ice age
It's midsummer in the northern hemisphere, where record rainfall and the coldest spring in living memory have European meteorologists forecasting 'a year without summer' for most of Western Europe. While climatologists got their long-term forecasts for global warming all wrong, do these environmental extremes nevertheless signal 'climate change', just not in the way the authorities have portrayed it?

Extreme weather events are happening globally. One direct result of this is widespread crop failure. This leads to food shortages, followed by increased inflation as billions of people find themselves priced out of being able to eat. Riots and revolution are never far behind. In fact, complex systems theorists calculate that we're less than one year away from a fireball of global unrest. And that's not all...

The geological record shows that the default climate for this planet is a very cold one. Ice Ages last up to 100,000 years and are separated by 'inter-glacials', narrow windows of relative warmth that last, on average, 11,500 years. Our civilization is currently situated on the tail-end of the Holocene inter-glacial, meaning that it's just a matter of time before the next Ice Age.

How much time? Nobody knows. But in this week's show we're also going to examine the evidence for a synchronistic relationship between climate stress and the rise and fall of human civilizations within a more recent historical timeframe. Is it possible that humanity does play a role in modulating 'climate change', but perhaps not in the way environmentalists are suggesting?

Running Time: 02:19:00

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Here's the transcript:

Niall: Hello, and welcome to all our listeners. This is SOTT Talk Radio. I'm Niall Bradley, and with me tonight is co-host, Joe Quinn.

Joe: Hi there.

Niall: techie, Jason Martin.

Jason: Hey, what's up.

Niall: And we've also got SOTT Editor, Pierre Lescaudron.

Pierre: Hello.

Niall: I'm particular happy that we've got Pierre on this evening because he's currently writing a book, that will be upcoming, published with Red Pill Press. And I think it will encompass a lot of what we will be talking about tonight.

Pierre: Probably.

Niall: And more. So stay tuned. Watch the space. It's just gone past the 21st of June. That means we've just marked the summer solstice for 2013. I don't know about all of you, but ...

Jason: What's the summer?

Niall: What's the summer?! Well we actually lit a fire that day because it was that chilly...

Jason: I'm pretty sure today too actually.

Niall: Indeed, I was wearing a scarf most of today.

Pierre: And, actually, it's not only summer right now, but we are supposed to be going through the maximum of Solar Cycle 24. So, there's the conclusion of summertime, more solar irradiance, and solar cycle maximum. so, we should be sweating. We should be wearing T-shirts and tanning.

Niall: Taking the Solar Cycle, the 11-year Solar Cycle, just taking that, all other things being equal, we would be having a warmer than usual summer.

Pierre: Exactly.

Jason: Huh, whatever happened there to Global Warming?

Niall: Well, [laughter] we will be getting to that in a minute. I'm sure that most of our listeners will be aware that the weather is going haywire all over the place. Certainly where you are, just scanning the headlines, to be honest with you, just shows - it's either unusually hot in places where it shouldn't be; or, more generally, it's extremely wet, it's flooding all over the place.

Pierre: It's a summer of chaotic.

Niall: Yeah, let's see. Just in the last week alone, we've got, Spain, ok? Spain is bracing for the coldest summer in 200 years. France's main weather channel has announced that there is a 70% chance of this summer being cold and wet across Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, and Austria; so, not just Spain, the whole of Western Europe. The year without summer 1816, is not an old wives' tale. And then, the U.S., as well: Memorial Day Weekend snowfall smashes 1816 record. There's that year again. Thirty-four inches of snow fell in Cabot, Vermont, on Memorial Day at the end of May. The previous record was 1 inch on the same weekend in 1816. Right now, in Canada, there's a huge flood in Alberta. I saw some photos today of Calgary. It's completely under water: 75,000 people evacuated. The images look devastating. There were huge mudslides that seemed to wipe through whole suburbs.

Jason: The only upside if there's a flash-freeze there, they're going to have massive hockey. I mean, they could have an entire city of people playing hockey simultaneously.

Niall: A bonus season. Well, it's interesting you mentioned the ice, because in the flooding in Spain, in the north of Spain right now, just over the Pyrenees, in fact, they said that one of the reasons that it was particularly bad, besides the fact that they had two months of rainfall in 12 hours, is because the ground was still frozen from our unusually cold winter.

Jason: Right.

Niall: And it meant that the water was less likely to seep away by normal channels. It was going over the top.

Pierre: It also explains the massive floods. When you have the huge rain in relatively warm weather, relatively, combine to massive snow stock in the mountains, this rain melts the snow and combines with the melted snow to generate the massive floods that we have witnessed a few days ago in South- western France, in the Pyrenees, with Lourdes, one meter of mud, something like that.

Joe: I think the source of the floods in France and Spain, or the Pyrenees, or the main source of them, were rivers overflowing.

Niall: From snowmelt?

Joe: No, from rain.

Pierre: Rain, snowmelt, lakes that were full because of the last six months, you've had very high levels of rain falls, higher than the monthly average. So, you have, basically, the lakes that were full, the soils that are saturated with water, the rivers that are very high, and, on top of that, the aquifers that are full, as well. On top of that, if you have a heavy rainfall episode, and we had many. and massive melting of massive stock of snow, as we have now in the Pyrenees, there was something like 15 meters of really deep snowfall in the Pyrenees during last winter, it leads to some very unusual floods.

Niall: Yeah, there was a local report that people were still skiing in the Pyrenees on June 1st. Two weeks later, bang! I thought it was pretty symbolic that Lourdes, the holy site of pilgrimage was washed away - well, not washed away...

Joe: It was underwater.

Pierre: And this is the second time. It was flooded already last October/November last year. So, there's something going on, there are some changes going on. It's not only one event. It's a series of events spread over months.

Jason: When I was growing up, you know, there was water and plenty of rain and stuff like that, but I never noticed or heard about so much going on in so many different places simultaneously. That's really kind of a new thing, you know.

Joe: Yeah, the amount of snow, or the amount of rain that is falling all at once, like in Canada, you mentioned in Alberta and Calgary...there were several rivers that were overflowed. And in some areas near Calgary they got 6 months of rain in two days. So, that's more than enough to cause flooding. It doesn't matter what shape the ground is in, or what kind of defenses you have. If you get 6 months of rain in two days, you're screwed. You're going to be flooded.

Jason: I have a question. Maybe somebody can answer it, because I don't know much about science or any of this meteorology crap. But, how do you exactly have six months worth of rain in like two days? Where does that even come from?

Pierre: Well, there are several factors. One such factor is the Jet Stream. The Jet Stream is a high-speed wind at high altitude that separates polar regions from temperate regions. And, over the last years, the Jet Stream and later we can talk about later the causes of these changes, but the Jet Stream has been changing. Basically, it's weaker, it's meandering), it's more south. So, instead of having a neat separation between cold air--cold, polar air--and relatively warm temperate air, you have a lot of mixing. And this mix, this succession in the same place of hot air and cold air, is one of the causes for depression. When you have a warm place and a cold front reaching, the air cools down, there's condensation, and there's rain. That's one factor.

Another factor is the accumulation of dust in the atmosphere, also known as global dimming. Over the last four decades, we had about 3% dimming increase. Later, we'll talk about the source of this dust. Allegedly, it's the industrial pollution, but that's probably not the real reason. And the more dust you have actually, the more likely water vapor is likely to condensate, because for water vapor to condensate, you need nucleation particles. You need a particle around which the droplets can form and create clouds.

And, another factor that is linked to this dust accumulation in the atmosphere is that actually, there is a huge electric difference between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere, this kind of high-altitude ionosphere. And, because of this dust, the atmosphere is more conductive, electrically conductive, and you have more discharges. Maybe we'll talk about that later, but these electrical discharges are one of the main drivers of what is called 'air spirals' tornadoes, depressions, hurricanes, that are major sources of rainfalls.

So all those factors combined. And there is another factor, that is the global cooling the reduction in solar activity. When you have global cooling, temperature drops around the globe. and temperature dropping leads to more condensation. More condensation, more rain. So, you have several factors at work that act in a synergetic way.

Joe: Actually, global warming can lead to global cooling and more rain as well in the sense that warming of the oceans on certain parts of the planet increase convection over other areas, say from the south, if it warmed in the south you had warmer oceans in the south. That warm water is conveyed northwards and then evaporates into the air and then falls as rain. I mean, it's kind of complex.

Jason: Because I'm so simple-minded, I just want to get this. So, basically, you have this warm band around the Earth where water kind of becomes gaseous, evaporates, but it permeates the air because it's kind of a damp. It's turned it to, a sort of, gas. And because the Jet Stream which separates the warm and the cool has degraded, when that warm air hits the cool air, and there's particulate matter in the atmosphere, condensation forms on the particles, because, of course you need the surface to condensate. And then that causes more rainfall in that situation because it has to have the hot air coming towards the cool air, the weakness of the Gulf Stream, and the particles and that causes the condensation.

Pierre: Yeah, for condensation, for clouds, to form, you need basically two factors: you need arrival of cold air; and you need nucleation around particles. And, we are witnessing both: an increase in atmospheric dust; and meandering Jet Stream generating the demands of cold air pockets and hot air pockets.

Joe: Yeah, the recent floods that they had in the Pyrenees, along the south of France and into Spain over the past week, were coming in off the Atlantic. And, if you look at the Jet Stream and what the Jet Stream has been doing, the Jet Stream has been meandering south and breaking up, allowing cold air to come down that wouldn't normally come in the winter time. And it's coming down and it's meeting warm air coming up from the south Atlantic type of thing. And it seems to be forming these kind of fronts, rain fronts, basically, they just kept coming in off the Atlantic coast of France and across the Pyrenees there. And it's strange, because it was really only there that in that particular episode over the past week that it happened because we were, at the time, I was about 500, not even 500, miles away, 400 miles away, and it was 30 degrees, the sun was splitting the stones you know. So it was very localized.

Niall: There does seem to be an East/West divide. The French 'Meteo', the French Meteorological Organization, when they made this claim that Western Europe is in for the coldest summer in 200 years, they pulled up a reproduction of the data they have for what the summer was like back then, 1816 and compared it with the current conditions. And you see this again, this East/West divide where temperatures from Spain, France, the Pays Bas, the low countries right up to the Nordic countries, were all about three degrees below the background regular average.

Pierre: Yeah, you definitely have, and it might get worse in the short future, a divide between the Eastern Coast of the U.S. and the Western Coast of Europe because one of the factors that we didn't mention yet is the Gulf Stream. Basically, the Gulf Stream brings hot water from the Gulf, Florida coast, up along the Eastern Coast of the U.S. and east towards the Western Coast of Europe). And, recently, in a scientific paper, it has been alleged that since around 2000, the Gulf Stream has been weakening. It's not dead, it didn't stop. It's not a linear process, but, overall, it's weakening and weakening. And, actually, there is some explanations for that. But in any case, the combination of the Jet Stream that generates the dominant wind in Western Europe that goes eastward, that brings the air warmed up by the Gulf Stream, over the Atlantic Ocean towards Western Europe, you have a combination of weakening of the Jet Stream and weakening of the Gulf Stream, so, basically, the eastward winds blowing over Europe are much colder and much weaker. So you get far less calories. The Gulf Stream - the power of the Jet Stream every second is calculated in petawatts. Petawatts is 10 power - I don't remember how much. It's several factors more than what is produced by the whole planet, by human beings. It's a lot of heat, a lot of calories.

Jason: A petawatt should be 1000 times 1000 gigawatts, or something like that. It's immense.

