A racoon-sized mammal which lived in India about 48 million years ago, may represent one of the missing links in whale evolution, suggests a new fossil study.

The research also challenges the idea that cetaceans - the order that includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises - split from their land-dwelling forebears and returned to the water to hunt aquatic prey.

Researchers studying 48-million-year-old fossils of Indohyus, an extinct animal which may have looked like a small deer, from ancient riverbeds in Kashmir suggest that the fossils represent a likely ancestor of the cetaceans.

Indohyus belongs to a family known as raoellids and would have lived around the same time as early cetaceans, both having descended from a common ancestor, they suggest.

©Carl Buell
Evidence shows that Indohyus was at least in part an eater of vegetation and did not return to a watery life to hunt

Hans Thewissen at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, US, and his colleagues showed in 2001 that cetaceans are descended from artiodactyls (even-toed ungulates), a group that includes pigs, sheep, and hippos.

But there are a number of physical features of cetaceans that had not been seen in this group, so that there was a hole in the evolutionary chain.

Aquatic evidence

Now Thewissen's study of fossils of the artiodactyl Indohyus may have filled this evolutionary hole.

The fossils showed an asymmetry in a structure that surrounds the middle and inner ear called the auditory bulla, an asymmetry that until now had been thought unique to cetaceans. The shape of the fossils' teeth and the position of Indohyus's eyes, which were located nearer the top of the head than those of other artiodactyls, were also more cetacean-like than that of typical artiodactyls.

What is more, the team found that the ratios of different isotopes of oxygen in the Indohyus fossils indicated an aquatic environment, and the fossils' bones were particularly dense - possibly adapted for a life wading in water.

The real surprise came when the team looked at the ratios of different isotopes of carbon in Indohyus's teeth, an indication of their diet. The results showed Indohyus had a diet that consisted at least in part of vegetation. This suggests that Indohyus was a shallow water wader
already, and had not returned to the water simply to hunt live prey.

Food for thought

"It really adds a step we didn't have before," Thewissen told New Scientist. "What was shocking was that we always thought early whales were chasing live prey. This study tells us that Indohyus was already aquatic, but the teeth tell us it is not a carnivore."

Thewissen suggests that the common ancestor of the two groups ate on land, but took to water in times of danger (like the African mousedeer, a modern artiodactyl, see video of the creature).

But the return to the seas came about before cetaceans developed their exclusive taste for live prey, and Thewissen suggests that it was this change that defined the cetacean order rather than the change in diet driving them back to water.

"It's really very important, because it shows evidence of one of the major shifts in the evolution of mammals, the shift toward being carnivorous," says Christian de Muizon at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, France of the differing diets of the two groups.

Journal reference: Nature (DOI: 10.1038/nature06343)