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SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - February 2024: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

Lahaina, Hawaii; Valparaiso, Chile; and the Texas Panhandle were been hit by wildfires with suspicious origins, unusual patterns of spread, and extremely destructive effects. Theories and speculation took over social networks: from arson to Directed Energy Weapons. But to what end? Land grab, to instill fear in the population? Only time will tell.
"I have witnessed and observed some extraordinary damage in our state. Could be caused by hurricanes or tornadoes, and frequently when you see the aftermath of that damage, there's some symbol as of a structure that is still there.

When you look at the damages that have occurred here, it's just gone. Completely gone. Nothing left but ashes on the ground.

Some early, and I will categorize as premature assessments, show that there are about 400 to 500 structures that have been destroyed. There's no way to say for certainty that's gonna be the final number because there's still the ongoing assessment process." - Texas Governor, Greg Abbott.
We have seen signs of systematic sabotage by the globalist elites against farmland, farmers, and food production infrastructure in recent years, could this be part of it?

Meanwhile, unusually cold temperatures and snowfall for February hit a significant portion of the Northern Hemisphere:
  • Xinjiang, China: Harshest cold spell in over six decades - -63.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Mongolia: 90% of the country is affected by harsh winter conditions.
  • Himachal Pradesh, India: 2 feet of snow in 24 hours - Almost 600 roads blocked.
  • Jammu and Kashmir, India: 3 feet of snow in 48 hours.
  • Gangwon, South Korea: Record snow cover - 2 feet.
  • The Alps - 2 feet of snow in 24 hours.
  • Utah, US: 30 inches of new snow in 3 days.
  • Flagstaff, Arizona, US: 2 feet of snow in 3 days.
Global WarmingTM is nowhere to be found yet...

All this and more in our SOTT Earth Changes Summary for February 2024:


SOTT Focus: 'Your Vampire Ball is Over' - Putin to Western Elites

Russian President Vladimir Putin
© Sputnik/Gavriil GrigorovRussian President Vladimir Putin attends an interview with Rossiya Segodnya International Media Group Director General Dmitry Kiselev at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia.
Exploitation of other nations by the so-called "golden billion" is coming to an end, the Russian president has stated.

The era of Western elites being able to exploit other nations and other peoples across the world is coming to an end, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an exclusive interview published by Rossiya 1 and RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

The president stated that over the past few centuries, the so-called "golden billion" has grown accustomed to being able to "fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money" as they have been "parasitizing" other peoples in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
"But they must understand that the vampire ball is ending," Putin said.
He added that the citizens of the aforementioned regions, which have been continuously exploited by the West over the past 500 years, have started to associate Russia's struggle for sovereignty with "their own aspirations for sovereignty and independent development."

Comment: The above statement will be remembered for the "vampires' ball" comment, but note also the way he sees the global geopolitical battle shaping up: that Russia's efforts to realize full sovereignty are resonating with desire for such in peoples from Latin America to Africa to Asia. Contrast this with the more coarse, bi-polar understanding in Western capitals that the battle revolves around the dichotomy of 'alliance with the West or alliance with China'.

Comment: On the 2024 US presidential election: "It's absurd that Trump is persecuted because of any connection to me. Their election is becoming uncivilized."

On Polish/NATO troops entering Ukraine: "This will have serious geopolitical consequences. Polish troops will never leave, and Ukrainian statehood will end."

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: End of Empire: Angry Biden, Divider-in-Chief & Macron's Grande Armée to 'Defeat' Russia?

biden state union macron russia newsreal
Biden's aggressive, hopped-up 'State of the Union' speech inadvertently revealed the state of the American union: fatally fractured. With 10 million migrants pouring into the US during his term, in service of stuffing the ballot boxes and packing the military, this desperate 'Late Rome' attempt to maintain the political status quo in perpetuity is destined to fail.

The unanimous self-delusion two years ago that Ukraine was going to 'defeat' Russia has given way to bitter acknowledgment that Russia is going to win... 'unless we do something fast!' In the meantime waves of drone-strikes are daily targeting Russian cities, and Russian counter-strikes are picking off the best war machines the West has 'gifted' Ukraine.