Joe: Yeah, there was a study recently, that was recently done, a scientific report on - I think they were guys in a university in Japan. And they claim that they have found a link between the Gulf Stream and that North Atlantic drift that goes over and warms Western Europe from the Gulf, the Gulf-side Atlantic and Gulf waters, that there's a link between that Gulf Stream and the Jet Stream; that, basically, they used satellite technology to, kind of, view the high altitude winds like the Jet Stream. And they saw that the path of the Gulf Stream followed the path of the Gulf Stream. So that, the Gulf Stream was in some way influencing the Jet Stream, or keeping it stable, perhaps. So if the Gulf Stream, as a result of cooling of the oceans, ceases to, kind of, function, or stops bringing this warm air across and, basically, stalls, well then you have the Jet Stream stalling as well, and not fulfilling its role of keeping cold, polar air north of Europe. But the whole thing is such a complex system, and it's so interrelated, that anything that changes one aspect of it feeds back into it, seems to have an effect of feeding back into it and worsening it, you know, and creating a lot of chaos in terms of weather patterns. You just have a breakdown of the stable weather patterns that we've had, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. And it starts flip-flopping all over the place. It's in a state of flux and whether there is something that has to happen before it would re-stabilize again, maybe it will re-stabilize in a completely different format, i.e., maybe a little Ice Age, or something like that as so many people have been suggesting, is as yet unknown. But, right now, we seem to be in the middle of a rather chaotic change or phase transition in terms of our weather and that's having a lot of - creating a lot of problems for people and, also, has a lot of implications for human beings in general in the world because of food production and...

Jason: The interesting thing that always strikes me about that particular subject is that when you learn any natural history of evolution or the human race, or stuff like that, you learn about these things called Ice Ages. And, predominantly, for a very long time, the Earth is, consistently, in Ice Ages for 100,000 years and then it breaks up 10,000 to 11,000 years, and then it goes back. And this is the consistent sort of pattern throughout the natural history of the Earth, as far as I know, at least since the time of the dinosaurs, even before perhaps. And they have all these people and they're like, "Oh, yeah", but then suddenly, you think that's not going to happen again, right? And we're at the tail-end, or something like that, of a 11,500 year inter-glacial cycle. I mean, even if it happens a hundred years from now, people don't seem to realize that that kind of stuff happens, and it's a force of nature so immense there is no government in the world that can just stop it. They can't even control the weather. They can't stop it from raining, and they sure as shit can't stop (bad audio - inaudible)

Joe: Well, you might actually think that, but that's quite relevant because I have a little audio clip here to play. This is our glorious leader, President Obama. Just this past weekend, he released a video that was an advance notice about his climate change speech that he's planning to give on Tuesday and ... have a listen:
[Obama]: In my inaugural address, I pledged that America would respond to the growing threat of climate change, for the sake of our children and future generations. This Tuesday, at Georgetown University, I'll lay out my vision of where I believe we need to go, a national plan to reduce carbon pollution, prepare our country for the impacts of climate change, and lead global efforts to fight it. This is a serious challenge, and it's one uniquely suited to America's strengths. We'll need scientists to design new fuels and farmers to grow them. We'll need engineers to devise new sources of energy and business to make and sell them. We'll need workers to build the foundation for a clean energy economy and we'll need all of our citizens to do our part to preserve god's creation for future generations. (bad audio - inaudible) waterways, our croplands, and snow capped peaks.
Joe: Ah.
[Obama]: There's no single step that will reverse the climate change, but when it comes to the world we leave our children, we owe it to them to do what we can. So, I hope you'll share this message with your friends because this is a challenge that affects everyone, and we all have a stake in solving it together. I hope to see you Tuesday. Thanks.
Joe: See you Tuesday

Niall: Did he know that we were going to have that show on?

Joe: He did. He released that particularly for this show. I asked him to, if he could just...

Niall: Pitch in with a comment.

Joe: ...pitch in with a comment, just want to say, "thanks" to the glorious leader there for his words.

Jason: God, it's so's just so mindboggling.

Joe: His focus is completely on man-made global warming. He doesn't say global warming but news reports about that video and about his speech on Tuesday that refers to, are still referring to global warming. And not a word about global cooling or a word about - of course, they say that global warming causes, can cause, floods and rains and all that kind of stuff, but they do not ever say, what, Jason, you were saying just previously: there's loads and loads of science to show that human history and life on planet Earth is defined by Ice Ages, that we're in a relatively small ice-free period right now, but that all of human history and all of the planet's history is essentially defined by long Ice Age periods.

Niall: I have an article bookmarked that I still go to every now and again, when I'm feeling depressed and need to cheer myself up. The headline goes something like: "Snow will soon become a thing of the past." It was written 10 years ago in the UK Independent. And, obviously, it was all about global warming: "we're all entering a new warm era where snow in the UK certainly would be a thing of the past." Of course, the UK has just gone through the coldest winter since the records began.

Joe: Well for the past three or four years all of Europe has gone through severe snow and snowy winters, and the U.S., as well, has been inundated with snow over the past four or five years, every single winter. So, yeah, to talk about "climate change," as our glorious leader referred to it, which is just an euphemism for global warming...

Niall : Caused by man.

Joe: ...caused by man, of course, is ridiculous, you know. And it's just trying to keep it anthropocentric essentially, human-centric, i.e., we are the cause; therefore we are the solution. And who has the power to effect the solution? It's our glorious leaders. So, it's, basically, to make sure that people do not understand that our leaders cannot protect us from the changes that are already at the doorstep.

Jason: We should start referring to them as "our fearless leader."

Joe: Our fearless leader.

Jason: We must to catch Moose and Squirrel!

Pierre: There's a double-lie: man-made global warming. Actually it's a double-lie because it's hiding a real phenomenon that is cosmically induced: global cooling. And, interestingly, while the elites hammer the man-made global warming myth into our brains, on more private circles, like in this Bilderberg meeting, or this Pentagon documents, they directly address the global cooling topic. Not only they talk about it, so they're at least partly aware of it.

Joe: Who does, where?

Pierre: There is a Pentagon document.

Joe: Oh yeah, 2004, yeah?

Pierre: In 2004, I think, a Bilderberg meeting took addresses this topic. And, not only do they address it, I mean, they talk about it, but, they seem to be acting upon it when you see how many so-called seed banks are mushrooming around the world. So, they seem to be getting ready, while they lead the masses towards the cliff.

Jason: Right, so here's the question that I have, because I don't really believe that they do that because the whole seed bank idea - if they understood what they were talking about, there would be a good 100,000 years before they could plant those seeds. So, really, what are they expecting to be able to do with them?

Joe: Yeah, they have some fanciful notion, I suppose. They're trying to cover all the bases or whatever. I don't know. It's ridiculous. But, we talked about that they were aware that global cooling is a real issue, particularly, in the Northern Hemisphere and particularly, in the centre of the Evil Empire today, which is the USA and the UK, let's say, and Israel and a few others. They're well aware of the reality of the situation, but they're keeping [strum] [25:57] about it, they're keeping quiet about it. Because as Pierre just mentioned, there was a report commissioned by Bush in 2004 that spells it all out, about climate change, and how it would cause wars and food crises, and wars for water, food, and mass emigration and people trying to get across borders, etc. That was in 2004.

Jason: If the world is covered in ice, I don't think there's going to be that many water wars.

Joe: No, I think they're talking about the initial problems which is, basically, the buildup to an ice age where you have, no summers, very cold winters, food shortages, crop failures.

Jason: The only problem with what you said is the word 'thinking.'

Joe: Yeah, but there's, also, 2010 when we actually reported on SOTT that the Bilderberg group, in 2010, they were somewhere in Spain, near Barcelona in Spain, they had global cooling on their agenda. It was written on their website, on their agenda. Among the other topics they were going to discuss, one of them was global cooling. Global warming wasn't even on the agenda. The thing is, it's so obvious. It's not even a big secret. There have been so many reports commissioned by U.S. government agencies over the past 10, 15, 20 years that show that it has nothing to do with man-made greenhouse gases, or carbon emissions, or anything like that. There was a 2002 report by the U.S. National Academy of Science that says that "The available evidence suggests that abrupt climate changes are not only possible, but likely, in the future, potentially with large impacts on ecosystems and societies. And the evidence also shows that Earth's climate systems have sensed the thresholds. Pushed past the threshold, the system can jump quickly from one stable operating mode to a completely different one, just as slowly increasing pressure of a finger eventually flips a switch and turns on a light", the report said.

And, "Scientists have, so far, identified only one viable mechanism to induce large, global, abrupt climate change - and this is something you can talk to Pierre about because, I think, there's more to it than this. But, they said "The only viable mechanism that induces such large, global, abrupt climate changes is a swift reorganization of the ocean currents circulating around the Earth. These currents, collectively known as the ocean conveyor, distribute vast quantities of heat around the planet and must play a fundamental role in governing Earth's climate." Now, that's true, but it also means that it has nothing to do with cars, unless they've got some undersea bases where there are cars driving and polluting the ocean and, obviously, that has little to do with - the temperature of the oceans has little to do, directly, with man-made global warming.

Pierre: Maybe about this myth about this man-made global warming induced by anthropogenic CO2, when you look at figures, man-made CO2 accounts for about 3% of total CO2 generated on the planet. Mostly, oceans and the volcanoes are the main providers of CO2.

Joe: Actually, can I just finish what I was going to say there... The point that I'm making is that they talk about vast quantities of heat - the ocean currents transport vast quantities of heat. So, what they're implying here is that there will be a problem with that transportation of vast quantities of heat by the oceans, i.e., they wouldn't transport heat anymore. That is, they wouldn't transport as much heat But, the whole problem with global warming is that it heats things up too much. So, I mean, even in their own reports, they're pointing directly at the problem: the problem is not heating. The problem is cooling. The problem is, as far as they're concerned, the problem is the oceans and, the fact that the oceans, essentially, are responsible for heating the planet and if the oceans aren't able to heat the planet anymore, then we're going to have a major climate shift, i.e., the oceans will be cooled, not heated.

Jason: It's, again, a perfect example of "when the government says something, just believe the exact opposite" and it's a high probability you'll be correct. I mean, if they say it's global warming, then just invert that. It's global cooling. Reverse everything they say.

Pierre: Yeah, and often the figures about the power transported by the Gulf Stream, knowing that there are oceanic currents in every ocean, circling clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, the Gulf Stream and anti-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. So, the Gulf Stream carries an estimated 1.4 petawatts, it's 14 times 10 to the power of 15, knowing that the human activity generates, or produces, only 15 terrawatts which is 100 times less. So, the Gulf Stream carries 100 times more energy than what the world consumes every second.

And there was another paper that is somewhere in this pile of documents, showing that actually until recently, scientists thought that Ice Ages set up quite slowly, over 10 years, over several years, and this paper showed that actually the last Ice Age probably set within 3 months. It was very quick. It was very quick, because one of the factors was the stalling of the ocean currents. Now, you mention an interesting point of correlation between the Jet Stream and Gulf Stream and they seems to be one, while mainstream science, or some papers, try to establish a causation between the Jetstream and Gulfstream, another possibility is that Gulfstream and Jetstream are induced by the same cause: an electric one, actually. So, the reduction in solar activity, which is unheard, Solar Cycle 14, which was, I think, in 1906. The reduction in solar activity could explain: A) the meandering, weakening Jetstream; and B) the weakening, stalling Gulfstream.

Joe: Well, another thing that might explain it that I tend to agree that the Gulfstream and the Jetstream are - no that one influences the other but that they are kind of interdependent, and they, influence each other. They're codependent, and that both of them are influenced by something else. But, one of the official ideas is that, specifically, what causes the Jetstream to do what it does is the rotation of the Earth, which is pretty obvious, in a way.

Jason: Kind of like a dynamo...

Pierre: Yeah, the Coriolis Effect. Indeed, the Coriolis Effect, which is a well-known force described by science for a long time, states that a fluid, a gas, or a liquid will turn clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere from the spinning of the Earth and anti-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. And that's what the oceanic currents do. This being said, there may be other factors at work, but the Coriolis Effect, if you look at the duration of the day, the day duration is not constant. The days are longer and longer. So, for decades, there have been measurements over a long period of time. For decades, the planet has been slowing down. Now this is explained by mainstream science by what they call lunar bulge Tidal Effect: the moon, supposedly, would attract - would generate a drag on the planet Earth and slow it down. The problem is, you have some planets in the solar system that have no moon that exhibit the same slow-down. So, a factor that may explain the variations in Earth's spin frequency, is again the Electric Factor.

