs Editorials

Editorial: Five Years On: It's Worse Than You Think

Henry See
September 11, 2006
Signs of the Times

Five years on, and most people still don't have a clue as to how bad the situation really is. Sure, some of them are awake enough to consider that 9/11 was an inside job...of the Bush government. They don't want to consider Israeli involvement.

Others insist on Israeli involvement, but they then want to turn 9/11 into a crusade against "the Jews". Certainly, elements from Israel, along with individual Jews from elsewhere, are among the responsible. Moreover, the entire concept of "the chosen people" is an inhuman and fundamentally anti-human idea, be it in its Judaic and religious form or in its secular and American form, and one can discern its voracious shadow lurking behind the fomenting of a religious war between Christianity and Islam. With each day that war, begun in deceit, is coming more out into the open.

The idea of keeping a group of people isolated and separated from their human brethren during thousands of years, subordinated to rules that reinforce the idea that they alone are the selected few of a vengeful and violent god and that the rest of us are merely "cattle" to be used for their own purposes, may have ends that are as sinister as the idea itself. Douglas Reed, a longtime journalist for the London Times, wrote a painstakingly researched history of the role of Zion he called The Controversy of Zion. If you want a glimpse behind the curtain, you need to read this book. But while reading it, keep in mind that Judah-ism alone isn't the culprit either, even if its caste of high priests appear to play a special role and have been playing that role for over two thousand five hundred years, a role well documented by Reed. Reed's work must be considered and understood in the context of a topic that we at Signs of the Times consider essential to a correct and balanced understanding of our world: psychopaths, pathocracy, and ponerology.

Over the last year, Signs of the Times has been bringing your attention to the question of Political Ponerology, the study of evil as adapted for political purposes. It broadens the political canvas to include a working knowledge of psychopaths and psychopathy, along with other forms of deviancy that serve and abet the psychopathic masters. And please understand that we are using the term psychopathy in its clinical sense; it is not being used as a epithet. Only by understanding this issue can sincere and devoted people of conscience avoid the pitfalls that arise by focusing solely on "the Jews", a trap into which too many have fallen.

Andrew Lobaczewski's book, Political Ponerology, the second must-read volume for those of you trying to get to the bottom of the horror that was September 11, 2001, is an in-depth analysis of the pathocratic network in Eastern Europe during the communist period, but his analysis and conclusions are, oh, so appropriate and necessary for an understanding of what is really happening in the English speaking world in particular today.

The false flag attacks of 9/11, as well as the subsequent attacks in Madrid, in London, as well as the so-called suicide bombings attributed to the Palestinians, blamed on Arabs and Islam, were orchestrated by pathocrats in the US, Israel, and Britain, the psychopathic shadow government that is actively seeking to take over our planet and to eliminate as many of the non-psychopaths as they can.

We know that this assertion sounds absurd. We know that it strikes many people as so over the top that most people will never be able to wrap their heads around it. After all, after decades of mainstream hate speech directed against the Arabs and against Muslims, we "know" that they are inhuman brutes willing to sacrifice themselves for their nefarious goals of world domination, right? Only, the real brutes behind this violence, both physical and propagandistic, are too smart to put themselves in danger. They project their own aims on their chosen victim, and in this case, the chosen victim are Arabs, Semites. Is that a coincidence?

The real perpetrators admit their own goals but ascribe them to others, a typical move for a psychopath.

Consider Lobaczewski's findings, based on decades of research carried out by a group of dedicated scientists in the Eastern bloc:

1: Psychopaths know that they are different from the rest of us, and they know they are "deviants" in regard to the rest of humanity. They have no empathy, no conscience. They mimic these behaviours because they know that they are "expected" to show remorse at certain times, concern and caring at others. They must wear what Hervey Cleckley, a man who spent his life researching psychopathy, called "the mask of sanity". But they have also understood that normal people, people with a conscience, people who are capable of feeling someone else's pain, can be manipulated through feelings of guilt and pity. Psychopaths are masters of playing and preying on us through that very quality of ours that is the most noble -- our conscience!

2: Psychopaths recognize other psychopaths. They are better at recognising the false emotions of other psychopaths. Of course, they know how the game works, how our emotions can be used against us, and so they can spot it a mile away. Normal people, who are more often than not the victims of their own emotions, blinded by their own emotions, have no idea that they are being used in this way. Psychopaths have one piece of information that the rest of us are lacking: they know that psychopathy and ponerology is real! They know that it exists, while we continue on blissfully unaware and our world is overtaken by a black cloud of violence, lies, and suffering.

3: Psychopaths band together to achieve their common goals. Recognising that their aims, as beings without conscience, are diametrically opposed to the aims of people with conscience, and fearing that a world based upon our values would be as fearful to them as their cold and relentless world is to us, they make common cause. You might consider this as the ultimate blood tie, an aristrocracy of evil, invisible and omnipresent, found in all peoples and cultures, working towards a common aim.

4: Psychopaths know that if their true nature were ever recognised and understood by non-psychopaths, they woulod be removed from all of the positions of power that they currently hold: in politics, business, banking, the law, the police, the military, the media, education, and on and on. Were the rest of us to one day really wake up, they would be gone, and our reality, now based upon and inspired by the conscienceless experience of reality that is the world of the psychopath, would be radically changed forever. They cannot allow this to happen, for it would mean their end, and at the moment they hold all the strings.

Let us consider these first four points. One of the arguments that is used by "conspiracy debunkers" arguing against the realistic idea, based upon observable fact -- as opposed to the "conspiracy" of the official story that is based upon nothing but the word of men and women who are known to tell lies -- that 9/11 was conceived and excecuted by pathocrats in Washington and Israel is that no such conspiracy as would be necessary to pull off 9/11 could possibly exist because someone would talk. Such a conspiracy could never be kept secret.

But think about points 1 to 4. A group of psychopaths, aware of their difference, aware of the life or death battle they are waging for their own survival (even if the rest of us have no suspicion that such a battle exists), who think of the majority of humanity as nothing but cattle or cannon fodder, and who have a profoundly different experience of reality itself, one that they share but which can never be communicated to those of conscience, would be bound together in ways that normal people could never comprehend. They know it is "us against them". They live it each day of their lives, and they have none of the moral brakes that would attentuate their plans, that would curb the lengths to which they would be willing to go to achieve their ends.

Can you really understand the horror of such a situation? Can you really see how much trouble we are in?

If you think so, then consider the next point:

5: Psychopaths can drug their victims much the way a predatorial animal drugs their prey, possibly through the emitting of certain pheremones that induce a muddled mind and foggy thinking. Lobaczewski writes:

As a result of ... naiveté and an inability to comprehend the crux of a matter, [the influence of the psychological deviant] easily anchors in human minds, traumatizing our psyches, impoverishing and deforming our thoughts and feelings, and limiting individuals' and societies' ability to use common sense and to read a psychological or moral situation accurately.

But then, there is other passage from Lobaczewski that goes into this effect in more detail:

When the human mind comes into contact with [the psychopath directly and with this reality] so different from any experiences encountered by a person raised in a society dominated by normal people, it releases psychophysiological shock symptoms in the human brain with a higher tonus of cortex inhibition and a stifling of feelings, which then sometimes gush forth uncontrollably.

The mind then works more slowly and less keenly because the associative mechanisms have become inefficient.

Especially when a person has direct contact with psychopathic representatives of the new rule, who use their specific experience so as to traumatize the minds of the "others" with their own personalities, his mind succumbs to a state of short-term catatonia. Their humiliating and arrogant techniques, brutal paramoralizations, and so forth deaden his thought processes and his self-defense capabilities, and their divergent experiential method anchors in his mind.

In the presence of this kind of phenomenon, any moralizing evaluation of a person's behavior in such a situation thus becomes inaccurate at best. Only once these unbelievably unpleasant psychological states have passed, thanks to rest in benevolent company, is it possible to reflect, always a difficult and painful process, or to become aware that one's mind and common sense have been fooled by something which cannot fit into the normal human imagination.

He is talking here of actual chemical changes in our brains from proximity to these pathogical types that distort and weaken our ability to think, be critical, and actually see and understand what is happening to us. Think about that for a moment. Normal humans have a natural predator among us who look like we do, can mimic our behaviour, and of whom we have no idea that they exist. An animal in the forest or on an African savannah is better equiped than we are. At least they know they have a natural predator!

One can also consider the media and the entertainment industry as channels of these "psychophysiological shock symptoms", on-going and everpresent, designed to keep the population in a state of repeated episodes of "short-term catatonia".

Zionism/Judah-ism and Ponerology, then, are two layers of what we might call the Great Conspiracy of 9/11. As bad as the situation is with just those two hidden truths, we must now, gentle reader, lead you to the third layer, admittedly one even further hidden in the murky shadows of history and current affairs, a topic in fact that is even more forbidden than the role of Zionism or the question of how many people died in German concentration camps, that of hyperdimensional realities.

George Gurdjieff explained our situation this way:

"There is an Eastern tale which speaks about a very rich magician who had a great many sheep. But at the same time this magician was very mean. He did not want to hire shepherds, nor did he want to erect a fence about the pasture where his sheep were grazing. The sheep consequently often wandered into the forest, fell into ravines, and so on, and above all they ran away, for they knew that the magician wanted their flesh and skins and this they did not like.

"At last the magician found a remedy. He hypnotized his sheep and suggested to them first of all that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it. Further the magician suggested to his sheep that they were not sheep at all; to some of them he suggested that they were lions, to others that they were eagles, to others that they were men, and to others that they were magicians.

"And after this all his cares and worries about the sheep came to an end. They never ran away again but quietly awaited the time when the magician would require their flesh and skins.

"This tale is a very good illustration of man's position."

Modern physics indicates that other dimensions or realities are necessary to make sense of the mathematics that explain the fundamental working of reality. A few bold physicists have gone so far as to speculate that these other dimensions may have more than a mathematical reality, they may have a certain physical reality (even if governed by different laws than those which govern our own world), which would offer a home to those figures of myth and legend, and even of certain religious texts, who seem to move effortlessly through space/time, who appear to have a knowledge of past and future impossible for a mere mortal, and who intervene in the course of human events in ways that are not necessarily always beneficial to mankind.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk's The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive, the third book necessary for putting all the pieces of 9/11 together, discusses the question of hyperdimensions, both from a scientific and a mythological perspective.

Let us give an example from Douglas Reed's account of the Third Conference of the World Zionist Congress in 1903 to illustrate this point. At this Conference, Theodore Herzl made an offer to the assembled delegates of the country of Uganda as a homeland for the Jews. While accepted by the Western Jews, those of Sephardic descent who had to a great extent integrated within their host societies, it was rejected in a brutal way by the Eastern European, mostly Russian, Jews, the Ashkenazim, descendents of the Khazars. Reed picks up the story:
Dr. Weizmann describes Dr. Herzl's final humiliation. After the vote Herzl went to see the Jews from Russia, who had turned their backs on him and walked out, in their committee room. "He came in, looking haggard and exhausted. He was received in dead silence. Nobody rose from his seat to greet him, nobody applauded him when he ended. . . It was probably the first time that Herzl was thus received at any Zionist gathering: he, the idol of all Zionists".

It was also the last time. Within the year Dr. Herzl was dead, at the age of forty-four. No conclusion can be offered about his death. Judaist writers refer to it in cryptic terms. The Jewish Encyclopaedia says it was the result of what he endured and other authorities make similarly obscure, though significant, allusions. Those who during the centuries have been the object of anathema or excommunication by the ruling sect often have died soon and wretchedly. The student comes to feel that in this matter he approaches mysterious things, closed to all ordinary research.

The curious thing is that Herzl's intimate, right-hand man and leading orator saw the shape of things, at that time and to come, with complete clarity. He displayed a foreknowledge as great as that of Leon Pinsker when he depicted the series of events to which Pinsker's "irresistible pressure on international politics" would lead. At the very congress where Herzl suffered his humiliation Max Nordau (an alias or pseudonym; his name was Suedfeld) gave this exact prognosis:

"Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created" (1903). Here spoke the initiate, the illuminate, the man who knew the strength and purpose of "the international". [The Controversy of Zion, p. 207.]

The future world war, begun in 1914. The Peace Conference following that war, where the issue of Palestine was raised and settled in 1919, supported by the Balfour Declaration of 1917. As Reed puts it, the sincere researcher "approaches mysterious things, closed to all ordinary research." On this fifth anniversary of the declaration of war on normal people by the pathocrats, we suggest to our readers very strongly that the three books we have mentioned, The Controversy of Zion, Political Ponerology, and The Secret History of the World, are absolutely necessary for understanding all levels of the dire situation in which we find ourselves, as well as the dynamics and forces at play over the past thousands of years that have led us here.*

The only way out is to see the world as it is, no matter where that might take us. The enemy has been working at his plans longer than many of us can imagine. That means that the payoff must be huge. And you can be certain that the payoff is not in our best interests. Only the truth can honour those who died on September 11, 2001, killed by conscienceless predators who move invisible in our midst.

* An overview of these topics can also be found in our book on the attacks, 9/11: The Ultimate Truth, by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Joe Quinn. The expanded and revised second edition will be out shortly.
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Editorial: MSNBC Poll - 58% Believe 9/11 Conspiracies!


Out of a total of 64,219 respondents to a recent MSNBC poll on whether or not they believe claims of a US government conspiracy on 9/11, 58% answered "yes".

Whose side are you on?
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Editorial: Special Report: Bush Admits Guilt Over 9/11

Exclusive to Signs of the Times
Ignacius O Reilly

At the 9/11 commemoration service last night, President George W. Bush surprised reporters by talking off the cuff and admitting that not only had he not done enough to prevent 9/11, but that the real perpetrators were actually members of a U.S. shadow government that had been controlling U.S. politics for over 100 years. Mr. Bush, who was speaking from within a human shield made up of large and bulky Secret Service agents, had decided that his Christian convictions made it necessary for him to tell the Truth after a re-watching Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ.

'I am willing to endure the consequences', said a shaken Bush. 'The Jews killed our Saviour, and Mossad, working with members of my administration, attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.'

Mr. Bush also denounced the American media for their sycophantic coverage of post-9/11 events.

'While courageous French reporters were uncovering the Truth, journalists from our own country were mindlessly repeating whatever Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, Cheney, and I were telling them. It has been a black day for America. We owe our French allies an apology. Let the word 'French' from this day on be synonymous with 'freedom'.

Mr. Bush then outlined what had really happened.

As many objective observers had long suspected, Bush confirmed that Al-Qaeda was a front for U.S. intelligence. After the Afghan war against Soviet rule, deep cover CIA agents, with close links to the Pakistani intelligence service and the Bush family mafia, worked to turn the organisation against America. Given U.S. policy in the Middle East, particularly its brazen support for the genocidal policies of Israel against the Palestinians, this was easy. A few well-placed operatives were able to turn Al-Qaeda into a useful tool for the next phase of what Mr. Bush termed Operation Save the Earth.

U.S. shadow government planners have long been aware that the early 21st century would be a time of great upheaval. Climate change would cover vast agricultural areas under snow and ice, reducing the world's food supplies. A myth would be sown that oil supplies were running out, leading to major disruptions of industrial civilisation. Cometary impacts were also expected to destroy large sections of the planet. A radical solution was needed to save the world's elite; hence Operation Save the Earth was born in the 1920s.

The project drew up a timetable for the elimination of the majority of the world's population by 2010.

The first step was the backing of Adolf Hitler in Germany. This led to millions of deaths and the perfection of technologies that would be useful later in controlling the U.S. population. Thousands of Nazis were later brought to the U.S. after the war to continue the development of these systems. WWII was also used by Zionist leaders, who conspired with the Nazis, to create the state of Israel and sow the seeds of the final conflict of 'Armageddon' in the Middle East. The creation and promotion of Communism was used as justification for the militarization of the U.S. economy and the basis for instilling a culture of fear. Political choices were narrowed to the corporatist political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats.

World rage at the horrors of the war led to the establishment of the United Nations. This organisation was used by propagandists to scare U.S. citizens into believing the threat of One World Government was an external threat while the U.S. carefully put into place its global hegemony.

Returning to the question of 9/11, Bush said that the shadow government, which included highly placed Israelis as well as U.S. citizens, planned the attack on 9/11 as the justification for the penultimate phase of Operation Save the Earth. This phase would include the complete control over human communication and movement prior to population reduction. By fomenting the phony 'War on Terror', the pieces would be put into place for the establishment of martial law where populations could not be controlled through propaganda and brainwashing. It would also justify U.S. intervention across the globe to secure the resources that would be necessary for the elite after they moved into their underground cities to sit out the coming Dark Age of population reduction and the cometary holocaust.

'They felt that it was necessary to have an American presence as widely spread over the globe as possible, with the hope that no matter how bad the wars and cataclysms, some small piece of our democracy and freedoms would continue as a model for those poor wretches who faced the dangers on the surface', the President said.

The only way to mobilize support within the U.S. for the grabbing of resources was 'a new Pearl Harbor', such as had been suggested by Richard Perle and other Neo-cons prior to the Bush Presidency.

'The plans were out in the open', said Bush. 'You can read the papers they published. But this was part of the game these people were playing. They were trying to see how much they could get away with in public.'

The 9/11 operation was carried out over several years through the close supervision of Mossad agents working within the U.S.

The so-called 'Islamic terrorists' were actually being run by the Israelis, the CIA and MI5', confirmed Bush. By choosing Saudi nationals as the 'terrorists', the Israelis sought to set U.S. opinion against their Arab neighbor.

The plan almost unraveled when the explosion at the Pentagon only created a 15ft wide hole in the façade.

'Rummy was worried after that', said Bush. 'He thought it would give the game away. In fact, he didn't even expect it to happen.' Apparently, the Mossad had incorporated a double-cross into the planning of 9/11 and planned to use it to blackmail the Bush administration to fight Israel's wars in the Middle East. But after consulting with his bosses, Rumsfeld was convinced that no one in the U.S. would believe that it could have been an inside job. 'Still, he was pretty annoyed at being duped like that by the Israelis, but what could he do?' asked a perturbed President Bush.

Another dark moment came when word leaked out that the Pakistani intelligence chief had been caught authorizing the payment of $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, the front man for the 'Islamic terrorist hijackers' scam.

Continuing on, the President talked about Iraq.

'Of course, I wanted to pin it on Saddam. He tried to kill my Daddy. But no one ever told me anything about what was really happening. Rummy and Cheney had no choice but to commit 130,000 American soldiers to Iraq in short order. If they refused, the Israelis made it clear they would blow the whistle' complained Bush.

Bush said he hadn't known about the shadow government or the extent of Israeli control over American politics until last week, although he claimed that he would often feel a cold evil shudder come over him every time he spoke to certain 'presidential advisors':

'I never really thought much of it. I used to feel that way all the time when I was with Daddy', Bush stated. The President claimed that it was Condi Rice who finally revealed the truth to him.

'She came in to see me last week complaining that 'they' were trying to make her the fall guy for the whole operation. I said, 'Well, Condi, you needn't worry, they can't make you the fall guy because you're a woman.' That was when she sat me down and told me the whole truth.'

'When she was done, I remembered that cold dread I had felt after the space shuttle Colombia was blown out of the sky last year. Right then, I knew she was telling me the truth.'

Asked what the next step was Bush stated: 'Well, if me and the boys can avoid a one way trip to Florida to meet 'old sparky', we plan to make it very clear that the state of Israel is the real enemy here and that, without further ado, we should bomb the hell out of the entire Middle East and kill two birds with one stone...ya know, git the Zionists AND the Arabs'. When questioned if this was an appropriate path of action given that he had just dispelled the myth of 'Arab terrorism', Bush responded: Look, I don't expect everyone to support my actions or understand my mind, but the fact is, God told me to do what I have to do, and what I have to do is create the conditions for a major war in which all Semites in the Middle East are history.
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Editorial: Spain's Second Guernica

Joe Quinn
Signs of the Times

Guernica - Pablo Picasso

March 11th, 2004's train bombings in Madrid were called 'Spain's 9/11' by both the ousted Conservative 'Popular Party' and the government controlled press. The reference to 9/11 was of course an attempt to forge a link in the minds of the Spanish and world populations between the September 11th attacks and the Madrid bombings. Supposedly, the goal was to convince the Spanish people that they were attacked by crazed 'Arab terrorists' who 'hate us because of our freedom and democracy', or some other such puerile and idiotic rationale. The fact remains however that research has shown that 'Arab terrorists' are unlikely to have been the culprits.

Looking at the evidence, we believe that a more appropriate and accurate name for the Madrid atrocity is 'Spain's Second Guernica'.

In February 1936, the Spanish people elected a progressive popular front government. Fascist elements within the Spanish military were not inclined to accept a democratic form of government and rebelled. The warring parties were divided into two camps - The 'republicans' fighting for the democratically elected government, and the 'Nationalists' fighting on the side of the military rebels. A civil war ensued, lasting until 1939 when the Republicans were defeated and General Francisco Franco installed himself as absolute ruler, exiling the Spanish Bourbon Royal family.

The Spanish civil war saw the formation of 'international brigades', groups of men and women from all over the world who came to fight alongside the Spanish against the rising fascist tide. Their efforts were ultimately futile, yet what united them was that they saw and understood the 'nature of the beast' and were moved to act.

Guernica after the Fascist attack

One of the defining moments of the civil war was the bombing in 1937 of the ancient town of Guernica in the northern Basque region of Spain. At the behest of General Franco, Hitler's Luftwaffe got in some pre-WWII practice, reducing the town to rubble and killing 1600 civilians. The Germans chose a Monday, market day, to ensure that as many civilians were killed as possible.

The atrocity led Pablo Picasso to produce his massive painting Guernica, perhaps the most famous work of graphic art to come out of any war. It is this painting that hangs just outside the Security Council entrance at UN headquarters in New York and which was covered up with a blue drape on a day in Febuary 2003 when Colin Polin sought to make his case for war with Iraq. The symbolism was startling. A diplomat stated that, "it would not be an appropriate background if the ambassador of the United States at the U.N. John Negroponte, or Powell, talk about war surrounded with women, children and animals shouting with horror and showing the suffering of the bombings." Indeed. But on the other hand, given that the US case for war with Iraq was based on a pack of lies, there was something perversely fitting about the coverup of Guernica. Covering up the 250,000 dead Iraqi civilians has been somewhat more difficult for the Bush government to achieve. Then again, does anyone care?

The attack on the small Basque village of Guernica in 1937 caused international outcry and was the single most telling indication of the ruthless nature of the fascists, a lesson residents of cities in Europe would themselves learn in time.

The bombing of Guernica however was perhaps unique in that, at least for a time, it provided the Spanish people and the people of Europe with a fleeting glimpse of the fact that the enemy is not always, or perhaps ever, 'out there'. In the 9/11 attacks, the American people had their own opportunity to learn the same hard lesson. Precious few seem to have taken it however.

On March 11th 2004 in Madrid, the horror of modern, ruthless fascism again visited Spain; we can only hope that at least some of the Spanish and world population have learned from history and understand that almost 70 years later, the enemy is still the same. The lesson that needs to be learned, and what needs to be seen and understood, is that certain groups desire to embroil the entire world in a 'war without end' and will use every devious ploy to get the consent of the people to do so.

As it was in the Spanish civil war, 'victory' cannot be achieved through physical confrontation, but though Seeing through the lies and standing up for Truth, both in our personal lives in terms of our programed beliefs and 'sacred cows' and in the world at large. From this point of view, the poignant words of Fernando Valera, a Republican anti-fascist deputy during the Spanish Civil war, can take on an altogether different meaning.

'Here in Madrid is the universal frontier that separates liberty and slavery. It is here in Madrid that two incompatible civilizations undertake their great struggle: love against hate, peace against war [...] this is Madrid. It is fighting for Spain, for humanity, for justice, and, with the mantle of its blood, it shelters all human beings.'

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Editorial: Signs Economic Commentary

Donald Hunt
Signs of the Times
September 11, 2006

Gold closed at 617.90 dollars an ounce Friday, down 2.6% from $634.20 at the close of the previous Friday. The dollar closed at 0.7890 euros Friday, up 1.3% from 0.7791 for the week. The euro, then, closed at 1.2674 dollars Friday compared to 1.2836 dollars at the end of the previous week. Gold in euros would be 487.53 euros an ounce, down 1.3% from 494.08 for the week. Oil closed at 66.25 dollars a barrel Friday, down 4.4% from $69.19 at the close of the week before. Oil in euros would be 52.27 euros a barrel, down 3.1% from 53.90 for the week. The gold/oil ratio closed at 9.33 Friday, up 1.7% from 9.17 at the end of the week before. In U.S. stocks, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 11,392.11 Friday, down 0.6% from 11,464.15 at the close of the previous Friday. The NASDAQ closed at 2,165.79, down 1.3% from 2,193.16 for the week. In U.S. interest rates, the yield on the ten-year U.S. Treasury note closed at 4.77%, up five basis points from 4.72 for the week.

Oil prices dropped sharply last week, as did gasoline prices. Gas prices are down 50 cents a gallon in the U.S. from a few weeks ago. Must be an election coming up. That would account for all the fear they are trying to drum up around the fifth anniversary of 911. So for the next two months we will get low gas prices and fear, fear, fear, culminating in an election close enough for the Republicans to steal. Happy False Flag Day!