Macron is STILL talking about 'doing a Napoleon', this week speculating - to the Polish foreign minister's delight - that French troops could soon be in Odessa, and meeting Moldova's PM to 'guarantee their security', fully aware that there are TWO pro-Russian regions within tiny Moldova that would welcome entry into the EU/NATO about as much as Donbass Russians.

Final topics in this week's NewsReal: Texas governor Gregg Abbott's suspicions about the Smokehouse Creek wildfire (the largest-ever in that state), the comprehensive defeat of government proposals to 'equalize' Ireland's constitution, and the revolution in Haiti being falsely portrayed as 'cannibal gang warfare'.

Running Time: 01:51:54

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: It's Full of Life: Philosophy of ET with Andrew Davis

andrew davis
Astrophilosophy. Exotheology. Whitehead.

Andrew Davis is the program director for the Center for Process Studies. A philosopher and theologian, his latest work is on the metaphysics of exo-life. Today on MindMatters we discuss his work on science, religion, and what the impact of the discovery of ET life would mean for philosophy, and a general philosophical framework that would make sense of it.

We also discuss the opening up of public and academic interest in the topic of UFOs and non-human intelligences, David Ray Griffin's work and parapsychology, humans as an exemplification of what the universe does, the morphological and ontological templates that life may take elsewhere, the ontology of possibilities, shared commonalities that might allow for communication with ET forms of life, the mind of God, and more.

Running Time: 01:18:49

Download: MP3 — 108 MB

Star of David

SOTT Focus: Netanyahu's Messianic Coalition Partners Want an All-out Regional War. Gaza is Just a First Step

Israeli ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir
© Eliyahu HershkovitzIsraeli ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir
The supreme aim of the far-right duo National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is not the occupation of the Gaza Strip.

Even settlement throughout the devastated Strip is not the final goal of the bunch of messianic hallucinators that has seized power in the state of Israel. Gaza is just the introductory chapter, the platform this gang wants to build as the foundation upon which the real fight they are eyeing will be conducted: the battle for the West Bank and the Temple Mount.

The ultimate aim of this gang is "purging" the West Bank of its Palestinian inhabitants, cleansing the Temple Mount of its Muslim worshippers and annexing the territories to the state of Israel. The way to achieve this goal is blood-soaked. Israeli blood, in the state and in the territories it has been controlling for 57 years now, as well as Jewish blood in places elsewhere in the world. As well as a lot of Palestinian blood, of course, in the territories, in Jerusalem and if there is no alternative - also among Arab citizens of Israel.

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: How Serious Are Western Leaders About Full-on War With Russia?

russia macron gaza newsreal
We heard last week that some EU leaders, notably French president Macron, want to send Western armed forces into Ukraine in order to 'stop Russia from winning'. We know that their armed forces ARE already in Ukraine, but the implication of recent fighting-talk is that they're considering escalating the current 'proxy war' to 'the next level'.

How serious ARE Western leaders about doing this? They sound convinced that there is no other way, but are they just 'posturing'?

We may soon find out because, in the meantime, unless SOMETHING changes, Trump and other populists' victories are going to end Western hegemony and thus profitable war-making. What better way to stave off revolution at home than by sending would-be revolutionary males off to a bloody war...

Running Time: 01:59:55

Download: MP3 — 82.3 MB


SOTT Focus: NATO Troops MIGHT Deploy to Ukraine? They're Already There, And Getting Killed

NATO Troops
© Public Domain
French President Emmanuel Macron caused a furor this week by speculating that NATO troops may end up being deployed in Ukraine. Hold it. They have been for over a decade, that's why the war in that country erupted two years ago.

It was comical - if not pathetic - to see the French leader speaking out of turn, trying to project a tough-guy image with his delusions of grandeur as if he was Napoleon or De Gaulle reincarnated.

Macron puffed out his boyish chest and declared Russia "must not win the war in Ukraine"; and he suggested that in order to prevent that assumed dreadful outcome Western soldiers would get their marching orders to enter the conflict. (Note the unbridled arrogance and how the logic of such false assertions is not even remotely explained or justified. It's total diktat.)

