Mysterious Boom

San Diego's East County - More than 167 people have reported feeling a possible sonic boom at 10:28 a.m., the U.S. Geological Survey reports. The majority of reports came from San Diego and San Diego's East County, though the incident was felt was far away as Los Angeles County and Tijuana, Mexico.

A loud boom was followed by shaking that rattled windows for 30 seconds or so at East County Magazine's office in La Mesa. The USGS siet lists the mysterious noise/shaking as a possible sonic boom, but confirms that no earthquake occurred.

Did you feel it? You can report your experience to the USGS here.

Sonic booms have been felt before in San Diego, notably in 2009 and 2006. The 2006 incident was traced to naval training flights 120 miles offshore.

For some exceptional photos of planes visibly "breaking the sound barrier" and causing sonic booms, see here.