Recently we have been looking at the appeal of neoliberalism, the application of neo-classical economics (free-trade globalism based on multinational corporations) to achieve liberal goals, to the pathocracy. Because of that appeal, the United States seems to have wedded a neoliberal economic policy to a neoconservative foreign policy. To the neocons, the United States will achieve and maintain its status as a universal empire ("global hegemon" in today's terminology) by imposing the opening of markets in the rest of the world to U.S. allied corporations using brute force or the threat of it. So which philosophy is driving the other? It seems clear that neoconservatism is. Neoliberalism acts as a cover for neoconservative goals. This is clear when you look at the reality of the United States's drive for "global free trade."

Trade Imperialism: Collapse of Doha and the Rise of Mercantilism

Most of the world's advocates of free trade fault the US for the failure of the Doha world trade talks. Apart from Washington's rhetoric calling for a 'global free trade' agreement in the current 'Doha Round', in practice it is pursuing a mercantilist policy of protecting non-competitive local producers and setting quotas on imports, which compete favorably with local producers. Washington subsidizes agro-export corporate 'farmers' and pushes the rest of the world, particularly Asian, African and Latin American countries to lower tariffs in manufacturing, services and agriculture to highly competitive US corporations. The breakdown of Doha trade talks in late July 2006, was almost unanimously blamed on the US which argued that the rest of the world should lower their farm import tariffs to US agricultural products, subsidized to the tune of $19 billion in 2005.

Even the neo-liberal Brazilian President Lula DaSilva, who shares the US position in reducing farm tariffs, blamed US intransigence on subsidies for the failure of the trade talks. Washington's 'trade reforms' proposed at Doha in 2006 actually raise the ceiling for trade distorting subsidies $3.5 billion dollars over actual spending in 2005. Washington's demand to saturate Asian rice markets, African cotton markets and Latin American soya markets with heavily subsidized agricultural products thus driving millions of Third World farmers and peasants into bankruptcy dampened the spirits even of the most ardent Third World advocates of 'free markets'. Kamal Nath, India's Trade Minister, pithily summed up the problem by saying, "Indian farmers con compete with US farmers but not with the US Treasury" .

Washington's big trading partners in Brazil, India, China, South Africa and elsewhere have offered to lower or eliminate tariffs on manufactured goods, services (including high tech, low tech and information-based industries), financial and banking sectors, retail and wholesale commerce, pharmaceuticals and other sectors, sign on patent protection codes in exchange for the US ending its quotas and tariffs on labor-intensive industries, steel, textile and other light consumer goods industries and eliminating its multi-billion dollar agricultural subsidies. Washington has rejected a global free trade reciprocity agreement, and has instead pursued bilateral trade agreement with client regimes willing to sacrifice local farm and manufacturing producers.

For example, Washington has signed bilateral free trade agreements with Chile and Peru, which are largely mineral and raw material-exporting countries; it has signed a free trade agreement with tropical fruit and coffee-exporting Central America and Colombia – the latter a recipient of over $5 billion dollars in military aid over the past 7 years. Uruguay, another likely free trade partner with Washington, is banking on selling more beef, mutton and wool and hosting more highly contaminating paper mills. Mexico is a key 'free trade' partner, providing a cheap labor platform for US assembly plants re-exporting to the US, and exporting over 20 million low paid 'temporary' workers to the US over the past decade. In addition Mexico has lowered all investment barriers to the US takeover of its banking, transport, retail trade, fast food, telecommunications and agro-export sectors and opening its markets to the massive inflow of US-subsidized agricultural products.

While continuing to formally pursue a global free trade agenda, Washington, in practice, is building a series of satellite bilateral trade and investment pacts which extend the US economic empire.

Given the type of class warfare engaged in by the neocons, that of the crony-connected rich few against everyone else, their true economic philosophy may be Nazi-style fascism rather than neoliberal free-trade. In that system the way to get rich is to own weapons-producing firms or prison-making firms and to get as close to Power as possible. The Bush family has been doing exactly that for generations:

About Those Nazi Appeasers
Bush Family Values

By Michael Donnelly
September 7, 2006

It's astonishing to see how desperate our homegrown fascists have become. The entire cabal is in full-on media blitz mode with Rummy, Dick and Theodosius, er, Bush slamming their foreign opponents with the latest absurd tag "Islamic Fascists;" and, their domestic ones as "Nazi appeasers." Or, in the deranged mind of Condi Rice; domestic opponents are tantamount to folks who would have stopped the Civil War and allowed slavery to continue in the South.

It's not just desperate; it's monumentally moronic, given the real history. This bizarre trip on the Wayback Machine demands a deeper look--though don't look to the mainstream media. Given the opening, one would think that everyone by now would be fully informed that the Bush Family took "Nazi appeasement" to far greater heights and were actually part of an American faction of documented Nazi SUPPORTERS.

We're also unlikely to see much mainstream media analysis of the new "Islamic Fascist" branding of those opposing the Empire's designs on the Middle East. As Sir Winston Bush gets a media pass as he tries to conflate fascism, communism and Islam while also trying to ironically tie his criminal wars to WWII and the Cold War, it warrants our own trip on the Wayback Machine to see just what the Bush family was doing during those earlier "good wars."

Samuel Bush: arms merchant

George W. Bush's great-grandfather, Samuel Bush was charter member of the military/industrial complex. In 1918, he was chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section for the War Industries Board, with oversight responsibility for Percy Rockefeller's Remington Company. Rockefeller had helped get Bush's son, Prescott into Yale and Skull and Bones in 1916.

A 1926 Senate Munitions Inquiry (the Nye Committee) into the military/industrial complex's WWI windfall examined Samuel Bush's dealings with Remington as part of his War Industries Board duties. Virtually ALL of the records of Samuel Bush's efforts were destroyed by the National Archives "to save space."

Prescott Sheldon Bush; George Herbert Walker: Nazi collaborators

George W. Bush's grandfather, former Connecticut Senator Prescott S. Bush was a Wall Street banker with Brown Brothers Harriman. (Averill Harriman was also instrumental in getting young Prescott into Yale and S&B.) Bush's maternal grandfather George Herbert Walker was the bank's first president. Walker built the famed Bush family estate at Kennebunkport on Walker Point. Prescott Bush joined W. A. Harriman & Company in 1926 and became its CEO.

Harriman Bank was the official Nazi financial conduit in the US. Closely tied to Fritz Thyssen, who proudly claimed in his 1941 book "I Paid Hitler" that he was the Nazi Party's first and greatest financial backer. The Union Banking Corporation (UBC) was a subsidiary of Harriman created by Walker and it was used for Nazi financial matters. Thyssen provided 100,000 gold marks ($10 million in today's dollars) to the Nazis in 1923 just prior to Hitler's failed putsch. By 1941, UBC held a private Nazi stash of over $3,000,000 ($36 million in today's dollars) in its New York vaults.

After the war, a Treasury Department investigation reported that during the two years after the Stock Market crash; "Thyssen dedicated his fortune and his influence to the single purpose of bringing Hitler to power. In 1932, he arranged the now famous meeting in the Düsseldorf Industrialists' Club, at which Hitler addressed the leading businessmen of the Ruhr and the Rhineland. At the close of Hitler's speech, Thyssen cried, 'Heil Herr Hitler'. By the time of the German elections later that year, Thyssen had succeeded in eliciting contributions to Hitler's campaign fund from all of the big industrial combines. He himself is reported to have spent 3,000,000 ($30 million today) marks on the Nazis in 1932 alone.

During 1933 Thyssen served as intercessor between von Hindenburg, von Papen, and Hitler. He brought them together at a secret meeting which laid the basis for the appointment of Hitler as Reichschancellor."

It was Thyssen, not Prescott Bush as some now claim, who was called "Hitler's Angel" by the New York Herald Tribune. He later fled Germany in 1939.
Even though Hitler had declared war on the US, it was still legal for UBC to conduct finances for the Nazis. But, after Pearl Harbor that outrage finally changed. After another ten months of Bush/Harriman/UBC work for the Nazis; in November 1942, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, all of the Harriman business interests were seized by the government, including UBC.

The assets were held by the government for the duration of the war and then quickly returned. Prescott Bush' interest in UBC consisted of One Share--worth $1,500,000 ($19 million in today's dollars) at the time UBC was disbanded in 1951. (The Harriman family garnered $4 billion!) It was the money used to start the Bush Family Texas oil empire.

Another Harriman subsidiary through Silesian Holding Co.; Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation saw the Harriman-Bush group owning one-third of a complex of steel making, coal-mining, and zinc-mining activities in Germany and Poland. The other two-thirds were owned by Wehrwirtschaftsführer (Military Economy Leader) Friedrich Flick. Silesian Holding Company's president was George Walker and its sole directors were Prescott Bush and Averill Harriman.

Silesian Steel used slave labor from Auschwitz (even before the concentration camp was built there) in its coal, iron and zinc mining operations. At Nuremberg, Flick was sentenced to seven years for Silesian's role in building up the Nazi war machine. Harriman, Bush and Walker were never charged.

June 14, 1940, nine months after the Nazis conquered Poland, the IG Farben Company opened an Auschwitz factory and slave labor camp in occupied Poland, to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal. This was done in a partnership with Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company (EXXON).

The millions made off the labor of hundreds of thousands of Nazi victims were inherited by William S. Farish III, grandson of William S. Farish, the head of the IG/Standard cartel. Farish III is George H.W. Bush's best friend and the person who took over Bush's assets and managed them in a blind trust after Bush was elected vice-president.

Investigator John Loftus has said, "As a former federal prosecutor, I would make a case for Prescott Bush, his father-in-law (George Walker) and Averill Harriman to be prosecuted for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. They remained on the boards of these companies knowing that they were of financial benefit to the nation of Germany."

I've yet to take the Wayback Machine back to investigate Rice's whopper that decrying the carnage of the U.S. Civil War meant supporting leaving Slavery in place. But, I'm pretty certain that the same unsavory links to what John Trudell calls, "the colonial industrial class" were just as odious in the 1860s.

MICHAEL DONNELLY has numerous family members who fought in WWII against the Nazis while the Bush family was enriching themselves collaborating. He can be reached at pahtoo@aol.com

One result of a system run by such people is the habits of super-rich described in the article below:

The Jet Set's Shopping List Unmasked

How do the very wealthy spend their money? You may not want to know.

By Thomas Kostigen

Private jet owners have an average annual income of $9.2 million and a net worth of $89.3 million. They are 57 years old. And 70 percent of them are men.

Hannah Shaw Grove and Russ Alan Prince, two researchers, surveyed the group to find out who they are, what makes them tick, and perhaps most interestingly, what they spend their money on.

The average jet setter spends nearly $30,000 per year on alcohol (wines & spirits). Grove and Prince note that this amount is about two-thirds of the median household income in the U.S. And that's the smallest category of spending they surveyed.

The next smallest was "experiential travel," which includes guided tours, such as photographic safaris, or hikes to Machu Picchu, or eco-tours to the Brazilian rainforest, or kayaking in Baja California during the gray whale migration. For these experiences, jet setters spend an average of $98,000 per year.


But these journeys are small potatoes when compared to how much these wealthy individuals spend on hotels and resorts ($157,000 a year), or events at hotels and resorts ($224,000 a year). Spa treatments even fetch more jet-set dollars than wilderness tours. The average jet setter spends $107,000 a year at spas around the world.

Not that many of these "global citizens," as they like to be called, would know: Just 34 percent of jet owners open their own mail and only 19 percent pay their own bills, Grove and Prince found. This results in a sort of detachment from the world and creates "the low level of awareness that most jet owners have about their finances," they say.

Indeed, it would take a curious psychological composition to comprehend spending $147,000 a year on watches, as the jet set do. Or $117,000 on clothes. Or a whopping $248,000 a year on jewelry...

Another result of such a ponerized system, one created by and for psychopaths, people without consciences, can be seen in this reaction by Kevin, the Cryptogon blogger to the Newsweek article on risky mortgages we quoted last week:

This Business Week article is pretty good, but I feel the need to take you much deeper down the rabbit hole. Try to get comfortable, it's not going to be pleasant.

I used to work for one of the oldest and largest financial services companies in the world. But you wouldn't have known it from looking at the sign on the outside of the building. You see, the firm kept its name out of public view when it came to this business: the sub prime mortgage lending racket.


This Wall Street firm, spoken about in hushed tones around country clubs and cocktail parties, DOES NOT want to have its name associated with the financial services equivalent of a chop shop or a whore house. Oh no. It just wants the money associated with this despicable operation, and none of the press. Questions in the media about the propriety of these activities might cause discomfort for investors. Certain public appearances need to be maintained, after all.

This firm premeditated the exit from the crash unfolding before our eyes, both legally and in terms of public relations, years in advance.

Here's what it did.

The firm's strategy was to acquire fly-by-night companies who were dealing in these dodgy (sub-prime) loans and making impossible to imagine amounts of money at it. The outward public appearances of these acquired companies did not change. Some of the fly-by-night, fast-and-loose, make-it-up-as-you-go and illegal activities were transformed into probably-no-jail-time best-practices. The CFO had a habit of putting me on hold without muting the headset. He always seemed to be talking about "scratch and dent deals" with someone else in his office. "Oh sh*t. They're not going to like this. *rhetorical chuckle* What's a few million dollars between friends..."

The Them.

Behind the scenes, however, executives who weren't decapitated on the spot as part of the acquisitions, started taking orders from Them, if you know what I mean. Entirely new computer networks were built that linked the systems of these up-start, sub-prime lending corporations that---if you're fortunate---you've never heard of, to what we called "The Mother Ship" in New York, a firm that just about anyone with a net worth of a million dollars or more would probably recognize.

I was present at one of these 3am infrastructure sessions (getting paid double time), in a machine room with servers stacked floor to ceiling, cooling fans screaming, and black coffee going down by the pot full. We were taking orders from the "global ops center" in New York. The blinking lights on the "big-iron" Cisco routers indicated that roughly US$5 billion in funny money was going to move between the red-headed stepchild operation I worked for and the polished halls of The Mother Ship each month.

US$5 billion per month.

This was just one tiny, fly-fart aspect of just one division of this diabolical corporation. And I was told it was chump change for them, and that it would be cut loose at the drop of a hat, if necessary, should any undue attention start coming their way.

A manager told me something like, "It's not worth the bad PR for them. They'll rake it in for as long as things can be kept quiet. But they won't tolerate any heat in the press."

I noticed that the scam seemed very similar to the way the CIA runs cut outs. Except with this, the firm was only concerned with its public image; it's no secret who owns whom in this game, if you know where to look, and everything had been done according to federal regulations that this firm probably wrote, so it's not a question of legal or illegal. When it comes time to shut down offices and roll up the operations, they want it to go smoothly. And if Joe and Jane Six pack start to wonder who actually sold them their dodgy loan, it won't be immediately apparent. And, if Joe and Jane Six pack read the fine print, they will find that they screwed themselves by signing on the dotted line anyway. When the press interviews these people, they will talk about how "Bob's-Dodgy-Loans-While-You-Wait" screwed them over, and how they didn't know, this, that and the other thing, etc...

But to where do all the fiber paths lead?

"Bob's-Dodgy-Loans-While-You-Wait" was just being used by the firm as insulation from the inevitable bad press, that is now emerging. "Bob's-Dodgy-Loans-While-You-Wait" will be shut down and forgotten after a few days or weeks. Joe and Jane Six Pack will get their clocks cleaned, as usual. They won't even know who was really behind it all. By this time, the Mother Ship will have found other front companies to hide behind and new victims to grind into cash.

The front company I worked for actually changed names twice over the course of a year. Both of them were owned by the firm. The old domain now forwards to some backwater page on the new company's domain that displays a date that is off by a couple of years. Of course, the parent firm is nowhere to be seen!

US$5 billion per month... You'd think they could get the web server to display the right date. Nope. Too busy generating funny money.

...The firm externalized the financial risks of being in this business by selling all of the paper they generated into the secondary mortgage market at the end of every month. This is an institutional marketplace that trades in commoditized mortgages, "debt paper." In other words, at the end of each month, the firm had none of the impossible-to-payback-negative-amoritization-no-money-down loans on their books!

I handled some issues for the secondary marketing department, even, would you believe, for the person who pulled the trigger on these paper dumps at the end of the month.

"Who buys this stuff?" I asked.

"Oh lots and lots of people. Well, banks and insurance companies mostly. [Large European Bank name deleted] buys a lot of it."

I wonder if [Large European Bank name deleted] knew what I knew or cared about how those loans were generated. (Of course, they knew and didn't care. They'll sell this toilet paper debt to some other sucker down the line.)

See, I also handled issues for the used-car-salesman-type 'account executives'. Just before I left, the company switched loan origination systems. The people writing these loans were pissed because they were no longer able to get loans approved for people with fraudulent social security numbers. They would actually complain because the system was telling them that the would-be borrower was using a false/fake/invalid SSN.

"The old system never gave me these problems. How am I supposed to get any work done?! I hate this new system."

But wait, there's more.

As part of my daily duties, I had to take remote control of the systems that these donkeys were using. Occasionally, (a couple of times per day, at least) I would see the credit summary screens for the loan applicants. The highest credit score I ever saw was something like 615. The lowest was 520. Sprinkled with bankruptcies, unpaid credit cards, default this, late that.

Every once in a while, I'd chuckle and ask the person on the phone, "And this guy can buy a $400,000 house with no money down!?"

Absolutely God damned right!

That's what this company did. All day. Monday through Friday.

Things started to get interesting when They sent a memo to all employees on what to say to anyone who presented themselves as auditors or investigators. We were to refer them to some flunkie.

I thought, "Oh goodie, we're going to get raided by a three-letter agency and guys wearing guns and blue wind-breakers are going to wheel the servers out on dollies! PHBs are going to be handcuffed and frog marched into a waiting paddy wagon!"

Sadly, that didn't happen. For me, the icing on the cake moment happened when the firm started offering these criminal loans to their own employees, and at deep discounts, to pad the numbers as business started to slow down! The memo actually said that because we were such valued employees---actually, I wasn't an employee, my title was IT-Outsourced-On-Site---we wouldn't be charged any "junk fees" associated with the origination of the loan.

WOW! No junk fees! Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!

At the farther extreme of the system's range of practices is outright murder - by those John Perkins called "the Jackals" in Economic Hit Men. Here is Wayne Madsen on a recent Jackal hit:

Sept. 4, 2006 -- The CIA's "Worldwide Attack Matrix" continues to target political leaders who stymie U.S. oil and natural gas company and other Bush-Cheney global plans. Created by then-CIA Director George Tenet in the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks, the CIA's "Worldwide Attack Matrix," a James Bond 007-style "License to Kill" designed to assassinate foreign "terrorists" regardless of where they live, has been used to eliminate troublesome rebel, progressive, and secessionist leaders who bear no threat against the United States but who threaten a number of U.S. energy company interests and other economic and political interests.

Former Baluchistan Governor and Chief Minister Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, who served Pakistani leaders like President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (an ethnic Sindhi who was executed by a U.S.-backed military government) and ousted and jailed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, was recently brutally assassinated by the CIA- and US Special Forces-backed security forces of Pakistan's dictator General Pervez Musharraf (a so-called ally of the Bush-Cheney-Blair "Global War on Terror"). Bugti, the charismatic 79-year Baluchi leader, was killed after he went underground in support of Baluchi autonomist forces who have become increasingly opposed to Punjabi human rights violations against ethnic Baluchis. The Baluchi Liberation Army responded to Punjabi aggression against Baluchis by launching attacks against natural gas pipelines in Baluchistan -- tactics that immediately earned the wrath of the oil-centric Bush-Cheney regime. Against the wishes of Pakistan's political and intelligence establishment, Musharraf ordered his forces to kill Bugti and against Muslim traditions, Bugti's body -- likely mutilated in the air attack assassination -- has not been returned to the family for burial in accordance with Muslim religious tenets. Musharraf's actions received the full backing of the Bush administration, which defended the action as necessary to preserve a "strong and unified" Pakistan. The Bush crime cartel wants to clear Baluchistan of troublesome independence-minded tribal leaders like Bugti before construction gets fully underway on the Pakistan leg of the Central Asian Gas pipeline (CentGas) from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and to the Arabian Sea in Baluchistan. The Bush cartel also wants to ensure that Baluchistan secessionists do not interfere in future military actions across the Pakistani Baluchistan border into Iranian Baluchistan.

It is noteworthy that Bugti was opposed to Musharraf's and the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) support for local Taliban forces who are using the area around Quetta, the Baluchistan capital, as a base to launch attacks against U.S. "Coalition" forces in Afghanistan. For that reason, the assassination of Bugti earned the condemnation of the Hamid Karzai government in Afghanistan, as well as the government of India, which both realize that Musharraf and the ISI are the primary foreign backers of the Taliban. As the production of opium poppies reached an all-time high in the Afghan-Pakistan border areas, Bugti's opposition to the Taliban opium smuggling pipelines also did not sit well with either Musharraf, ISI, or people like Richard Armitage, Musharraf's chief Washington backer, who is no stranger to the global opium trade, having dealt with Taliban and Burma's Golden Triangle opium smuggling in support of off-the-books U.S. intelligence operations during his entire intelligence career.

The "Worldwide Attack Matrix" assassination of Bugti is the latest in a string of U.S.-sanctioned killings of secessionist and rebel leaders since 9-11. Others assassinated by U.S. intelligence assets include Theys Eluay, West Papuan independence leader killed by U.S.-trained Indonesian Special Forces in Nov. 2001 (Freeport McMoRan, a U.S. mining company, wants the West Papuan independence forces eliminated); Abdullah Syafii, Free Aceh Movement leader killed by Indonesian Special Forces in northern Sumatra in January 2002. (The Aceh independence movement threatened the interests of Exxo0n Mobil in the secessionist province); Nigerian Justice Minister and Attorney General Chief Bole Ige, a Yoruba leader who championed the interests of the southern Nigerian tribes (Igbo, Ogoni, and Yoruba) people opposed to the influence of oil companies like Exxon Mobil and Chevron Texaco. Ige was killed by unknown assailants Ibadan in Nov. 2001; Elie Hobeika, Lebanese Christian leader who was opposed to U.S. plans for an oil and military terminus in Lebanon, killed by a car bomb in March 2002; Benjamin Hrangkhwal, leader of the northeast India National Liberation Front of Tripura, assassinated in February 2002 by U.S.-trained and supported Indian paramilitary forces trained at a nearby jungle warfare training center; Mikael "Mike" Nassar, associate of Hobeika's, assassinated gangland-style in Brazil along with his wife; Archbishop of Cali, Isaias Duarte, opposed to U.S.- supported paramilitaries and their U.S. military trainers, gunned down in front of his church in Mar. 2002; Angolan UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi, killed by a Kellogg, Brown & Root supported Angolan Army unit in March 2002. Savimbi, Ronald Reagan's one-time "George Washington of Africa," threatened U.S. oil interests in Angola and was eliminated, his body gruesomely laid out on a slab and photos transmitted by U.S. intelligence around the world as a warning to others; Colombia's FARC leader Salvador "Silverio" Vargas Leon, killed by U.S. private military contractors and Colombian army units in March 2002. FARC threatened U.S. oil pipelines in Colombia; former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, assassinated in an October 2005 car bombing. Hariri was also opposed to neo-con military and oil pipeline terminus plans for Lebanon. Former Lebanese Communist Party leader George Hawi was eliminated in a carbon copy car bombing for the same reasons that Hobeika and Hariri were killed. Sudan Vice President and Sudan People's Liberation Movement leader Dr. John Garang, an ally of the United States, killed in a helicopter crash in July 2005 after he expressed opposition to U.S. oil company plans for southern Sudan. Assassination carried out with the support of Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, one of the Bush administration's chief clients in the region.

The Worldwide Assassination Matrix program works closely with U.S. Special Operations psychological warfare operations (Psyops) in transmitting gruesome images of the bodies of the assassinated targets around the world in attempt to warn others what awaits them if they do not fall into compliance with the Bush-Cheney-Blair agenda. Bugti's body is claimed by his son Talal to be lying frozen in a hospital as some sort of trophy.

One final note. Here is some more evidence that fascist-nationalist aggressive militarism is bad for the economy of the average person:

Report reveals 1.6 million Israelis living in poverty

By Rick Kelly
6 September 2006

Israel's National Insurance Institute (NII) last week revealed another annual rise in the country's poverty rate. Nearly 100,000 people fell below the poverty line last year, raising the total number impoverished to more than 1.6 million, 24.7 percent of the total population. At 35.2 percent, Israel now has the highest child poverty rate among advanced capitalist countries. The figures demonstrate the depth of the social crisis in Israel, which will be further exacerbated by the government's planned cuts to social spending in the aftermath of the war in Lebanon.

The NII, a governmental welfare body, attributed much of the rise in poverty to previous government cutbacks, particularly of child allowance payments. After coming to power in 2000, former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his finance minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, slashed family payments, a policy carried forward by the current Kadima-Labour coalition of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The NII calculated that in 2005, child allowance cuts reduced the income of large families by 12 percent and families with two children by 6 percent. A total of 58 percent of large families were under the poverty line in 2005, up from 54.7 percent the year before.