And, in this sense, reduction in solar activity could explain why the electric field between the stratosphere of the Earth and the upper atmosphere around the Earth, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth per se, which acts as a starter, like an electric motor. Reduction of this field from a reduction of solar activity, induces a slow-down, an infinitesimal slow-down.

Joe: And the same force could be could be acting on the sun to reduce sunspots at this time, or increase them.

Pierre: That's another can of worms, but yeah, a question that is difficult to word is, "why is this sun activity dropping this much?" It's not only the solar cycle, the 11-year Solar Cycle, especially since we have low activity that was recorded centuries ago. So, that's something else. Actually, when I started writing this book, I was puzzled by an apparent paradox: on one side, you have a drastic reduction in solar activity since the beginning of Solar Cycle 22 in 1998; and, at the same time, you have a strong increase in asteroid activity around Earth in the solar system. If you check the data of the American Meteor Society, you'll see a 100% increase in asteroids and observed fireballs over the last 5 years. Just in 2012 - 2013, it's about a 50% increase. So, it was a paradox, because, theoretically, the more asteroids in the solar system the more solar discharges. Anyway, it acts a bit like a bug flying into those electric bug traps, you know?

Joe: Bug zappers, yeah...

Pierre: Bug zappers. And, so you have a lot of loose asteroids in the solar system, bug zappers, that are supposed to trigger solar discharges and sunspots. Sunspots, coronal mass ejections, and solar flares are the same manifestation of strong solar activity. Sunspots are just holes actually, holes in the corona, leaving a current, electric current, traveling from the core of the sun towards the confines of the solar system. So, we have a lot asteroids but the sun is extremely quiet, for in 2008-2009 you have had 16 months without one single sunspot, which is almost unprecedented. I mean there's a precedent in the end of 17th century called the maunder minimum. A little ice age. Fifty years of famine, social unrest, crop failure and very cold temperatures. Meanwhile there was between 0 and 10 sunspots, a year.

Joe: Before we get in to that we have a call here, so we'll go ahead and take it. Hi caller what's your name and where you calling from? Hello... Hello caller, what's your name and where you calling from?

Caller: Not sure if I'm on the air.

Joe: That's you. You're on the air.

Caller: Oh cool hey, did not mean to call in, but I'm enjoying the conversation and I have definitely some interest in this area. I've been following your research on Signs of the Times for so long now that I can't remember, but yeah. So the big question is what the environment is going to sustain, when we're going to see this (inaudible) in sustainability such that, you know, the prices, all the confluence of social behaviour and social exchange are together, act together with the requirement, the limitation of natural resources, ah, energy. So what do you guys foresee in the next few years, say 5 years from now? And thanks for taking my call.

Joe: OK.

Niall: So, I think he's asking for a prediction! (studio chuckles)

Pierre: Without doing prediction...

Jason: Are we going to go there?

Pierre: No, without going for predictions, the data of past years show a strong increase in food prices all over the world, increasing crop failures and all the indicators tend to confirm that the current weather trends should increase, so crop failures should increase too.

Niall: Well, if you believe the UN it's going to happen right now. I have an article right here from October 2012: "UN warns a blooming world wide food crisis in 2013, collapse of global food supply inevitable. World grain reserves are so dangerously low that severe weather in the United States or other food exporting countries could trigger a major hunger crisis next year," the United Nations has warned. So there are plenty of reports. They are in broadcast and they're warning: danger zone entered, imminent. That doesn't mean it's going to happen, but you know they are taking these forecasts seriously.

Joe: Yeah, I think the caller mentioned, I didn't get his name but I think he asked about an energy crisis as well, in terms of the whole idea that there's an oil crisis or a lack of oil, peak oil scenario, which is pure nonsense because as far as, well as far as I'm concerned the evidence for oil being a renewable resource is pretty strong and it fits with the, it fits with the science.

Jason: The point being that we have various, I mean like he's sitting there started talking about the ocean currents are producing like 1,4...

Pierre: Petawatts

Jason: Petawatts of energy, like there's an abundance of natural systems that produce energy but we don't allow the development of technologies for it because we kind of maintain this kind of business.

Joe: Because they're not really controllable by...

Jason: Yeah, problem is that they're a little bit to free.

Joe: I mean it seems to me that the energy on the planet for human beings to exploit and to use for their civilizations etc. has always been free, like just by some coincidence or mother nature provides it for nothing and that includes oil. But there's even more abundant and more easily accessible types of energy that would be even more difficult from the powers that be to pretend that they're limited or that they need to sell basically, that people couldn't get for themselves for free, that wouldn't be as free as the air you breathe kind of thing, you know. But the one they picked was oil, because oil could be pitched or presented in this way, that it was very difficult to extract and that it costs a lot money to extract and only certain people could extract it and now that it is in limited supply and therefore they have to go to war. The need for energy is used to justify further kind of empire building and domination of other countries and stuff. Because that has been one of the rationales for the war on terror. When they ran out of ways to explain that it was about fighting terrorism they said; 'behind the scenes', or not even behind the scenes almost kind of subtly they were saying; "Ok the war on terror thing is a bit, Ok, it's not really about - Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction etc, ok you caught us on that one, but we all know it's about, all of us Americans at least and in the west we all realize that it's worth getting the oil, for us. And you all want oil right? You want to run your cars, you want to refrigerators, you want to have your decent standards of living, right? So, don't rock the boat here, don't be giving us too much shit over this because we're doing it for you ultimately", you know.

Jason: It's total bullshit though in the end as well, because as Chris Rock observed; "I don't understand it, we invade a country with oil and suddenly gas is 4 $ a gallon? We invaded a country that's oil rich and all of a sudden gas costs more?!"

Joe: The profits are for the oil companies and their executives. Did they not mention that?

Niall: There's another aspect to the caller's question. I think he might have been getting at it, I didn't catch the whole thing but, ok so oil might be far more plentiful than they're letting on, but given the way things are, when shit hits the fan; what energy sources are available to you? The vast majority of the people are dependent on the grid, oil based. They're not going to be able to access the oil and power themselves up, so that is going to be a fundamental problem; alternative sources of fuel.

Joe: When it's restricted or when they create phony prices and stuff, cut off, shut down the taps, you know. When they put themselves in a position because of their warmongering, where they actually create a situation where things actually do go kaflooey and their oil refineries in the middle east are bombed or they don't have access to the oil anymore, I mean not that the oil would run out but basically they would create a situation where they can't get access to it, because they have pissed too many people off. Sure there could be a real crisis in that sense, but it's not a real crisis in the sense of an energy crisis, like we've run out of oil.

Pierre: No, but what you mean Niall, if I correctly understand is what about citizen access to electricity. We just have to look at the way it works right now when there's a major flood, cold spell, strong wind, heavy snowfalls, basically some power stations shut down and all the lines collapse. So, sure if the weather gets really bad, really nasty, although there is plenty of raw resources like oil, and that's all about the capacity of most citizens to access electricity, because the grid will be down, and probably for a lasting period.

Joe: You know they're talking about that now in Calgary, I don't know if they're exaggerating it or not but in Calgary they're saying it could take up to six months for them to restore electricity in the downtown area of Calgary, so...

Niall: Just recently for the second year running, the east coast of the U.S. has had a massive blackout from a huge mid-Atlantic storm. We're lucky if they can get systems back up online.

Jason: The thing that strikes me, just on that topic though, is that there's really no reason for the systems put into place to be so not fault tolerant, to be so weak and so easy for just even a bad storm and a little bit of flooding to just knock them over. If we didn't sort of tolerate kind of a cheap manufacturing, drop in a couple of poles, don't have any standards, you know, maximize you profits. And it kind of leads to a lot of suffering when the shit hits the fan, when there's a flood and stuff. You begin to see that that way of living, that commercial consumer way of living is actually not the benefit you thought it was.

Pierre: Yeah, and there's a lot of wishful thinking at work, because when you design a power station for example, you have a list of constraints and you know there has been a temperature range, wind speed range, atmospheric pressure range within which the power station can operate. And the way you define this range is based on several assumptions, beliefs. And today the predominant belief is that we are living in a neo Platonician, Darwinian, linear, uniformitarian, mechanistic, non-catastrophist world. So, where all the parameters are within a narrow range. And it's within this range that we design instruments, equipment. Problem is over the last year we've seen more and more frequently weather events actually are out of this narrow range, and that's a problem as far as the reliability of industry equipment is concerned. They were not designed for that.

Jason: But here's the thing, there are buildings on this Earth that have been standing for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. They didn't sit there and say ' Hmm, there's a narrow range', they said 'We're going to be put this into place and it's never going to fall down', and it hasn't for the most part, except for where extreme catastrophes and Earthquakes may have made things crumble. But there are a large number of structures that are still around, that have been around, say for instance you look at cathedrals, and cathedrals kind of have this sort of like not going to move it type of mentality to it, where it's not supposed to fall down. They've been there for hundreds and hundreds of years, but people today they build and construct things, I mean they just throw it up; some particle board and stuff like that. And that kind of consumer mentality kind of creates things that basically are going to fall over when a flood comes, you know what I mean.

Pierre: There's a corporate mentality as well, aiming solely at the profit maximization and therefore cost minimization, building cheap. Another point that was addressed, I think by the caller, he mentioned the word social, if I correctly remember a branch? It connects to a one of the points brought up by Joe previous. Why do the elite, while a global cosmic induced cooling occurs, talk about man-made global warming? It's the same phenomenon, cosmically induced contrails that masqueraded or are presented as man-made.

Jason: You mean chemtrail?

Pierre: Chemtrails, and noctilucent clouds that are cosmically induced - we can talk about the causes - and that are presented as due to pollution. Or global dimming that is said to be due to industrial activity, etc., etc., etc. Systematically the elites, when there is one of the symptoms of this global cooling popping up, they twist and present it as; A) harmless and B) man-made. Sure there is a guilt trip, sure there is the profit and the CO2 scam and all that, but I think the main point is what you emphasized Joe, is that this way they maintain the fundamental illusion that they can protect the people. And this fundamental illusion is the reason why people give a mandate to the elite, because they believe that can be protected by the elites. Ironically, we can talk about that later in the cosmic human Connection. Ironically this belief in being protected by the elites - ironically the people believe that the elite can protect them from these cosmic events while the elites may be at least partly responsible of those events, that they're supposed to protect us from, that's the irony.

Joe: It's actually mind-bogglingly obtuse for them to still to be focusing on the idea of man-made global warming, because if you look at - they talk about, they cherry pick the details of what's going on. If they see a flood somewhere, or they see a lot of rain or a change in - if there's drought or if there's flooding they say "Oh, man-made this", they select those and say "This is evidence of man-made global warming, and we need to do something about it, it's all about humans", you know, driving to many cars and too many nuclear power plants etc. But, they totally ignore all the other stuff that's going on around that cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be ascribed to humans.

For example, while there are floods and droughts for example, these two things they deem on man-made global warming, at the exact same time you have a vast increase in fireballs in the skies, you have a large increase in volcanic eruptions, you have a large increase in tornadoes and hurricanes, you have mass Earthquakes, mass animal die-offs. All of these things are happening concurrently. And they ignore all of the other details because they can't blame them on man-made global warming, on a human cause, but they're all obviously connected. Why would you not assume that they're all connected when they're all happening at the same time and they're all to do with, they're all within the sphere of the environment and you know the planet, the ecosystem or the...

Jason: One sobering fact, that I think we should also remember is that, what is it 98 or 99% of all of life that has ever risen on the planet has died and become extinct.

Joe: Yeah, exactly and you know ...

Niall: There's another one you missed Joe.

Joe: What did I miss?

Jason: Where they driving cars with the dinosaurs or something.

Joe: Probably yeah

Niall: Sinkholes

Joe: Sinkholes! Yeah. I wanted to say sinkholes. Sinkholes, throw sinkholes in the mix, because there's an epidemic of sinkholes going around. They're eating people! You know, and it's been going on for years. I mean we have a report on SOTT that goes back ...

