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Whenever discussing the importance of buying organic, there is one objection that is stated 100% of the time. That objection is: I can't afford it; I don't have the money.

I'm here to tell you that you can't afford NOT to eat organic.

The specifics will be covered below, but here is why you should absolutely buy organic and ditch what you've probably been eating.

Health is the Most Important Aspect of Life

Some people, for some reason or another, may not feel this way. But when it comes down to it, your health affects every aspect of your life.

It should be your top priority.

In today's society, if you aren't eating organic, you are seriously compromising your health.

Here's how:
  • Substances in conventional food such as high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and aspartame slows down your brain and reduces cognitive ability. They also cause a whole host of other problems discussed in-depth on other pages of this website.
  • Pesticides used on conventional food are a hazard to your health.
  • Growth hormones and antibiotics, in addition to the genetically modified feed fed to livestock, cause various health problems.
  • Nutritional value of the food is compromised, leaving you with less vitamins and minerals your body thrives on. This is caused partly by synthetic fertilizer which is used for conventionally grown foods.
  • Many foods are genetically modified. These foods with altered DNA are unsafe for consumption. This is covered extensively on the Genetically Modified Foods page.
It is hard to measure how much money you save buying organic in terms of your health. But one thing is for sure, you DO save money. By buying organic, you won't be subjecting your body to all the negative aspects of conventional food. Thinking will be enhanced, and you'll notice your health problems disappear one by one, assuming you are eating a nutrient-rich diet full of organic superfoods and fresh produce. I think you'll find this very enlightening - the money you actually save by making less visits to the drug store and feeling better.

You'll save money because:
  • Prescription drug use will lessen.
  • Drugs you buy at the drug store to "fix" headaches, stomach aches, and pains may no longer be needed.
  • You'll feel better and could find yourself turning to alcohol or cigarettes less.
  • Organic and whole foods fill you faster, and therefore you will not need as much food to satisfy your physical hunger.
So what is the difference in cost?

The Difference in Costs

It is true, SOMETIMES organic food costs more directly than conventional food, which is often bought from large food manufacturers. However, there is a a reason for the price difference, and it often has to do with quality. Certified organic foods with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) seal will often be the foods that cost more than conventional products and even other organic foods that do not qualify for the seal.

Certified organic foods may cost more for these reasons:
  • Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are prohibited. This leaves organic farmers with more expensive methods for controlling pests, diseases, weeds, and providing more nutrients for crops to grow.
  • Organic farming is more labor intensive and takes more time.
  • Yields for organic farmers are typically lower than those of conventional farmers. They end up with less crops while putting out more time and using more expensive means of growing.
  • Ultimately, organic farmers make less money than conventional farmers, and must increase price to make some profit and survive. The organic farms are usually smaller and don't benefit from the economies of scale that larger growers get.
  • Organic farmers don't receive federal subsidies like conventional farmers do.
Not all foods qualify for the organic seal, however. The reason I'm mentioning this is that some organic foods don't have to follow such strict rules. So, many times organic food may only cost a little bit more, the same, or even less!

It is often just a matter of good, better, and best. At least TRY to buy organic and see how much more you're spending. Prices vary based on the food and the area you buy in, so the only real way to know is to do the experiment for yourself.

If you find you're spending too much in your eyes, don't buy all organic. Another great way to consume high quality organic foods on a budget is home gardening. Purchase some 100% organic non-GMO seeds, and get to work!