Similar cuts to unemployment benefits have exacerbated the dire situation facing jobless Israelis. Unemployment is almost 9 percent, and the number of long-term unemployed has rapidly increased. In 2004, a quarter of all those out of work remained unemployed for more than a year, compared to just 6 percent in 1997. Only one in five unemployed people receive benefits, due to government restrictions and deliberately onerous bureaucratic procedures. Many who do receive payments are dragooned into menial "welfare-to-work" job schemes.

The NII also revealed the deep regional and ethnic disparities within the Zionist state. Arab-Israelis have a far higher poverty rate than Jews, with 52 percent of Arab families living under the poverty line. Poverty was the highest in Jerusalem, where 42 percent of residents and 56 percent of children were poor.

A striking feature of the NII report is the rise of the "working poor". Poverty in Israel is by no means restricted to the unemployed, elderly, and disabled. As the country has become more closely integrated into the global economy, the wages and conditions of working people have been systematically downgraded. In order to maintain the profit rates of Israeli companies and to attract international investment, successive governments have privatised state industries, removed business regulations and lowered taxes for the wealthy.

These measures have had severe consequences for working people. "Despite overall economic growth, the percentage of poor families in which the head of the household was employed increased from 11.4 percent in 2004 to 12.2 percent in 2005, from 160,000 families to 177,000 families," Haaretz explained. "The percentage of poor families among families with workers increased from 40.6 percent to 43.1 percent. Nearly 60 percent of the working poor held full-time jobs."

A study conducted by the Adva Centre, "Workers, Employers, and the Distribution of Israel's National Income", examined recent changes in the social position of the working class. The report found that since 2003, 65 percent of all new jobs were part-time and predominantly low paid. An extraordinary 20 percent of all new jobs created for men in the past five years were generated as a direct result of the Palestinian uprising, in security and other non-productive industries. Despite productivity increases, average wages have declined since 2000 and two-thirds of workers now receive less than $US320 a week.

A Haaretz article published September 1 described the situation facing one family, the Vaknins. Chaim Vaknin works as a gardener for 30 hours a week and receives the minimum wage, while his wife Racheli looks after their four children. One-third of their income goes to paying a mortgage on their small two-bedroom apartment. Despite Racheli's family responsibilities and chronic arthritis, authorities forced her into a "welfare-to-work" program in order to qualify for a small income assistance payment. "We receive charity," she said. "We get our schoolbags and clothing second-hand. It's very hard to live on our income."

Proposed budget cuts spark political crisis

Israel's offensive in Lebanon will worsen the poverty rate, both through direct reconstruction costs in the north and through cuts to social spending to fund the Israeli Defence Forces' rearmament. According to the Israel Institute of Social and Economic Research, an additional 50,000 people will fall below the poverty line this year.

The Olmert government has proposed an initial round of budget cuts worth $1.7 billion. The measures advanced by Finance Minister Avraham Hirchson include further reducing child allowances, raising the age of entitlement to unemployment allowance from 20 to 28, increasing university tuition fees by 50 percent, cutting grants for discharged soldiers, firing public service workers and privatising the postal service.

The government intends to make the working class pay for the Lebanon war. Shortly after tabling his budget proposal, Hirchson wrote a groveling letter to the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce, assuring big business that tax cuts scheduled to take effect over the next four years would not be reversed.

Comment on this Editorial

Editorial: Photo Evidence From the Last Incursion into Nablus

International Solidarity Movement

This photo series is meant to visually document some of the claims made by international human rights observers in their reporting of the crimes of the Israeli Occupation during the seige in Nablus on 26th August. These pictures were all taken by international activists throughout the day. The original press release documenting these incidents is on the ISM website.

The occupation forces' wrecking equipment destroys a small home in order to reach the Labadda house. Three homes were destroyed in this manner, to make room for the Caterpillar equipment to park within wrecking distance. While the Labadda house appears to be the target of the demolition, three homes were completely leveled that surround the three-story structure.

On the north side of the Labadda house, Ameican-made Occupation bulldozers destroyed three cars and dumped the wreckage on top of a neighboring house. The bulldozer is about to drop the third car; in view are two cars previously dropped onto the porch of the neighboring home. Earlier in the day, these cars were used by Occupation forces to blockade the street, and when they were no longer useful, they were dumped on the house.

The southern side of the Labadda house. Throughout the day, Occupation soldiers shot relentlessly into the building with machine gun fire and grenades. These bullet holes represent only a small section of the pock-marked wall. Most of the southern wall below this image was completely destroyed by Caterpillar wrecking equipment.

A man, trying to reach his home is made to unbutton his shirt and turn around to show that he is not carrying explosives. Occupation soldiers forced many Palestinians to do this while residents attempted to evacuate family members from their homes within the firing range.

An elderly man is detained on top of a neighbor's car from the begining of the incursion until late in the afternoon. Many neighbors confronted the soldiers to seek the elderly man's release but were unsucessfull. Though the man lived very close to the point of detention, he was prevented from returning to his home and instead made to wait on the car in the hot sun.

The top floor of the home was occupied by soldiers and used as a firing position. This is the site of one incidence of the Occupation's illegal use of Palestinian human shields. When soldiers seized the apartment as a sniper nest, they kidnapped six Palestinian men and forced them to remain in the apartment, while the soldiers fired over their heads. This was intended to prevent Palestinian resistance fighters from returning fire into the sniper nest.

A small sample of spent M-16 shells collected from the apartment used as a sniper nest. After the incursion, the residents bagged the shells and showed them to international human rights observers. From their post in the apartment, Occupation forces fired hundreds of rounds at the Labadda house, neighboring homes and Palestinian demonstrators.

A Palestinian ambulance is prevented from entering the area to evacuate a Palestinian child hurt during the incursion. After a great amount of delay, intense negotiations, and a military search of the vehicle, the ambulance was permitted passage to evacuate the child. If the child's injuries had been severe, this delay could have resulted in his death.

The position Occupation soldiers started firing at unarmed Palestinian demonstrators from a distance of over 100 meters. During these encounters over 20 demonstrators were shot and injured, and 15 year old Montasir from Askar refugee camp was killed.

Occupation soldiers forcefully enter and occupy the elemtary school bordering the Labadda house. From this position, soldiers fired at Palestinian demonstrators assembling on Amman street and the neighboring smaller streets.

A small home demolished in order to allow the American-made Caterpillar wrecking equipment a parking spot to position itself in order to demolish the main target building. Three homes surrounding the target building were demolished in a similar manner.

The damage sustained to the north eastern corner of the Labadda house, an apartment complex that housed 17 families, 8 of which are from the Labadda family.

Palestinian volunteer medics escort residents through the partially demolished Labadda house in search of their valuables and keepsakes.

Palestinian volunteer medics escort residents through the partially demolished Labadda house in search of their valuables and keepsakes.

A Palestinian boy stands in front of a pile of rubble, formerly a home, and two demolished cars crushed during the incursion. At least eight Palestinian cars were destroyed during the incursion.
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9/11: The Year in Review

Bush says Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11: Tell that to the Troops

Jeff Thomas's blog
Alaska Free Press
September 3, 2006

Feb 2006:

85% of troops say the U.S. mission is mainly to retaliate for Saddam's role in 9-11

Aug 2006:

Bush says Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
Get this video to all men and women in the military!

More on what the troops think:

An overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops serving in Iraq think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year, and more than one in four say the troops should leave immediately, a new Le Moyne College/Zogby International survey shows....

While 85% said the U.S. mission is mainly "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks," 77% said they also believe the main or a major reason for the war was "to stop Saddam from protecting al Qaeda in Iraq." (Both False: Saddam had no ties to al-Qaeda, no role in 9/11)

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Ex-Bush Official Exposes 9/11 As Inside Job

Monday, May 8th, 2006

An enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd packed the Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium Saturday to hear ex-Bush Administration insider Morgan Reynolds prosecute top administration and military officials for the 9/11 inside job.

Reynolds indicted Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, former Joint Chiefs Chairman Richard Meyers, confessed WTC demolisher and insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein, and others for mass murder, Conspiracy, and other charges including high treason. The enthusiastic response from the overflow crowd was a de facto vote for conviction on all counts.
The former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis, showed that the defendants conspired to create a false cover story of suicide hijackings in order to "blow the World Trade Center to kingdom come" with explosives-a shock-and-awe psy-op designed to coerce the American people into supporting a pre-planned "long war" in the Middle East, massive increases in military spending, and the rollback of Constitutional civil liberties.

Reynolds stated that everyone in the worldwide intelligence community knew that 9/11 was an inside job as soon as it happened, with the obvious stand-down of US air defenses, controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and non-protection of the President in Florida being the biggest tip-offs. The head of the Russian equivalent of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the former head of the German intelligence service Andreas Von Bulow, former National Security Agency official Wayne Madsen, and former MI-6 agent David Schayler have all openly called 9/11 an inside job, while former CIA official Ray McGovern has confirmed this directly in private, and indirectly in public by way of his ringing endorsement of David Ray Griffin's work on 9/11.

Reynolds, who served as George W. Bush's Labor Department Chief Economist in 2001-2002, believes that a 9/11 truth victory is looming on the near-term horizon. He predicted that one or more of the 9/11 insiders will soon "give it up" and come forward with what they know, saying "Remember, you heard it here first." He said that most of those complicit in the attacks did not realize how over-the-top the plot was, due to the need-to-know compartmentalization of such covert operations, and that some semi-complicit individuals will probably be coming forward. Reynolds said that most of his email acquaintances are now worried that the 9/11 truth movement is going to win, triggering the greatest Constitutional crisis in U.S. history. For Reynolds, this is less a cause for worry than for rejoicing: "We need a Constitutional crisis!"

Reynolds argued that 9/11 truth is a matter of extreme urgency, since the perpetrators seem to be preparing another 9/11-style terror hoax as a pretext for attacking Iran with nuclear weapons. He said that exposing the 9/11 fraud is the best way to stop Cheney's plan to stage an unprovoked nuclear attack on Iran, and the military draft and Pinochet-style prison camps and death squads for dissenters that might accompany it.

Reynolds urged the audience to help educate the American public about the 9/11 inside job. Personal contact with family and friends, the internet, alternative Media, and public events like this are all good educational strategies, he said, adding that a demonstration of 100,000 9/11 truth supporters at Ground Zero next year would be hard for the Media to ignore.

Politicians and the Media will help expose the 9/11 inside job, he said, only after the growing grassroots movement reaches critical mass. The organizers of Reynolds' talk urged audience members to come to the upcoming international 9/11 truth conference in Chicago, 9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, June 2nd-4th, 2006: http://911revealingthetruth.org

Comment: To all those that dismiss the idea of an inside job on 9/11, ask yourself this: do you know more about the workings of the US government and what it would and would not do than a former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis?

By the way, try and find this story in the mainstream news via a google news search, for example...

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New Doctored Video of Pentagon Attack Release - Confirms Boeing Was Not Involved

Joe Quinn
Signs of the Times

It only took four and a half years, but finally the U.S. government has seen fit to confirm what so many of us have been saying all along - Pentagon security cameras recorded no evidence of a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon.

The videos comprise the footage from each of the two security cameras stationed close to each other at one end of the Pentagon. The first video contains nothing new given that it is simply the footage from which 5 stills were taken and released in early 2002 by the Pentagon, the extra footage merely being the scene after the impact. The second video comprises previously unseen footage from the security camera that is slightly closer to the impact point. The Pentagon alleges that in this video the "nose cone" of a plane can be seen in one frame. It should be noted that the security cameras appear to be the standard type installed in train stations and airports around the world. Most people will have seen footage from such cameras showing people walking in "jumps", which is due to the fact that the camera records a still image every 2 seconds or so.

Basically then, while the mainstream press is trumpeting the line that "the Defence Department has released "the video of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon", nothing could be further from the truth because there is still no evidence of a Boeing 757 in the security camera footage.

[ Read the rest of this SOTT Editorial ]

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Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11
...and Neither Did a Boeing 757

by Joe Quinn
Signs of the Times
December 31, 2005

After the release of the QFG Pentagon Strike Flash Animation on August 23rd, 2004, a veritable onslaught of new articles were published that sought to dismiss the "no plane at the Pentagon" theory. One such article, that is frequently referenced by certain '9/11 reseachers' was authored by a member of the forum at the "Above Top Secret" (ATS) website. Interestingly, the article was written just a few weeks after the release of the Pentagon Strike Flash animation, which by then, was winging its way around the world and into the inboxes of millions of ordinary citizens. Perhaps you were one of them...

The claim that promoters of the "no plane at the Pentagon" theory were doing immense damage to the truth/accountability movement was raised in Mike Ruppert's book Crossing the Rubicon. In a stunning piece of warped logic, Ruppert claimed that, while he is quite convinced that it was not Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon, he chose not to talk about or deal with the subject as part of his overall case for conspiracy because of the "implications". According to Ruppert, the "implications" are that anyone that suggests that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon, is then forced to answer the question as to what actually happened to Flight 77. If that's the case, then we better just wrap up the whole 9/11 Truth Movement and go home and have a beer.

Ruppert balks at the idea of offering an answer to this question to his readers because, he claims, most people would be unable to accept it, and, he suggests, 9/11 researchers serve only to alienate the public support that they wish to attract by stretching the boundaries of the collective belief system. What Ruppert doesn't explain is why any member of the public would happily accept that U.S. government officials participated in the slaughter of the passengers on Flights 11 and 175 and the occupants of the WTC towers (as he details in his book) yet would be unable to accept the idea that the same government officials played a part in disposing of the passgengers of Flight 77 in a much less imaginative way. Let's be honest here, in the context of 9/11 being the work of a faction of the US government and military, the answer to the question as to what happened to Flight 77 if it didn't hit the Pentagon, is quite obvious - Flight 77 and its occupants were flown to a specific destination and "disposed of" by the conspirators. That's pretty simple; cut and dried; no need for much stretching there! But, for some reason, Ruppert (and others affected by this paramoralism) seems to think that killing thousands of citizens by crashing airplanes is easier to accept than cold bloodedly murdering them "in person," as it were.

Since Ruppert's declaration about the "no plane at the Pentagon" theory, many other "9/11 researchers", such as Mark Rabinowitz and Jim Hoffman, have seized upon Ruppert's idea and even expanded upon it by suggesting that the "no planers" are actually government agents trying to discredit the REAL 9/11 researchers with the 'kooky' "no plane" theory.

In order to really understand the insidiousness of this patronising claim that the public could not accept the implications of the idea that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon, let's look at the "evidence" as presented by the ATS member that it really was Flight 77 that impacted the Pentagon that bright September morn.

First, however, I would like a few observations about 9/11 research in general.

Comment: Click here to read the rest of our new article!

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Under Fire! U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Targeted For Suggesting New Independent 9/11 Investigation - Army sez: Doubting Official 9/11 Story Is 'Disloyal To The United States' The subject? The Pentagon!

By Stephen Webster
The Lone Star Iconoclast
21 August 06

FT. SAM HOUSTON, Texas - Forty-one-year-old Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell is a hero. Having served over 19 years in the United States Army, Buswell has seen a lot of terrain. On April 15, 2004, he was injured in a rocket attack while serving a tour in Iraq. For this, SFC Buswell was given a Purple Heart. And until recently, Buswell was an Intelligence Analyst stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas.

But if one were to ask Buswell's Commanding Officer what he thinks of the Sergeant, the response would likely sound a little bit more like, "No comment."
Such were the words given to The Iconoclast by Lieutenant Colonel Jane Crichton after inquiring why SFC Buswell is the focus of an investigation initiated by Colonel Luke S. Green, Chief of Staff at Fifth Army in Ft. Sam Houston.

According to unnamed military sources contacted by The Iconoclast, SFC Buswell "used his Government issued email account to send messages disloyal to the United States ..." Because of these statements, SFC Buswell could soon find himself dishonorably discharged, court marshaled, or worse.

It all started as a simple response to a common, unsolicited mass email, sent to 38 individuals at Ft. Sam Houston on Aug. 2, 2006. The message, as well as Buswell's response, is among documents obtained by The Iconoclast. The sender of the first message is identified as "Anderson, Larry Mr JMC". It reads:

This is being sent more as assurance for what happens when a plane hits a nuclear site more so than in response to that German website alleging a government conspiracy related to the 9/11 Pentagon plane crash (though the website does present an interesting perspective) - LarrySubject: F-4 vs. Concrete Wall

Take a look at this clip [not included] and you'll get a good feel for what happens to an airplane when it hits a concrete wall. Many of you have seen the produced (but not factual), Michael Moore-esque website that asks the question; "If it's true that a Boeing airliner hit the Pentagon, what happened to all the parts of it? Why do we not find more pieces of it?

Where did all that mass GO???" (Therefore, the paranoid loony liberal reasoning, 9-11 must have been a US gov't conspiracy!) Well, for those who question what happened to "all the mass of that airplane".......watch this clip.

It's the old Air Force engineering tests of the concrete barrier that surrounds nuclear reactor domes -tests to see if it will indeed survive an aerial attack. With the hi-speed cameras rolling, they accelerated an F-4 Phantom to 500mph and.........

Recall: "What happens when an 'Unstoppable Force' meets an 'Immovable Object'???" (Remember, as you watch in slow motion as the F-4 turns to vapor, the Phantom was one of the toughest airplanes ever built).

SFC Buswell responded later that day, saying:

Subject: F-4 vs. Concrete Wall Hello,

I receive many unsolicited e-mails daily, this one I chose to respond to. The below mentioned premise that an F4 Phantom fighter jet hitting that hardened concrete barrier is akin to the alleged 757 hitting the Pentagon is like oil and water; they don't mix, and they serve to muddy the issue. The issue is 911 was filled with errors in the 'official report' and 'official story' of that day, and, what happened that day. We all know and saw 2 planes hitting the WTC buildings, we didn't see the 757 hit the Pentagon, nor did we see the plane crash in Shanksville PA. Both the PA and Pentagon 'crashes' don't have clues and tell-tale signs of a jumbo-jet impacting those zones!

The Pentagon would have huge wing impacts in the side of the building; it didn't. Shanksville PA would have had debris, and a large debris field; it didn't.

Getting back to the F4...The Pentagon isn't a nuclear hardened structure, so I can't follow your weak logic that since an F4 vaporized itself in a test impact on a nuclear hardened structure that the alleged 757 hitting the Pentagon should have exhibited the same characteristics!

I say Occums razor is the best way to deduce this 'day of infamy'; if you weigh all options, do some simple studying you will see 911 was clearly not executed by some arabs in caves with cell phones and 3 day old newspapers! I mean how are Arabs benefiting from pulling off 911? They have more war, more death and dismal conditions, so, how did 911 benefit them? Answer: It didn't. So, who benefited from 9-11? The answer is sad, but simple; The Military Industial [sic] Complex.

It's not a paranoid conspiracy to think there are conspiracies out there...and, it's not Liberal Lunacy either, nor is it Conservative Kookiness! People, fellow citizens we've been had! We must demand a new independent investigation into 911 and look at all options of that day, and all plausabilities [sic], even the most incredulous theories must be examined.

Upon returning to his office the next day, Buswell discovered the locks had been changed, his security clearance was revoked, and an investigation had been launched. Buswell's commanding officer, Colonel Luke Green, drafted a letter assigning Major Edwin Escobar to the investigation. According to sources, Colonel Green has asserted that SFC Buswell failed to obey Army regulations when he used his government issued email account to send what have been termed as messages disloyal to the United States with the intent of stirring up disloyalty, in a manner that brings discredit upon the United States Army.

It has been reported that Colonel Green also wrote that SFC Buswell claims to have information proving a conspiracy on the part of the United States Military Industrial Complex to attack targets within the United States, e.g., The Pentagon. Officials have suggested that the email response sent by SFC Buswell may be in violation of CFR 2635.705(a ), DoD-R 5500.7, and Joint Ethics Regulation paragraph 2-301b. These rules SFC Buswell is said to have perhaps violated regulate how soldiers utilize government resources, how they use their off-duty time, and how they use their official time.

The Iconoclast attempted to establish a dialogue with Colonel Green and Major Escobar, but calls were not returned as of press time. SFC Buswell declined to comment on the investigation, but noted that he spoke with his parents about the matter for a period of two days before he was ordered to not disclose any further information.

"My son spoke with me about [the investigation]," said Winthrop Buswell, SFC Buswell's father. "There was an unsolicited email. My son, without divulging anything, without usurping anything, without doing anything to discredit anyone in any way, simply responded to that saying 'Yes, there are what if's. And maybe there is something that is being covered up.' That's all that I know. He responded to it, but it was unsolicited. I think - of course, I'm dad, being very much in love with his son and wanting to praise him - because he is a low man on the totem pole, of course he's of pretty high rank but not quite an officer, that maybe ... Maybe an investigation might be the scapegoat for whomever."

"That is so ridiculous," said Winthrop Buswell. "[To say he is disloyal to the United States] is totally ridiculous. And the discourtesy was, ah, very apparent at that particular time. ... I've always thought the American way is this: to disagree is important. To dissent is important. And my son simply said, without any fanfare, 'Look, let's take a look at the whole picture. If you want to take a look at that, maybe there are a few paragraphs that a Michael Moore might want to emphasize.' That is all that my son has said. Never, however, to at all disparage the country and the patriotism that is so necessary for all of us. But, patriotism, as suggested by FOX News' [Bill O'Reilly], is following the line of George W. Bush and cohorts completely! All my son is saying is, 'Hey, maybe there's a what if.' Never, though, did he get sidetracked from the fact that [he loves his] country."

"What disturbed him more than anything else, I think, was the fact that the Iraqi citizens suffered so much and are suffering so much now," said Winthrop Buswell. "The time that he was injured, there were several Iraqis burning to death in front of him. He tried to put out the fire. It was a traumatic experience for him. ... He spoke about that a number of times, and how terrible that was to see the citizenry being killed and suffering so much."

"One of his heroes is Abraham Lincoln," Winthrop Buswell continued. "And Abraham Lincoln said many things, but one of the things he said - and I'm paraphrasing - was, 'I may disagree with the fellow who's speaking, but I will stand and defend his right to speak.' That's my son's position. He does look at the what if's. But that doesn't take away from his dedication and his patriotism. I don't know a fellow who gets more chills running up and down his spine when he sees the flag flying."

"As a boy, [Donald was] always a very curious fellow," he added. "Very daring, but never risking anything or stepping over the line. He loved motorcycles, but was always very cautious about it, always wearing proper clothing, always wearing a helmet. Also, he was very active in little model racing cars. He was in Cub Scouts. I remember walking to the gymnasium with him and having wonderful conversations with him years ago. His mother and I went through a divorce, and that is never easy for anyone. My son was also very close to his grandfather on his mother's side, and also his grandfather and grandmother on my side. Donald loves railroading, and my father has the best job that anyone could ever have. He's a locomotive engineer, and my son related to that. My son also has a strong belief in a power greater than ourselves."

"But one of the things that stands out ... is his love and his caring," said Winthrop, choking back tears. "He loves children. He's just the greatest guy, as far as I am concerned. He walks into a room with a big smile on his face. ... He's like my dad - he makes you feel like, you know ... I ... I care for you. Ah, he's ... He's my son ..."

The Iconoclast will continue reporting on this story as new details become available.

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83% of CNN Pollsters Agree With Charlie Sheen On 9/11


Despite the best efforts of the now whimpering attack poodles of the mainstream media, an online CNN poll shows that over four-fifths, or 82 per cent, agree with actor Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks.

Every establishment media mouthpiece aside from CNN tried to hang Sheen on his own words but it simply didn't work because those same questions are firing the synapses in the heads of millions upon millions of other taxpaying American citizens.

We are now in the majority and the cynics are beginning to feel the breeze of fear as they desperately cling to ignorant dogmas spoon fed to them by an empire in descent, while in the back of their mind and in their soul knowing that they have sided with the wrong team and the wrong side of history.

As of Friday morning you can still vote in the poll and I encourage you to do so by clicking here. A.J. Hammer and CNN Showbiz Tonight need to be given their due as the only mainstream television news show to give balanced coverage of serious 9/11 questions.
This is a watershed moment in the struggle to create a powerful, educated and active contingent of individuals with no hierarchical structure but with a unified cause.

Charlie Sheen is the forerunner of the third wave of 9/11 skeptics to go public.

The first wave was concerned and informed American and worldwide citizens who educated themselves and formed action groups and organizations to inform others.

The second wave was former government officials and people of high office risking their political reputation to voice their doubts on 9/11, people like Paul Craig Roberts, Professor Steven Jones, Michael Meacher and Andreas von Buelow.

The third wave is high profile individuals who already have a substantial media platform from which to speak the truth, Hollywood stars and cultural icons. Charlie Sheen must be commended for risking his entire career for the sake of the truth and the future of America.

The fourth and final wave will be people who were in government at the time of 9/11 or those employed by the Bush administration at the time of 9/11, such as secret service officials and others close to the administration, going public with what they know. By this I don't mean watered down shills like Richard Clarke but individuals with hardcore information that could be the catalyst for impeachment.

At that point the call for a new independent investigation of 9/11 will be deafening and impossible to ignore any further.

Our efforts in stalling these control freaks is really beginning to pay dividends. Our patience for freedom will outlast their lust for power and the human spirit will triumph over evil.

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Israeli links to 9/11?

5 Jan 06

On the day of the September 11, 2001 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked how they could affect Israeli-U.S. relations. His quick reply was: "It's very good.......Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)".

