Every culture invents its own mythology to explain the world around it. What's interesting about this, however, is that no culture believes its mythology is actually "myth". Its people believe commonly-held fabrications to be truthful and accurate. It is only later, after that culture or civilization collapses or moves forward that the mythology is revealed as fiction.

Western civilization is currently steeped in a fascinating form of mythology called "medical science." Like any good mythology, it has its stories ("these chemicals balance your brain chemistry") and its story tellers (the medical journals). These stories are carefully placed in the framework of truthful-sounding "scientific" language. But as the recent findings about 21 fabricated studies reveals, these peer-reviewed clinical trial results published in "scientific" journals are really just a modern form of mythological story-telling.

Modern medicine myths parallel Greek mythology

The Greeks had their many gods, and modern western civilization has its "science." Throughout human history, cultures have always invented mythological heroes to heal and protect them. Those cultural heroes have typically taken the form of imaginary deities (such as in Greek mythology). But today in modern medicine, they take the form of imaginary scientific achievements that assume the same roles as make-believe deities.

In times of ancient Greece, for example, citizens who wanted fertility prayed to Demeter. Today, Americans pray to Viagra.

In ancient Greece, citizens who wanted happiness prayed to Eutychia. Today, Americans pray for Prozac.

In ancient Greece, people who wanted to improve the quality of their sleep prayed to Hypnos. Today, Americans pray to Ambien.

The gods and goddesses change, but the underlying mythology stays the same: These pills (or deities) have magical properties that alter your state of being or protect you from tragedy.

Doctors and Big Pharma scientists as story tellers

In every culture, a group of "wise men" creates a scientific-sounding language in which the origins and actions of such gods and goddesses are explained. In modern times, that language takes the form of medicalized jargon which, not coincidentally, borrows virtually all its word roots from Latin!

For example, "hypoglycemia" is just a combination of "hypo" (too high) and "glycemia" (sugar). So it's just Latin for "blood sugar."

"Osteoporosis" is just a combination of "osteo" (bones) and "porosis" (porous or full of holes). So it's just Latin for "bones that are fragile or weak."

Through the use of this special language, modern-day physicians engage in blatant story-telling that goes something like this:

"Your child's brain has a chemical imbalance. This magical pill enters your child's brain and stop the re-absorption of serotonin, cause his brain to function normally again."

This story is, of course, pure fiction. It's much the same as the stories of blood-letting doctors from centuries ago: "Your sickness is caused by evil spirits that have infected your blood. Once we cut open the veins in your wrist and let out this blood, the evil spirits go with it, restoring your health!"

Modern-day doctors have stories for all sorts of diseases. "Your high blood pressure is a disease, so when you take this magic pill, it causes your blood vessels to relax and dilate, lowering your blood pressure. You are cured!"

All mythology is defended by authority figures

Remember this, too: Throughout human history, all such mythologies have been defended by authority figures as being true. The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece, for example, were not merely thought of as metaphors, they were believed to be real beings! Anyone who questioned that "truth" was considered a heretic.

Similarly, today's scientific-sounding pharmaceutical myths are promoted by doctors, health authorities and drug company researchers as if they were real, too! And how do we know they're real? Because all the people making money off these drugs told us so!

The key defense in all this is not merely to question the scientific validity of each drug study one by one, but rather to recognize the mythological basis of modern medical "science". Western scientific thought, as applied to medicine, is no more based in reality than the gods of ancient Greece. Yet it is defended with the same vigor and authority as the make-believe gods that have been used by every culture to explain life and death, health and disease, fertility, childbirth, sleep, dreaming and other mysteries of human existence.

There's nothing wrong with telling the stories of mythological beings, of course: They can impart much wisdom in the right context. The problem comes when aggressive pushers of such mythologies proclaim their own story-telling is undeniable FACT and that anyone who does not believe their mythology should be arrested or otherwise punished.

This is the case with vaccines, of course, and vaccines are based entirely on myth: "We'll take material from diseased cows, kill it, put it in a needle then inject you with it. From there, your immune system creates antibodies that fight off the disease forever!"

It's a great story, but unfortunately the presence of antibodies does not equal disease immunity, and the injection of such substances actually harms people. Thus, vaccines are also based on a convenient myth -- a good story that sounds great to many people, but is actually based on fiction. That's why the odds of catching a winter cold are virtually identical whether you get flu shots or not. These odds, incidentally, are about the same as having your fertility prayers answered by Demeter.

Vaccines are, indeed, the most obvious form of modern-day medical quackery based on convenient myth and elaborate story-telling.