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The Ultimate Mission To Israel?

Or Despicable Propaganda...

Joe Quinn, Henry See
Signs of the Times


"Experience a dynamic and intensive eight day exploration of Israel's struggle for survival and security in the Middle East today." Israel Law Center

So, would you like to?

We know that Israel is beseiged. Facing a Palestinian population armed to the teeth with deadly rocks and rusting weapons, and Hizbullah to the north in Lebanon with its powerful katyusha rockets, a powerful techology dating back to the Second World War, Israel remarkably refuses to fall, backed solely by the strongest army in the Middle East, an arsenal of nuclear weapons, false flag operations, unlimited funding and arms from the United States whenever they are required, a permanent veto via the US on any UN Security Council resolution, and a compliant Western press.

The flyer below from the website of the "Israel law center", invites supporters (or potential supporters) of Israel to come and see Israel's 'weapons of mass security' for themselves. Included in the tour are a "Live exhibition of penetration raids in Arab territory" and a meeting with "Israel's Arab agents who infiltrate the terrorist groups and provide real-time intelligence". As you can see, the page offers an antiseptic language that whitewashes the true horrors of Israeli brutality.

To remedy this, we decided to translate the Israel law center's explanation of the fundamental motivations of the state of Israel out of 'Zionish' security speak and into English. Our translation is at the bottom of the page. Judge for yourself which of the two descriptions more accurately reflect the situation on the ground and the motivation for Israel's national security state.

Experience a dynamic and intensive eight day exploration of Israel's struggle for survival and security in the Middle East today.

  • Briefings by Mossad officials and Shin Bet commanders.
  • Briefing by officers in the IDF Intelligence and Operations branches.
  • Inside tour of the IAF unit who carries out targeted killings.
  • Live exhibition of penetration raids in Arab territory.
  • Observe a trial of Hamas terrorists in an IDF military court.
  • First hand tours of the Lebanese front-line military positions and the Gaza border check-points.
  • Inside tour of the controversial Security Fence and secret intelligence bases.
  • Meeting Israel's Arab agents who infiltrate the terrorist groups and provide real-time intelligence.
  • Briefing by Israel's war heros who saved the country.
  • Meetings with senior Cabinet Ministers and other key policymakers.
  • Small airplane tour of the Galilee, Jeep rides in the Golan hights, water activities on Lake Kinneret, a cook-out barbecue and a Shabbat enjoying the rich religious and historic wonders of Jerusalem's Old City.

For full itinerary and costs click here.

If you would like us to contact you with more information please fill in the form below:

All fields markes with * are required. 


Full name:*




Phone numbers:*


Best time to call:

(US): 212-591-0073
(Israel): 972-3-9334472





Experience a dynamic and intensive eight day exploration of Israel's war against the innocent Arab civilians of the Middle East today.


  • Briefings by Mossad officials and Shin Bet commanders on their role in carrying out fake Islamic terrorist attacks.

  • Briefing by officers in the IDF Intelligence and Operations branches on the use of torture against Palestinians as young as 11 years old.

  • Inside tour of the IAF unit who carries out targeted killings of Palestinian civilians, including children. Explanation of how killing Palestinian children is an effective form of intimidation of the Palestinian people.

  • Live exhibition of penetration raids in Arab territory with opprotunity to personally fire off a few rounds at the "beasts on two legs". Explanation of how best to murder international peacekeepers and journalists and get away with it.

  • Observe a trial of Hamas terrorists in an IDF military court and watch how the Israeli judicial system accepts evidence that has been extracted under torture.

  • First hand tours of the Lebanese front-line military positions and the Gaza border check-points. Watch in real time how Palestinian civilians are humiliated and beaten by Israeli soldiers, just for fun.

  • Inside tour of the controversial Security Fence and secret intelligence bases. Get an inside view on the apartheid wall and see how it is effectively annexing Palestinian land and creating a de facto border. Walk around the intelligence bases and get a real feel for how Israeli forces set-up Palestinian militants and how they created and perpetuate the idea of "Islamic terrorism".

  • Meeting Israel's Arab agents who infiltrate the terrorist groups and provide real-time intelligence. Talk freely with these men and marvel at how skilled they are at setting up fake "Palestinian suicide bombings".

  • Briefing by Israel's war heros who personally butchered and maimed hundreds of innocent Palestinians.

  • Meetings with senior Cabinet Ministers and other key policymakers who explain the corrupt and illegal nature of the state of Israel.

  • Small airplane tour of the Galilee from where you will get a bird'seye view of the impoverished Palestinians. Jeep rides in the Golan hights (stolen from Syria), water (boarding) activities on Lake Kinneret (water stolen from Syria), a cook-out barbecue (opprotunity to sample grilled Palestinian meat) and a Shabbat enjoying the rich religious and historic wonders of Jerusalem's Old City (none of which have any relation to the true history of the Jewish people)

For the truth about the state of Israel  click here.

If you would like us to contact you with more information please fill in the form below:

All fields markes with * are required. 


Full name:*




Phone numbers:*


Best time to call:

(US): 212-591-0073
(Israel): 972-3-9334472