An article by reporter Jim Galloway, published on The Austin American-Statesman on Nov. 25, 2001, stated that the FBI had evidence suggesting that the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence, along with some rogue American and foreign spy agencies, may be deeply involved in or even entirely responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks as well as other acts of terrorism against the United States.

According to Galloway, 100 of the 1,100 foreigners arrested by the FBI for suspicion of involvement in the 9/11 attacks were Israeli Jews. In fact, a Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on the day of the attacks. Five of the Israelis were arrested after "angry witnesses had seen the five at a waterfront park in New Jersey apparently laughing and clowning, and photographing themselves in front of the burning towers." One witness told police at the time that the men "were like happy, you know ... They didn't look shocked to me."
According to ABC's 20/20, when police stopped the cheering Israelis, one of them told the officers: "We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem".

One of the five Israelis had a German passport in addition to his Israeli passport. Another had an international flight booked to Thailand on September 13, two days after the attacks. The FBI also found out that one of them was a former paratrooper, assigned to an elite Israeli defense forces unit.

Two more Israelis were caught in a truck on Interstate 80 in Pennsylvania, near the site of the crash of American Airlines flight 93. Police became very suspicious when they found maps of the city with certain locations highlighted, box cutters (like the ones used by the hijackers), along with other incriminating evidence. Police also said that bomb sniffing dogs reacted as if they smelled explosives when they were brought to the Israelis' truck.

The FBI believes that most of the arrested Israelis belong to an Israeli intelligence unit operating outside New Jersey, near where the Anthrax letters were mailed. They all worked for a U.S.-based company known as Urban Moving Systems.

An editorial on whatreallyhappened.com states that an FBI SWAT team raided the New Jersey warehouse of the Urban Moving Systems and confiscated a number of computer hard drives and files. It further adds that the Israeli owner of the company, Dominick Suter, closed his business days after the Sept. attacks and returned to Israel. He was in such a hurry that some of Urban Moving System's customers were left with their furniture stranded in storage facilities.

Behind closed doors, Israeli authorities were doing all what they can to get the men released and the FBI probe closed. Israeli lawmakers contacted their "friends" in the U.S. Congress, and the Mayor of Jerusalem, Ehud Ohmert personally called the New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and asked him to intervene.

An article on Power of Prophecy reported that a war brewed inside the FBI between the agents conducting the probe and their superiors, who warned that involving the Israelis in the attacks could be an "explosive political volcano." But the lower-level agents didn't buy it. They believed that the arrested Israeli Jews might just hold the key to the whole 9/11 debacle. "These Israeli guys knew what was coming down," one FBI veteran was quoted as saying. "We would be fools if we let them just fade away into the sunset and pretend they weren't involved."

It was later confirmed that the five detained Israelis were in fact Mossad agents. However, FBI and Justice Department superiors succeeded in pushing aside the local FBI agents and the Israelis were released after spending just 71 days in U.S. custody. "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information," a U.S. official told Fox News at the time.

The compliant mainstream media completely ignored the Israeli connection. Rather it immediately blamed OSAMA BIN LADEN even though he had no record of doing anything on this scale. On the day of the attacks, CIA Director George Tenet said "You know, this has bin Laden's fingerprints all over it."

But a number of intelligence officials have raised questions about BIN LADEN's capabilities. "This guy sits in a cave in Afghanistan and he's running this operation?" one CIA official said at the time. "It's so huge. He couldn't have done it alone."

BIN LADEN himself denied any involvement in the attacks. The BBC published his denial in which he clearly stated: "I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself..." (Most of us never heard that quote on our nightly newscast).

To date, the only shred of "evidence" against bin Laden is a barely audible fuzzy amateur video that the Pentagon just happened to find "lying around" in Afghanistan.

U.S. intelligence analysts believe that Israel benefited most from the September 11 attacks. Israel has been widely criticized by the West for its aggression against the Palestinians. Israeli occupation soldiers were, and still are, shown on international TV news in heated exchanges with Palestinian youths armed with nothing more than stones. Israeli tanks bulldoze Palestinian farms and homes, and human rights groups complain that Palestinian detainees are tortured and abused in Israeli jails.

But after 9/11, things changed dramatically. Sympathy for the Palestinians vanished. The Arabs were universally portrayed as the "bad guys." Israeli Prime Minister ARIEL SHARON reportedly said: "Now we and the Americans are in the same fight."

An article by political analyst Richard Becker published on Jan. 9, 2003 on the Workers World newspaper states that "SHARON and other Israeli leaders aspire to fulfill what the goals of the political ZIONIST movement have been since its origin a century ago: to turn all of historic Palestine into an exclusively Jewish state. A central tenet of the ZIONIST ideology is expressed in the racist slogan, 'A land without people for a people without a land.'"

The implication of the Arabs in the 9/11 attacks provided the Israelis with a golden opportunity to achieve the above-stated goals because the world would view the Palestinians as terrorists.

Blaming the horrible attacks on the Arabs was the best thing that has even happened to Israel. Now Washington, once again, solidly stands in the pro-Israeli camp, and "Palestinians be damned!"

Comment: Well, guess who else has been saying the same thing since ground zero? Read Laura Knight-Jadczyk's 9/11 The Ultimate Truth.

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9/11 Gone Wild

by William Arkin
19 Dec 2005

"What has happened since the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks is as pernicious and as damaging as any abuse or panic or misstep of the past: We must pledge allegiance to a certain post 9/11 Order, abandon the rule of law, compromise our values, turn against our neighbors, enlist in a clash of civilizations, all in the name of defeating the terrorists.

"We are being asked to destroy our country in order to save it. ...

"The right answer is to challenge the presumption of a terrorist threat that is so potentially destructive that it demands we destroy ourselves to fight it."
Yesterday's New York Times editorial on National Security Agency spying in the United States refers to "your mail and your e-mail" and "your telephone conversations" being monitored.

The connotation of course is that the "you" is some New York Times reading Cappuccino drinking upper middle class Manhattan intellectual, that thousands if not tens of thousands of similar Americans are having their phones tapped and e-mails intercepted.

Come on. The government is not just repeating the targeting of political opponents a la J. Edgar Hoover or Richard Nixon. It is not picking out a Seymour Hersh or a Cindy Sheehan to find their links to foreign influences nor seeking to ruin their lives by developing incriminating evidence on them.

I know I sound like some Fox news watching, flag waiving, gun toting, Cappuccino hater defending the national security state.

The New York Times and the government may not want to say the obvious, that by and large, it is Muslims in America who are being monitored in the 9/11 Order. It is not the liberal or the literary in the back of the New York City taxicab that is the target. It is the driver.

If the government is going to find the next Mohamed Atta in our midst, it is going to do so, it thinks, through the intercepted phone call to uncle Mohamed in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia. It is going to correlate the purchase, the airline ticket, the license plate at the Mosque.

What has happened since the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks is as pernicious and as damaging as any abuse or panic or misstep of the past: We must pledge allegiance to a certain post 9/11 Order, abandon the rule of law, compromise our values, turn against our neighbors, enlist in a clash of civilizations, all in the name of defeating the terrorists.

We are being asked to destroy our country in order to save it.

In October 2001, President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to collect intelligence on U.S. persons -- citizens and residents -- suspected of having connections to al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday on NBC's Meet the Press, government counter-terrorism fighters complained about a "seam" between intelligence and law enforcement agencies that allowed al Qaeda to infiltrate. This is the central paradigm of the 9/11 Order: The government isn't to be held responsible for its incompetence and failure to protect Americans. It is the laws and the handcuffs placed on the government that is the problem.

Soon we all became agents of "actionable intelligence." On NBC's Meet the Press on Sept. 30, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld introduced the term and referred to the measures the government was taking "so that, in fact, things can be done" against terrorist networks. Terrorist networks operating not just in Afghanistan or the Middle East, but also in Buffalo and Detroit.

Actionable intelligence is data: Intercepted phone calls and e-mails, credit card receipts, library transactions, web preferences, and associations. The 9/11 Order is all about the data.

An ever larger and unleashed government vacuum cleaner sucks up the words and the actions and collects the material in giant databases.

The government tells us that plots have been uncovered and new attacks thwarted. They say that the old rules were too cumbersome, that they just couldn't wait the extra hours.

Tonight on ABC's "Nightline" Vice President Dick Cheney will make the precise argument that the new surveillance was necessitated by the old rules.

"It's the kind of capability if we'd had before 9/11 might have led us to be able to prevent 9/11," the Vice President says.

It is a giant fishing expedition as much as it is a highly targeted campaign. The hundreds of millions of intercepts and data points are massaged by the data miners and link analyzers and churned through banks of computers and dozens of new software programs in pursuit of the holy "connecting of the dots."

They just might track a license plate to a cave in Pakistan.

It's all here in the seams, in the dots, this actionable intelligence: ghost detainees, renditions, coalitions of the willing to torture, special authorities and special operations, warrantless surveillance, corners being cut and laws being broken.

"These are stateless networks of people who communicate, and communicate in much more fluid ways," Secretary Rice said yesterday.

Stateless networks of people in our midst. We are not safe and the government is doing God's work to protect us. That is the message.

The reasonable answer will be congressional hearings and government contrition and revised laws to continue the 9/11 Order.

The right answer is to challenge the presumption of a terrorist threat that is so potentially destructive that it demands we destroy ourselves to fight it. Terrorists will continue to exist, they will continue to live in our midst and there will be terrorist incidents, probably even terrible ones, in our future. If we just stopped providing ever more excuses for the America haters and the haters of democracy, that would be a far more effective counter-terrorism strategy.

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Al-Qaeda issues 9/11 anniversary warning

Monday 11 September 2006, 12:37 Makka Time, 9:37 GMT

Al-Qaeda's number two leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has called on Muslims to increase their resistance to the US on the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Al-Zawahiri addressed the US and its citizens in a video, seen by Aljazeera on Monday, which appeared to be new.

He said, "You gave us every legitimacy and every opportunity to continue fighting you ... You should worry about your presence in the [Persian] Gulf, and the second place you should worry about is Israel.

"Your leaders are hiding from you the true extent of the disaster, and the days are pregnant and giving birth to new events with Allah's permission and guidance."

He also said al-Qaeda was justified in continuing its fight against America as the US administration had "ignored our offer of a truce", adding US troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan "were doomed".

New footage

Al-Zawahiri refers to Israel's bombardment of Lebanon this summer, the capture of Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah and fighters in Gaza in the video, entitled Hot Issues, leading experts to believe it is probably new.

He says that Israel was attacking Lebanon and Gaza only because Egypt had left the "field of conflict with Israel".

As-Sahab website, al-Qaeda's media arm, posted on Sunday the full video of a smiling Osama bin Laden and other commanders in a mountain camp, apparently planning the September 11 attacks, excerpts of which were first aired by Aljazeera last Thursday.

The documentary-like retrospective of the five years since the attacks was unusually long - 91 minutes, split into two segments and sophisticated in its production quality compared to previous al-Qaeda videos.

It included the last testament of two of the September 11 hijackers, Wail al-Shihri and Hamza al-Ghamdi, and showed bin Laden strolling in the camp, greeting followers.

"Among the devout group which responded to the order of Allah and the order of his messenger were the heroes of September 11, who wrote with their blood the greatest pages of modern history," the narrator said, referring to the hijackers who flew planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre.

Al-Shihri and al-Ghamdi were each shown speaking to the camera, their image superimposed over background pictures of the crumbling World Trade Centre towers and the burning Pentagon, as well as a model of a passenger jet.

Comment: Well, of course they did!

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ABC tinkers with 9/11 drama

Fri Sep 8, 2006

Under pressure from former President Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party, ABC scrambled on Friday to make 11th-hour changes to a miniseries suggesting he was inattentive to the Islamic militant threat that led to the September 11 attacks.

Officials at the Walt Disney Co.-owned network said they were still tinkering with the five-hour production, titled "The Path to 9/11," which is scheduled to air without commercial interruption in two parts on Sunday and Monday.

But ABC declined to say how the movie was being reshaped or whether any changes would address specific complaints lodged by Clinton, his former aides and congressional Democrats that the film contained numerous inaccuracies and distortions.
The Hollywood trade paper Daily Variety, citing sources close to the project, reported the network was considering canceling the miniseries altogether.

The docu-drama, which ABC says is based largely on the official 9/11 Commission Report, opens with the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York and traces subsequent events leading up to the coordinated suicide hijackings five years ago that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Much of the controversy focuses on a scene depicting CIA agents and Afghan fighters coming close to capturing al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in the 1990s, only to have then-White House national security advisor Samuel Berger refuse to authorize completion of their mission.

An unfinished version of the film circulated by ABC to TV critics for review portrays Berger as abruptly hanging up the phone while the CIA is pressing him to approve the raid.

In letters of protest to Disney President Robert Iger, Berger and former White House aide Bruce Lindsey said no such episode ever occurred.

The executive producer of the film, Marc Platt, acknowledged to Reuters on Thursday the Berger scene was a "conflation of events."

The film also drew denunciations from Clinton supporters for strongly suggesting his administration was too distracted by the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal to deal effectively with the gathering threat of Islamic militancy. Lindsey said the 9/11 Commission Report disputed that notion.

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Global media abhors US response to 9/11

Mon Sep 11, 2006

PARIS - Newspapers across the world have strongly criticised the US response to September 11, accusing the Bush administration of bungling its "war on terror" and squandering global goodwill by invading Iraq.

On the fifth anniversary of Al-Qaeda's assault on New York and Washington, editorials united Monday in condemning the attacks and expressing revulsion for the Islamic extremists who carried out the atrocity.

While papers said many people were still grappling with the immensity of what happened on that day, nearly all agreed the world had since become a more dangerous and uncertain place.

Much criticism, especially in the Midde East and Europe, was reserved for US President George W. Bush's decision to invade Iraq under the banner of the "war on terror".
The New York Times acknowledged the United States had lost the feeling of unity and purpose which gripped the nation in the aftermath of the attacks, and lamented a lost opportunity.

"When we measure the possibilities created by 9/11 against what we have actually accomplished, it is clear that we have found one way after another to compound the tragedy," said the paper's editorial.

Summing up the mood in the British press, the Financial Times said: "The way the Bush administration has trampled on the international rule of law and Geneva Conventions, while abrogating civil liberties and expanding executive power at home, has done huge damage not only to America's reputation but, more broadly, to the attractive power of Western values."

German daily Handelsblatt said the war in Iraq had been erroneously started in the name of September 11, while Spain's El Pais said the Bush administration used the attacks to impose a neo-conservative foreign policy.

"The result, five years after, is a more dangerous world," El Pais said.

The criticism, and in particular the condemnation of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, was echoed in newspapers across the Middle East and Asia.

Many Arab newspapers said the US campaign and the invasion of Iraq had pushed the world closer to a clash of civilisations between the West and the Muslim world.

"Instead of isolating and wiping out Al-Qaeda, Bush has created a long list of new foes in his ever-broadening war on terror," Lebanon's Daily Star said.

"In doing so, he has bolstered the popular impression that the United States is waging a crusade against Islam -- an impression which Al-Qaeda skillfully exploits in order to gain more support."

Egypt's semi-official Al-Ahram compared Bush to the mastermind of the attacks Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

"Five years ago, the history of the world changed twice, once in the hands of Bin Laden and his gang, and once in the hands of Bin Bush and his administration."

The Al-Ghad daily in Jordan was similarly critical saying: "The administration of George W. Bush used a vengeful mentality in dealing with the 9/11 crime and has turned the entire world into a battleground."

Many newspapers in Iran speculated that Washington staged the attacks so that it could justify attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Iraq, meanwhile, ignored the anniversary altogether with not a single mention of it in the press.

In Pakistan, a key US ally in the battle against Al-Qaeda, The News daily wrote a hard-hitting editorial entitled "Five Years of Nothing".

"Looking back it would be hard to say whether the years have been spent in something meaningful or constructive," it said. "Many would agree the world is a more dangerous place and the United States is nowhere close to winning the war on terror."

The US administration received some support from the media in Australia, where the government has been a staunch supporter of US policy since the 2001 attacks.

The Australian newspaper said terrorist strikes against Western interests since 9-11 in London, Madrid, Indonesia and elsewhere had left no doubt the world faced a concerted attack by extremists.

"Radical Islam is corrupting impressionable minds, encouraging disaffected youth and the newly converted with a poor understanding of faith to offer their lives as suicide bombers in what is essentially a political campaign."

In Thailand, The Nation said the impact of September 11 on Asia was much bigger than people wanted to admit, while in the Philippines the Manila Times said the damage was so great that many were still trying to cope.

"We are still shocked by the number of lives that were lost that day, close to 3,000. And we still remember how dread enveloped the world like a thick black shroud.

"But 9/11 left us with a deeper sense of loss, a loss of innocence. We are still trying to comprehend how hatred could drive people into a senseless act of violence. It is that loss that we find it hardest to get over."

Comment: The only problem with the "outrage" in the world media is that now would be a perfect time for another false flag attack to "prove" that everyone was wrong and Bush was right...

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Palestinians: On the Front Line

Unilateral pullout plan "disappeared" due to recent fighting: Peres

2006-09-10 15:39:21

JERUSALEM (Xinhua) -- Israel's plan for a unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank has "disappeared" due to the recent fighting in Gaza and Lebanon, Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres said on Sunday.
Peres told Israel Radio that "I think a one-sided realignment plan has disappeared because of what happened in Gaza and what happened in Lebanon."

Israel must consider other ways to proceed in talks with the Palestinians, Peres said, adding that "we have to find a way to move forward."

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Saturday that he intended to meet with Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to revive Middle East peace negotiations.

But he stressed that securing the release of the Israeli soldier captured by Gaza militants was top of the agenda ahead of any meeting with Abbas on a stalled road map peace plan.

According to Olmert's realignment plan, thousands of Jewish settlers will be unilaterally evacuated from large areas of the West Bank and beef up others in drawing Israel's final borders, even without reaching peace agreement with the Palestinians.

However, many Israelis began to doubt the plan's feasibility after militants in the Gaza Strip tunneled into southern Israel and attacked an Israel Defense Forces post, killing two soldiers and kidnapping one, despite Israel's withdrawal from Gaza.

Since the beginning of the Lebanese war, Israeli has been also reluctant to agree to a West Bank withdrawal, according to Peres.

Comment: So since Israel unilaterally invaded Gaza, they can unilaterally decide not to implement a unilateral decision to unilaterally "pull out" of the West Bank, a public relations ploy that was about as sincere as their decision to "oull out" of Gaza.

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Abbas, Olmert ready for peace talks

Last Updated Sun, 10 Sep 2006 12:25:42 EDT
CBC News

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Sunday that he is ready to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to revive peace talks, echoing a statement issued by Olmert the previous day.

Abbas expressed a willingness to hold negotiations after meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair in the West Bank city of Ramallah, saying his Fatah party is serious about putting together a national unity government "to put an end to the siege imposed on us."
Abbas was referring to international sanctions imposed after Hamas secured a surprise victory in the Palestinian Authority election in January, ousting the long-dominant Fatah party. The sanctions have left the Hamas-led government unable to pay civil servants for months.

During talks with his British counterpart on Saturday, Olmert said he "stands fully" ready to meet with Abbas without prior conditions such as the release of Cpl. Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier being held captive by militants with links to Hamas. Abbas and Olmert have not meant since June, when Shalit was captured.

During his visit to Ramallah, Blair said the international community should restore contacts with the Palestinian government if Hamas forms a unity government and accepts demands outlined by the Quartet of Middle East peace brokers.

The Quartet, consisting of the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia, wants Hamas to renounce violence, recognize Israel and accept previous peace agreements with the Jewish state. The European Union and the United States froze all direct financial aid to the Palestinian government after Hamas formed a government in March.

Blair sees window of opportunity'

Blair said despite a series of setbacks in the Middle East in the past several months, he believes there is now a "window of opportunity" to try to work toward peace once again.

"I believe that such a government, based on the Quartet requirements, does offer the possibility of re-engagement by the international community," Blair said.

A spokesman for the Hamas-led Palestinian government, Sami Abu Zuhri, said Sunday his group is ready to form a coalition government with the Fatah party run by Abbas, but "not according to the standards that are dictated."

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Abbas accepts Haneya as coalition cabinet PM

www.chinaview.cn 2006-09-11 18:11:13

GAZA, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) -- A spokesman of the Hamas-led government said on Monday that President Mahmoud Abbas has agreed with the ruling Hamas movement that incumbent Prime Minister Ismail Haneya will head a coming coalition government.
Sami Abu Zuhri told reporters that Hamas nominated Haneya as prime minister of a coalition government, and Abbas approved the nomination.

Abbas and Haneya met in Gaza Sunday night. According to Abu Zuhri, a senior Hamas official who attended the meeting, the meeting was "positive and fruitful" and focused on a national
unity government.

"Major progress was achieved during the meeting, particularly the political program of a proposed government," he said.

The coalition's agenda would be in line with the Prisoner's Document of National Accordance that calls for a two-state solution, he said.

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Raw sewage taints sacred Jordan River

Associated Press
Sun Sep 10, 2006

KIBBUTZ KINNERET, Israel - Wading into the Jordan River, the pastor blessed his flock, tapping the believers on the head before sending them into the hallowed waters to be baptized.

The faithful wet their faces and arms, shouting 'amen' and 'hallelujah' after each baptism, unaware that just downstream, raw sewage was flowing into the water.

That's the split personality of one of the world's most sacred rivers.
Small sections of the Jordan's upper portion, near the Sea of Galilee, have been kept pristine for baptisms. But
Israel, Jordan and Syria have siphoned off huge amounts of river water to meet their needs in this arid region, and pumped waste water back in.

Hardest hit is the 60-mile downstream stretch - a meandering stream from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea.

Environmentalists say the practice has almost destroyed the river's ecosystem.

Now Christian evangelicals have teamed up with environmentalists to save the Jordan. They want UNESCO to declare the entire Jordan Valley and river a World Heritage Site, hoping it will force all countries involved to work together to save it.

"If there's irreversible damage done ... Israel's going to have another PR battle on its hands," said David Parsons, a spokesman for the evangelical Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, which has joined forces with Friends of the Earth Middle East, a green group.

Rescuing the river could take decades, environmentalists say.

The damage began in 1964, when Israel began operating a dam that diverts water from the Sea of Galilee, a major Jordan River water provider, to the national water carrier, said Hillel Glassman, a stream expert at Israel's Parks Authority. At the same time, Jordan built a channel that diverted water from the Yarmouk River, another main tributary of the Jordan River.

Syria has also built reservoirs that catch the Yarmouk's waters. In a year, the Yarmouk's flow into the Jordan River will dwindle to a trickle, once Syria and Jordan begin operating a dam they jointly built, he added.

Environmentalists blame all three countries.

The 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty contained provisions for rehabilitating the river, said Munqeth Mehyar, chairman of Friends of the Earth Middle East in Amman.

"They simply did not implement what came in the agreement," he said. "The violation took place much before and not only by the Jordanians and the Israelis, but also the Syrians."

The three countries replenished the river with sewage water, agricultural runoff and salt water, Glassman said. The freshwater foliage that once flourished along the river's banks has been replaced with saline vegetation.

"Almost no fresh water is flowing down the Jordan River anymore," said Mira Edelstein, an expert on the Jordan Valley for Friends of the Earth Middle East. "It's true there are springs along the way which replenish it a little bit, but unfortunately it has become the ... dumping yard of the countries."

Overpumping and mineral extraction by Israeli and Jordanian companies are also drying up the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, with the shoreline receding three feet a year. The southern third of the lake is gone, and the experts doubt the famously salty lake can ever be rehabilitated.

Hadas Shamir, a masseuse at a spa in Ein Gedi, an Israeli resort on the Dead Sea, remembers that when she moved to the area from South Africa in 1978, the shoreline was just 30 feet from the road. Today, the spa has to drive its guests a mile to the water.

Visitors flock here to sightsee and bathe in mineral-rich waters. "People who believe the Dead Sea is good for them will still continue coming. I don't know how much longer the sea will be there for them," Shamir said.

Back at the baptismal site, Marilyn Spence, 54, of Plano, Texas, was disappointed to hear the river's ecosystem had been ruined, but said it didn't diminish the life-changing experience she had on her visit.

"To read about it is one thing, but to really be here and to be in the place that Jesus was baptized, it's really an emotion that you can't describe," Spence said. "Saying yes to Jesus Christ is the ultimate, it's just the ultimate."

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Palestinians forced to scavenge for food on rubbish dumps

UK Independent

The Israeli military and economic siege of Gaza has led to a collapse in Palestinian living conditions and many people only survive by looking for scraps of food in rubbish dumps, say international aid agencies.

"The pressure and tactics have not resulted in a desire for compromise," Karen Abuzayd, the head of the UN Relief and Works Agency is said to have warned. "But rather they have created mass despair, anger and a sense of hopelessness and abandonment."

Israel closed the entry and exit points into the Gaza Strip, home to 1.5 million Palestinians, on 25 June and has conducted frequent raids and bombings that have killed 262 people and wounded 1,200. The crisis in Gaza has been largely ignored by the rest of the world, which has been absorbed by the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

"Women in Gaza tell me they are eating only one meal a day, bread with tomatoes or cheap vegetables," said Kirstie Campbell of the UN's World Food Programme, which is feeding 235,000 people. She added that in June, since when the crisis has worsened, some 70 per cent of people in Gaza could not meet their family's food needs. "People are raiding garbage dumps," she said.
Not only do Palestinians in Gaza get little to eat but what food they have is eaten cold because of the lack of electricity and money to pay for fuel. The Gaza power plant was destroyed by an Israeli air strike in June. In one month alone 4 per cent of Gaza's agricultural land was destroyed by Israeli bulldozers.