Immediately, however, the American and European counterparts balked at Macron's troop talk and hurried to deny their support for Macron's willingness to deploy NATO battalions. Notably, even the usually hawkish British and Polish quickly quashed the French proposal.

Red Pill

SOTT Focus: Aaron Bushnell Burned Himself Alive To Make You Turn Your Eyes To Gaza

Aaron Bushnell
I watched the uncensored video of US airman Aaron Bushnell self-immolating in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington while screaming "Free Palestine". I hesitated to watch it because I knew once I put it into my mind it's there for the rest of my life, but I figured I owe him that much.

I feel like I've been picked up and shaken, which I suppose was pretty much what Bushnell was going for. Something to shake the world awake to the reality of what's happening. Something to snap us out of the brainwashed and distracted stupor of western dystopia and turn our gaze to Gaza.

The sounds stay with you more than the sights. The sound of his gentle, youthful, Michael Cera-like voice as he walked toward the embassy. The sound of the round metal container he stored the accelerant in getting louder as it rolls toward the camera. The sound of Bushnell saying "Free Palestine", then screaming it, then switching to wordless screams when the pain became too overwhelming, then forcing out one more "Free Palestine" before losing his words for good. The sound of the cop screaming at him to get on the ground over and over again. The sound of a first responder telling police to stop pointing guns at Bushnell's burning body and go get fire extinguishers.

Bizarro Earth

SOTT Focus: 'Free Gaza, Free Palestine!' 25-Year-Old US Airman Aaron Bushnell Dies in Self-immolation Protest at Israeli Embassy in Washington DC

Comment: Ynet reports that Bushnell has since died from his injuries, but other media outlets state that he has survived...


New York Post confirms that Bushnell succumbed to his wounds in hospital. RIP.

solider israel fire
© (Screenshot via Talia Jane on Twitter).Washington, D.C. emergency services took the man to a hospital with "critical life threatening injuries."
A man wearing a U.S. Air Force uniform set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. today.

The District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department confirmed to Task & Purpose that they received a report about a man on fire outside the embassy just before 1 p.m. Eastern Time and dispatched emergency services. The fire had been extinguished by uniformed members of the Secret Service. EMS took the man to an area hospital, saying he was suffering from "critical life threatening injuries."

The incident appears to be in protest of Israel's war in Gaza. Independent journalist Talia Jane obtained video of the self-immolation, although it has not been posted online.

Comment: It has actually, Bushnell livestreamed the whole thing on Twitch, which has removed it for 'content violation'. We won't be surprised if this becomes widely censored. They know it's damning for Israel. Here's the full video (Bushnell is blurred from the moment he catches fire):

Note the Israeli embassy guards training their weapons on him rather than helping him.

On X, former known as Twitter, Jane reports that the man in Air Force uniform said he was "an active duty member of the U.S. Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide." He then set himself on fire and shouted "Free Palestine."

Comment: An extraordinary act of courage. Aaron Bushnell has since been reported as having died in Israeli media, although US and UK media states that he 'remains in critical condition'.

As the above article briefly mentions in its final paragraph, this is not the first time an American protester has self-immolated in protest at American military support for Israel's genocide in Gaza. A young woman did so outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta on December 1st last year, but the US police and media covered it up so that her name remains unknown.

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Ukraine War 2-Year Anniversary: The West is Still Losing

ukraine anniversary trump assassination newsreal
Following their breakthrough in Avdeyevka outside Donetsk city, the Russians are advancing on multiple points along the contact line in territory formerly known as Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelensky continues whining about insufficient funds and weapons, despite bleeding Western armories and treasuries dry. As we pass the two-year mark since Russia stunned the world with its lightning-quick assault deep in to Ukraine, existential desperation is seeping from every pore of Western leadership.

Also in this NewsReal, the Houthis are successfully hitting multiple US-UK cargo ships, warships and tankers (and Israel's economy has shrunk by 20%), Trump is all but guaranteed to win the US election (unless he's assassinated?), Google's woke AI is launched (and deservedly panned for being idiotically racist), and French president Macron is practically chased out of an agricultural fair by farmers angry at, among other thing, Ukrainian grain flooding the market.

It's Clown World, and we're all condemned to suffer it!

Running Time: 01:29:15

Download: MP3 — 61.3 MB