Jason: And not eating enough people.

Joe: Yeah

Niall: I looked back and I did a rough count and it took off in 2005 - we started getting reports daily. Well no we didn't get the first daily yet, but we are getting them now. And we're not just - to be honest, I just dismiss anything that could be passed off as a pothole, that's relatively small, I don't even bother with. I'm talking about sinkholes that are eating cars that are moving. In other words, it's opened so suddenly you didn't have time to get out of the way. Next thing your car is in the ground.

Sinkholes that have eaten people alive, something like 20 people have been killed by sinkholes in China alone this year. The bodies disappear. They don't recover the bodies because they 'get eaten'.

Joe: Because there's a 'YUMYUMYUM' noise from the ground.

Jason: And you are slowly digested over a 1,000 years in the pit of the almighty Zarnak!

Joe: Exactly, that's what's happening, you know, it's science fiction becoming fact. But somebody please connect sinkholes to carbon emission, human carbon emissions. How's that causing it?

Niall: Well what they're doing, they're saying it's because of the old infrastructure, water mains are bursting.

Jason: You've heard about the carbon footprint haven't you?

Joe: Aaaaah!

Niall: Recently there were a state of 50 sinkholes in one Russian city over a weekend. It freaked people there out, because they were opening like 1, 2, 3, 4...

Jason: There was a place in North America too were houses were falling in to them, I think it was in California, northern California

Niall: Yeah, people think of the sinkholes as generally inland, generally on a street, a house, part of a house disappears, but then there are huge coastal collapses, landslides.

Joe: As well

Niall: I think the one you might be thinking of ...

Jason: No, no that was inland. It was totally inland, and there were these houses, and there was like eight of them that had gotten eaten and there was another 11 that basically they said were going to get eaten, so people were basically going to have to move. I think it was inland in northern California, I don't remember.

Joe: Yeah, there have been a large amount of them. And I mean it's almost like whatever is controlling - and I like to think that something is controlling these sinkholes, like there's some mechanism that is ...

Niall: Obama is Joe. (chuckles)

Joe: Not Obama, because it's almost like they are increasing in number and also ...

Niall: It's a CIA plot.

Joe: It might be. In the places that they happen it's almost like they're increasingly trying to get peoples' attention. There was one just a few months ago, that guy who was sleeping in his bed and it just ate his bed, it just ate his bedroom, it just swallowed, the whole...

Niall: And they never found him.

Joe: ... underneath his bed and they never found him. Before that it was sinkholes here and there but over the past year or two they have been swallowing people. Now maybe you could just put that down to the incidents of them, the more sinkholes that open up, and so many people, the chances are it's going to swallow someone, going to swallow more and more cars, more and more people, as more and more of them open up around populated areas. But surely people need to start waking up and start saying "Okay, something's going on here, because this isn't normal", just like the dozen other things that are happening concurrently with our planet and with our environment that are not normal and clearly have nothing to do with global warming or man-made anything, although, at least not in a direct sense. It might be man-made in the sense of you know; human beings are being such a bunch of ass-hats that..

Jason: It's the CIA tunneling underneath your house to install ...

Niall: The moles. Install NSA software.

Jason: NSA software to listen in on your conversations.

Joe: And they just got a bit carried away.

Niall: Something happened last year that just connected it all together for me. So you had mass demonstrations, I think it was a student protests that became a whole citywide occupy movement in Montreal. It lasted a couple of weeks. It reached a crescendo and I think they just banned protests, the Quebec government just said "Fine, now illegal to protest". But it reached a point where there were a quarter of a million people in the streets. And there was video footage of this last night, there was a huge storm going on, downpour, city nearly flooded. There were tornadoes in the area. And then the next morning when the streets are cleared, there is a huge sinkhole right in the main avenue where people had been protesting.

Joe: Oh yeah. The other I didn't mention are these groaning sounds that we mentioned. How much more do people need? If you list them all: meteorites, volcanoes, Earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, sinkholes, large groaning sounds in the sky. What more do you want to make you sit up and take notice? What's going to be required here to make you say: "Something is going on with our environment and you know what? Global warming doesn't really cut it. Me not having an electric car doesn't really satisfy me as an answer as to why this is happening".

Jason: Aaaaah.

Joe: Anyway I wanted to read this thing; Pentagon 2004, just to put that war on terrorism in context, this is the report that Pierre was referring to from 2004. You can look it up if you Google something like "Now the Pentagon tells Bush". Google that.
"Now the Pentagon tells Bush; climate change will destroy us.",
and here's the first couple of paragraphs:
"Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters.
A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

The document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. "
Is that what Iran is doing? Here's the most important part:
"The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents."
That was in 2004

Niall: Mm. And yet they continued.

Joe: Well, not only did they continue, they surely knew about this beforehand, because this was when - this report is from 2004. They don't say when the report was actually commissioned. It was probably commissioned several years beforehand, and was know about several years beforehand. So before they started the war on terror, they were given hard data, comprehensive data, by experts, by you know - and I think there were even military people involved in this - who told the Bush administration that this threat that was imminent "vastly eclipsed the threat of terrorism", which was virtually insignificant, yet they launched a war on terror. What does that tell you? What does that tell you Niall?

Niall: It tells me what a very quick search on Wikipedia about ice ages told me yesterday. It's all there. You don't even need to look too hard to realize this plain and simple fact, that human civilization has existed within a very narrow window surrounded by deep ice age. These windows are called interglacials. I think Jason mentioned them earlier. The interglacial lasts on average 11,500 years. We are currently at 12,000 years of the current epoch, the Holocene epoch. We are overdue.

Joe: An ice age.

Niall: An ice age.

Joe: And we have all the evidence at once.

Niall: There's nothing woo-woo about that. That is established!

Pierre: While another piece of evidence that should raise our attention is that synchronicity in the apparition or worsening of all the symptoms. It tends to prove that they are related. When you look at sinkholes, contrails, noctilucent clouds, punch hole clouds, increasing earthquakes, increasing volcanic eruptions, reduction in oceanic currents, meandering of Jet Streams, apparition of sinkholes, and I forget some of the symptoms; they all started to emerge, started to be on the increase, for the known ones, like Earthquakes, around 2000.

Jason: Hmmm, I wonder what happened around that time?

Pierre: There were two - maybe I'll go back to the story I was saying, that there was this apparent paradox; increasing asteroid activity and decreasing solar activity, that happened also around 2000, 1998. It's apparently incompatible. However, one piece of the puzzle was brought by a study conducted by two researchers Raupp and Sepkovski, who demonstrated that there was a cycle in mass extinctions, 27 million year cycle. And then once this discovery was made and confirmed by the researchers that clarified the figures, and found a 26.9 million years period, some other researchers started to look at it and tried to find the cause. The first hypothesis was an asteroid, on a 27 million year orbit, passing by the...

Jason: That could only work for one of them.

Pierre: Exactly, and the other problem that such an eccentric elongated orbit cannot be stable. The asteroid would be deviated from its course, its course by the sun, Jupiter and all the massive celestial bodies. So, a researcher called Mueller, a student and a co-researcher with Alvarez the Nobel prize nominee, postulated that it was not an asteroid but it was a binary star system, that the sun was forming with a small star that he called Nemesis.

Niall: Like a companion star.

Pierre: A companion star, a companion sun. It can seem totally crazy, but first; about 80% of the stars are in a binary orbitary system. It's very unusual to have a single star, because of a process called electro fissioning. There's so much electricity, energy generated around stars, that the fissioning in order to increase the surface and to reduce the electric stress per square meters, or per square kilometers. That's the first thing. Most stars are in a binary system. And the second thing is that Mueller conducted some researches in the stratas, relating to this 27 million years ago event, and he discovered abnormal levels of iridium. For now iridium is a noble metal like gold and platinum, and those high concentrations of iridium are found mostly in asteroid material. So he conducted researches at 66 sites all over the planet, and consistently he found abnormal levels of iridium in the E.O layer, the strata 27 million years ago, which confirmed that indeed the asteroids, an asteroid had killed dinosaurs 27 million years ago.

So here we go, we had this hypothesis that was confirmed by data that the sun was not alone, it had a companion, probably a brown star, a smaller invisible star that every 27 million years goes very close to our planet, to our solar system, and that brings, disrupts and brings along on its path a cometary swarm from the Oort cloud. The Oort cloud is like a big cloud of 1011 comets away from the solar system and along its path Nemesis disturbs this Oort cloud and brings some comets with it.

Jason: Kind of like a bowling ball through pins.

Joe: Yeah, and this theory is not, I mean you said that it might sound strange, it's not strange, it's officially accepted as a possibility that our sun is part of a binary system. It's like you said, 80% of other stars are in a binary system, so why not ours? It's just that we haven't been able to identify, or at least not that we know of, our companion has not been identified.

Jason: It turns out that seeing shit in space is actually really difficult.

Joe: Way far away stuff as well.

Jason: It's so big and I mean like black on black really doesn't really help you much.
Pierre. Yeah, especially if this Nemesis is a brown dwarf. It's a small star that is dark matter, so it's trying to find dark matter over a dark background.

Joe: Yeah.

Pierre: And actually this Nemesis hypothesis reconciles the apparent paradox that I mentioned previously, i.e., increased asteroid activity, cometary activity in the solar system, and reduction in solar activity. Because a sun companion Nemesis could, how to say that, ground the sun, it could tap into the same galactic current, a source of energy, the same sources as the sun, and reduce the power source of the sun, hence the reduction in solar activity despite increase in asteroids. Which would explain the increase in cometary activity as well, because of the accompanying swarm.

Jason: It would also explain the decrease of the spinning of the Earth.

Joe: It may also have an effect on the Earth, yeah.

Pierre: Yeah actually in a synergetic way, the spinning of the Earth, if you are having an approaching Nemesis with a cometary swarm, the approaching Nemesis explains reduction in solar activity which explains the slow-down in planet, remember the electric motor analogy, and at the same time the accompanying swarm that goes with Nemesis explains the increase in atmospheric dust. That is one of the factors that explains the slow-down of the Earth.

Jason: And we've had a couple of fly-bys from these comets. Do they spray dust? Does dust come off them or something?

Pierre: Yeah they do, because actually when you talk about an accompanying cometary swarm, there's a lot of size variability. You have comets, you comet fragments, you have comet chunks and you have a lot of cometary dust. So there are all kinds of size, and there's a lot of dust. Alvarez, the Nobel price, measured those figures. It's 610 ten tons. During low cometary activity you have 10 power-something tons of cometary dust that reach the Earth every year.

Joe: That's a lot.

Pierre: So it's a factor to be taken into account.

Joe: We have a call here, there's a guy who has been trying to call in a few times, so I'm going to go ahead and take it. Hi caller, what's your name and where you calling from? Hi Michael Thomas James

Niall: How do you know his name?

Joe: It's on our screen here. Hello caller.

Niall: Michael, you're on the air.

Joe: Hello. He's been trying to call and been cut off, for whatever reason ever since, he might have hung up.

Niall: I want to be caller, for a question.

Joe: Go ahead, hi caller what's your name and where are you calling from?

Niall: My name is Joe.

Joe: No it's not.

Niall: (chuckles)

Pierre: Usurper.

Niall: Here you're talking about 27-something, thereabouts million year cycle, but clearly there have been cometary events, like swarms, on a much smaller timescale as well.

Pierre: Well yes. Like ice ages, cometary activity is punctuated by numerous interrelated cycles, like the sun activity, like every year the Earth orbit goes through swarms; the Taurids, the Leonids, the Perseids, that's one cycle. The other cycles, there's a lot of comets that are called the Jupiterian orbit, they cycle around the Sun and Jupiter. And every year, every decade, every century, we pass nearby those comets. There are comets as well as that are one-time comets.