The total closure imposed by Israel, supplemented by deadly raids, has led to the collapse of the Gazan economy. The 35,000 fishermen cannot fish because Israeli gunboats will fire on them if they go more than a few hundred yards from the shore. At the same time the international boycott of the Hamas government means that there is no foreign aid to pay Palestinian government employees. The government used to have a monthly budget of $180-200m, half of which went to pay 165,000 public sector workers. But it now has only $25m a month.

Aid agencies are frustrated by their inability to persuade the world that the humanitarian crisis is far worse in Gaza than it is in Lebanon. The WFP says: "In contrast to Lebanon, where humanitarian food aid needs have been essentially met, the growing number of poor in Gaza are living on the bare minimum."

It is possible for foreign journalists to visit Gaza but it is a laborious process passing through the main Israeli checkpoint at Erez and then walking down a long concrete tunnel. The kidnapping of two Fox television employees by criminals - though they were later released - has also dissuaded several TV companies from covering the crisis.

The total closure imposed by Israel dates from the seizure of Cpl Gilad Shalit by Palestinian militants on 25 June. Between then and the end of August, Israeli security forces killed 226 Palestinians, 54 of them minors, in the Gaza Strip, according to the Israeli human rights organisation B'Tselem. Of these it says that 114 were taking no part in any hostilities.

The quickest way to alleviate the crisis would be for Israel to allow the Rafah crossing into Egypt to reopen, according to the mayor of Gaza City. But any restoration of the economy would require the reopening of the other crossing points at Erez and Karni.

* Israel lifted its sea blockade of Lebanon yesterday after an interim maritime task force led by an Italian admiral deployed off the Lebanese coast, the commander of UN peacekeepers said.

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Unemployment at 50, poverty at 74 percent in Palestine -- Minister


CAIRO, Sept 10 (KUNA) -- Palestinian Minister of Economy Alaa al-Aaraj said unemployment in Palestine now stands at 50 percent whereas poverty has reached 74 percent.

On Sunday over Sawt Al-Arab radio, Al-Aaraj urged the Arab and International community to contribute to efforts aiming at lifting the blockade on Palestinians and supplying aid.

He expressed hope the talks being held between Palestinian political blocks would lead to forming a national unity government soon.
The Hamas government is keen on meeting the Palestinians' aspirations and establishing peace within a format that respects and restores their rights, Al-Aaraj added.

He said many issues have been agreed on; however, certain sides are proposing some amendments on the Palestinian national reconciliation document on such points as the two co-existing states formula. He would not express his own opinion on this matter

Comment: Israel's doing.

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Israel building electric fence along Egypt border

IMEMC & Agencies
Friday, 08 September 2006

While continuing construction on the massive concrete Wall and series of electric fences and trenches in the West Bank and Gaza, Israel is now announcing the construction of another massive electric fence project: along the 400 km (248 mile) border with its ally, Egypt.

The Israeli military is calling the Egypt border fence construction 'Operation Hourglass', and say that it is meant to stop drug smuggling and illegal entry into the country. Wall construction will cost up to 1 million shekels (USD 230,000), and the Israeli army has already started allocating resources to the construction: an operations room has been built and troops from the Golani and Givati divisions have been committed to the project, and a budget has already been approved.

Israel has not told Egypt about its electric fence, and does not plan to, according to Israeli sources. But Israeli officials don't believe their neighbor will object to the fence.

Israeli officials have said the fence is part of a plan to create "a sterile triangle" between Israel, Egypt and Jordan which will be sealed shut and will serve as an obstacle to anyone who tries to infiltrate it.

No evidence has been found that anyone crossed that border to carry out attacks inside Israel, but Israel is saying that 'anti-terrorism' is one of the main reasons behind the electric fence construction.

The fence construction will begin near Eilat, in southeastern Israel, and the first section, mainly already in place, will run 12 km from Netafim to Gesharon.

The fence will also include security cameras installed along its entire length.

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Get-tough visa policy may mean West Bank Palestinian exodus


ISRAELI officials have confirmed a tightening of visa policies in the West Bank that could force thousands of Palestinians to leave the occupied area. Palestinians with foreign passports who have lived for up to 12 years in the West Bank on tourist visas, many of them raising families, are for the first time being turned away at the border as they try to re-enter.
The change in approach has far-reaching and dire humanitarian, social and economic repercussions, Israeli and Palestinian critics say.

It is already separating foreign spouses from their families in the West Bank and the exclusion of expatriates promises to erode the Palestinian middle class and further harm the depressed Palestinian economy, the critics warn.

"This is one of the more blatantly unjust and blatantly stupid things the government of Israel has ever done," Gershon Baskin, head of the Israeli-Palestinian Centre for Research and Information, said.

The shift comes as Israel steps up its expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, this week issuing 700 tenders for new Israeli housing there.

Shlomo Dror, an Israeli spokesman, said "thousands" of people would be hit by the new approach. From Israel's point of view, he said, "they are not Palestinians, they are people who have another nationality, who have foreign passports. They came in as tourists."

Mr Dror blamed the Palestinian Authority for the plight of the expatriate Palestinians, saying it had not made gaining residency for them a priority as part of a family unification quota before 2000, when Israel froze family reunification at the start of the Palestinian uprising.

He disputed claims that the change would have a dramatic economic impact.

"When there is no peace process the economy will continue to be very bad. For the Palestinians, the economic problem is less important than continuing fighting."

Sam Bahour, a Palestinian-American who moved from Ohio 11 years ago to his father's home town of al-Bireh in the West Bank and helped set up the Palestinian phone company, Paltel, is one of those faced with de facto expulsion.

"I have not disrupted my children's life yet and will continue to buffer them as much as possible from this sadistic Israeli policy," he said.

Mr Bahour has three weeks to go on what an army official wrote in his American passport is his "Last Permit".

His wife, Abeer, and children, Areen, 12, and Nadine, six, have Palestinian identity cards because Abeer grew up in the West Bank. They can remain. But Israeli authorities rejected Mr Bahour's request, first made in 1994, for residency and he has remained on a tourist visa.

Comment: In any way possible, Israel will ethnically cleanse Palestine of Palestinian people. They simply have to do it, because it was "prophesised" in the Jewish holy books that were, in fact, written by human hands. Is that a self-fulfilling prophecy? You bet.

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Creating Terror

Rockefeller: Bush Duped Public On Iraq; Says World Would Be Better Without Iraq Invasion

CBS News
Sep 9, 2006

WASHINGTON - When the Senate Intelligence Committee released a declassified version of its findings this past week, the Republican chairman of the committee, Pat Roberts, left town without doing interviews, calling the report a rehash of unfounded partisan allegations.

Its statements like this one, made Feb. 5, 2003, by then-Secretary of State Colin Powell that have become so controversial, implying Iraq was linked to terror attacks.

"Iraq today harbors a deadly terrorist network headed by abu Musab al-Zarqawi, an associated collaborator of Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda lieutenants," Powell said.

But after 2 1/2 years of reviewing pre-war intelligence behind closed doors, the lead Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, Sen. John Rockefeller (D-W. Va.), who voted for the Iraq War, says the Bush administration pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.
"The absolute cynical manipulation, deliberately cynical manipulation, to shape American public opinion and 69 percent of the people, at that time, it worked, they said 'we want to go to war,'" Rockefeller told CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. "Including me. The difference is after I began to learn about some of that intelligence I went down to the Senate floor and I said 'my vote was wrong.'"

Rockefeller went a step further. He says the world would be better off today if the United States had never invaded Iraq - even if it means Saddam Hussein would still be running Iraq.

He said he sees that as a better scenario, and a safer scenario, "because it is called the 'war on terror.'"

Does Rockefeller stands by his view, even if it means that Saddam Hussein could still be in power if the United States didn't invade?

"Yes. [Saddam] wasn't going to attack us. He would've been isolated there," Rockefeller said. "He would have been in control of that country but we wouldn't have depleted our resources preventing us from prosecuting a war on terror which is what this is all about."

Republicans say there was flawed intelligence to be sure, but they insist there was no attempt to mislead the public.

"In 2002 and 2003, members of both parties got a good look at the intelligence we had and they came to the very same conclusions about what was going on," White House Spokesman Tony Snow said.

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No Qaeda-Saddam links: Senate report

by Stephen Collinson
Fri Sep 8, 2006

WASHINGTON - Saddam Hussein had no ties with Al-Qaeda or slain operative Abu Musab al-Zarqawi before the Iraq war, according to a US Senate report, contradicting repeated claims by President George W. Bush.

"Saddam Hussein was distrustful of Al-Qaeda and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from Al-Qaeda to provide material or operational support," said the report, which ignited a new political row.

The assessment, by the Senate Intelligence Select Committee, also dismissed administration claims that Saddam had links with Al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Zarqawi, killed in a US raid on June 7 after unleashing a string of attacks.

"Postwar information indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted unsuccessfully to locate and capture Zarqawi, and that the regime did not have a relationship with, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi," the report said.
Saddam had also repeatedly rebuffed requests for meetings from Al-Qaeda operatives, the report said.

Before, and after the 2003 invasion Bush administration leaders used purported ties between Iraq and terrorist groups including Al-Qaeda, as partial justification for the war.

On June 14, 2004, for example, Vice President Dick Cheney said : "Saddam Hussein was in power, overseeing one of the bloodiest regimes of the 20th century ... he had long-established ties with Al-Qaeda."

A day later, Bush was asked at the White House to name the best evidence for a link between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda.

"Zarqawi. Zarqawi is the best evidence of connection to al-Qaeda affiliates and al-Qaeda," Bush said.

On August 21, this year, Bush said: "Imagine a world in which you had Saddam Hussein who had the capacity to make a weapon of mass destruction, who was paying suiciders to kill innocent life, ... who had relations with Zarqawi."

The report also found that Iraq ended its nuclear program in 1991, and its ability to reconstitute it progressively declined after that date. The administration had claimed before the invasion of Iraq that the program had been restarted.

A second committee report released Friday probed the role of the exiled Iraqi National Congress in providing intelligence on Saddam's weapons of mass destruction programs, which was later discredited.

The Senate assessments immediately stoked a new row over the US drive to war with Iraq, ahead of November's crucial congressional elections.

"Todays reports show that the administrations repeated allegations of a past, present and future relationship between al-Qaeda and Iraq were wrong and intended to exploit the deep sense of insecurity among Americans in the immediate aftermath of the September 11th attacks," said Democratic Senator John (Jay) Rockefeller in a statement.

"The administration sought and succeeded in creating the false impression that al-Qaeda and Iraq presented a single unified threat to the United States," he said.

Another Democrat, Senator Carl Levin, said the report was "a devastating indictment of the Bush-Cheney administration's unrelenting, misleading and deceptive attempts to convince the American people that Saddam Hussein was linked with Al-Qaeda."

But White House spokesman Tony Snow, speaking before the report was released, said it contained "nothing new."

"It's, again, kind of re-litigating things that happened three years ago," he said.

"The president's stated concern this week, as you've seen, is to think, 'okay, we'll let people quibble over three years ago. The important thing to do is to figure out what you're doing tomorrow and the day after and the month after and the year after to make sure that this war on terror is won.'"

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Saddam Hussein's genocide trial resumes after 19-day break

Last Updated Mon, 11 Sep 2006 05:33:35 EDT
The Associated Press

Saddam Hussein's second trial, on charges of genocide in connection with a crackdown on Kurds, resumed Monday in Baghdad after a 19-day hiatus.

Saddam and six co-defendants face a possible death penalty for the killings of tens of thousands of Kurds during the Anfal campaign, a military assault in northern Iraq in the 1980s.
The offensive levelled hundreds of villages and used chemical weapons on many of them. Residents were herded into prison camps where many of the men disappeared and were executed, according to prosecutors.

The trial's resumption coincided with the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the United States and on the heels of a U.S. Senate Intelligence report that found no link between Saddam and the al-Qaeda terror network.

Although Saddam's link with al-Qaeda has been debunked - along with Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction at the time of the 2003 U.S.-led invasion - the Anfal case pointed to his regime's alleged use of poison gas against Iraqi citizens.

The Bush administration in Washington had argued that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was needed to unseat Saddam because he possessed weapons of mass destruction and had ties to al-Qaeda.

Even as recently as an Aug. 21 news conference, U.S. President George W. Bush said people should "imagine a world in which you had Saddam Hussein" with the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction and "who had relations with (deceased al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab) al-Zarqawi."

Comment: Remember folks, it isn't really Saddam sitting there in the court. It is one of his doubles. And also don't forget that this crime was committed while he was being supported by the United States of America, a vicious little country that had nothing but kind words for Saddam at the time.

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Army recruits killed in Baghdad blast

Monday September 11, 2006
Guardian Unlimited

A suicide bomb attack in Baghdad today killed 16 army recruits, the defence ministry said.

The bomber targeted a minibus travelling close to an army recruitment base in the centre of the Iraqi capital. Defence ministry officials said seven people were injured.
Major General Ibrahim al-Obeidi said the bus exploded soon after the suicide bomber got on board near the northern gate of the al-Muthana recruiting centre.

Officials at the al-Yarmouk hospital said they had retrieved 16 bodies from the scene of the attack. All of the dead appeared to be recruits who had boarded the bus outside the centre.

Recruitment centres for the Iraqi army and police have increasingly become targets for attacks by insurgents from the country's Sunni Arab minority.

Last week, the US military handed over operational command of the Iraqi army to the prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, a move Washington said was a significant milestone towards the withdrawal of 155,000 US-led foreign troops.

However, the handover has failed to quell the daily violence in Iraq.

At least four bystanders were killed in another bombing that targeted a US military convoy today. Police said six people, including a child, were injured in the car bomb explosion in eastern Baghdad, which was reported as a suicide attack.

There were no reports of any US injurie, Major Hamid Mousa said. The US command had no immediate comment.

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Angry Beirut protests greet Blair

Monday, 11 September 2006, 11:01 GMT 12:01 UK

UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has held talks with the Lebanese government, amid angry protests against his visit.
Hundreds of demonstrators accused him of complicity in the deaths of 1,100 Lebanese civilians from Israeli bombing in the recent conflict with Hezbollah.

The talks focused on strengthening the Lebanese government and enforcing a ban on arms shipments to the militant Hezbollah group.

Lebanon's most senior Shia cleric had tried to have the visit cancelled.

Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah called on the government to declare Mr Blair persona non grata.

He said Mr Blair should have been told to stay away so he would "know we are not so naive as to welcome him when he has contributed to killing us and slaughtering our children".

At a news conference, Mr Blair reiterated Britain's official position during the five-week conflict that a durable resolution would be better than a "quick fix".

The conference was briefly disrupted by a protester saying "shame on you" to Mr Blair.

Israel bombed targets across Lebanon, including residential areas and civilian infrastructure, saying it was necessary to restrict Hezbollah's military activity.

The conflict followed the capture by Hezbollah of two Israeli soldiers in a cross border raid and the killing of eight others.

Israeli military losses in clashes on the border were 116 men, while 43 civilians died in Hezbollah rocket attacks.

A ceasefire sanctioned by UN Resolution 1701 has largely held since 14 August.

'War supporter'

Security forces sealed off Beirut's central area, where Mr Blair held talks with Prime Minister Fouad Siniora.

Hundreds of protesters gathered nearby in a stand-off with security forces, shouting slogans and waving banners describing Mr Blair as a "killer" and "war criminal".

"Tony Blair supports America and Israel and has supported the war, so how can we welcome him here?" said 21-year-old hotel worker Ali Shahine, who was among the protesters.

Lebanese newspapers have been carrying headlines saying Mr Blair is not welcome in Lebanon.

A spokesman for Mr Blair said expressions of anger would not be surprising in Lebanon, but the visit was to "resume our practical assistance for Lebanon as it recovers" after the conflict.

Mr Blair travelled to the country after a visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories.

Hamas, the militant group heading the Palestinian Authority, rejected his proposals that it should join a unity government which recognised Israel in order for an international boycott to be lifted.

A spokesman said the group was willing to form a coalition, but it would not accept conditions imposed from outside.

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Lebanese accuse prime minister of being Israel's partner in war

Clancy Chassay in Beirut
Monday September 11, 2006
The Guardian

Hizbullah and a coalition of secular parties, as well as Lebanon's senior Shia cleric, have warned Tony Blair that he is not welcome in Lebanon, describing him as a partner in Israel's 34-day war with Hizbullah, which resulted in the deaths of more than 1,000 Lebanese civilians.

Mr Blair is due to arrive in Beirut today. To try to prevent demonstrations, the government last night ordered a buffer zone around parliament and other official buildings, which will anger the country's anti-American camp.
he Lebanese Communist party, the Peoples' Movement and independent secular parties and individuals issued a statement rejecting Mr Blair's visit. "Anyone who meets with Blair will be considered a partner in the Israeli aggression," it read.

Hizbullah, which has two ministers in the Lebanese cabinet, has not issued an official statement but its senior politburo member Galeb Abu Zeinab has told the Guardian that the party holds Mr Blair largely responsible for the level of violence heaped on Lebanon and believes he should be prosecuted for war crimes.

"Blair was a true partner in the killing of children and the destruction of thousands of homes; if he hadn't fully supported the US-Israeli position the war would not have happened in the way it did," said Abu Zeinab. "He is a full partner in the atrocities and I think he should be prosecuted as a war criminal alongside Bush and Olmert." He claimed to speak on behalf of most Lebanese people. "You could go to any part of the country and anyone you speak to will give Blair a major portion of the blame," he said.

Lebanon's most senior Shia cleric, Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, yesterday criticised Mr Blair for not calling for an early truce and for allowing US weapons to be shipped via Britain to Israel for use against Lebanon. He also criticised the Lebanese government for allowing Mr Blair's visit.

Nabih Berri, the speaker of the parliament, left Lebanon for an unscheduled four-day trip to Switzerland. A source close to Mr Berri told the Guardian he believed the speaker had left in order to avoid meeting Mr Blair.

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San Francisco-bound flight diverted

September 11, 2006

WASHINGTON - Federal authorities diverted a San Francisco-bound United Airlines jet to Dallas as a precautionary security measure on Monday after finding an unclaimed BlackBerry on board.

Officials had also found and removed an unidentified backpack from the jet before it left Atlanta, said Transportation Security Administration spokeswoman Yolanda Clark. She described the jet, United flight 351, as secure and said it was diverted to Dallas "out of an abundance of caution."

"The aircraft is secure," Clark said. She said there was no indication that the hand-held computer was being used as an explosive device or trigger.

The flight was diverted on the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Authorities decided not to send military fighter aircraft to escort the jet, as is routine during an emergency, said Lt. Col. John Cornelio, a spokesman for U.S. Northern Command.

United spokeswoman Robin Urbanski said 50 people were aboard the Airbus 319. The passengers were being rescreened after getting off the plane in Dallas.

The backpack belonged to a woman who had been a passenger on an earlier flight on the same jet, Urbanski said.

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Life: It's Toxic

SIDS tied to genetic mutations: study

By David Douglas
Fri Sep 8, 2006

NEW YORK - Several studies have linked sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) to mutations in a gene, called IL-10, that helps control the body's immune function.

The same UK team who established this relationship have subsequently found that that is also the case for IL-6, a protein involved in inflammation, and vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF, a protein that stimulates blood vessel growth.

Therefore, "Some SIDS cases must have a biological basis," lead investigator Dr. David B. Drucker told Reuters Health. "Although some feel that SIDS cases are the result of accidental or deliberate abuse, an abuser cannot change a baby's genes."
In the journal Human Immunology, Drucker and colleagues at the University of Manchester describe their post-mortem study of tissue specimens from 25 babies whose deaths were attributed to SIDS.

They found that a specific variant in VEGF and one in IL-6 were significantly over-represented in the SIDS group compared with a control group.

The researchers note that the study group was not the same as the one in which the IL-10 findings had been made. However, they point out that if a given infant had all three mutations, the odds of being a SIDS victim would be greater than 14.

Exposure to cigarette smoke and other hazards such as being put to sleep in the "wrong" position would increase the SIDS risk even more.

"Being able to identify high risk babies could help target preventive measures," noted Drucker, "and laboratory tests some time ago found that a commercially available immunoglobulin should help protect babies."

"It will now be possible," he concluded, "to define a suitable cohort of at-risk babies for a clinical trial."

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EPA proposes easing pollution rules

Associated Press
Fri Sep 8, 2006

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration proposed easing environmental rules Friday to allow oil refineries and other industries to change how they calculate whether they need pollution control equipment.

The oil refinery industry says the eased regulation would open the way for production of more oil and other products. But environmental groups say the proposed rules are gimmicks and loopholes allowing industry to emit more pollution, evade pollution controls and save money.
"This is a big gift to the refinery industry," said Frank O'Donnell, president of Clean Air Watch, an environmental watchdog group. "They are saying let's close our eyes and pretend pollution is not happening."

In a news release, the Environmental Protection Agency said the proposed rules will make it easier for owners and operators to determine whether changes to a plant or facility require installing pollution control equipment. The rules largely affect oil refineries and pharmaceutical and chemical plants.

U.S. refineries are planning to increase oil refining capacity by 1.4 million barrels a day and will do so under strict environmental standards, said Bob Slaughter, president of the National Petrochemical & Refiners Association.

"The new EPA proposals will help the industry respond to these official calls for increased refining capacity," Slaughter said.

Federal law sets the pollution levels that have to be reached before pollution controls, such as scrubbers, must be used. When changes are planned for pollution producing plants or facilities, operators must determine whether the changes increase pollution over the federal levels and apply for permits to make the changes.

The proposed rules essentially change how industry adds up how much pollution is being produced.

For example, one proposed rule change would allow operators to consider pollution levels of equipment separately in determining whether its pollution level has gone up. Under current law, the total level produced by the affected equipment is considered.

The changes "will streamline the permitting process that manufacturers and energy or power producers have to undergo prior to upgrading a facility," said Bryan Brendle, a lobbyist for the National Manufacturers Association.

Brendle said current laws are so complex that they are an impediment to companies that want to install more energy-efficient equipment to save energy costs and reduce air emissions.

John Walke, Natural Resources Defense Council's clean air director, said EPA is doing little more than proposing accounting gimmicks that allow industry to evade installing pollution controls by considering smaller pollution amounts, rather than pollution from an entire plant.

"It's a way to allow industry to pollute more without cleaning up," Walke said.

EPA must allow 60 days for public comment on its proposed rules before making the rules permanent.

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Researchers identify "male warrior effect"

Fri Sep 8, 2006

NORWICH - Men may have developed a psychology that makes them particularly able to engage in wars, a scientist said on Friday.

New research has shown that men bond together and cooperate well in the face of adversity to protect their interests more than women, which could explain why war is almost exclusively a male business, according to Professor Mark van Vugt of the University of Kent in southern England.

"Men respond more strongly to outward threats, we've labeled that the 'man warrior effect'," he told the British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting.
"Men are more likely to support a country going to war. Men are more likely sign up for the military and men are more likely to lead groups in more autocratic, militaristic ways than women," he added.

Van Vugt said the finding is consistent with results from different behavioral science disciplines.

In experiments with 300 university men and women students, Van Vugt and his team gave the volunteers small sums of money which they could either keep or invest in a common fund that would be doubled and equally divided. None of the students knew what the others were doing.

Both sexes cooperated in investing in the fund. But when the groups were told they were competing against other universities, the males were more eager to invest rather than keep their money while the number of women contributing remained the same.

"We all know males are more aggressive than females," Van Vugt said, adding that co-operation is needed to establish institutions and governments and to wage wars.

"Male co-operation is a double-edged sword," he added.

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Man arrested in airport knife scare

September 10, 2006

ROMULUS, Mich. - A man with a one-way ticket to Yemen attempted to board a plane with a knife hidden in a book, authorities said.

Mohammed Ghanem, 21, of Hamtramck, was jailed Saturday on $500,000 after being arraigned on a charge of possessing a weapon in the sterile area of an airport.
Ghanem was arrested Thursday at Detroit Metropolitan Airport after Transportation Security Administration officers detected the knife "artfully concealed" in the book, airport spokesman Michael Conway said.

Someone had carved out the inside of the book and placed the knife inside it, said Ghanem's attorney, Nabih Ayad.

"He said he didn't know where the knife came from," Ayad told the Detroit Free Press.

If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison.

Ghanem was born in Yemen, a republic bordering Saudi Arabia whose 18 million residents are primarily Muslim. He is now a legal permanent resident of the United States and was returning to Yemen to get married, Ayad said.

Ghanem works as a busboy and lives in Hamtramck with family members, but he had a one-way ticket to Yemen, authorities said.

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Scientists warn of 'mad honey disease'

By Roger Dobson
The Independent
10 September 2006

Mad honey disease is among the rarest afflictions in the world, but it appears to be on the increase.

Only 58 cases have been reported worldwide, but eight people were treated in 2005 alone.

