While many climate alarmists still try to tell us that global warming will increase tornadoes, we are in the middle of a tornado drought, and well below normal. Normally we'd see 1221 tornadoes in the USA, so far for 2013, only 716 have been reported.

US tornadoes 2013

The map of the USA shows the distribution:

US distribution of Tornadoes
So far, we are about 200 tornadoes below this time last year, and last year was also a low event year.

US tornado trend 2005-2012
When looking historically at where we are, we find that 2013 has slipped below the historical minimum, setting a new record for the ~60 years in the tornado database.

US tornado trend
What's more, we are well past the time of peak tornado activity, which typically occurs in spring, when we have the most collisions between warm and cold air masses over the USA. While we could certainly see a rebound, it is statistically unlikely.

US tornado frequency by month

Sources: NOAA Storm Prediction Center

Storm Prediction Center

Storm Prediction Center WCM Page