Joe: Exactly. So the possibility then, is that we need to redefine the nature of life on human Earth or life on planet Earth and that it's not as safe and secure as people have been led to believe and throughout the course of human history, including relatively recent history, the planet has been hit by meteorites, and they've hit in a general sense, on regular basis, or encounters meteorite swarms or a meteorite or of that nature, very regularly. Maybe on a cycle of, who knows? You could pick a figure, but at the very least, if you read Mike Baillies' work, the last major one was less than 1500 years ago. So we can say at the very least, if that's a cycle then there's a cycle of 1500 years, or 15 or 1600 years. And then there's bigger cycles within that.

And those smaller cycles don't necessarily have the effect of the kind of planetary and ecosystem chaos that we're seeing now because they're not accompanied by the companion star. Because there's a companion star cycle that is a much larger cycle, longer cycle. And it carries meteorites or comets fragments with it, but it also induces these kind of Earth changes that we're seeing now, and also changes in human beings, in the human population. It has an effect on the human population because of the electrical, or electromagnetic effects of this companion, in terms of the grounding of a current through the whole solar system and the changes on the planet.

Jason: Throughout history people have acknowledged that there is, even the term lunatic, people notice that there is a certain rise with the full moon of people having strange behavior. The cosmos has an effect on people, so that always makes me wonder; do people have an effect on the cosmos?

Pierre: Yeah, that's an interesting point.

Joe: When we talk about petawatts, how many petawatts does 8 billion people on the planet give off?

Jason: I don't think we should be talking about catholic priests here. (chuckles)

Joe: Petawatts Jason!

Pierre: Before discussing it and to illustrate what we were mentioning before; the combination of the approaching Nemesis and the cometary swarm ...

Jason: Nemesis is such an awesome name.

Pierre: It's a goddess that was chastising the powerful who were oppressing the masses, so it's quite an apt name.

Jason: Yeah exactly

Joe: A nemesis for the elite you mean.

Pierre: Yeah, yeah it was chastising the powerful.

Joe: As long as she's not a nemesis for human beings.

Pierre: And one example of this synergetic action between Nemesis and the swarm is that Nemesis grounds the sun, therefore the electric field between the ionosphere and the planet is reduced.

Joe: Mm-hm.

Pierre: And it's this very electric field that destroys most incoming asteroids. So Nemesis neutralizes our main defence mechanism against entering asteroids, and the swarm brings more and more asteroids.

Joe: And not only that, it also reduces the Earth's magnetic field which protects the population, the population of the planet protects us against cosmic radiation, which may have some unknown effects on the human organism and psyche.

Pierre: Of course.

Joe: Zombies?

Pierre: Probably, yeah. Now, the cosmos obviously has an influence on human beings. Do human beings have an influence on cosmos? Well for millennia, it was the belief of rulers, of scientists, of philosophers - it's still a predominant belief in China for almost four millennia in China, there is this belief in a concept called 'mandate of heaven'. Mandate of heaven postulates that - do you want to read it Niall?

Niall: It's funny you mentioned that. I have a quote here from one of Mike Baillies' books Exodus to Arthur. So he's describing this mandate of heaven: "The Chinese believed that an emperor could reign only while he enjoyed the mandate of heaven, that is while he looked after his people. If for any reason he failed to look after their well-being, heaven would withdraw its mandate, and the emperor and his ruling dynasty would be deposed. The close proximity of the end of the Xia dynasty to the 1628 BC dust veil event" - so that would be dust as in cometary dust - "The end of the Shang dynasty to the 1159 BC dust veil event and the end of the Qin dynasty at the start of the Han dynasty some time around 207 BC, suggests that perhaps the effects of these dust veils caused by comet dust loading of the atmosphere were tied up with the mandate concept. Heaven would have been seen to withdraw its mandate when the sky darkened, the crops failed and the famine ensued, bringing death to large numbers of people. The emperor" - and this is important - "guilty or not, gets the blame for failing his people. In the aftermath of a calamitous dust veil event, the political upset could easily lead to the deposing of the ruling regime."

Jason: Well here we have an interesting thing. Can I say a little bit? If you think about it, it's basically telling anybody who wants rule or be an established authority on the planet, that they have to really look after the people in order to maintain control. But instead they continue to do this whole manipulation thing. And I just think that's interesting because if they had really been doing their job then crop failure would not have been such a big deal. But because they create this commerce and this corporatism and mercantilism and agriculturalism and have people dependent on the scarcity model for an economy, so they can get rich and wealthy and have power, because they don't create a society that is egalitarian and everybody supporting each other and everybody's building things and constructing a society that is built to last and protect the human race from all manner of catastrophe and problem, of course, they get exactly what they deserve. So the emperor is guilty in that sense. The leaders are guilty when that kind of stuff comes and affects the people because they could have been spending that 11,000 years building a society that could survive it. But instead they lie and cheat and steal and conceal the information and say 'Oh delay, delay, delay' . And then at the end the shit hits the fan and they get their heads chopped off, everyone is like "Is it their fault?" Yeah it is their fault. Period.

Pierre: Actually this concept of mandate of heaven was not only applied in the eastern world. In the western world until recently, 19th century and the invention of the clockwork model of the universe where cosmic events and human affairs were totally uncorrelated, you had a belief and probably conviction that those two spheres were intimately related. For example, during the roman empires you have some chroniclers like Michael the Syrian, that structured the chronicles so their historical accounts - for each period they have two paragraphs: one paragraph with human political affairs, abuse of the elites, tyranny, lies, suffering of the masses, exploitation; and on the other side of the page you have the chapter dedicated to cosmic events. And there in conclusive words for each period of time, for each year, for each reign, the chroniclers chose the conclusions and the links between elites' behaviour and calamities.

To give an example in this book that is in preparation - when you look at history actually, you see a strong correlation between collapse of empires and cosmic events, as if empires are based upon oppression, exploitation of the masses, more resources, more power. And to keep the oppression going you have to use more violence and more lies. You have to deceive the people in order that they keep you as king, to keep control. And apparently the lies, the violence, the suffering build up and eventually triggers some cosmic reaction. That might be what happened to the 15th dynasty, 1500 B.C in Egypt, with the sudden eruption and the calamities. Probably what happened in the 14th century in Europe with the plague that lasted four centuries and other natural catastrophes.

And I'll focus on one example, one short period of time, from 549-591. And, with Laura we compiled all the catastrophes that were compiled by eight different chroniclers in the Roman empire., And over this span of 42 years you have accounts of comets-12 times, Earthquakes-15 times and plague-15% in 15% of the listed years. Well those statistics don't give much data about the intensity of the events, but when you read what happened, the descriptions of the events, like the plague in Constantinople, it's 60% of people who died. It's the emperor giving call to find people to dig graveyards. This is collective pits for 70,000 corpses. It's a huge, huge magnitude. And actually this series of calamities happened, as I said, between 549-591, which was around the end of the reign of Justinian. And Justinian was one of the most despotic emperors the Roman empire has ever experienced.

Joe: That's when Mike Baillie puts the, approximately, the 540 AD event. And that's hard science. It's hard to explain it any other way.

Pierre: And you have Procopius, a historian, probably the most prominent historian of the Roman empire, a Roman historian who clearly draws a parallel. He writes about all the abuse perpetrated by Justinian, and there's a lot. He was like our modern time leaders, same lies, same violence, same hypocrisy. And, so he lists all those abuses and then he describes the calamities. And he concludes by saying, by talking about the correlation between both. So for a long time in the eastern world and in the western world, the vision of the universe did not disassociate cosmic events and human affairs. Actually it was the opposite, and both were intimately related.

Joe: Yeah so that leads us into the question of whether they are and if so, what the mechanism is that would establish that kind of relationship, or if there is a mechanism. But, if you look at it today, the powers that be today are causing poverty, suffering, famine, starvation. They're even causing disease and plague to a certain extent, by their policies. So they're doing all of that in the absence of it being done by some kind of cosmic force or meteorite or meteorite impact. So it's almost like, in some way - the correlation there is that the elite go ahead and actually cause all of this suffering and then the universe, or whatever you want to call it, whatever force, comes a long and says: "Okay, you want some of that? Here you go!" Because that's basically what we think is - if these events come to pass, that's what's going to happen. It's just going to be a multifold increase of the kind of suffering, that the elites are reeking on the population every minute. They're just going to do the same thing. They've caused poverty in Africa for decades, you know starvation, poverty and starvation for decades but it's just going to be expanded by a cosmic event. It's going to be expanded to the rest of the population. It's going to be brought home to the people who are, who have been doing it, you know.

Jason: I think the problem with this particular line of discussion is that there's a lot of esoteric and spiritualism behind that idea though, because people will believe fundamentally in a depersonalized universe, the clockwork universe as Pierre was saying, that they see it as this almost dead kind of machine.

Joe: Impartial.

Jason: It's by some kind of weird, random accident called the big bang. Things were set into motion and all the wheels turn and eventually they'll stop turning but that there's no personal relation of the universe, that there's no life, that a planet isn't alive in any real sense, or is a sun or a solar system even alive.

Joe: No consciousness, no intelligence behind it really.

Pierre: What you say Joe is an important point, this clockwork model denies it - with this clockwork model of the universe, responsibility of human beings was dead, god was dead and consciousness was dead. So, after this analysis of historical data and philosophical beliefs, the next question is; does it make sense, scientifically? And actually there are some pieces of evidence that suggests that it is totally plausible. There's one study, if you type on Google 'Professor Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne', you should find about their life and experiments, for decades they investigated the relations between consciousness and matter. And for that they conducted something like 2,500 trials. And basically it was always the same experiment, you have subjects, normal subjects, not clairvoyants or special people. You ask normal subjects to try to influence a random event generator, flip of a coin or whatever. And they found that actually, over 2,500 trials, I think 20 years of research, and they found that indeed, human beings had an influence on so-called random events, on matter. They found that the influence was small. Fifty percent, but it was statistically very significant. Ok that was the first point; small influence but statistically very significant. Another of the discoveries was that, some people had an influence, but an influence that was opposite to what they wanted. When they focusing on heads they were getting more tails than heads, in a statistically significant way. So that's a major nail in the coffin of New Age. You may not create the reality the way you wish. But what you think, what you believe, lies or truth might have an influence on the universe.

Jason: But I...

Pierre: But..Yeah, go on.

Jason: I have another thing because again, we're kind of in this whole spirituality, new agey area where we're talking about things that aren't necessarily 100% concrete scientifically, although you have this sort of thing where you can affect, obviously in a statistically significant way, the outcome of some sort of random chance event. But throughout all of philosophical and esoteric systems they have this statement: 'As above so below', kind of like this idea that everything in the universe kind of increases in complexity but functions more or less the same way on each level, conceptually speaking. If you look at your body, right, if you have a cancerous growth in your body or if you have some sort of diseased section of the body; your body mobilizes an autoimmune response to go and destroy the fuck out of it, basically indiscriminately. Now your immune system is not completely discriminate. It will go in there and even a cell that may not be contributing in any negative way, just the fact that it looks mildly wrong, has the wrong molecule attached to it, your body will just destroy it.

Pierre: Yeah, and to follow you analogy, and to go on with a description of this study conducted by Jahn and Dunne, how does the human system detect a cancerous cell or how does a cancerous cell signal its presence? So they went on with a study about the interaction between consciousness and matter and discovered that when people were related and trying together to influence random events, it was more effective. If people were close, like lovers, like related in the same family, like old time friends, which suggests two things, that A): there may be some synergetic effects when a group of people work together, acting together; and B): that if a group of people share the same set of beliefs, of cultural reference, information, then the message sent by the group is not chaotic, one believes white, one believes black, one believes green, one believes red, but they all resonate on the same frequency, and all having in their consciousness, the same type of information, which branches on the next - here we call field - which is information theory.

