football fan
© NBC news
Anyone who is fully awakened to the agenda of the new world order and the globalist terrorists knows by now that they don't like to miss out on opportunities to push their lies and set up the general public for accepting their long-term agenda. It is therefore our duty to expose their lies before it happens in the hope that more people will see through their deception as it happens.

As we wind down another NFL season, let's turn our attention again to how the globalists rely heavily on the irrational sports (fanaticism) platform to pump their lies and deception to an already hypnotized audience waiting as empty vessels to have their minds polluted with any lie the globalists want them to believe.

First, let me say that there are few audiences in America which are as vulnerable to government propaganda as a football audience in late January. The excitement of the upcoming games and the anticipation of who will be in the Super Bowl is psychologically overwhelming for many. The excitement surrounding the chase for the Super Bowl leaves these zombie-like naive football fans wide open to subliminal messages, political suggestions, reshaping of paradigms, tweaking of belief systems, manipulation of perceptions and overall indoctrination on what one should believe.

To understand the magnitude of this NFL fan TV-watching hypnotic effect one must understand the hypnosis that most Americans are under due to the flicker rate of the TV, the constant rapid visual stimuli, which have been shown to induce hypnosis. Couple this with the already complacent self-absorbed state of mind most Americans are in to begin with, add a little alcohol, and a daily dose of mental junk food known as mainstream media news and Hollywood entertainment. Add to that, the fact that most Americans are ingesting massive amounts of fluoride to keep them complacent, and then add to that all the Americans that are on long-term prescription and other drugs that alter your mind. Put all of these factors together into the chips-pizza-n-beer couch-potato typical scenario, and you have a recipe for mental disaster on your hand.

Sadly, as extreme or cynical as this may sound to some, most readers will probably acknowledge and even cringe at the fact that this description is the reality in many football-watching American homes, especially over the next few weeks.

And let's not forget that NFL football is by far the most watched sport in America with an impressive 64% said to watch NFL football. That's over 200 million Americans watching! For perspective, if the presidential administration wanted to push an idea to the general public they would reach more people by advertising with the NFL than they would by having the message spoken in a presidential State of the Union speech.

The NFL is a massive and thus a coveted platform by the CIA without a doubt. For this reason we would be foolish to not focus our attention on this CIA platform to observe, predict, expose, and defuse the lies they have planned for our general public. With that said, let's examine some of those sure-fire lies we'll hear pumped through the NFL this weekend, and especially in the coming Super Bowl weekend. Let's examine these lies in the order of magnitude starting from the smallest to the greatest lies.

6 - You Need to Watch More TV

Over the next couple of NFL weeks leading to the end of the season, the NFL will take money from Hollywood as producers promote their TV shows. The message? You need to watch more and more TV. The ads will come at the hypnotized NFL watchers, one after another, telling them what shows they need to watch for their lives to have more meaning and excitement. These ads, suggesting the watching of more and more TV shows, work perfect with the overall globalist plans. There is, after all, no way that their long-term plans for global domination will work unless people are continuously UN-aware of the global political scene. And there is no greater way to keep people unaware than to keep them entertained with meaningless and pacifying distractions.

At this time of the year, with NFL football winding down, Hollywood producers are desperately trying to pull you into their hypnosis to get you to watch their shows and (like a drug) get you hooked on them. The ads will be cleverly put together with quick headline shots, compelling sound tracks and intriguing visuals, snappy actor dialogues and editing trickery, all designed to pull you in. Sadly, like ready sheep, millions of NFL TV watchers will be lured by these ads and commercials into thinking they are missing out on life if they don't watch these shows. All of this is just the tip of the iceberg of deception which we will see over the next few weekends.

5 - U.S. Military = "Heroes"

The next biggest lie we will see pushed through the NFL is the meme that claims that U.S. military men and women are somehow "heroes" that deserve to be worshiped and admired for what they do. Nothing could be further from the truth. As I wrote about in an article several months back, U.S. military share no characteristics consistent with the definition of "hero", or for that matter (as discussed previously) with the definition of Character, Honor, or Honorable. As I discussed previously, one could argue that some of them show "courage" but this courage is only being applied in the same way that one could say that members of ISIS or Al Qaeda ALSO show courage by simply being part of those organizations. Courage alone is no reason to honor or worship someone in the U.S. Military. One MUST show honor and character, for without these virtues one cannot be considered a "hero".

Despite that the lower ranking members of the U.S. military are lied to repeatedly by their leaders to keep them in line, the government and military will spend lots of money over the next few weeks to tell you that they are heroes. Despite the fact that the military obedient sheep are trained not to question their mission or ask questions, but instead to blindly follow their leaders, even if the mission they are in is dishonorable, NFL fans will be lied to and told that they are unquestionably heroes. Never once will NFL fans be reminded that Henry Kissinger himself said that "U.S. military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." Instead these "dumb stupid animals" will be paraded as "heroes" instead of people who likely MAY have meant well when they joined but are now being lied to in every single thing that they do.

4 - Donate to Cancer Charities $$

The NFL hype tends to bring out the call for money $$. NFL fans will be bombarded with charity calls for giving money to cancer. Despite the fact that no one ultimately knows where all the money goes, people will be lured into the almost religious call for shelling out money to one or several cancer foundations. This call for money will utilize sympathy and emotion to lure viewers into giving their money to these cancer organizations. Never once will the viewers be told that cancer is a multi-billion dollar scam industry that is designed to kill cancer victims not cure them, while making the industry billions. Never once will viewers be told that government and the Medical Industrial Complex themselves have persecuted individuals who have cured their own patients of cancer. NFL hypnotized TV watchers will be told that cancer is a giant that has no cure unless they give their money to these foundations.

