This is an update on the cell tower situation in Los Angeles, California, that I wrote about earlier (here and here), as a follow up on the hearing.

Well, even more news is breaking regarding those 'mushroom-like-cropping-up' cell towers. Activists in LA report to me that:
the US Federal government suspended funding of the Los Angeles arm of the deadly federal surveillance tower roll out!! According to Fierce Wireless Magazine, we gave First Net a "black eye" which they may or may not recover from. [1]
Fierce Wireless Tech reported about that here.

First Net talks about the problems here.

And, the LA Times blared
"U.S. suspends funding for troubled L.A. County emergency system," whereby Federal officials ordered communications project managers to "stop all work immediately" on what would be the largest such system in the nation. [2]
Liz Barris, activist extraordinaire, has this to say in her email:
According to my conversation with Pat Mallon, (Executive in charge of LA RICS) this week, the Federal government and First Net, the agency through which all funding of the federal cell tower surveillance program flows, have pulled all funding for the LA RICS federal cell tower program. But, the wireless industry is very persistent, so it is possible it will get it re- instated (according to LA Board of Supervisors staff) after LA County Board of Supervisors meets with the federal government behind closed doors in Washington, DC this week. April 13th is the date which we may know more about what is going on and whether or not this funding cut to this deadly program is permanent.

Also, there has been a media BLACKOUT on what happened with the LA police joining the fire fighters and just saying "NO!" to deadly microwaves from cell towers on or near their stations. Never before in the history of the US has something like this happened. Noticeably absent has been the media.

This historic event got practically zero media coverage! [CJF emphasis added]

We are gearing up for round two, as ex-Fire Fighters Union President Don Wallace said, "They'll be back!" Mr. Wallace also noted in his email - with capital letters, the "REVOLT IN TOPANGA," which led to REVOLTS in other areas. I wish to thank all my fellow Topangans and everyone else who worked so hard on this and contributed in any way to help achieve this historic win. [1]
Liz also included some videos

Here is her video on this subject:

Here is the First Net Hearing from last month if you would like to watch it...along with some references readers may want to access and save in order to launch offensives against technologies like Smart Meters, Wi-Fi, and cell towers, which are emitting radio frequency non-ionizing radiation into the atmosphere, our brains and homes. What happened in LA with the cell towers is an incredibly positive indication of what citizens can accomplish once they realize what's going on; become informed and then inform others, especially officials; and work together for the common good of everyone.

Special vested interest corporations have their lobbyists with nice 'gifts', but citizens have numbers where it counts. Become an activist to preserve your health!


[1] Email 4-9-15 from Liz Barris, activist

Dr. Barrie Trower, British Microwave Expert

About the author

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.