Jason: In the bible it says :'if even two of you should agree, you'll be an unstoppable force', in the bible. If two people agree, just agree type of thing. But what I was going to say is; why does the body go and attack some cells, you know what is the cancerous cell? A cancerous cell is one that stops functioning for the survival and the betterment of the body and starts to function for itself, to consume only for itself, to bring all kinds of stuff in, to feed on sugars in the body and you know just constantly works to reproduce its own self in its own way and no longer as a part of the body. It separates itself from the entire biological system and then the body realizes that it can't have that, you cell cannot just be living for itself, it has to live for the perpetuation of the body. And in a certain sense we see that in the world today, we see lots of people who turn in on themselves. All they're doing is 'me, mine, feed me, consume only for me', and so in a certain sense they are kind of like a cancerous cell, or a malfunctioning cell that no longer works to sustain the entire social system but instead only wants to draw on itself. And when you have a lot of people doing that, does that attract a cosmic autoimmune response?

Joe: For that idea you'd have to see the entire universe, including the planet as a kind of a living system, you know, not like the you described it before, where people tend to look at it as a sterile, mechanistic, impartial...

Jason: Right. You've got to take that ...

Joe: You got to have some idea that - you have to suspend disbelief or get over the programming of modern science with this mechanistic view and assume that there is some kind of intelligent living system and it's beyond just us, that we're part of it, it extends to the planet, it extends to the solar system, and to the cosmos.

Jason: But there is more evidence in the world for what I just said than there is for what they said, because there is no instance of a natural existing system that is disconnected, not connected, not symbiotic, not organic, not a living and growing entity. There is no such system in the entire universe that is observable.

Joe: Yeah, so.

Jason: The human body itself, 10% of the cells in your body are yours, the rest are symbiotic organisms that live inside you. Ten percent of your body is yours. The rest is other things that help you out, help you with digestion. And the entire Earth, its surface is covered by these symbiotic life forms, and every other - I mean every system with nature functions exactly the way which I was describing.

Joe: Yeah

Jason: And there's reason to say that the universe, the solar system doesn't function the same way or the universe itself does.

Joe: It just can't be measured, but doesn't mean that it - if it can be measured at a local level as being true, then why no expand that out to a broader level, but ...

Jason: Think about it this way. When you're talking about science, from that particular perspective, imagine that you have a man inside of a prison without a window, sitting there arguing about whether or not the color of the wall is one thing or the other. You can't measure, of course you can't. You're contained by the universe. You can't step outside and say; 'Is it all or what's going on here?'.

Joe: So the idea there is, that obviously there is a relationship between all of the kind of living things in some way or other and they do operate in tandem and they're related to each other, they operate symbiotically. But then the question in terms of how these human beings, individually or more importantly, as a collective, 8 billion human beings on the planet, might be in some way influencing catastrophes or cyclical catastrophes or something out there in the universe, in terms of us as a whole, 8 billion human beings giving off some kind of a signal through their thoughts or their collective unconscious or whatever, sending some kind of a signal off the planet out in space. It's not hard physics but...

Jason: How does you kidney send a message to your brain?

Joe: Yeah well, it's at the level of - at the microscopic or molecular level kind of thing where messages are sent.

Jason: What does that even mean though?

Joe: Supposedly they are physical object but so there's a physical ...

Niall: There's an exchange of information that takes place.

Joe: Yeah, but it's physical.

Jason: Yeah but right here we're saying, we're saying that a foreign body enters into the vicinity of the sun and that a connection forms, whatever that connection is, a connection forms between two bodies that are separated by space, right?

Joe: Yeah.

Jason: We're saying that Nemesis comes in and that it connects in to some kind of an electricity channel of the sun. We said this, am I correct in saying that?

Pierre: Yeah well it's difficult to answer in definite way to this question because if there was a classical electric link between the sun and the approaching Nemesis, we would see an increase in electrical activity on the sun. So the connection may not happen on the usual electric level, but yes there's a connection probably. It's being said ...

Jason: But there's a connection between, you say that the sun powers the Earth's rotation.

Pierre: Yeah.

Jason: How does it do that?

Pierre: It does that.

Jason: Is energy that is in the sun at one point ever move across space and in any way touch the Earth?

Pierre: Yes.

Jason: Isn't that a - can you communicate across electric lines with electricity?

Pierre: Of course.

Jason: Well then there you go.

Joe: Well within, within the human body obviously a lot of the processing of signals and all, is done with electrical signals, I mean your brain is all fundamentally electrical; neurons and nerve impulses and neurotransmitters are all quantumly electrical and even at the level of quantum physics; this idea of quantum entanglement and 'action at a distance' where you have where you have these two, you have two, you know, whatever protons or neutrons ...

Pierre: Electrons having the same spin.

Joe: Electrons, yeah sorry, having the same spin, you know when ...

Jason: So we're basically saying that there's a large body of scientific evidence that is defending the position that we're saying.

Joe: Yeah but it's not applied to on a large scale human beings and evolution and human history and ...

Pierre: And cosmic events.

Joe: And cosmic events.

Jason: Well that's a surprise.

Pierre: I think actually most of the visible phenomena can be explained electrically, but the most fundamental ones probably require the use of information, information theory and quantum physics. To go on with this notion of resonance, remember when a group of related people want to influence together a random event they have a stronger influence, synergetic influence.

Jason: Right

Pierre: Look at the human population now, the world population, 8 billion people. Because of mainstream medias they all store the same information, the same lies, propagated by medias in their consciousness. They all are on the same lie frequency and that can have a big influence, because it might not be a purely electric phenomenon. As Joe said there may be some quantum factor to consider. Quantum physics says that; nothing exists per se, everything is probability. it is only the intervention of the observer that triggers the collapse of the quantum wave, that's the broad range of possibilities and makes one of the possibilities materialize while the other one does not materialize. Probably the phenomenon that's occurring is the fact that 8 billion human beings resonate on the same level of frequency, spread by mainstream media, mainstream disinformation, sends a very coherent signal information-wise, as a global observer to the rest of the universe that triggers, that increases the probability of the cosmic relation we are describing.

Joe: I recorded the sound of that signal...that 8 billion human beings are...

Pierre: Play it! Actually no rocks will drop on the house.

Joe: The sound of it goes something along the lines of: (snoring sound).

Jason: I don't think that 8 billion people, or all the people believe the same lies. I think that they all believe a series of actually discordant lies.

Niall: Yeah, it's incoherence noise.

Jason: It's totally incoherent noise.

Pierre: Actually compared to the other catastrophes; Justinian plague, black plague, all of the 50 dynasties, you have a critical mass as far as world population is concerned, 8 billion, and I think there's never been this inconsistency in the beliefs of human beings because there's never been such global medias. And scams like man-made global warming, like the myth of democracy, like terrorism, like Al Qaeda. There's a lot of lies. I would say that 8 billion people believe - I say that there's a critical mass - there has never been billions of human beings believing this amount of the same lies. And that's a major factor as far as influence of the observer is concerned.

Joe: All these people are essentially collectively believing, as the observer, as the collective observer, they're all believing in lies of one form or another on the same frequency. i.e., it's not truth and they're sending a signal that basically says they are not interested in reality or into really going on. They want to live in an illusion and maybe there's a function in the universe that when it sees a mass of people believing in that, asserting their intention or their desire to essentially believe in lies and illusion, that it says "Okay, well that can only last so long" and there's some function that just wipes them out and starts again because the whole process is to designed to get people to see reality and see truth and see the world as it is, or at least try to build the future or view the future that's based on truth and what is and what is actually happening rather than a subjective illusion. Because if you focus on subjective illusions there's no end to it. Anybody can come up with any number, an endless number of subjective illusions, that...

Jason: Well, I mean when you have gangrene on your hand there's a certain point where they amputate it, just because it's just gone too far. And that's kind of the situation we have here on the planet, is that there are people obviously who do want to see the truth but they are so few and far between and they probably feel that it's a bit unfair, but I think from a cosmic perspective, you know "this town needs an enema".

Joe: The annoying thing is, is that reality, truth is not really any worse than the subjective world that people would live in and want to believe in. There's nothing horrible about reality except the fact that you have been living a lie for so long and especially when you believe that the world's a lovely place and our glorious leaders are doing their best for us. Sure it's difficult to come out of that, but you got yourself into it, you've got to come out of that. But once you're on the other side reality isn't so bad. The world is a very interesting - the universe is a very interesting, fascinating place. We're not loosing anything by giving it up.

Jason: So here's the thing. When you face the reality, there's all these different ways you can die, comets can come down, sinkholes, all this different stuff, diseases other animals, get eaten by a lion or whatever. There's all these different things. Those things haven't disappeared, like the regular dangers of reality, like no government has ever, or no medical science has ever really actually ameliorated those things anyway. So actually when you get rid of them and you stop believing in them and stop giving them power, basically your just back to the core fundamental problems of life on the planet. Basically they just cause more, it's actually worse to believe in them than it is to actually believe in objective reality.

Pierre: Yeah and Joe you mentioned that, the way this snoring sounds and said it was the cause of the coming disaster.

Joe: That's the sound of the signal given off.

Pierre: Yeah the signal. It may be even worse because as you say today, the truth is available. If you take 9/11, you have 50% roughly people believing that 9/11 happened according to the official story.

Jason: How many percentage?

Pierre: One out of two, about one half about 50%. So 50% believe in this lie, resonate on the same lie frequency while the truth is available out there, while there are thousands of websites that show how the official theory doesn't hold water.

Joe: I think it's even worse than that in a way. I think most people, there may be 50% of people who believe or disbelieve the official story about 9/11 for example, but that's only when they're asked by a CNN pollster. The rest of the time they don't care one way or the other. That's the big problem, they just don't even think about it. They don't think about anything that they should be thinking about. It doesn't interest them, so for me that's kind fatalistic, you know cynical or negative viewpoint on it, is that people just really, a lot of these people are really a lost cause in that they don't care or they can't care. I don't know what it is, why they don't care but, you know.

Pierre: There are some

Jason: I think in the end it's a moot point whether or not they believe that 9/11 - I think that 9/11 is such a drop in a massive ocean of perpetual lies for the last, probably 10,000 years of human history, of a constant non-stop stream of lies, socially, civilization ...

Pierre: Agriculture, food, health, medicine, wars, democracies, religions, science ...

Jason: Democracies, tyrannies, all this different stuff, believing in these systems that are just fraudulence. I think that 9/11 is just a drop in a massive ocean of lies.

Joe: But that's the question. If you took a person, one of these people who we say is maybe a lost cause or doesn't care and would it be possible, take one as an example and try and school him or her, try and present them with the truth, and make the choice as clear as possible, just to see whether or not, ultimately at the core of their being, they would choose the truth over the illusion. You know like in the Matrix where ...

Pierre: Red pill.

Joe: Well not the red pill part but where Morpheus is telling Neo that he'll ...

Pierre: He only gives the truth.

Joe: No, that these people, where he's walking in the street, that they are so hopelessly inured that they will fight you to defend it, you know, if you try and bring them out of it. So it's like, I think people shouldn't or should pause before they get into this idea that they can save anybody because it's like - I have this story that I keep telling and it's an analogy. You all have probably heard it before, but I don't think I've mentioned it on the radio, but it's basically, for me it's a good example of what I'm talking about, on the human condition in a way. It was a cousin of my dad's, maybe 50 years ago or something, walking down the street. And he saw a man, it was actually a gypsy man, beating or assaulting in some way, his wife, or a woman as he saw it, that my dads cousin saw it, on the street, saw this man assaulting a woman, so he ran over and grabbed the man and pushed him off the woman and had him against the wall. Before he could do anything or say anything, the woman was being beaten by the man previously jumped on his back and started beating him. And apparently it was his wife, and she was - you know what I mean?

Jason: That's a typical situation you know.

Joe: An example of, and you apply that then to truth and lies type of thing. If you went along and said listen, "I'm going to take this person and I'm going to force them to see the truth because I know what's good for them". And ultimately through many attempts to try and save that person you might ultimately have to realize that that person really, really does not want to be saved and will not like you for trying.

Jason: Well you know if you believe in evolution, which I don't really believe in it but it's ok, it's a nice kind of analogy; there's a large number of supposedly mutations that happen in a population that are just completely unsuccessful and that person or mutated being dies off very quickly.

