boycott usa
Boycotting the US could happen as people realize that the USA is the key part of an Axis bringing unlimited evil.
Boycott the USA! You read it here first.

"Impossible!" you say. "The USA leads the "international community;" boycotting the USA is silly fantasy."

Yet such a boycott could happen as people realize that the USA is the key part of an Axis bringing unlimited evil. Indeed, USA policy is so malign with such contradiction, that the men in white coats will soon be on their way to visit American leaders.

At present the USA is leading the movement to boycott and sanction Russia.

"You just don't invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests," says American Secretary of State John Kerry.

Oh really? So which country -- on phony pretext (weapons of mass destruction) -- invaded Iraq in 2003?

And who, eight months ago, was screaming for an attack on Syria on another phony pretext (that the Syrian government had made a gas attack on civilians)?

And which government was, and still is, part of the biggest deception in modern history, a deception which leads to endless war, on phony pretexts, against Islamic states? (Those who do not know that 9/11 was/is the biggest deception in modern history should visit any YouTube video of WTC Tower Number Seven in freefall collapse even though it had not been touched by an airplane).

And which country, just after 9/11, proposed invading seven Islamic countries on phony pretexts (look up General Wesley Clark on the subject)?

It's the USA, of course!
Moreover, it's the USA which is one third of the Axis of Evil (the other two thirds are Saudi Arabia and self-righteous, racist, genocide-implementing Israel) which is bringing a head-chopping, throat-slitting, gas-choking, let's-garotte-a-young-girl sectarian Wahhabism not just to the Middle East but, if they can, to the whole world.
And which country spies on every other person, yes, every other person, in every conceivable way?

And which government has purchased two billion dum-dum, explosive bullets, (that's two billion, six for every American man, woman and child), whose police are out of control and which will soon make the former East German communist stasi state look like Toytown?

It's the USA, of course! Just as it's the USA which, ultimately to justify its support for allowing Israel to expand into the lands of others and ensure the entry of global financiers into the lands of others, has used phony pretexts, in every conceivable way, against Iran (by alleging that Iran -- which has attacked nobody in hundreds of years -- is an aggressor).

All this, of course, comes from the USA which is now completely controlled by the global financiers, the military-industrial complex and as corrupt a political system as exists anywhere in the world).

The USA is also petulantly stupid -- it even stops Iranian diplomats, in a civilian plane, flying over its air space!

Moreover, which country has been at war every year since 1945 and yet it preaches the need for peace to others?

And which country, all the time, says that "all options are on the table" by which is meant that nuclear weapons can, and will, be used even against those who have no nuclear weapons?.

And which country is now striving to surround Russia with missile bases yet had an apoplectic fit when the Soviet Union tried to put missiles in a spot near the USA (1963 Cuban crisis)?

And which country lectures others about human rights yet tortures people and has the highest incarceration rate in the world?

And which country is hand in hand with that gruesome totalitarian barbarism called Saudi Arabia which likes whipping women and hacking off their heads? In fact, they're so hand in hand that the Saudis are trying to claim that they are promoting democracy in Syria! Moreover, at this very moment Obama is in Saudi Arabia assuring its vicious, decrepit leaders of the USA's everlasting support.

Most extraordinary of all, consider the exact words of Secretary of State Kerry -- "You just don't invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests." The clear implication is that a country like America IS entitled to invade another country to assert its interests if it can find a 'genuine' pretext!

A pretext is an effort or strategy intended to conceal something. It's a technique of continual falsity. It's what the USA does all the time.

Afghan President, Hamid Karzai has put the matter clearly and precisely. He has said that the USA launched its attack on Afghanistan "for its own interests" (and, remember, that is being said by a President who was put into power by the Americans).
Now, at last, the world is waking up to the danger of America's support for Israel with more and more demands for boycotting the Zionist entity. In the UK the architects have done it. Now 29 brave, far-seeing members of the European Parliament are doing it. The dam against sanctions on Israel is breaking.
But it's the USA which lets Israel endlessly create settlements and endlessly expand into the lands of others. It's the USA which never addresses Israel's possession of hundreds of nuclear weapons. It's the USA which - for heaven's sake! - is now mulling giving surface-to-air missiles to the Takfiri, throat-slitters and gas-chokers in Syria (yes, the SAM missiles will inevitably end up in the hands of the Takfiri).

The boycott-Israel movement will soon be snowballing and, because of the USA's support for Israel and Saudi Arabia, the boycott-USA movement is not too far away.

You read it here first.

Prof. Rodney Shakespeare is a visiting Professor of Binary Economics at Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia. He is a Cambridge MA, a qualified UK Barrister, a co-founder of the Global Justice Movement, a member of the Christian Council for Monetary Justice. His main website is