Four farmers killed while trying to rescue the animals.

A cold front with snow storms hit in recent days to the departments of La Paz (west) , Cochabamba (center) , Potosi (southwest) and Chuquisaca ( southeast) .

A report by the Vice Ministry of Civil Defense said that the snow storms impacted on livestock killing "40 000 head of sheep and 30,000 cattle and camels in Cochabamba , Chuquisaca , Potosí and La Paz."

"...most damage is in Cochabamba , La Paz and Potosi, said Oscar Cabrera , Deputy Minister of Civil Defense.

Four farmers were killed and 3500 families were affected by the heavy snow, according to official reports published Friday.

Heavy machinery has cleared snow blocking access to the town , said Mayor Pedro Padilla. The cold weather in Cochabamba caused the loss of at least 2000 head of livestock, including sheep and camels, said Víctor Hugo Vásquez, Deputy Minister of Rural Development.

In the mining center Caracoles (400 km from La Paz ), activities were paralyzed as a result of snow.

"Even doctors left," said a clerk at the Erbol mine.

Thanks to Argiris Diamantis for this link