Joe: I believe in ultimate evolution, just not in ours.

Jason: Yeah and think that a lot of these people, I think that now the human race has entered an area where there's a lot of mental evolution and consciousness evolution, that a lot of it is about developing a brain that has this kind of thing called consciousness and you can have it and all this stuff. And so what it basically is, is that a large part of the population is actually sort of like a consciousness mutation.

Joe: Mm.

Jason: And they're about to get selected out in a certain sense.

Joe: Well ...

Jason: Because there's people that actually wrote books about how it's better to believe lies than the truth. And they write things about how great it is to basically deceive yourself and then you have all these self-deceivers. And if we hadn't been deceiving ourselves for the last 11,000 years, if we hadn't been doing that, we would have the social system in place that would be able to withstand an ice age, that would be able to withstand all these things. We would have said "Hold on. Shit happens and we would need to prepare for it", and we could have developed something. But we didn't. We were deceiving ourselves, and now we're about to find out what the cost of that self-deception is.

Joe: But is there any cost to a person who loves illusion? Is there really any cost to that person in the grand scheme of things?

Jason: I think yes.

Joe: Is it not just a process, a long term evolutionary process through multiple incarnations, and it doesn't really matter if those people really like - those people who write the books about how it's good to deceive yourself, this is a really good world to that, because you can do that and get away with it. You can do that and have really nice, illusory, deceptive life. Maybe you can't.

Jason: I mean if there's no cost, then there's no point. I mean if everything in the universe is free, there's no free lunch, I mean this whole idea that there's this group of people who can just sort of like consume and consume and do whatever the fuck they want and they don't have to pay a price at some sort of spiritual or cosmic level ...

Joe: I don't think that.. for a lot of people I don't think they do.

Jason: I know and that would be too much like a free lunch and I don't believe in a free lunch. I believe that everyone pay a price for their self-deception.

Joe: I don't know.

Jason: Whatever, it's the very last minute of their life (inaudible) balls, you know. I would like (inaudible). But I mean otherwise they would be getting a free ride and I don't think anybody has a free ride. I don't think necessarily that they have karma or that they have a soul or anything like that, I think that they suffer, tremendously.

Joe: Well of course I don't think - when I said this is a good place, this is a good planet for people to be on to like deceive themselves, people can't deceive themselves in the way that I'm describing or the way you were describing without suffering, because you take it too far, you deceive yourself in the jungle as a nice place to go for a picnic and you get your ear bitten off by a panther, that's not ...

Jason: Not a fun experience.

Joe: No, you suffer. I mean these people obviously do suffer from their illusions right. But there are people who benefit greatly from...

Jason: I think people fake happiness a lot, I think there's all these people who - there's no such thing as blissful ignorance. I mean that from moment to moment they wonder why this bad shit happens. Look how many people are on like antidepressants and - people are going around with this kind of forced smile on their face: "Everything's fine! EVERYTHING'S FINE!!". But really I mean; life sucks for 99.9 - I think even rich peoples' lives suck. Even the people in power life sucks for them too. They're not really having a fun time with it. But yeah that doesn't mean you should pity them, at all, because they're bastards and they deserve what they get, but I think that everyone is suffering.

Joe: But then that makes it even worse, because it's completely pointless because nobody's really getting a benefit from all the suffering that's going on, so what's the point in all the suffering? Why is anybody creating any suffering if nobody's really benefitting. Surely someone ...

Jason: I think they are.

Joe: I mean even if we all have to suffer for our miserable human lives, it would be nice to think that at least there's a purpose to it, even if it's some evil overlord is sucking the juice of the suffering from us, at least there's a point to it. Because otherwise it's like; there's no point, this is all pointless?

Jason: But that's the, the what do they call it, the existentialist kind of opinion of it or whatever it is.

Joe: Yeah.

Jason: There's no point to it all and - I don't think so. There you go.

Pierre: Well there are some examples, going back to the relation between human beings and cosmic reactions, there are at least two examples that show that individuals can attract, or at least have an influence on cosmic events. There is a first example of this Roy Sullivan, U.S. park ranger. This guy got thunderstruck eight times in his life.

Joe: Struck by lightning.

Pierre: Struck by lightning, thunderstruck.

Jason: You can't get struck by thunder. Thunder is the sound. Struck by lightning.

Pierre: Oh yeah, oh right. Struck by lightning eight times. So some people say yeah it's because he was a park ranger, he was always in the forest and there was more probability to be struck by lightning. Well actually probability is very low even if you're in the forest, and especially when - Roy Sullivan said that after being struck for the first time was escaping lightning. As soon as he was seeing a cloud, he was running away, away from the cloud. And several times he got struck by lightning where there was no cloud. And even on time he saw a cloud far away, he ran into his car because that he thought "Ok, it's a faraday cage, it's an insulator, I won't be struck". He was struck even in his car.

Joe: It was chasing him.

Jason: How is this guy still alive?

Pierre: There seems to have been something in this guy - no, he died in 1983 I think.

Jason: Did he get struck by lightning when he died?

Pierre: No, no. That would have been ironic.

Jason: What did he die of ?

Pierre: I don't know, it didn't mention on this document. Oh he died from a self-inflicted gunshot, a wound at the age of 71 over an unrequited love. And there's this other guy, this guy is Radivoje Lajic, 50 years old, he lives in Belgrade, he lives in Bosnia and this guy got his house struck six times by meteorites. So having your house struck once by meteorite is very unlikely, even in these times of high asteroid activity, but six times you start to think that it's not due solely to random chance.

Jason: I mean was he like a Satanist or something. If you're going to carry this hypothesis over we've got to prove that he'd been doing something very, very bad.

Pierre: It would be interesting but what is mentioned is that he believes strongly in UFO's, and he strongly believes that UFO's are sending the meteorites.

Jason: Oh man, there you go.

Niall: I suspect that he came up with that belief after. It's probably - for individual cases it will be very difficult to establish the direct causal relationship.

Pierre: What is going on in the mind or the belief, or what triggers.

Jason: One thing I've always thought is the large majority of people on this planet kind of like have a collective soul or something. Kind of like they have this collective unconscious thing, that what's his name was talking about, Jung or whatever it is. And I think actually it's like a collective soul, that they're all part of the same body, so just because one guy is worshipping Satan, it's the 15 neighbours that might be calling it down.

Pierre: Resonating yeah, with people on the same wavelength.

Joe: So what are we saying here? What are we saying the question is?

Pierre: Well it seems that ...

Joe: How do human beings influence the universe, or gravitate, or attract cyclical catastrophe, or indeed do they?

Pierre: It seems that there are cyclical catastrophes anyway and that on a quantum level the amount of lies believed by a critical mass of individuals modify the probabilities of those catastrophes to occur. So the solution, if we have not passed the point of no return, is to reach an opposite critical mass of individuals that would see the world, the universe as it is, the truth.

Joe: We'll get that done tomorrow.

Jason: Not going to happen.

Joe: We'll get tomorrow and then by Tuesday everything is going to be ok yeah?

Niall: Yeah let's get started on that tonight.

Jason: Tea and biscuits.

Joe: Yeah it seems that, getting back to what we were saying towards the beginning of the show; is that the elites, at least, the elite-elite, the elites above the elites, the super-duper uber top secret government ...

Niall: The big Kahuna.

Joe: The big Kahuna people. Somebody, they surely know what the truth is. Maybe they're in denial about it, but they've written reports - there's lots of scientific reports, and there's even presidential and NSA reports and CIA reports and stuff, on major climate change and we suspect strongly that they are also aware of cometary bombardments. I mean when you people like Mike Baillie writing books that point out that it happens quite regularly, surely the powers that be are aware of this. Yet they are trying their best to make sure that as few people as possible become aware of it and realize that the powers that be, that the elites can't protect them. They're trying to make sure that everybody stays under this illusion that they can be protected by their leaders against anything.

And there's certain things, obviously, the leaders can't protect against then they ignore them. In terms of the chaotic weather; we've had a few years of serious flooding and droughts that has caused serious problems with crop yields and we expect some major food shortages and food prices in the not too distant future.

Which leads me to the story that I've been aware of for a couple of years now and that has been in the media for a few years but nobody pays any attention to it, which is about what western countries, governments, and the Chinese and Middle Eastern governments are all doing in Africa. They're all buying up large tracts of land in Africa for the purpose of apparently growing various types of crops and fruit and different kind of food stuffs. And some of it they claim to be for biofuels, but I don't believe the biofuel because that just ties into the whole kind of peak oil, and..

Jason: It's like these people read 1984 and then didn't see like "Oh shit this could happen'". They were like (smug and wanton tone) oh yeah this could happen".

Joe: Exactly. Because it's not just that they're buying up massive, I'm talking about massive tracts of land in Africa, but the Chinese, specifically anyway, have been building massive, basically been building cities in Africa. There's one - this was reported about by the BBC a few years ago about a Chinese-built city on the outskirts of Angola's capital Luanda. A city, they've even gave it a name, it's called the Nova Cidade do Kilamba, the new city of Kilamba, and it was designed to hold up to half a million people. There are 750 eight-storey apartment buildings, 12 schools and 100 retail units and it covers 12,355 acres but it's completely empty. There's nobody in it. Brand new city essentially, a city for half a million people and it's just empty. And that's just one of them. And at the same time they're developing large tracts of African land for agriculture supposedly/

Pierre: Over the last three years land grabbing - that's the way they call this recent phenomena, has been amounting, in the three years, to 200,000 square miles. That's more than the total surface of California. So obviously the elites know ...

Joe: Preparing for something.

Pierre: ... probably what is going to happen. But from their moves; seed banks, land grabs, building cities I'm not sure they are aware of all the parameters and all the consequences of what might happen.

Joe: No, because; based on what we expect and what we know from ...

Jason: There's nowhere to hide.

Pierre: Exactly.

Jason: There's no place to run, you know.

Joe: I'm sure they've used their best analysts to come up with answers to the problem, as to what to do you have major food riots, for example, in the U.S. or in any country. But I would say that assuming that they're smart enough, and that they are really able to understand the situation they're probably doing this thing in as many places as possible. They've probably done south America, Africa, somewhere in Asia, Australia, you know. "Build us a few slaves on every continent and we'll take our pick whenever the shit hits the fan".

Niall: Yeah and you noticed that it's mainly in the Southern Hemisphere.

Joe: Mm-hm. Well that suggests global cooling, ice age. But based on the last ice age you had major droughts, so maybe that's why they're putting them in the Southern Hemisphere, with the Northern Hemisphere being largely either covered in ice or kind of semi-frozen tundra type land, the Southern Hemisphere apparently was very dry. So maybe they're putting in some kind of techno, eco, bio-sphere systems. I think they are actually. I was reading about something about that in Africa where they're putting in these kind of big domed growing areas with solar panels and wind power and all this kind of stuff, it's almost like elite survivalists.

Jason: You know what this reminds me of? There's a city built into a cliff or something like that, it's a massive thing and it's kind of a bit of a mystery in the U.S. It's kind of supposedly the Indians came in and built it or something like that, but I don't think there is much evidence that it was actually ever lived in. It makes you wonder if they tried this before, if some sort of elite group of people who said "Ooooh let's do this" and they kind of built like a city inside of one of these cliffs or something like that, that they were going to go there when the shit hit the fan. And I wonder how that worked out for them?

Niall: Well an entire city has been excavated in Turkey that's underground.

Jason: Yeah there's that underground city in Turkey. I think that they keep doing this and they're fucking retarded to be quite honest you know, because there's no reason for them not to develop civilization to the point where everybody can survive and have fun and be fine. There's no reason for them not to. It's just totally ridiculous behavior. It's utterly ignorant and pointless in the end. It's so pointless because what are they going to rule over? Nothing. They're not going to go somewhere and survive you know, setting up the seed banks and "Let's build a city, that is exactly like all the other cities that we've built, but in this other area. And we'll fly 500,000 of the best people", sort of like Dr. Strangelove and five wives per man or whatever it is. I mean it's just fantasy, it's complete fantasy.

