© KMOVTerry Robinson recorded police threatening to set him up.
St. Louis - A man has brought forth evidence that a team of police officers repeatedly intimidated him with prison time if he didn't find someone to frame up with a weapons charge.

Terry Robinson, 21, is currently on probation from a previous offense and working to stay out of trouble and finish school, according to KMOV. Should he get arrested again, he will face at least 9 years in prison. Police officers used his precarious position as a way to leverage him into being their pawn in setting up innocent people with undeserved charges.

It began when officers saw him in his neighborhood, cuffed him, and pretended to drive him to the police station. During the drive, they began to lay out their demands.

What they didn't know was that Robinson had access to his cell phone and initiated the recording feature.

Officers reportedly told Robinson that they intended to arrest someone on weapons charges and would plant a gun on someone if necessary. Robinson could either give up a name of someone who could be framed, or else the officers would plant a .38 caliber revolver on him and make sure he was sent to prison.

The conversation recorded by Robinson and shared by KMOV went as follows:
"Your nine years are going to seem like four times more," said the female officer, caught on audio record.

"I know y'all said you need a gun and a body," Robinson replied, echoing their demands.

"Got to have a body with it," the female officer answered.

"I don't need no gun case," Robinson reasoned. "You know I'll get you somebody."
Missouri is a state where the right to bear arms has been infringed to the point that only people with government permission may appear in public carrying a handgun. A license endorsement is required by law. Presumably for the scheme to work, Robinson would have to name someone who was unlicensed.

When officers released Robinson, the clock began ticking. By the next day the officers would come looking for him. Instead of giving them the chance, he went to a lawyer and to the media.

"If you don't give me anything in the next 24-hours then I'll write this case up as you ran from me but you got away," Robinson recalled the police telling him. "But I know who you are and you had this gun."

This form of corruption is enabled by laws that require no victim to exist, and no violence to occur - only a claim of the mere touching of a prohibited item. "Possession" laws are a great tool for a corrupt police state to oppress targeted individuals at will - be it gun charges or drug charges. Witnessing the ease in which police across the country can so easily turn these laws against the innocent should be more than enough reason to repeal them.