Mrs. N.R. (name remains anonymous) reported the following to Ovni.Net on 01.12.08 :
"I live in Quebradillas's Barrio Cacao, near the Guajataca River. In recent nights we have been looking at the starlit sky. On December 18, 2007, we saw a brilliant light toward the south that changed colors and pulsed, remaining static. It was possible to see the colors red, green and blue, all very dim and at a great height. Today, January 12, 2008 at around 9 p.m., we saw three brilliant lights moving in different directions toward the same vicinity -- south over the river, I'd say. They joined and separated without following any specific pattern. They did this for an hour or more and suddenly vanished into infinity. This is new to me. What it is that I saw?"
She further reported that the sighting lasted nearly 90 minutes and was an enjoyable experience for all 3. The objects were oval shaped and shining, were at an approximate 45 degree angle over the surface and toward the south, moving southwest. Regarding weather conditions, she said that there were a few clouds in movement, there was no rain, and the temperature was pleasant. No sounds were heard, nor were any strange odors or tastes perceived. There were no tremors nor electromagnetic alterations. The objects moved up, down, sideways and in a circle. When asked about their size, she said, "not so big."

(Translation (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Lucy Guzman,