A new study has been published from the University of Rochester Medical Center that links long-term diet soda and diet fruit drink consumption with depression. The researchers also established a link showing that the higher the rate of consumption, the more likely one is to be diagnosed as depressed.
People who regularly drank four or more cans of any type of soda a day were 30 percent more likely to have received a diagnosis of depression than people who did not drink soda. The risk of depression was especially high for people who drank diet soda - a 31 percent increased risk compared to a 22 percent increased risk for those who drank regular soda, the researchers said. (Source)
The video below linked here; highlights another interesting link: coffee shows the ability to protect against depression when consuming four cups or more per day. This study echoes an earlier one which documented that women who drank 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day were 15 percent less likely to be diagnosed with depression over a ten-year period. Caffeine has been shown to increase dopamine levels, leading to enhanced motivation and emotional well-being.

The full findings of the study will be discussed in March, and the researchers caution that there are many other factors that could contribute to the association between diet beverages and depression.

However, in addition to depression, there are other dangers presented by the ingredients of diet soda in particular:
  1. Aspartame: a known neurotoxin
  2. Sucralose: linked to headaches and gastrointestinal issues, among others
  3. Acidic chemicals: demineralizes teeth and weakens bones
  4. Increased risk of obesity: seems contradictory, but diet soda is known to trick the pancreas and release insulin as if consuming real sugar.
  5. Toxins: including carbonated water, artificial coloring, phosphoric acid, potassium benzoate and citric acid, all negatively affecting the liver.
All of the above can lead to coronary, metabolic problems, and kidney damage.

While caffeine has often been cited as another danger in diet soda, other studies cite the benefits of caffeine as a natural memory enhancer and pain reliever, while also improving liver and muscle function.

Green coffee has been getting a lot of attention lately as being near miraculous in its restorative and overall health benefits, including possible anti-cancer properties and reducing blood pressure and weight.

Clearly diet soda, or diet beverages of any type are showing an increasing amount of evidence to support eliminating them completely from one's diet, while the centuries-old traditional drinks of coffee and tea in all of their natural forms are being rediscovered as an important inclusion in one's daily health regimen.