The trend towards eating more natural products may be driving a rise in cases of the disease, whose symptoms can include convulsions, low blood pressure, fainting and temporary heart problems, according to a new report.
"Mad honey disease has the potential to cause death if untreated," say the researchers. "Because of the increasing preference for natural products, intoxication induced by consumption of honey will increase in the future."

Just a spoonful of the wrong honey can cause problems, according to researchers, who report their findings this week in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Mad honey poisoning is most prevalent in honey from the Black Sea region of Turkey. Compounds called grayanotoxins, found in the nectar of rhododendrons, mountain laurels and azaleas, are thought to be responsible for the disease. Though harmless to bees, they are psychoactive and poisonous to humans. Affected honey is said to have a very bitter taste.

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Retailers peddle padded bras for girls

by Jane Metlikovec
September 09, 2006

BREAST-enhancing padded bras for girls as young as six are being sold in Victorian shops.

Childhood experts have warned parents they could be baiting pedophiles by dressing their young girls as raunchy women.

Tiny matching lingerie sets of lacy bras and knickers in many children's brands including Bratz, Saddle Club and Barbie, have hit the shelves aimed at girls who are barely old enough for school.
The Herald Sun last week revealed the latest Bratz Babyz range included sexually provocative baby dolls dressed in leather and lingerie.

The padded Bratz "bralettes" were among more than 30 different junior bra styles starting at size six on sale at a city Target store visited by the Herald Sun yesterday.

The Australian Family Association warned parents against sexualising their children. "We have a growing problem with pedophilia and people viewing children as sex objects," spokeswoman Angela Conway said.

"Children do not need these products and I am appalled. It is more than bad taste. The sexual portrayal of children in this country is illegal and these products are pandering to just that."

Australian Childhood Foundation CEO Dr Joe Tucci said padded bras were "the most ridiculous piece of clothing a parent could buy".

Bratz distributor Funtastic defended the range.

"The idea of the padding is for girls to be discreet as they develop," a spokeswoman said.

"It is more about hiding what you have got than showing it off. It is certainly not there to make children look like they have breasts."

Target also stood by the underwear range. It provided "fashionable items that give girls modesty and style as they go through development changes", a spokeswoman said.

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Toll jumps to 5,000 poisoned in Ivory Coast toxic waste scandal

Sat Sep 9, 2006

ABIDJAN - The human toll in Ivory Coast's toxic waste scandal rose sharply from 1,500 to more than 5,000 people contaminated by open-air dumping sites in Abidjan, the health ministry said.

Three people, all children, have also died from the poisoning.
"By yesterday we had counted more than 5,000 people in health centres" for problems linked to the toxic poisoning, the ministry's spokesman Simeon N'Da told AFP.

"The number of deaths remains unchanged at three," he added.

Ivory Coast's entire cabinet resigned on Wednesday over the poisoning scandal -- which triggered angry protests -- and an inter-ministerial committee was set up to handle the crisis.

Six French waste disposal experts arrived in Ivory Coast on Friday to help the skeleton administration, which has announced an emergency plan to neutralize toxic fumes emanating from the waste.

The toxic material was dumped in August by a Panamanian-registered ship onto about 10 open-air sites in the commercial capital Abidjan, a city of four million people.

Environmental pressure group Greenpeace said it comprised 400 tonnes of oil refining waste, rich in organic matter and poisonous elements. The latter include hydrogen sulphide and organochloride, which can cause nausea, rashes, fainting, diarrhoea and headaches.

The Greek company that owns the vessel, Prime Marine Management, confirmed the waste had been discharged but said the action was lawful.

The "Probo Koala" was chartered by a Netherlands-based company, which says an Ivorian firm had been entrusted with handling the unloaded waste.

Ivory Coast Prime Minister Charles Konan Banny, who has been asked to form a new government, has accused his disgraced administration of "negligence" and promised to punish those responsible.

The scandal has added to the woes of this west African state, where a UN-brokered peace process has tried to end four years of political crisis touched off by a failed coup against President Laurent Ggabgo in 2002 that effectively split the country in two.

Banny toured one of the waste dumps with French Junior Aid Minister Brigitte Girardin on Friday. Both wore gas masks to protect themselves from the noxious fumes emanating from the black, oily sludge, which has now been closed off by a security fence.

Girardin denounced the dumping as "criminal and unacceptable", in comments Saturday after arriving in Brazzaville for separate talks with officials there.

The sludge had contaminated nearby streams and pools and burnt the grass. But locals continued to grow tomatoes nearby, telling reporters they were now used to a smell described by one resident as "like gas mixed with garlic."

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Rock Around the Clock

Flashback: Rock 'n Roll! Earthquake Swarm in the Virgin Islands

3 Mar 06

3.6 2006/03/03 14:36:36 19.113 -63.991 5.0 55 km ( 34 mi) NE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands

4.4 2006/03/03 13:09:31 19.060 -63.681 39.3 77 km ( 48 mi) ENE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands

3.8 2006/03/03 10:07:34 19.160 -63.900 15.5 65 km ( 40 mi) NE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands

3.8 2006/03/03 09:53:32 19.257 -63.597 21.7 96 km ( 60 mi) NE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands

2006/03/03 03:39:31 19.122 -63.931 8.3 60 km ( 37 mi) NE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands

3.8 2006/03/02 23:51:35 19.147 -63.803 5.0 71 km ( 44 mi) NE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands

3.7 2006/03/02 23:45:36 19.139 -63.791 15.1 72 km ( 45 mi) NE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands

5.3 2006/03/02 23:35:44 19.358 -63.787 24.8 89 km ( 56 mi) NE of Settlement, British Virgin Islands

3.3 2006/03/02 08:25:53 19.427 -68.082 43.7 111 km ( 69 mi) NE of Higüey, Dominican Republic

3.4 2006/03/01 12:38:24 18.855 -68.701 58.2 26 km ( 16 mi) N of Higüey, Dominican Republic

3.2 2006/03/01 06:44:57 18.084 -67.878 101.2 72 km ( 45 mi) WSW of Stella, PR

3.2 2006/03/01 01:35:28 18.135 -64.249 5.0 30 km ( 19 mi) SSW of West End, British Virgin Islands

Comment: Back on February 10, a 5.2 earthquake struck in the Gulf of Mexico about 160 miles South of New Orleans.

According to Elaine Meinel Supkis:
This is where it is geologically pretty stable. It is also right next to the huge salt domes where much of the oil and gas is being extracted. A retired geologist, Mr. Jack M. Reed, theorized there has to be a hidden tectonic plate segment in this spot and it is not only geologically active but is responsible for triggering the New Madrid Quakes.

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Flashback: 5.2 Earthquake Dead Center In Gulf Of Mexico - Precursor to a New Madrid Big One?

By Elaine Meinel Supkis
February 2006

A mid-sized earthquake shook the Gulf of Mexico today. This is where it is geologically pretty stable. It is also right next to the huge salt domes where much of the oil and gas is being extracted. A retired geologist, Mr. Jack M. Reed, theorized there has to be a hidden tectonic plate segment in this spot and it is not only geologically active but is responsible for triggering the New Madrid Quakes.

I found this after writing my article! It is just too cool. This geologist predicted correctly! From the American Association of Petroleum Geologists:
The New Madrid seismic zone in Missouri has long intrigued scientists because, according to conventional geologic theory, large earthquakes clustered in a tectonically quiet region are difficult to understand.

But at least one AAPG member is challenging the crowd.

New Orleans independent geologist Jack M. Reed believes the origin of the earthquakes lies beneath the Gulf of Mexico.

That's not all.

Reed, a retired Texaco geologist-geophysicist who has been studying the region's geology for over 40 years, says the accepted theory of a quiet geologic evolution of the Gulf of Mexico Basin is fundamentally flawed and needs to be revised.

According to him, the Gulf was and is tectonically active -- and it is the likely origin for not only the New Madrid seismic activity, but also for the Middleton Place-Summerville seismic zone near Charleston, S.C.
I grew up around geologists working with my dad on siting observatories. One puzzle they all liked to chew over at leisure is the riddle of the New Madrid Fault. It made no sense.

Today's earthquake, no small one, was an eye-opener which is why, the minute I saw it in today's data, I jumped on it.

From the good geologist:
"This northeast trending earthquake zone appears to connect with the northeast trending Monroe Uplift, the LaSalle Arch and, possibly, to an active seismic zone located in and around Sabine Lake on the Texas-Louisiana border," he said.

This complex of doming and seismic centers is similar to another Cretaceous age triple juncture located in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico Basin. Doming of the DeSoto Canyon High during the Jurassic to Cretaceous created this triple juncture, which includes the Cretaceous Shelf Edge, the Suwannee Strait and the West Florida Escarpment.

If the New Madrid seismic zone is indeed part of a triple juncture, he continued, there should be an expression of this limb trending along a line in a northeast direction.

So Reed conducted a study using data from the U.S. Geological Survey's National Earthquake Information Center and the USGS map "Earthquakes in the Conterminous United States." He only studied earthquakes measuring at least magnitude 5, and found that while most of the earthquake centers are random with no alignment, there is a well-defined earthquake trend extending northeastward from the New Madrid seismic zone across the United States to Canada, where it joins with the St. Lawrence River seismic zone.

Within the boundaries of this earthquake alignment there are:

Sixty-one seismic points that have a magnitude of 5 and greater.

Several large earthquakes dating to the early 1800s, all measuring over magnitude 8, all occurring within a couple of months of each other, all centered in a northeast trending line.

The two 5+ earthquakes that occurred earlier this year in northern New York state and southern Indiana.

"There is definitely some form of movement occurring along this trend," Reed said, "and it appears to be active today."
Well, it really was active today! I bet he is happy as a lark, seeing more evidence his personal theory is correct. I hope this gets good coverage for it is a major geological "find"! Indeed. Congratulations, Mr. Reed! Take a bow.

Click here for raw data. Click here for the earthquake world map. I have noticed over the last year or so, many earthquakes like to happen at 10.0 km. Whether under water or on land. It is like the earth's crust has this blanket on top that operates independent of the lower layers. Some of our nastiest quakes occur at this depth, the earth's blanket being shaken and tugged like Mother Nature is straightening out the bed.

The geology where this happened is interesting because it isn't all that prone to earthquakes. Just last week, I noted there was a much gentler earthquake right in New Orleans just when tornadoes were hitting that poor city! The New Madrid Fault has been shaking a bit, lately. As if it were trembling, waiting for something.

The continental shelf falls rapidly where today's quake happened and maybe the entire Mississippi valley is ready for some serious alterations. The Mid-Atlantic ridge had a 4.6 mag earthquake right next to Iceland which is the volcanic island erupting out of the northern end of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. It, too, was at the interesting depth of 10.0km. Santiago, Chile, had a 4.2 quake at pretty much the same time. I noted this morning that the earth was very quiet for the previous 24 hrs and said to myself, "There are going to be some interesting shakes today," for these quakes are tending to swarm across great distances, like the earth is shuddering still from the side effects of the big blow out last winter.

The geological stability of this part of the Gulf is very important for us since we have deep drilling going on there and if the earth shifts, the various layers shift at different rates so a pipe going straight down can get displaces and cease working as a well.OCSBBS:
There have been significant new discoveries (such as Great White, Trident, Chinook, St. Malo, and Cascade) in the ultra-deep waters of Walker Ridge and Alaminos Canyon. These discoveries open up a whole new geologic play with exciting potential.

Industry has made great technological achievements in recent years. Examples include polyester mooring, composite risers, cell spars, and 15,000-psi subsea trees.

There was a 51 percent increase in the number of producing deepwater projects over the past 2 years.

Deepwater production has risen more than 100,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and over 400 million cubic feet per day (MMCFPD) each year since 1997. (Production volumes were only available through 2002 at the time of writing due to the production data lag.)

Subsea gas production has increased 90 percent since December 2000.

Since the start of 2000, new deepwater drilling has added over 4.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent (BOE).
We aren't awash in gas or oil, much of this deep water drilling simply replaces well heads that are beginning to fail.

From Priweb.org:
Just onshore, in south eastern Texas and southern Louisiana, the flowage of salt domes has been the predominant mechanism for creating traps for oil. Salt of Jurassic age occurs here. When it is put under immense pressure by overlying rocks, this salt, which is less dense than the rocks surrounding it, will begin to flow upward. As it does so, it displaces, folds, and faults the rocks around it. In this way, traps can be created.

The Louann Salt is more than 200 million years old, and is located at great depths along the Gulf of Mexico's shoreline. In some places, however, this salt has moved due to the enormous pressure being put on it from the rocks above.
This all takes us back to the beginning, namely, the great Permian age when living things began to rapidly evolve and creatures crawled out of the teeming seas and plants colonized the earth and the atmosphere filled with oxygen and it all came crashing down, as we talked about, this week.

The great salt flats covered over all the rich plant and animal life, the hot seas evaporated in the various shallow seas, tons of salt built up over millions of years as the planet slowly readjusted and life forms began to slowly recolonize the previously dead regions. All that stuff is what we are pumping out today and you might say, the ghosts of these once living creatures are now looming over us all.

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6.0 Magnitude Earthquake In Gulf Of Mexico

By Mitch Traphagen mitch@observernews.net
Sep 10, 2006, 11:24

The U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center is reporting a 6.0 magnitude earthquake has occurred in the Gulf of Mexico approximately 250 miles WSW of Anna Maria, Florida. Tremors were reportedly felt in the Tampa Bay Area and as far north as Georgia. The quake occurred at the epicenter at approximately 10:56 a.m. Sunday morning. The quake was updated from 5.8 magnitude.
The following information has been released by the U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center:

A strong earthquake occurred about 250 miles (405 km) south-southwest of Apalachicola, Florida at 8:56 AM MDT, Sep 10, 2006 (10:56 AM EDT in Florida). The magnitude and location may be revised when additional data and further analysis results are available. This earthquake was felt in parts of Florida, Georgia and Alabama. No reports of damage or casualties have been received at this time.

Florida is not considered a high hazard for earthquakes and occurrences are rare. Among the worst reported were near St. Augustine in 1879 which caused damage to structures. Florida is also somewhat susceptible to large earthquakes occurring elsewhere.

More recently, small earthquakes were reported off Merritt Island in 1973 and in Daytona in 1975.

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Earthquake shakes Israel, no injuries reported


JERUSALEM - An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.4 shook Israel and the occupied West Bank on Saturday but caused no injuries, Israeli media reported.

The quake's epicentre was in the Jordan Valley and was felt across Israel and the West Bank. The magnitude was initially estimated at 4.9.

Minor earthquakes are not uncommon in Israel and surrounding countries.

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Europe's Largest Volcano Erupting

Last Updated:
09-09-06 at 2:13PM

The largest volcano in Europe is erupting, and it is putting on quite a colorful display.

Lava is oozing from the southeastern crater of Mount Etna. The volcano's eruption is being caused by lava explosions inside the crater.

The eruption is happening about 9,300 feet above sea level, so experts said it is not a threat to people or homes in the area.

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'No containment whatsoever' as B.C.'s Tatoosh fire grows

Last Updated Sun, 10 Sep 2006 16:42:36 EDT
CBC News

Calmer winds and improved visibility on Sunday helped crews battle the Tatoosh fire that has burned 4,000 hectares near Manning Park in southern B.C. - but it's still spreading unchecked, a provincial official says.

"We still have no containment whatsoever on this fire," Jeff Moore, a fire information officer with the B.C. Ministry of Forests and Range, told CBC News on Sunday.
Since Thursday, the fire has grown to more than 4,000 hectares from 1,000 hectares, or 10 square kilometres. Moore said it was heading north towards Hwy. 3.

An evacuation alert imposed on Tuesday remained in place for people near the provincial park, which is about 150 kilometres east of Vancouver, as well as in the Pasayten River Valley and Eastgate.

However, Moore said the situation was "not alarming at this point and there is no increasing concern for those communities."

On Friday, dry conditions and high winds forced the temporary withdrawal of all crews fighting the blaze.

But Moore said Sunday that increased humidity on the previous day had cleared some of the smoke, allowing the crews to use infrared technology and GPS (Global Positioning System) overnight to map the fire.

"I guess the good news is today there are calmer winds so far and better visibility, although there's increasing smoke volume as the day wears on," Moore said.

The fire started after a lightning strike in Washington state on Aug. 22 and crossed the border over the weekend as a six-kilometre-wide wall of flame.

Not likely to join Border Lake fire

Firefighters had been concerned that the Tatoosh blaze would be joined by the smaller Border Lake fire, which has been burning to the northeast of Manning Park between Keremeos and Princeton.

But officials said they were no longer worried that it's much of a possibility.

As of Saturday, the Border Lake blaze had burned 1,700 hectares after tripling in size from Thursday.

The two fires are now about five kilometres apart.

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Global warming to wash away beaches, warns Spanish study

Giles Tremlett in Madrid
Monday September 11, 2006
The Guardian

The fight for space on Spain's beaches looks set to grow fiercer over the next four decades as the sand starts to disappear under a rising sea that also threatens to flood beach-side homes, according to a Spanish environment ministry report.
Spain's beaches are expected to shrink by an average of 15 metres (50ft) by 2050 as global warming causes sea levels to creep up while stronger waves and currents eat away at the coastline.

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In some of the worst hit resorts, unprotected beaches could vanish altogether while salt water washes into holiday homes, the authors warn.

"I wouldn't buy a house in La Manga," said the report's coordinator, Professor Raúl Medina, referring to an area in the south-eastern region of Murcia popular with British holiday-home buyers.

"It is a bad investment because I doubt that my children would be able to use it," he told the newspaper El País.

Global warming is melting the icecaps and raising sea levels around Spain by 2.5mm a year. By 2050 that will mean a 12cm-15cm rise, with northern Spain's Atlantic coast suffering most.

The Mediterranean coast, where many resorts already have to truck in sand each spring, will lose an average of around 10 metres of beach by 2050.

Hotel owners in the southern Costa del Sol have already asked for permission to bring in their own sand as beaches begin to shrink. The report also recommends that sea walls be raised in some Spanish ports and that planning permits for beach-side buildings take into account the changing shape of the coastline.

It also warns that some of Europe's most important wetland sites will be hit.

The Albufera of Valencia and the delta of the River Ebro as well as the Dóana national park in south-west Spain - one of Europe's biggest nature reserves - will all suffer the consequences of rising water levels and higher salinity.

"It will be even worse by the end of the century, when a lot of today's children will still be alive," warned the ministry's top climate change official, Arturo Gonzalo.

As climate change quickened, he said, so too would the rate at which sea levels rose. "The sea level will have risen between half a metre and a metre by the end of the century, and up to 50 metres of beach will disappear in some areas."

The warnings came as Spain's sweltering summer showed little sign of abating this month. Twenty cities have posted record monthly temperatures in the first week of the month, with the north-western city of Ourense recording a temperature of 41.4C (107F).

Farmers in Murcia, meanwhile, gathered to pray for autumn rains to prevent a third consecutive year of drought. Some 2,000 farmers asked the Virgin of Fuensanta, Murcia's patron saint, for rain.

Rainfall over the year up to September was 15% down on the average. The previous year had been 21% down, Spain's meteorology institute reported.

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Firefighters fight 60 wildfires in west

Sat Sep 9, 2006

STANLEY, Idaho - Federal officials on Friday were tracking 60 large, active fires that were burning more than 1 million acres, or more than 1,500 square miles, across the West.

The states in the region with the most number of fires included Idaho, Nevada, and Montana, according to the Web site of the Boise-based National Interagency Fire Center, composed of various federal agencies that coordinate to battle wildfires.

In Idaho, fires had burned more than 231,000 acres, or 360 square miles, the center reported.
State officials toured fire camps to survey the damage - as well as to tell federal firefighting crews here, who are strapped for personnel, that the state is ready to provide assistance from National Guard troops who could transport both equipment and firefighters, should they be needed.

Already, 49 National Guard soldiers were providing security and traffic control on fires, keeping residents, hunters and the curious out of harm's way. Gov. Jim Risch has also asked the state's colleges and universities to allow student-firefighters to stay on the firelines without penalty for not reporting for school.

Fire officials in Nevada said it appeared they were winning against two of the largest wildland fires in the nation.

Joe Ribar, head of the National Area Command Team in Elko, said crews had "turned the corner" overnight on a 144,237-acre, or 225 square mile, fire in northern Nevada, bringing it to 60 percent containment. He said they also may have turned the corner on a 109,711-acre, or 171 square mile, blaze. It was 25 percent contained.

In southern Montana, crews set backfires to keep a massive fire from spreading. The fire, estimated at 205,000 acres, or 320 square miles, was 55 percent contained, but fire information officer Dave Daniels said the hope was aggressive backburns would speed containment.

The fire, which started Aug. 22 from lightning, earlier burned 26 homes, but fire crews have prevented the loss of any additional homes, Daniels said. Authorities expect to begin allowing residents of 265 homes that were evacuated on Sunday to begin returning, but they would remain on alert in case conditions changed again.

"My sense is that people in this country seem to understand the need for this," Daniels said. "You live close to nature and these things happen."

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Scared Enough Yet?

Post-9/11 privacy and secrecy: A report card

By Declan McCullagh and Anne Broache
CNET News.com
September 8, 2006

In January, the U.S. government convened a public meeting at the Marriott Hotel in Dulles, Va. The purpose was to ask area residents, business owners and pilots what they thought about airspace security restrictions near the nation's capital.

The extensive and complicated restrictions--imposed after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, supposedly as a temporary measure--drew an overwhelmingly negative response. Lt. Cmdr. Tom Bush, for instance, a U.S. Navy F-18 Hornet pilot who also flies a small general aviation plane, dubbed them simply irrational.

Soon afterward, the Defense Department's North American Aerospace Defense Command abruptly demanded that the meeting's transcript be yanked from a government Web site--a move that some attendees attributed to the harsh public criticism. After CNET News.com reported on the deletion in March, the transcript was restored.

That incident highlights what has become an unmistakable trend in the five years since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon: The federal government is concealing more information about its own activities, while engaging in more surveillance of Americans' private lives.
"Controls on information are growing significantly, and official efforts to exploit personal data are also on the rise," said Steven Aftergood, director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists, or FAS.

The change has been dramatic. In the 1997 fiscal year, the federal government spent $3.4 billion on securing classified information, a figure that rose to $7.7 billion for 2005. Similarly, the government declassified 204 million pages of documents in 1997 but a mere 29.6 million in 2005. (Those numbers come from calculations by OpenTheGovernment.org, an umbrella group that includes FAS, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Society of Professional Journalists.)

At the same time, surveillance of Americans by the federal government has steadily increased. President Bush has acknowledged bypassing the checks and balances of the courts when enlisting the National Security Agency in an extensive surveillance program. Congress is discussing whether to rewrite that law.

A lawsuit pending in San Francisco has yielded allegations of far more extensive NSA surveillance. Former AT&T employee Mark Klein released documents alleging the company spliced its fiber optic cables and ran a duplicate set for the NSA to Room 641A at its 611 Folsom St. building in San Francisco. Redacted documents show that AT&T has tried to offer benign reasons for the existence of such a room. (AT&T refuses to comment.)

Listening in

The Bush administration has been especially secretive about the extent of the NSA program and how it works. But even the far smaller number of known wiretaps performed under court order has grown since 2001, government statistics show. Not only has eavesdropping on criminal activities increased, but Internet and telephone wiretaps performed under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act have roughly doubled from 2001 to 2005.

That has happened as executive branch agencies have become far more resistant to Freedom of Information Act requests. "The very fabric of our democracy is undergoing a kind of a mutation, in which access to information is no longer a given," said FAS's Aftergood. "It's something that you increasingly have to struggle for or make a conscious effort to obtain."

In addition, new justifications for not releasing unclassified government documents to the public are proliferating. In the last few years, especially, terms like "For Official Use Only," "Controlled But Unclassified," "DEA Sensitive," "Confidential Business Information" have appeared on more and more documents--even though, in almost all cases, there's no legal justification for them.

"Such unchecked secrecy threatens accountability in governments and promotes conflicts of interest by allowing those with an interest in disclosure or concealment to decide between openness or secrecy," a recent report by OpenTheGovernment.org states.

In addition, some expansions of government secrecy--perhaps including NORAD's deletion of the transcript--appear to be driven by fear of public criticism. In 2003, the U.S. Army surreptitiously pulled the plug on one of its more popular Web sites after a report embarrassing to the military appeared on it. In another example, the names of the members of the Defense Science Board--an obscure but influential advisory body that influences military policy and had a budget of $3.6 million a year--have vanished from the group's public Web site.

That also happened in 2002 when the Defense Department tried to quell public concern about the now-defunct Total Information Awareness project by deleting files from the Web.

First, biographical information about TIA project leaders, including retired Adm. John Poindexter, disappeared. Then the TIA site shrank even more, with the slogan and logo for the TIA project--a Masonic pyramid that eyeballs the globe--vanishing, a highly unusual move for any government agency. Finally, a few weeks later, a diagram that explained the TIA project was erased.

For their part, the Bush administration and its allies argue that critics are blind to the fact that the United States is embroiled in a war on terror that could last for many more years.

Critics of such programs "seem surprised that we wouldn't tell the targets, that we would keep surveillance secret," said Todd Gaziano, director of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington, D.C., think tank, referring to the NSA program. "It would be kind of laughable in any other era, and I don't know why it's not laughable now."

