The CDC has conducted a study of infant formula products sold in the United States and shockingly found they were all contaminated with rocket fuel chemicals!

Published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, these findings reveal that every single infant formula product tested was found to contain perchlorate. The highest levels were reportedly found in the cow's milk formula products.

How does perchlorate get into infant formula? It's simple: It's a contaminant in the water supply that's given to dairy cows. Those cows, in turn, pass the perchlorate chemicals through their milk, and that milk is used to make infant formula that many (ignorant) parents still feed their babies.

(Can you believe human mothers still feed their human babies milk made from bovine animals?)

What's a better alternative? First off, human breast milk is the obvious choice. But if that's not available, goat's milk infant formula is the next-best thing. (Check your local health food store for goat's milk brands.)

You can also read some recipes on home-made infant formula at the Dr. Weston Price Foundation.

Stop poisoning our babies!

That rocket fuel chemicals are found in the water supply and, subsequently, infant formula is no surprise: Modern civilization is awash with toxic chemicals. Even breastfeeding doesn't avoid the issue, since virtually all human breast milk is also contaminated with perchlorate!

And it's not just rocket fuel that's in the water: The water supply is also contaminated with trace amounts of numerous pharmaceuticals and fragrance chemicals. Remember the recent story about the fish being caught near major U.S. cities and testing positive for psychiatric medications? (Link)

You might also want to check out a transcript of a radio show I did on the subject of pharmaceutical contamination of the water supply last year: here.

The bottom line? The water supply is toxic, and even if you don't count the trace amounts of chemicals that have already been found, cities are intentionally adding fluoride and chlorine chemicals to the water supply, too! That makes it quite a toxic brew.

It's clear that we've all got to protect ourselves from the dangerous water supply if we wish to stop poisoning ourselves and our babies.

Water supply solutions

There are essentially TWO places you need to protect your water in your home (this is especially true if you are pregnant or breastfeeding):

1) Your shower.

2) Your kitchen tap.

Fortunately, there are very affordable products that filter the water in each of these places.

On the low end, in the kitchen category, you can buy PUR or Brita water filters at Wal-Mart (if you can stand shopping there) and they really do work! Get 'em at Costco or Sam's Club for a better deal. Notably, these devices are cheap up front, but the long-term cost to change out the filters is quite high. It's sort of like buying an inkjet printer: The printer unit is cheap, but the ink costs you a fortune.

If you want a better-quality filter with lower long-term replacement costs, go with my favorite water filter brand: Aquasana.

Aquasana has countertop filters, under-the-sink filters and shower filters (I don't travel anywhere without my Aquasana shower filter). Get a 20% discount as a NaturalNews reader by clicking here.