Prague, May 2 (CTK) - A Czech woman, now aged 28, absolutely lost ability to think 14 years ago and has not recovered since, the daily Mlada fronta Dnes (MfD) wrote Friday.

The 14-year-old girl started her eighth grade. Her mother was called by the school staff telling her that her daughter was standing in front of the school and does not know where to go. She forgot who she was and what she was doing there, MfD writes.

All of a sudden, the girl's brain stopped rightly working.

"After a week, she was unable to say what was one and one," her mother told the paper, describing the speed with which the illness gripped her daughter.

Her health condition rapidly worsened and her thinking capability sank to the level of a one-year-old child in no time.

When she was 18, her mother had to put her under restraint.

However, the family still does not know the cause of the tragedy, MfD writes.

Doctors have been unable to make the diagnosis.

"They say they have never come across such a case," the girl's mother said.

At first, the girl was prescribed drugs against Alzheimer disease. However, later doctors stopped doing so as the disease normally occurs only among the elderly, not among teenage girls, MfD writes.

"At first look, the girl seems to be pretty and absolutely healthy," the mother said.

Doctors only know some risk factors that might have triggered this type of disease such as smoking or some health injury, MfD writes.

"The girls suffered no injury or infectious disease," her mother told the paper.