Gaziano, who likened the Sept. 11 attacks to those on Pearl Harbor, said he found it "absurd" that anyone would argue surveillance and secrecy have been hallmarks of the Bush administration. Anyone who's read up on American history should know that Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt conducted far more sweeping interceptions during World Wars I and II, he said.

"My theory is that we are not doing enough surveillance," Gaziano said.

"If Osama bin Laden calls up the next Mohammad Atta and says, 'Start Operation Anthrax.' And then Mohammad Atta starts calling around to a company inquiring about helicopter rides or about machinery that's useful in milling anthrax, it doesn't matter whether the caller on the other side is a legitimate, innocent American," he added. "We ought to know every plan."

Heather Mac Donald, a senior fellow at the conservative-oriented Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, said she's unconvinced that any "significant incursions" on civil liberties have occurred since Sept. 11. "This has been one of the most law-abiding wars, overseen by lawyers at every step," she said.

The Patriot Act's expansion of government powers, for instance, is "shot through with checks and balances," she said. "There's hardly a power in it that doesn't require some sort of judicial oversight. The government simply doesn't have the resources available to be engaged in completely groundless fishing expeditions or spying for the sake of spying."

And allegations of heightened government secrecy are just "preposterous," she added. Take, for instance, a Patriot Act provision that allows delayed search warrants, permitting police to secretly enter a home and notify the targeted person after the fact. "People thought that was improper, that there should be full sunshine disclosure of terrorism investigations," Mac Donald said. "Well, that's absolutely absurd."

Mac Donald acknowledged that she hadn't been persuaded by the Bush administration's assertions that it had the power to ignore the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act when authorizing the NSA to engage in widespread surveillance of communications involving suspected terrorists. But that's no reason to shut down the program, she said. The administration could have resolved those concerns by simply asking for changes to FISA, whose requirements of probable cause don't make sense "when you're initially looking at computers working with large amounts of data."

"I think the NSA program is a good program and an essential program," she added. "I don't think it has been used abusively to violate anybody's privacy."

The level of surveillance conducted by the United States also pales in comparison with other countries, particularly in Europe, said Gary Schmitt, a resident scholar at the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute.

"Even though we're far less intrusive than many people would suspect, the intrusive capabilities we have are probably about right given the threat that we face," Schmitt said. "I think we've probably got pretty much the right balance."

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Experts: U.S. likely to be hit again

Associated Press
Sun Sep 10, 2006

WASHINGTON - The threat of terrorism against the United States remains chillingly lethal five years after 9/11, and officials predict another massive attack is not a matter of if - but when.

Despite a government overhaul and more than $250 billion spent to bolster security on airlines, at borders and in seaports, few doubt al-Qaida's intent to strike the U.S. again. That the nation hasn't been hit since Sept. 11, 2001, may say as much about terrorists' patience as it does about steps taken to stop them.

"I know of nobody in the intelligence field who doesn't believe there will be another attack," said Thomas Kean, former New Jersey governor and Republican chair of the 9/11 Commission that investigated the government's security missteps leading up to the 2001 hijackings.

"There's going to be another attack," Kean said. "They just can't tell you when."
In a new age of rapid and widespread ID checks, locked and bulletproof cockpit doors in airliners, armed pilots, tracking foreigners' visas and monitoring Muslim and Arab communities, few expect a precise repeat of the plot that used airline hijackings to bring down big buildings.

The unsettling reality of terrorism, however, is that it is always in search of new ways to accomplish mass death and destruction. And always in search of the weakest link.

Authorities have disrupted a number of high-profile plots, including last month's bombing scare on as many as 10 Britain-to-U.S. flights. The CIA has helped ensnare some 5,000 terror suspects around the world.

And the government has imposed hundreds of security measures on foreign visitors and U.S. residents alike, from making travelers take off their shoes at airport checkpoints to eavesdropping on phone and e-mail conversations.

But glaring gaps in the security net remain.

Undercover inspectors testing the nation's security system have repeatedly sneaked weapons through airport checkpoints, entered the country with fake identification and foiled detectors that catch the trace amounts of radiation in kitty litter and bananas, but not always nuclear materials. Air testers to sniff out biological agents are becoming obsolete. And not all port or airline cargo is rigorously inspected.

And, as Hurricane Katrina showed last year, disaster response systems at all levels of government are woefully unprepared for a catastrophe.

"No matter what you do, it's not enough," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., co-chair of a congressional 9/11 caucus. "But the systems we've worked hard on to put in place are not working."

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, whose department was created in 2003 as a result of 9/11, points to strides made in sharing intelligence and screening passengers and cargo on flights and at seaports as proof that the country has been made safer without shutting down commerce. Yet he acknowledges more needs to be done in his agency that largely grapples with reacting to past crises while also thinking about what terrorists might try next.

The intelligence community spends a significant amount of time doing what Chertoff described as "putting ourselves in the heads of terrorists - looking at emerging techniques and trying to figure out how terrorists might exploit our systems."

In one example, Chertoff said, the department last year relaxed its ban on scissors and small innocuous tools from being carried on planes to give inspectors more time to look for explosive devices. Screeners also are now being trained to interpret facial expressions and other behavioral patterns to pick out suspicious travelers.

"We will live with some form of this problem for a very long time," Chertoff said in an hour-long interview last month wedged between a phone call with British Home Secretary John Reid about the foiled flight plot and a meeting with FEMA director David Paulison about the hurricane season.

Several government-appointed panels - including the 9/11 Commission - have concluded over the last five years that the nation was vastly unprepared for the deadly attacks.

Their findings triggered a massive reshuffling of the government's counterterror missions, the largest since the Defense Department was created in 1947. In addition to merging 22 agencies into the new Homeland Security Department, a new position of intelligence director to oversee the nation's 16 spy agencies was established.

Congress approved policies such as the USA Patriot Act, allowing more surveillance in counterterrorism investigations. Federal spending on domestic security programs has more than tripled since 2001, to $55 billion this year, almost equal to what is spent on education.

The results have been mixed. Criticism for Homeland Security has run from sweeping (for cutting emergency responder funding to New York and Washington) to nitpicky (the color-coded threat alert system is too vague to be meaningful).

"Everything the department was supposed to do is still, at best, a work in progress," said Clark Kent Evin, Homeland Security's former inspector general.

Meanwhile, the government's once-greatest target in the war on terror - Osama bin Laden - remains on the loose. Michael Scheuer, the former head of the now-defunct CIA unit dedicating to finding the al-Qaida leader, said catching him now is mostly a matter of luck. "He's going to have to zig when we zag and we'll end up in the same place at once," Scheuer said.

With or without bin Laden, authorities expect al-Qaida's threat won't dim in coming years.

Some sympathizers - including small pockets of homegrown Islamic extremists already in the United States - may not even be directly linked to al-Qaida but aim to carry out its mission. Those who make up al-Qaida's core will wait years, and even decades, for the chance to attack when America least expects it.

"I'm convinced they're prepared to wait centuries if they have to," former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said. "They're looking much longer term than we are. So we have to match their patience with our persistence and our continued focus. We can never let our guard down."

Comment: Sure, the CIA has "ensnared" (interesting choice of words) all kinds of people. The question is, how many were ever tried and convicted on terrorism charges? There ARE a few such individuals, but you can't even remember their names, can you?

On the other hand, ask anyone if they are frightened of terrorists, and the majority will respond in the affirmative. We are afraid of the imaginary monster under the bed - only on a much larger and deadly serious scale.

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Expert: Bush's strategy makes terror threat much worse

www.chinaview.cn 2006-09-10 09:57:51
Yang Qingchuan

WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- Despite some tactical gains, the Bush administration's strategy is making the terror threat much worse from the long-term perspective, a U.S. counter terrorism expert told Xinhua in a recent interview.
"I believe we have done well in some tactical areas, but we are slipping strategically. That is to say, our actions over the long term are making the terror threat much worse," said Daniel Benjamin, a senior fellow with the Washington-based think tank, the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS).

"Although we have made some tactical strides in terms of dismantling al-Qaida, the threat has spread to many different regions," he said.

Benjamin said he "absolutely" didn't believe that Iraq was the right place to fight terrorism.

"I consider now as I did at the time that the invasion of Iraq is a huge mistake," he added.

The United States is not going to win the war on terror very soon because "the consequences of going into Iraq are going to be with us for a while and has set us back considerably," he added.

The way the United States will win over the terror threat is "by convincing the Muslim world that there is a viable way to be modernized and that part of the world has an interest in being allied with the West," he said. "But we are not doing that."

"I think the struggle against terrorism is going to be quite long. And the question really is, how long it will be before we start to go into the right direction?" said Benjamin, who served the National Security Council in the Clinton administration from 1994 to 1999.

If Democrats take over the Congress in November, that may bring changes to Iraq, but that "is not going to make the jihadist threat go away," he said.

On the possibility of another 9/11-like attack, Benjamin said, "I think at the moment that the ability of those who are most skilled to carry out catastrophic attacks has been limited, so we are more likely to see attacks on the scale of Madrid in places like Europe or the Mideast."

"But I don't think you can really rule out a catastrophic attack because these (terrorists) are very capable actors," he added.

Benjamin said he didn't believe eliminating al-Qaida meant the endgame.

"I think it (terrorism) is a very durable ideology. It appears that their ranks are growing," he said.

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More Muslims Arrive in U.S., After 9/11 Dip

The New York Times
September 10, 2006

America's newest Muslims arrive in the afternoon crunch at John F. Kennedy International Airport. Their planes land from Dubai, Casablanca and Karachi. They stand in line, clasping documents. They emerge, sometimes hours later, steering their carts toward a flock of relatives, a stream of cabs, a new life.

This was the path for Nur Fatima, a Pakistani woman who moved to Brooklyn six months ago and promptly shed her hijab. Through the same doors walked Nora Elhainy, a Moroccan who sells electronics in Queens, and Ahmed Youssef, an Egyptian who settled in Jersey City, where he gives the call to prayer at a palatial mosque.

"I got freedom in this country," said Ms. Fatima, 25. "Freedom of everything. Freedom of thought."
The events of Sept. 11 transformed life for Muslims in the United States, and the flow of immigrants from countries like Egypt, Pakistan and Morocco thinned sharply.

But five years later, as the United States wrestles with questions of terrorism, civil liberties and immigration control, Muslims appear to be moving here again in surprising numbers, according to statistics collected by the Department of Homeland Security and the Census Bureau.

Immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia are planting new roots in states from Virginia to Texas to California.

In 2005, more people from Muslim countries became legal permanent United States residents - nearly 96,000 - than in any year in the previous two decades.

More than 40,000 of them were admitted last year, the highest annual number since the terrorist attacks, according to data on 22 countries provided by the Department of Homeland Security.

Many have made the journey unbowed by tales of immigrant hardship, and despite their own opposition to American policy in the Middle East. They come seeking the same promise that has drawn foreigners to the United States for many decades, according to a range of experts and immigrants: economic opportunity and political freedom.

Those lures, both powerful and familiar, have been enough to conquer fears that America is an inhospitable place for Muslims.

"America has always been the promised land for Muslims and non-Muslims," said Behzad Yaghmaian, an Iranian exile and author of "Embracing the Infidel: Stories of Muslim Migrants on the Journey West." "Despite Muslims' opposition to America's foreign policy, they still come here because the United States offers what they're missing at home."

For Ms. Fatima, it was the freedom to dress as she chose and work as a security guard. For Mr. Youssef, it was the chance to earn a master's degree.

He came in spite of the deep misgivings that he and many other Egyptians have about the war in Iraq and the Bush administration. In America, he said, one needs to distinguish between the government and the people.

"Who am I dealing with, Bush or the American public?" he said. "Am I dealing with my future in Egypt or my future here?"

Muslims have been settling in the United States in significant numbers since the mid-1960's, after immigration quotas that favored Eastern Europeans were lifted. Spacious mosques opened in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York as a new, highly educated Muslim population took hold.

Over the next three decades, the story of Muslim migration to the United States was marked by growth and prosperity. A larger percentage of immigrants from Muslim countries have graduate degrees than other American residents, and their average salary is about 20 percent higher, according to census data.

But Sept. 11 altered the course of Muslim life in America. Mosques were vandalized. Hate crimes rose. Deportation proceedings began against thousands of men.

Some Muslims changed their names to avoid job discrimination, making Mohammed "Moe," and Osama "Sam." Scores of families left for Canada.

Yet this period also produced something strikingly positive, in the eyes of many Muslims: they began to mobilize politically and socially. Across the country, grass-roots groups expanded to educate Muslims on civil rights, register them to vote and lobby against new federal policies such as the Patriot Act.

"There was the option of becoming introverted or extroverted," said Agha Saeed, national chairman of the American Muslim Task Force on Civil Rights and Elections, an umbrella organization in Newark, Calif. "We became extroverted."

In some ways, new Muslim immigrants may be better off in the post-9/11 America they encounter today, say Muslim leaders: Islamic centers are more organized, and resources like English instruction and free legal help are more accessible.

But outside these newly organized mosques, life remains strained for many Muslims. To avoid taunts, women are often warned not to wear head scarves in public, as was Rubab Razvi, 21, a Pakistani who arrived in Brooklyn nine months ago. (She ignored the advice, even though people stare at her on the bus, she said.) Muslims continue to endure long waits at airports, where they are often tagged for questioning.

To some longtime immigrants, the life embraced by newcomers will never compare to the peaceful era that came before.

"They haven't seen the America pre-9/11," said Khwaja Mizan Hassan, 42, who left Bangladesh 30 years ago. He rose to become the president of Jamaica Muslim Center, a mosque in Queens, and has a comfortable job with the New York City Department of Probation.

But after Sept. 11, he was stopped at Kennedy Airport because his name matched one on a watch list.

A Drop, Then a Surge

Up to six million Muslims live in the United States, by some estimates. While the Census Bureau and the Department of Homeland Security do not track religion, both provide statistics on immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries. It is presumed that many of these immigrants are Muslim, but people of other faiths, such as Iraqi Chaldeans and Egyptian Copts, have also come in appreciable numbers.

Immigration from these regions slowed considerably after Sept. 11. Fewer people were issued green cards and nonimmigrant visas. By 2003, the number of immigrants arriving from 22 Muslim countries had declined by more than a third. For students, tourists and other nonimmigrants from these countries, the drop was even more dramatic, with total visits down by nearly half.

The falloff affected immigrants from across the post-9/11 world as America tightened its borders, but it was most pronounced among those moving here from Pakistan, Morocco, Iran and other Muslim nations.

Several factors might explain the drop: more visa applications were rejected due to heightened security procedures, said officials at the State Department and Department of Homeland Security; and fewer people applied for visas.

But starting in 2004, the numbers rebounded. The tally of people coming to live in the United States from Bangladesh, Turkey, Algeria and other Muslim countries rose by 20 percent, according to an analysis of Census Bureau data.

The uptick was also notable among foreigners with nonimmigrant visas. More than 55,000 Indonesians, for instance, were issued those visas last year, compared with roughly 36,000 in 2002.

The rise does not reflect relaxed security measures, but a higher number of visa applications and greater efficiency in processing them, said Chris Bentley, a spokesman for United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, part of Homeland Security.

Like other immigrants, Muslims find their way to the United States in myriad ways: they come as refugees, or as students and tourists. Others arrive with immigrant visas secured by relatives here. A lucky few win the green-card lottery.

Ahmed Youssef, 29, never thought he would be among the winners. But in 2003, Mr. Youssef, who taught Arabic in Egypt, was one of 50,000 people randomly chosen from 9.5 million applicants around the world.

As he prepared to leave Benha, a city north of Cairo, some friends asked him how he could move to a country that is "killing people in Iraq and Afghanistan," he recalled. But others who had been to the United States encouraged him to go.

He arrived in May 2005, and he found work loading hot dog carts from sunrise to sundown. He shared an apartment in Washington Heights with other Egyptians, but for the first month, he never saw his neighborhood in daylight.

"I joked to my roommates, 'When am I going to see America?' " said Mr. Youssef, a slight man with thinning black hair and an easy smile.

Only three months later, when he began selling hot dogs on Seventh Avenue, did Mr. Youssef discover his new country.

He missed hearing the call to prayer, and thought nothing of unrolling his prayer rug beside his cart until other vendors warned him against it. He could be mistaken for an extremist, they told him.

Eventually, Mr. Youssef found a job as the secretary of the Islamic Center of Jersey City. He plans to apply to a master's program at Columbia University, specializing in Arabic. For now, he lives in a spare room above the mosque. Near his bed, he keeps a daily log of his prayers. If he makes them on time, he writes "Correct" in Arabic. "I am much better off here than selling hot dogs," he said.

Awash in American Flags

Nur Fatima landed in Midwood, Brooklyn, at a propitious time. Had she come three years earlier, she would have seen a neighborhood in crisis.

Hundreds of Pakistani immigrants disappeared after being asked to register with the government. Thirty shops closed along a stretch of Coney Island Avenue known as Little Pakistan. The number of new Urdu-speaking pupils at the local elementary school, Public School 217, dropped by half in the 2002-3 school year.

But then Little Pakistan got organized. A local businessman, Moe Razvi, converted a former antique store into a community center offering legal advice, computer classes and English instruction. Local Muslim leaders began meeting with federal agents to soothe relations.

The annual Pakistan Independence Day parade is now awash in American flags.

It is a transformation seen in Muslim immigrant communities around the nation.

"They have to prove that they are living here as Muslim Americans rather than living as Pakistanis and Egyptians and other nationalities," said Zahid H. Bukhari, the director of the American Muslim Studies Program at Georgetown University.

Ms. Fatima arrived in Brooklyn from Pakistan in March with an immigrant visa. She began by taking English classes at Mr. Razvi's center, the Council of Peoples Organization.

She has heard stories of the neighborhood's former plight but sees a different picture.

"This is a land of opportunity," Ms. Fatima said. "There is equality for everyone."

Five days after she came to Brooklyn, Ms. Fatima removed her head scarf, which she had been wearing since she was 10. She began to change her thinking, she said: She liked living in a country where people respected the privacy of others and did not interfere with their religious or social choices.

"I came to the United States because I want to improve myself," she said. "This is a second birth for me."

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Bin Laden Trail 'Stone Cold'

By Dana Priest and Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post
Sunday, September 10, 2006

The clandestine U.S. commandos whose job is to capture or kill Osama bin Laden have not received a credible lead in more than two years. Nothing from the vast U.S. intelligence world -- no tips from informants, no snippets from electronic intercepts, no points on any satellite image -- has led them anywhere near the al-Qaeda leader, according to U.S. and Pakistani officials.

"The handful of assets we have have given us nothing close to real-time intelligence" that could have led to his capture, said one counterterrorism official, who said the trail, despite the most extensive manhunt in U.S. history, has gone "stone cold."

But in the last three months, following a request from President Bush to "flood the zone," the CIA has sharply increased the number of intelligence officers and assets devoted to the pursuit of bin Laden. The intelligence officers will team with the military's secretive Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and with more resources from the National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies.

The problem, former and current counterterrorism officials say, is that no one is certain where the "zone" is.
"Here you've got a guy who's gone off the net and is hiding in some of the most formidable terrain in one of the most remote parts of the world surrounded by people he trusts implicitly," said T. McCreary, spokesman for the National Counterterrorism Center. "And he stays off the net and is probably not mobile. That's an extremely difficult problem."

Intelligence officials think that bin Laden is hiding in the northern reaches of the autonomous tribal region along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. This calculation is based largely on a lack of activity elsewhere and on other intelligence, including a videotape, obtained exclusively by the CIA and not previously reported, that shows bin Laden walking on a trail toward Pakistan at the end of the battle of Tora Bora in December 2001, when U.S. forces came close but failed to capture him.

Many factors have combined in the five years since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to make the pursuit more difficult. They include the lack of CIA access to people close to al-Qaeda's inner circle; Pakistan's unwillingness to pursue him; the reemergence of the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan; the strength of the Iraqi insurgency, which has depleted U.S. military and intelligence resources; and the U.S. government's own disorganization.

But the underlying reality is that finding one person in hiding is difficult under any circumstances. Eric Rudolph, the confessed Olympics and abortion clinic bomber, evaded authorities for five years, only to be captured miles from where he was last seen in North Carolina.

It has been so long since there has been anything like a real close call that some operatives have given bin Laden a nickname: "Elvis," for all the wishful-thinking sightings that have substituted for anything real.

After playing down bin Laden's importance and barely mentioning him for several years, Bush last week repeatedly invoked his name and quoted from his writings and speeches to underscore what Bush said is the continuing threat of terrorism.

Many terrorism experts, however, say the importance of finding bin Laden has diminished since Bush first pledged to capture him "dead or alive" in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks. Terrorists worldwide have repeatedly shown they no longer need him to organize or carry out attacks, the experts say. Attacks in Europe, Asia and the Middle East were perpetrated by homegrown terrorists unaffiliated with al-Qaeda.

"Will his capture stop terrorism? No," Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), vice chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said in a recent interview. "But in terms of a message to the world, it's a huge message."

Despite a lack of progress, at CIA headquarters bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, are still the most wanted of the High Value Targets, referred to as "HVT 1 and 2." The CIA station in Kabul still offers a briefing to VIP visitors that declares: "We are here for the hunt!" -- a reminder that finding bin Laden is a top priority.

Gary Berntsen, the former CIA officer who led the first and last hunt for bin Laden at Tora Bora, in December 2001, says, "This could all end tomorrow." One unsolicited walk-in. One tribesman seeking to collect the $25 million reward. One courier who would rather his kids grow up in the United States. One dealmaker, "and this could all change," Berntsen said.

Bin Laden Still Alive

On the videotape obtained by the CIA, bin Laden is seen confidently instructing his party how to dig holes in the ground to lie in undetected at night. A bomb dropped by a U.S. aircraft can be seen exploding in the distance. "We were there last night," bin Laden says without much concern in his voice. He was in or headed toward Pakistan, counterterrorism officials think.

That was December 2001. Only two months later, Bush decided to pull out most of the special operations troops and their CIA counterparts in the paramilitary division that were leading the hunt for bin Laden in Afghanistan to prepare for war in Iraq, said Flynt L. Leverett, then an expert on the Middle East at the National Security Council.

"I was appalled when I learned about it," said Leverett, who has become an outspoken critic of the administration's counterterrorism policy. "I don't know of anyone who thought it was a good idea. It's very likely that bin Laden would be dead or in American custody if we hadn't done that."

Several officers confirmed that the number of special operations troops was reduced in March 2002.

White House spokeswoman Michele Davis said she would not comment on the specific allegation. "Military and intelligence units move routinely in and out," she said. "The intelligence and military community's hunt for bin Laden has been aggressive and constant since the attacks."

The Pakistani intelligence service, notoriously difficult to trust but also the service with the best access to al-Qaeda circles, is convinced bin Laden is alive because no one has ever intercepted or heard a message mourning his death. "Al-Qaeda will mourn his death and will retaliate in a big way. We are pretty sure Osama is alive," Pakistan's interior minister, Aftab Khan Sherpao, said in a recent interview with The Washington Post.

Pakistani intelligence officials also say they think bin Laden remains actively involved in al-Qaeda activities. They cite the interrogations of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, a key planner of the bombings of two U.S. embassies in East Africa in 1998, and Abu-Faraj al-Libbi, who served as a communications conduit between bin Laden and senior al-Qaeda operatives until his capture last year.

Libbi and Ghailani, who was arrested in Pakistan in July 2004, were the last two people taken into custody to have met with and taken orders from Zawahiri and to hear directly from bin Laden. "Both Ghailani and Libbi were informed that Osama was well and alive and in the picture by none other than Zawahiri himself," one Pakistani intelligence official said.

Two Pakistani intelligence officials recently interviewed in Karachi said that the last time they received firsthand information on bin Laden was in April 2003, when an arrested al-Qaeda leader, Tawfiq bin Attash, disclosed having met him in the Khost province of Afghanistan three months earlier.

Attash, who helped plan the 2000 USS Cole bombing, told interrogators that the meeting took place in the Afghan mountains about two hours from the town of Khost.

By then, Pakistan was the United States' best bet for information after an infusion of funds from the U.S. intelligence community, particularly in the area of expensive NSA eavesdropping equipment.

"For technical intelligence ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) works hand in hand with the NSA," a senior Pakistani intelligence official said. "The U.S. assistance in building Pakistan's capabilities for technical intelligence since 9/11 is superb."

Since early 2002, the United States has stationed a small number of personnel from the NSA and the CIA near where bin Laden may be hiding. They are embedded with counterterrorism units of the Pakistan army's elite Special Services Group, according to senior Pakistani intelligence officials.

The NSA and other specialists collect imagery and electronic intercepts that their CIA counterparts then share with the Pakistani units in the tribal areas and with the province of Baluchistan to the south.

But even with sophisticated technology, the local geography presents formidable obstacles. In a land of dead-end valleys, high peaks and winding ridge lines, it is easy to hide within the miles of caves and deep ravines, or to live unnoticed in mud-walled compounds barely distinguishable from the surrounding terrain.

The Afghan-Pakistan border is about 1,500 miles. Pakistan deploys 70,000 troops there. Its army had never entered the area until October 2001, more than a half century after Pakistan's founding.

Pakistani Sources Lost

A Muslim country where many consider bin Laden a hero, Pakistan has grown increasingly reluctant to help the U.S. search. The army lost its best source of intelligence in 2004, after it began raids inside the tribal areas. Scouts with blood ties to the tribes ceased sharing information for fear of retaliation.