The Western Medical Industrial Complex will take full advantage of this special time of the year to reassert their lies and deception on Americans that cancer is fought with pink ribbons, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a knife. The Western caveman approach to cancer will be sold to the American public as science. The same system which treats cancer as if it is a disease that must be smashed out with a hammer instead of seeing cancer for what it is - a symptom of an underlying disorder - will suggest that if you give money to cancer, that will bring us closer to a cure.

No mention will be made of eating right, about repairing your own immune system so that your immune system can get rid of the cancer for you. Instead, like smashing the check-engine light in a car to fix a problem in the engine, the cancer business will continue to lie to American NFL watchers with few ever seeing the lie coming or much less understanding what cancer and its true cure is all about.

3 - Reinforcement of Previous False Flags

There is no better time to reinforce false flags of the past than to push them through the NFL crowd toward the end of the season. We all saw the Sandy Hook children rolled out last year in the Super Bowl. Similarly, through the use of the sportscasters themselves as well as commercials, announcements, ceremonies, half-time specials, and pre-game presentations and more, we'll see specific false flags reinforced in the NFL platform.

These clever techniques for reinforcing government false flags can come at any moment and have a powerful effect on the unaware viewer. Why? Because of the power of words that come out of the mouth of a trusted voice. They will often use the sports commentators and announcers to reinforce their false flags by having them make an announcement. Also, we may see a pre-game ceremony to honor the victims of the Charlie Hebdo shooting, etc.

One of the great advantages the globalists have in this tactic is that these false flag reinforcements can come at any point, thus catching the viewer off guard. This is quietly one of the greatest lies NFL fans will be subjected to over the next few weeks.

2 - America: "Land of the Free"

Young NFL fans are more likely to go for this one. During the national anthem, and at any other point in the presentation, particularly during one of their pro-military ceremonies we will hear America being alluded to as the "land of the free" despite the fact that since 9/11 America is anything BUT the land of the free. We have seen the massive frightening expansion of the aggressive police state, destruction of civil liberties, expanded TSA abuse, DHS's expanding roll, militarization of the local police, expansion of the PATRIOT Act and the N.D.A.A. (National Defense Authorization Act), all of this in just the last 10-13 years. Despite all of this, sports arenas all over will continue to toss around the phrase "land of the free."

As someone who once worked in large sports stadiums I can assure you this deception will take place at no less than the stadium PA system level and will trickle down to other levels. Before and throughout the game, fans will be constantly subjected to announcements which are designed to keep the control system's paradigm intact. NFL fans will not only be periodically reminded that America is the "land of the free" but the word "freedom" and "free" will be tossed around regularly, often as mentioned above, in conjunction with the honoring of the military. This is just another lie to keep everyone, especially the military and those thinking of joining the military, believing they are fighting (or will be fighting) for something special instead of the truth, which is that they are just pawns in a global political scheme as admitted by Henry Kissinger.

1 - Join the U.S. Military!

This final lie is, I believe, the GREATEST lie of them all. This is the mother-ship lie that NFL fans will be told and are told throughout the year and especially in these final NFL weeks. The dangerous and evil military industrial complex will pull out all its ammunition knowing that statistics show that 3 out of every 4 males in America watch NFL football. They know they have the undivided attention of these young men and they would never consider blowing this opportunity to lie and deceive these innocent young men into joining the U.S. military.

With the money the U.S. military spends on injecting their influence on Hollywood, their influence on the NFL is far beyond what we could imagine. Look for the commercials, one after another, telling your kids to join the military for an education, a steady job and travel experience. No mention will be made about the 22+ veterans per DAY who are committing suicide or the alarming suicide rate in the active military. You won't hear about how our military set up and murdered Pat Tillman for not agreeing with the U.S. illegal wars. And we won't hear about how soldiers are suffering from PTSD, alcohol and drug problems, psychiatric problems, and mental disorders at an alarming rate. Instead, NFL fans will be flat-out lied to and told that everything is great, and that joining the U.S. military is a decision of courage and honor. They will even spin commercials that make the military life seem fun and exciting instead of the reality the U.S. military men and women face in the real-world supporting globalist terrorism.


Most if not all of these lies and deceptions that NFL fans will be subjected to in the next few weeks also take place throughout the year. Also there are many other topics that could have made the list. I have selected the topics which I see most often raised every year, but by no means is this list definitive or exclusive in any way. Either way, when it's all said and done the year will be over and they will crank up to do it all again next NFL season. As truth seekers who are fully aware of these large platforms and how they are used by the globalist terrorists to sell their agenda and recruit men and women into their military, we need to find ways to defuse these government efforts. Last year we saw activist Mathew Mills interrupt the Super Bowl MVP conference to warn everyone that 9/11 was done by elements within our own government; and we should all be excited about this moment of truth that millions of people around the world were exposed to in one instance of time. Let's hope for another moment of truth to penetrate the consciousness of the masses. Let us all stay focused and be mindful of opportunities to spread truth, to expose their lies and deception, and let us share these warnings with others.