Pierre: At the same time you cannot expect from the dark elites, from the psychopathic elites, more than they are able to by nature. They see what they want to see, they dwell into wishful thinking, they feed on the suffering, they use lies and deception and enjoy the suffering of the others. So inevitably; it's us having the responsibility as the masses, having the responsibility to believe or not in their lies, to fall or not for their traps. If we fail to make the right choice, so we reach this critical mass of lies, of suffering and triggers this cosmic reaction. So to some extent the choice between two possible futures is more in the hand of people with a conscience, than in the hands of the elites psychopaths who act like machines, who just what they are supposed to do, and who cannot do more.

Jason: Not so much the mandate of heaven as the mandate of the people. The people have spoken. They've decided which group of people they're going to follow, which group of people they're going to believe in. And as much as we say "Hey, you're not really thinking this through", they're going to do it and then they're going to suffer for it, to be quite honest, because the situation is really - we're talking about a ice age. We're talking about like volcanoes erupting and dust filling the atmosphere, blocking out the sun possibly, which happened before, a dust cloud, dustcover, bombardment, the slowing of the rotation of the Earth, the weakening of the magnetic field which protects us from a whole shitload of stuff like radiation. You're going to have people walk outside and get like 3rd degree burns from the radiation or something like that because they're in the wrong area. What do these people think? It's ridiculous.

Joe: It's kind of like the entire universe is a - it's like a big garden. Yeah it's kind of like a big garden. And each inhabited planet is like a nice little garden where particular types of plants grow or particular variation of plants grow and there are particular types of plants that are beneficial and that are meant to grow there.

Jason: And weeds.

Joe: And then there are weeds you know. And every once in a while the gardener - there's a gardener comes around to look at each of the gardens to tend the plants and stuff and sees that weeds or toxic plants have overtaken the garden, then it's; "Ok, go get the.."

Jason: Weed killer.

Joe: "Get the 'Roundabout' out". Where's Monsanto you know? And start again. It's not a problem. Let's just starts again: "Whoops, this one went a bit wrong, it was a good try but we got some interesting variations, interesting hybrids".

Jason: That's a good analogy there.

Joe: Which brings me to zombies. Why are there so many zombie movies around for the past year, in the past few years, and zombie, the concept of zombies, the zombie idea around? It's almost like that ties into the idea of this feedback, almost like a collective unconscious, where what people are or that the way they're going, or the way their minds are, the way they have devolved essentially into a zombie like state, is kind of fed back to the creative principles on the planet who then come out with these ideas about the zombies. Like this one with Brad Pitt: World War Z. It's this zombie movie par excellence. It's ridiculous.

Jason: No, I've noticed that in my art, cause I do these drawings some times, that I have a lot of zombie imagery in my head that I have to resist, basically.

Joe: Yeah, I mean where is that coming from?

Jason: I mean, I always explain it as there's a - maybe we shouldn't go into that. That's way too, that's way too..ha-ha, off into the fringe.

Niall: Jason we've gone everywhere there is to go, go on.

Jason: Well I mean I look at the world as if there's a river that floats about everybody's head, where all of the creative ideas that could possibly ever be had are. And some peoples' heads are just high enough that they kind of walk through this river and get ideas, so that just things comes down the pipe. And that's why people all over the world are seeing the zombie stuff because it's just there. It's in the ether.

Niall: It still leaves the question of why zombies now? And something I thought was it's almost like the collective unconscious speaking back to itself.

Jason: Yeah it's a metaphor

Niall: Possibly in anticipation of a mass wipeout from plague.

Jason: Yeah totally.

Niall: I mean that would look zombie-ish. In the sense that there would be the living dead, that you would have mass casualties and such a horrific situation that people, those who are still alive, many of them would wish they were dead.

Jason: Well yeah.

Niall: And that's the quintessential horror movie. We look at it at a distance, it's just a movie.

Jason: Right.

Niall: But we also go to it cause we are sort of horrified by it. It's not just coming though in movies. Nearly every major city in the west holds annual zombie parades, where people will actually act out what it is to be like to be a zombie.

Joe: Yeah, it covered in the movies, it's covered in actual life where people have been starting acting ...

Jason: Homeland Security.

Joe: Yeah, people have started acting like zombies in real life, like eating each others faces. You've had movies. They have used zombies for training exercises for the military where they dress people up as zombies and the military goes in and fires. Don't know. They never really explained why they used zombies.

Jason: It was to promote something.

Joe: I don't even know if it was. I think they just said "Let's have zombies in there". It's the kind of a thing where people who do it don't know why they're coming up with the idea of zombies. "It just sounds like a good idea" you know. Like who's on first. There's nothing about the movie. We just figured we' have zombies for a bit of fun.

Jason: Well in all fairness the zombie meme has actually been going on for a long time. I didn't hear - it's just really burst out you know..

Pierre: You mentioned the plague. I think during the show we didn't talk about the possible correlation between cometary activity and space-borne viruses.

Jason: That's because we don't want to approach the P word

Niall: We may as well.

Jason: No, don't.

Niall: We've been so doom and gloom.

Pierre: Usually there's a cliché about meteorites or cometary bombardments; it's one single body hitting the surface of the Earth. And data shows that actually, usually it's not one single body involved but a swarm of different bodies of different sizes. And most explosions happen in the atmosphere, it's overhead cometary explosions. And actually the main damage induced by comets may not be due to the shock wave but to more intangible factors, like: A) airborne viruses, and there is this researcher, Indian researcher called Shandra Wickramasinghe of the Buckingham Center for Astrobiology who published a paper recently showing the presence - I have the picture in front of me - of a fossilized diatom, you know this microorganism, fused into the meteoric rock, showing that indeed asteroid material can carry parasites, bacteria and other micro organisms.

Jason: Well throughout history, comets have been associated with the coming of plague.

Pierre: That what I was coming. The Justinian plague followed an intense episode of cometary activity, and the black plague, before the black plague, the beginning 14th century there was strong cometary activities, and there's a bit of delay but remember that airborne aerosols, microorganisms can take years to drop from the high atmosphere to the ground. That's why maybe all these new viruses that have been recently discovered, are Avian viruses, because birds catch them first, and most of them emerge around the Himalayas because that's where the atmosphere is the thinnest. So that's where aerosol microorganisms fall the fastest on the surface of the Earth.

Joe: Mm-hm. Well, what was the topic of our show again?

Jason: The topic of our show was like Ice Age Cometh.

Niall: Yeah, we want to understand all this crazy weather. What it might be a prelude to. We mention ice age because historically speaking, ice ages are a fact.

Joe: Yeah.

Niall: They have always been preceded by the very signs we're noticing, even increased levels of carbon dioxide. Of course there were no humans around, no industry around to do it in times past. That's the kind of the part ...

Jason: Which is the question that no one ever seems to answer.

Niall: Yeah that's the part they leave out. We've touched on that by talking about the high levels of CO2 released by the oceans, which totally dwarf any amounts of CO2 that's produced by human activity.

Joe: What about plants as well?

Pierre: Yeah and what we didn't say, that CO2, all CO2, man-made and naturally made, accounts for about 5% of the heating gas, the greenhouse gas, the main one being vapor, water vapor. And what we can say about the perspective that clearly there two main indicators of the approaching sun's companion and an accompanying cometary swarm, i.e., those two indicators are reduction in solar activity and increase in fireballs. Those two symptoms are still on the rise today, which suggests that Nemesis hasn't reached its aphelion yet, its closest point to the sun. I think so it's getting closer, and as long as it's getting closer; its consequences, its effect, should be on the rise. So from my point of view, data strongly suggests that all the symptoms we've been listing should worsen.

Joe: Yeah I think in terms of the topic of the show; the ice age cometh, yeah ice ages have cometh and goneth several times in history, but as far as we know or as far as we suspect, they weren't necessarily accompanied by all of the other Earth changes that we're seeing, that we mentioned: volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, sinkholes, out gassings, animal die-offs. All the previous ice ages or mini ice ages or cold periods, were not accompanied by all of that, which suggests that something is happening on a much larger scale to the planet and that as Pierre just suggested, that it's possibly associated with the approach of a solar companion, that our solar system is a binary system and that that is the cause. Actually we have a call here.

Pierre: Go on.

Jason: Go ahead.

Caller: Hello, am I on the air?

Joe: Hi caller what's your name and where are you calling from?

Roland: This is Roland from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Joe: Hey Roland.

Jason: Where you from dude?

Roland: Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

Jason: Pennsylvania?

Roland: Yes. So I was listening to what you were talking about with our universe and creation and wanted to express it, that it appears that the universe, the way it operates has a - seems to be safe valve mechanisms in which when a species starts to endanger the greater good which is Earth and the life forms, has cycles. During this life period, which is a very, very short window period for life to evolutionize, what happens is, if any of that life does progress, it has a test in which brings on comets or ice age and if that race or human race has been progressing the way it should have, it would have - that human race would use its intelligence and its consciousness to ward off such an extreme cataclysmic event or protection.

Jason: Yeah or a comet, like what we've been saying, you know. We would have devised something,...

Roland: Exactly

Jason: know, some way to deal with this. But instead we haven't.

Roland: Exactly, it's almost like, and I hate to say it, but it's almost like it's too late in a sense. I mean I know there's this thing where we say "Well it's never too late", but the actual fact of the matter is sometimes it is too late. And that's something - I'm not saying it is, but I think that's something that we need to consider. Because once you are able to deprogram yourself in thinking that you're special or we're special, once you get rid of that you realize that we're on the same playing field as every other species in this world, and that we're all a part of this cycle and it's a - the universe establishes certain cycles and it's like certain ones are warnings, and it gives you more warnings and then Boom!

Jason: Exactly.

Roland: Yeah and at a certain point that's it. Either you progress or you don't. And only for a greater good.

Jason: Yeah a lot of people should really think about that. If, say for instance, worst case scenario we're looking at the complete end of our race, we should really ask ourselves what have we given to cosmic posterity? What have we left behind? Imagine some extraterrestrial archeologist comes to Earth a thousand years from now, and everything's a total barren wasteland, total ice and there's no more life at all on the planet. And he's going to dig up and the first thing he's going to find is a Britney Spears CD. And we've left that to posterity. I mean that's the great monument to the human race is a bunch of CD's that will never bio-degrade, trashing the entire world up.

Pierre: There's a material aspect of what we would leave and also a more immaterial aspect; information dimension, what you call this.

Jason: Which is why people I think wrote ...

Pierre: How do you call this? Collective consciousness. What kind of information, true or false, did we leave in this collective memory records?

Jason: I think that that's evidence of why we made the megaliths that we have made with writing on these giant, huge structures, stone structures with writing, is that I think at a certain point man had that philosophy; what are we leaving to posterity? And again I'm going to ask this question about now. Do we deserve to live as a race? Does this human race deserve to live? I don't know, it's an interesting question.

Roland: I think time and events, time will tell, who will go on and who will not.

Jason: Exactly man, that was some pretty insightful stuff you brought up dude.

Joe: Alright Roland thanks for your call.

Jason: Thanks man.

Niall: Take it easy.

Roland: Bye.

Joe: Alright folks I think we're going to call it a night and wrap this one up. We've dealt with the topic and more I think, as usual. We always like to give some value added on our shows, keep you guessing, mix them up as we go along.

Niall: A little bit of what the hell did he just say?

Joe: Yeah so thanks to our listeners for listening again and to our callers. We'll be back next week with another action packed show about a topic we will only reveal next week.

Jason: We will flip a coin to decide on.

Pierre: And we'll try to influence the random event.

Jason: We actually put all these topics into a little pop ball machine, a tumbler, and we just sort of pick them out.

Joe: But in the meantime, everybody whose listening y'all try and influence something, somehow for the better, rather than for the worse.

Pierre: And the best way to influence for the best, is just see the world as it is, objectively.

Niall: Think positive thoughts, but think positive thoughts that are true.

Joe: Keep the truth, front and center and keep the faith - the real faith. Alright over and out