They had good reason. At least 23 senior anti-Taliban tribesmen have been assassinated in South and North Waziristan since May 2005. "Al-Qaeda footprints were found everywhere," Interior Minister Sherpao said in a recent interview. "They kidnapped and chopped off heads of at least seven of these pro-government tribesmen."

Pakistani and U.S. counterterrorism and military officials admit that Pakistan has now all but stopped looking for bin Laden. "The dirty little secret is, they have nothing, no operations, without the Paks," one former counterterrorism officer said.

Last week, Pakistan announced a truce with the Taliban that calls on the insurgent Afghan group to end armed attacks inside Pakistan and to stop crossing into Afghanistan to fight the government and international troops. The agreement also requires foreign militants to leave the tribal area of North Waziristan or take up a peaceable life there.

In Afghanistan, the hunt for bin Laden has been upstaged by the reemergence of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and by Afghan infighting for control of territory and opium poppy cropland.

Lt. Gen. John R. Vines, who commanded U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 2003, said he thinks bin Laden kept close to the border, not wandering far into either country. That belief is still current among military and intelligence analysts.

"We believe that he held to a pretty narrow range of within 15 kilometers of the border," said Vines, who now commands the XVIII Airborne Corps, "so that if the Pakistanis, for whatever reason, chose to do something to him, he could cross into Afghanistan and vice versa."

He said he thinks bin Laden's protection force "had a series of outposts with radios that could alert each other" if helicopters were coming or other troop movements were evident.

Pakistani military officials in Wana, the capital of South Waziristan, described bin Laden as having three rings of security, each ring unaware of the movements and identities of the other. Sometimes they communicated with specially marked flashlights. Sometimes they dressed as women to avoid detection by U.S. spy planes.

Pakistan will permit only small numbers of U.S. forces to operate with its troops at times and, because their role is so sensitive politically, it officially denies any U.S. presence. A frequent complaint from U.S. troops is that they have too little to do. The same complaint is also heard from U.S. forces in Afghanistan, where there were few targets to go after.

Although the hunt for bin Laden has depended to a large extent on technology, until recently unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were in short supply, especially when the war in Iraq became a priority in 2003.

In July 2003, Vines said that U.S. forces under his command thought they were close to striking bin Laden, but had only one drone to send over three possible routes he might take. "A UAV was positioned on the route that was most likely, but he didn't go that way," Vines said. "We believed that we were within a half-hour of possibly getting him, but nothing materialized."

Faced with the most sophisticated technology in the world, bin Laden has gone decidedly low-tech. His 23 video or audiotapes in the last five years are thought to have been hand-carried to news outlets or nearby mail drops by a series of couriers who know nothing about the contents of their deliveries or the real identity of the sender, a simple method used by spies and drug traffickers for centuries.

"They are really good at operational security," said Ben Venzke, chief executive officer of IntelCenter, a private company that analyzes terrorist information and has obtained, analyzed and published all bin Laden's communiques. "They are very good at having enough cut-outs" to move videos into circulation without detection. "It's some of the simplest things to do."

Uncertain Command Structure

Bureaucratic battles slowed down the hunt for bin Laden for the first two or three years, according to officials in several agencies, with both the Pentagon and the CIA accusing each other of withholding information. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's sense of territoriality has become legendary, according to these officials.

In early November 2002, for example, a CIA drone armed with a Hellfire missile killed a top al-Qaeda leader traveling through the Yemeni desert. About a week later, Rumsfeld expressed anger that it was the CIA, not the Defense Department, that had carried out the successful strike.

"How did they get the intel?" he demanded of the intelligence and other military personnel in a high-level meeting, recalled one person knowledgeable about the meeting.

Gen. Michael V. Hayden, then director of the National Security Agency and technically part of the Defense Department, said he had given it to them.

"Why aren't you giving it to us?" Rumsfeld wanted to know.

Hayden, according to this source, told Rumsfeld that the information-sharing mechanism with the CIA was working well. Rumsfeld said it would have to stop.

A CIA spokesman said Hayden, now the CIA director, does not recall this conversation. Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said, "The notion that the department would do anything that would jeopardize the success of an operation to kill or capture bin Laden is ridiculous." The NSA continues to share intelligence with the CIA and the Defense Department.

At that time, Rumsfeld was putting in place his own aggressive plan, led by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), to dominate the hunt for bin Laden and other terrorists. The overall special operations budget has grown by 60 percent since 2003 to $8 billion in fiscal year 2007.

Rows and rows of temporary buildings sprang up on SOCOM's parking lots in Tampa as Rumsfeld refocused the mission of a small group of counterterrorism experts from long-term planning for the war on terrorism to manhunting. The group "went from 20 years to 24-hour crisis-mode operations," one former special operations officer said. "It went from planning to manhunting."

In 2004, Rumsfeld finally won the president's approval to put SOCOM in charge of the "Global War on Terrorism."

Today, however, no one person is in charge of the overall hunt for bin Laden with the authority to direct covert CIA operations to collect intelligence and to dispatch JSOC units. Some counterterrorism officials find this absurd. "There's nobody in the United States government whose job it is to find Osama bin Laden!" one frustrated counterterrorism official shouted. "Nobody!"

"We work by consensus," explained Brig. Gen. Robert L. Caslen Jr., who recently stepped down as deputy director of counterterrorism under the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "In order to find Osama bin Laden, certain departments will come together. . . . It's not that effective, or we'd find the guy, but in terms of advancing United States power for that mission, I think that process is effective."

But Lt. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the JSOC commander since 2003, has become the de facto leader of the hunt for bin Laden and developed a good working relationship with the CIA to the extent that he recently was able to persuade the former station chief in Kabul to become his special assistant. He asks for targets from the CIA, and it tries to comply. "We serve the military," one intelligence officer said.

McChrystal's troops have shuttled between Afghanistan and Iraq, where they succeeded in killing al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and killed or captured dozens of his followers.

Under McChrystal, JSOC has improved its ability to quickly turn captured documents, computers and cellphones into leads and then to act upon them, while waiting for more analysis from CIA or SOCOM.

Industry experts and military officers say they are being aided by computer forensic field kits that let technicians retrieve information from surviving hard drives, cellphones and other electronic devices, as was the case in the Zarqawi strike.

McChrystal, who has commanded JSOC since 2003, now has the authority to go after bin Laden inside Pakistan without having to seek permission first, two U.S. officials said.

"The authority," one knowledgeable person said, "follows the target," meaning that if the target is bin Laden, the stakes are high enough for McChrystal to decide any action on his own. The understanding is that U.S. units will not enter Pakistan, except under extreme circumstances, and that Pakistan will deny giving them permission.

Such was the case in early January, when JSOC troops clandestinely entered the village of Saidgai, two officials familiar with the operation said, and Pakistan protested.

A week later, acting on what Pakistani intelligence officials said was information developed out of Libbi's interrogation, the CIA ordered a missile strike against a house in the village of Damadola, about 120 miles northwest of Islamabad, where Pakistani and American officials thought Zawahiri to be hiding.

The missile killed 13 civilians and several suspected terrorists. But Zawahiri was not among them. The strike "could have changed the destiny of the war on terror. Zawahiri was 100 percent sure to visit Damadola . . . but he disappeared at the last moment," one Pakistani intelligence official said.

Tens of thousands of Pakistanis staged an angry anti-American protest near Damadola, shouting, "Death to America!"

"Once again, we have lost track of Ayman al-Zawahiri," the Pakistani intelligence official said in a recent interview. "He keeps popping on television screens. It's miserable, but we don't know where he or his boss are hiding."

Comment: The trail is stone-cold because that what Bin Laden himself is - dead. Not that his position as "global terror mastermind" ever was anything but a myth.

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The War on Latin America

1973: President overthrown in Chile coup

September 11, 1973

President Salvador Allende of Chile, the world's first democratically-elected Marxist head of state, has died in a revolt led by army leaders.

One report says the 64-year-old leader committed suicide rather than surrender to the commanders of the armed forces and the paramilitary police.
Air Force planes attacked the presidential palace with rockets and bombs and tanks opened fire after President Allende rejected an initial demand for his resignation.

According to military sources, Dr Allende asked for a five-minute ceasefire in order to resign. But the armed forces said that was impossible because snipers loyal to the president were operating from buildings near the presidential palace.

Economic crisis

At least 17 bombs were dropped in an attack on the palace, one of which scored a direct hit.

Martial law has been declared throughout the country, a curfew has been imposed and the carrying of guns has been banned.

Although Dr Allende called on his followers to support him, there appeared to be little organised resistance.

Troops blasted buildings in the city centre around the presidential palace in an attempt to dislodge pro-Allende snipers. Helicopters repeatedly machine-gunned the top floors of buildings near the British Embassy.

Bullets ripped through the windows of the embassy - but no-one was reported hurt.

Thousands of workers are said to be marching on Santiago from the north, despite a warning any resistance would be met with air and ground fire.

Opposition to President Allende has been growing for months. He was elected to power in 1970 with only 36% of the vote. He has not held a majority in Congress and gradually his authority has been eroded.

His attempts to re-structure the nation's economy have led to soaring inflation and food shortages. A prolonged strike by lorry drivers who opposed his plans for nationalisation has recently been joined by shopkeepers angry they have nothing to sell.

President Allende brought senior army officers into his government last month in an attempt to head off a revolt.

But the final crunch came three days ago when the two major opposition parties called for the President's resignation.

Comment: Notice the bias of this report. It could have been written by Henry Kissinger himself.

And make no mistake, the same end is planned for Hugo Chavez.

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Former dictator Pinochet loses immunity

Associated Press
Fri Sep 8, 2006

SANTIAGO, Chile - Chile's Supreme Court on Friday stripped former dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet of immunity from prosecution for alleged abuses at one of his regime's most notorious detention centers - where the current president and her mother were tortured - a court official said.

The case, which involves 59 cases of torture and kidnapping at Villa Grimaldi, is the first time torture has been specifically mentioned in one of the numerous legal cases brought against the 90-year-old former dictator.
Villa Grimaldi, a sprawling house in southeast Santiago, has been turned into a memorial park to honor the victims.

A court official speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, told the Associated Press that an announcement will not be made until Monday or Tuesday but a vote took place and the immunity was lifted.

The decision, which cannot be appealed, paves the way for the judge handling the case, Alejandro Madrid, to indict Pinochet in the Villa Grimaldi case. Villa Grimaldi was used by Pinochet's secret police for torture and even executions, according to court documents.

Pinochet already is under indictment for human rights violations and tax evasion. Previous attempts to try him have failed after the courts dropped the cases based on Pinochet's poor health. He has been diagnosed with mild dementia, diabetes and arthritis, and he has a pacemaker. The latest tests by court-appointed doctors show Pinochet is fit to stand trial.

Current president Michelle Bachelet, then a 22-year-old medical student, and her mother Angela Jeria were arrested months after the 1973 coup led by Pinochet and taken to Villa Grimaldi. Both have acknowledged they were tortured, though they are not among those named in the case.

Bachelet's mother once told a Santiago newspaper that Villa Grimaldi was "one of the worst houses of torture," where "I was kept for a week in a box, blindfolded, tied up, without food."

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Newspaper: Journalists paid to blast Castro

September 8, 2006

MIAMI, Florida (AP) -- Ten South Florida journalists were reportedly paid thousands of dollars by the federal government for broadcasts aimed at undermining Cuban President Fidel Castro.

Pablo Alfonso, who reported on Cuba and wrote an opinion column for El Nuevo Herald -- the Miami Herald's Spanish-language sister paper -- was paid almost $175,000 since 2001 by the U.S. Office of Cuba Broadcasting to host shows on Radio and TV Marti, according to government documents obtained by The Miami Herald, which reported the story Friday.

Olga Connor, a freelance reporter who wrote about Cuban culture for El Nuevo Herald, received about $71,000, and staff reporter Wilfredo Cancio Isla, who covered the Cuban exile community and politics, was paid almost $15,000 in the last five years, The Miami Herald reported.

Alberto Mascaro, chief of staff of the U.S. Cuban broadcasting office, confirmed to The Associated Press that all 10 journalists had received payments but said he did not have the details and declined to comment further.
Alfonso and Cancio were fired and Connor's freelance relationship with the paper was ended.

Alfonso and Cancio declined to comment to the Herald. The three did not respond to e-mails seeking comment sent by the AP.

Jesus Diaz Jr., president of the Miami Herald Media Co. and publisher of both newspapers, said the individuals violated a "sacred trust" between journalists and the public.

"I personally don't believe that integrity and objectivity can be assured if any of our reporters receive monetary compensation from any entity that he or she may cover or have covered, but particularly if it's a government agency," he told the Herald.

Al Tompkins, a professor at the Poynter Institute for journalism, agreed that journalists are obligated to inform their employers before they accept outside work and must avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest.

But he added that newspapers are responsible for ensuring that everyone in the newsroom understands their ethical standards.

The AP's e-mail and phone messages for Diaz were referred to Robert Beatty, Miami Herald Media's general counsel and vice president of public affairs.

Beatty said the papers' employees have consistently demonstrated a high level of integrity, and that it is their responsibility to disclose any real or perceived conflicts of interest.

"We have faith that our employees understand that practice and the principles that underlie that practice," he said. "And when they don't, we take action."

He told the AP that the payments were identified in documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

Other journalists who received payments included Diario Las Americas opinion page editor Helen Aguirre Ferre and reporter and columnist Ariel Remos. Ferre told The Miami Herald she didn't see a conflict of interest, and Remos said he enjoyed the freedom to speak his opinion on the stations.

Aguirre is the daughter of the paper's editor Horacio Aguirre, who did not immediately return a message left Friday by the AP.

Also listed as receiving more than $11,400 this year was WJAN-TV reporter Manuel Cao, who got into a videotaped confrontation with Cuban President Fidel Castro in July during the Mercosur Summit in Argentina.

During the fiery exchange, Cao questioned why Castro won't allow a prominent doctor and dissident to leave Cuba.

"Who pays you?" demanded Castro.

"No one pays me to ask questions, that is my job," Cao yelled back.

Cao's news director also received payment but did not immediately return a message.

The Miami journalists are not alone in receiving payments for their time, said Larry Hart, spokesman for the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the independent U.S. agency that overseas Radio and TV Marti, Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, among other groups.

Hart said most guests receive payment, adding, "for decades, some of the most prominent journalists in America have been paid to be on Voice of America." He acknowledged that in recent years the practice has become far less common.

The Cuban government has long accused the United States of paying South Florida journalists to promote anti-government propaganda.

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In Your Pocket

Pocketbook pain may spur U.S. voter backlash

By Andrea Hopkins
Fri Sep 8, 2006

CINCINNATI - David and Donna Pfirman have had plenty of political debates, but the Republican husband and Democratic wife agree on one thing: the U.S. economy keeps getting worse, and neither will vote Republican in November.

"Under this current administration, my income has dropped every year -- and I'm not working any less," said David, 37, who has been selling cars for Toyota in Cincinnati for 12 years.

Pfirman said his income has fallen to $48,000 from $75,000 six years ago as the sluggish economy keeps more car buyers at home.

Donna, 36, has been luckier, but only barely. She has a government job and gets a 4 percent annual raise -- enough to keep pace with inflation, but not enough to offset her rising health insurance premiums.
"Quite frankly, if my wife didn't get her cost of living raise, we'd be struggling," David said. "Even now we're living off credit and refinancing, and robbing Peter to pay Paul."

While President George W. Bush and Republicans in Congress tout America's low 4.7 percent jobless rate and solid economic growth, stagnant wages and higher prices for everything from gasoline to health care have many voters looking for change.

A CNN poll this week showed the economy was the top concern for voters ahead of the mid-term election, in which all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate's 100 seats are up for grabs.

Democrats need to gain 15 House seats and six in the Senate to gain control of each chamber.

A majority of those polled, 56 percent, said the economy is doing poorly, up from 47 percent in June.

Jared Bernstein, an economist at the liberal Economic Policy Institute, said polls show a disconnect between positive economic headlines and the way voters feel.


"It's like the image of Bush looking at (the damage caused by Hurricane) Katrina from 40,000 feet up," said Bernstein. "He and his economic team are baffled as to why people aren't getting it on the ground. But it's not rocket science -- paychecks are getting squeezed."

While unemployment is near a five-year low, wage increases have been erased by surging prices for gasoline, tuition, health care and housing, leaving median household income 5.4 percent lower in 2005 than in 2000.

Interest rates are also rising and the housing market cooling, leaving many voters struggling to pay for the adjustable mortgages they took on during the boom years.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Chief Economist Martin Regalia said he's worried voters will blame incumbents, especially Republicans, for the pain they are feeling.

"Given the level of angst that I see around, I'm concerned. I think we've had a pretty good economy, but this administration and Republicans more broadly haven't been able to convey what the better economy means to people," he said.

For David Pfirman, concerns about the economy will outweigh his partial support for the Iraq war, even though he blames the September 11 attacks for much of the economic downturn.

Pfirman said he'll vote for Democratic Senate challenger Sherrod Brown over Ohio's Republican incumbent Sen. Mike DeWine, and he's already looking ahead to the 2008 presidential election with nostalgia for an economy that once was.

"This sounds kind of funny being a Republican, but I liked
Bill Clinton. ... Everybody I was working with was making money hand over fist, and ever since then we have not," he said. "I'd almost vote for his wife, if she ran."

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Oil falls under $66 on improved supply picture

By Neil Chatterjee
Monday, September 11, 2006; 2:11 AM

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oil prices slipped under $66 on Monday, adding to last week's slide on an improved U.S. supply picture and signs of easing tension over Iran's nuclear program.

U.S. light crude for October delivery fell 44 cents to $65.81 a barrel by 0605 GMT, hitting a new five-month low of $65.68. It had plunged $1.07 on Friday and lost over 4 percent last week. London Brent crude fell 34 cents to $64.99.
Prices continued a slide from Friday after the potential early recovery of output from BP's giant Alaskan oil field followed U.S. inventory data that showed growing fuel stockpiles, with traders now watching for OPEC's decision on output levels.

The producers cartel meets at 0900 GMT on Monday in Vienna, with ministers saying on Sunday they were unlikely to change a high output policy that is helping push prices lower.

"U.S. supply is comfortable and demand is about to enter a comparative lull. The Iran premium is dwindling too as the negotiations between Iran and the U.N. drag on," said Tobin Gorey of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani offered a two--month suspension of Tehran's nuclear enrichment program in weekend talks with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, an EU diplomat said on Sunday.

But it was unclear if Iran would meet the Western demand it suspend enrichment before the start of any talks on trade incentives aimed at ending the nuclear stand-off. An Iranian official denied Tehran had offered any freeze on enrichment.

Expectations of a long delay before any possible sanctions eased worries that Iran could retaliate by disrupting oil flows, while a milder-than-forecast Gulf of Mexico hurricane season so far has also weakened U.S. prices from a record $78.40 in July.

Hurricane Florence, the second of the 2006 Atlantic season, headed toward Bermuda and away from the North American mainland, where hurricanes battered oil production a year ago.


A committee advising OPEC on oil output policy will recommend the organization keep its current production ceiling unchanged at 28 million barrels per day, but leave the door open to another meeting before December if prices drop sharply, a delegate said.

For over a year OPEC has been pumping at or near its fastest rate for 25 years. But forecasts that demand for OPEC oil will decline in 2007 are beginning to worry some in the group that pumps a third of the world's oil.

"We have really been pumping without bothering what the call on OPEC is, but such history cannot go on for ever," said OPEC President Edmund Daukoru. "We don't know when the bubble might break, we need to take a more realistic position," he said.

Expected U.S. output was given a fillip after BP said on Friday it believes the downstream segment of the shut oil transit pipeline on the eastern side of the Prudhoe Bay field in Alaska is in good enough condition to be restarted.

BP shut down half of the 400,000 barrels per day Prudhoe Bay oil field, the biggest field in North America, in August after an inspection revealed serious corrosion. BP executives said on Thursday the entire field should restart by the end of October.

There is also the potential for slower oil demand after signs U.S. economic activity is easing while second-biggest consumer China has raised lending rates to try to cool its economy.

Comment: Now that summer vacations are over, oil prices are falling. Er, we mean, now that "the supply picture" is looking good, oil prices are going down.

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Chaos: The Final Frontier

Putin tells experts he will step down in 2008

By Guy Faulconbridge
Sat Sep 9, 2006

MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday vowed to step down in 2008 and said he would recommend his successor fight poverty and ensure strong economic growth, said experts who attended a lunch with the president.

Putin spoke for nearly four hours to a group of about 50 foreign experts over lunch at his Novo-Ogaryovo residency outside Moscow, according to people who attended the meeting.

"The most interesting point was that he reiterated that he does not plan to run again for office in 2008 as he believes he has a moral duty not to break the constitution," said Angela Stent, director of the center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies at Georgetown University in Washington.
A Kremlin spokesman confirmed the meeting but said he could not immediately give comments.

Putin, 53, declined to give any details about who could succeed him in 2008, when he must step down after two four-year terms in office. Because the Kremlin has so much power, the issue of his successor is the hottest political topic in Russia.

During the lunch of artichoke soup, octopus carpaccio and sea bass, Putin did not say what he would do after he stepped down but at one point even expressed weariness with politics and said he had not been successful in rooting out corruption.

"He spoke about things he would recommend his successor do," said Nikolai Zlobin, director of the Russian and Eurasian project at the World Security Institute in Washington.

The recommendations would include the struggle with poverty, the creation of a real multi-party system, regional reforms, the diversification of the economy and high levels of growth, said Zlobin, who sat next to Putin at the lunch.

Answering dozens of questions, Putin ranged across foreign and domestic policy, speaking out against sanctions on
Iran, implicitly opposing independence for Kosovo and heaping praise on Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko.

He said it was his job to improve relations with the United States, which have cooled because of differences over gas supplies to Europe, accession to the World Trade Organization and competition for allies among ex-Soviet nations.

"My impression was that he was doing his best to improve relations with his international counterparts," said Marshall Goldman, professor of economics at Wellesley College, Massachusetts.

"He tried very hard to make positive comments about President (George W.) Bush and he did not have to make such positive comments."

But he criticized Bush's "bad advisors" and said the
European Union "was very difficult to deal with," although the Kremlin wanted a closer partnership with it, people at the meeting said. He also praised Russia's relationship with China.

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Japan launches spy satellite to watch North Korea

Mon Sep 11, 2006

TOKYO - Japan launched its third intelligence-gathering satellite on Monday, enhancing its ability to monitor neighbouring North Korea two months after Pyongyang shocked the region with a barrage of missile tests.

Japan's space agency, JAXA, launched the optical satellite from the southern island of Tanegashima, adding to a pair of satellites that were fired into orbit in March 2003. Two other satellites were lost when a rocket failed in November that year.
A further radar satellite is set to be launched later this year, completing the set of four.

The optical satellite will be able to differentiate objects a meter (yard) or more in diameter, although this level of resolution is far outclassed by U.S. military satellites. A ban on defense use of space dating from the 1960s has hampered Japan's ability to develop high-tech hardware.

With two similar satellites in orbit, the Japanese government will be able to monitor any point on Earth once a day, an official at Japan's Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center said.

Japan planned its spy satellite program following North Korea's 1998 launch of a ballistic missile that flew over Japan and landed in the Pacific Ocean.

On July 5, Pyongyang launched another volley of missiles, sparking unease across the region.

North Korea reacted angrily to South Korea's July launch of the Arirang-2 surveillance satellite capable of monitoring military movements.

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Iran offers 8-week suspension of nuclear program

www.chinaview.cn 2006-09-11 10:46:03

BEIJING, Sept. 11 (Xinhuanet) -- Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani offered to suspend Tehran's nuclear enrichment program for eight weeks during seven hours of talks with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana over the weekend, an EU diplomat said on Sunday.
But the diplomat was unclear whether Iran would meet Western demands it suspend enrichment before talks on trade incentives designed to halt Iranian pursuit of technology.

Two months is nothing, as the United States and others want a long-term suspension to restore confidence that Iran's nuclear programme is geared only to generate electricity, the diplomat was quoted by the Reuters as saying.

The weekend talks in Vienna were seen as a final chance to seek a compromise before possible punitive action after Iran ignored an Aug. 31 Security Council deadline to stop purifying uranium for use as nuclear fuel.

Larijani and Solana said they cleared up misunderstandings and made progress in a search for common ground.

Solana consulted with foreign ministers of the six powers by phone during the talks and would brief them on the results before they hold a conference call on Monday to discuss what to do next, EU diplomats said.

However, Aliasghar Soltanieh, Iranian ambassador to UN nuclear watchdog agency who accompanied Larijani, denied that a suspension had been discussed with Solana.

"Iran has openly said that there is no legal and technical basis for such a demand (to suspend enrichment)," Soltanieh told Iranian state television in an interview aired from Vienna.

Tehran insists its nuclear programme, based on the uranium enrichment, is entirely peaceful.

The US and Britain suspect that Iran is engaged in a camouflaged bid to assemble nuclear bombs.

The EU, Russia, China and the US have offered Iran a package of economic, trade, political and nuclear incentives if it shelves its enrichment activities, but Tehran says it is willing to negotiate on the offer only without any preconditions.

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