Science & TechnologyS


Strange new object found at edge of Solar System

A large object has been found beyond Pluto travelling in an orbit tilted by 47 degrees to most other bodies in the solar system. Astronomers are at a loss to explain why the object's orbit is so off-kilter while being almost circular.

Researchers led by Lynne Allen at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, first spotted the object in observations made with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in December 2004. Since October 2005, they have made follow-up observations that have revealed the object's perplexing path.

Tentatively named 2004 XR190, the object appears to have a diameter of between 500 and 1000 kilometers, making it somewhere between a fifth and nearly half as wide as Pluto. It lies in a vast ring of icy bodies beyond Neptune called the Kuiper Belt, most of which orbit in nearly the same plane as Earth.

But at 47 degrees, 2004 XR190's orbit is one of the most tilted, or inclined, Kuiper Belt Objects known. That suggests it was flung out of the solar system's main disc after a close encounter with another object - such as Neptune or perhaps a star that passed by the Sun billions of years ago.

Comment: September 30, 1994

Q: (L) Is it true that at regular intervals the sun radiates massive amounts of electromagnetic energy which then causes the planets of the solar system to interact with one another to a greater or lesser extent?

A: Other irregular pulsations determined by external vibrational events.

Q: (L) The sun is not the source of the periodicity of "dyings", is that correct?

A: Sometimes. Many causes.

Q: (L) Well what is the cause that recurs like clockwork? Is there some cause that is a regular pulsation?

A: Cometary showers.

Q: (L) Where are these cometary showers from?

A: Clusters in own orbit.

Q: (L) Where is the orbit of these clusters? Is it the Oort cloud?

A: No.

Q: (L) Where is the orbit of clusters of comets located?

A: More specific.

Q: (L) A specific orbit containing clusters of comets?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does this cluster of comets orbit around the sun?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is the orbit perpendicular to the plane of the

A: Yes and no.

Q: (L) Does this cluster come into the plane of the ecliptic and cause havoc in the solar system?

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) How often does this cluster of comets come into the plane of the ecliptic?

A: 3600 years.

Q: (L) Is this cluster of comets the remains of a planet?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is the cluster of fragments in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter the remains of a planet?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What body were the Sumerians talking about when they
described the Planet of the crossing or Nibiru?

A: Comets.

Q: (L) This body of comets?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does this cluster of comets appear to be a single body?

A: Yes.


Dec 4 1999

Q: Now, according to some information posted on the
Millennium Group site, there are some photographs that
seem to indicate that there IS something anomalous in orbit
around the Sun... maybe a new "planet, " or something. Is
there a new object in our solar system in a close orbit around the sun?
A: Maybe.
Q: There is conjecture that this object appeared around the
time of the passage of the Hale Bopp comet. Is that the case?
A: No.
Q: Is this object that is possibly in orbit around the sun, is it a
natural or artificial construction?
A: Latter.
Q Who constructed it?
A: Orion STS.
Q: What is it?
A: HQ.
Q: The Orion Headquarters?
A: For your star system.
Q: Okay, you said "maybe" to this being a "new object."
When did it arrive, or when was it placed there?
A: You measure "time" linearly.
Q: Can we give it a "linear" definition, or does it come and go through some sort of portal in terms of time, in a cyclical way, or a variable and selective way?
A: Yes, but it arrived at that coordinate 26730 years ago, sort of.
Q: What is its orbit, or distance from the Sun?
A: 31,230,000 miles.
Q: How large is this object?
A: 1005.6 kilometers diameter.
Q: What is the general configuration or shape of it? (A) A
sphere, a ball, a disc, a cylinder?
A: Partial sphere, hexagonal.
Q: (A) Is it in a circular orbit or an elliptical orbit?
A: Circular. Rotation is altered by guidance system,
gravitationally powered.
Q: What is its angle to the plane of the ecliptic?
A: 21 degrees.
Q: Okay, you said that it is "headquarters," so that answers
what it does. And, it did not arrive with Hale Bopp. Just off to the side, was there REALLY a Hale Bopp companion - this rumor just won't die!?
A: No.
Q: Now, what do these Orions DO in this object? I mean, isn't it a little warm so close to the sun? I know. That's a stupid question. Space is cold.
A: Yes, and study magnetism for answers.
Q: Do Orions LIVE in this object?
A: Close.
Q: Do they use it as a transfer portal?
A: Yes.
Q: So, it is a doorway, so to speak?
A: Doorway as are many.
Q: How many of these objects are in our solar system?
A: Two.
Q: Where is the other one?
A: Outside, on the fringe of the solar system.
Q: Is the government, or some faction or department, aware
of this object?
A: Yes.

Bizarro Earth

Magnetic north pole drifting fast

The Earth's north magnetic pole is drifting away from North America so fast that it could end up in Siberia within 50 years, scientists have said.

The shift could mean that Alaska will lose its northern lights, or auroras, which might then be more visible in areas of Siberia and Europe.

The magnetic poles are different from geographic poles, the surface points marking the axis of Earth's rotation.

Magnetic poles are known to migrate and, occasionally, swap places.

July 11th 1998

Q: (A) We have been told that there is going to be a change of the magnetic field of the earth. Does this mean that the magnetic pole will shift?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) About this shift of the poles, is it going to be a complete pole reversal?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) What is going to happen inside Earth that could cause this magnetic pole reversal?

A: Is caused by disturbances in the mineral content of the substrata rock, brought on by the interaction of Earth with outside forces.

Q: (L) What specific outside forces?

A: Those already discussed.

Q: (L) What is going to be the specific mechanism of this disturbance? Can you describe for us the steps by which this pole reversal will take place?

A: Pole reversal is cyclical anyway; these events merely serve as trigger mechanism.

Q: (L) Let me ask it this way: is there a charge that builds up in the mineral substrata that requires discharge, or that becomes excited to the point that it discharges and then reverses? Is this what we are talking about in terms of the mechanism?

A: Examine what is needed to magnetize metal.

Q: (A) What is needed to magnetize metal? One has to align the spins of the atoms which means one has to strike the metal, or one has to bring a magnetic field close. (T) Strike as in annealing...
heating and striking metal or rock which causes the crystalline structure to decompose so that the metal becomes pliable. Then, each time it is hit, it reforms until it cools again. (L) Is this what we are talking about here?

A: Close.
"One had to strike the metal" (the earth), and here we are not talking about everyone getting their hammers out, the universe, it seems, has a much more effective way of doing the job. Having said that, things may not be as bad as they appear at first glance:
(A) We have been told that this magnetic disturbance is closely related to this realm border crossing, and you asked us the question 'what is the root of realm' and it is reality. Now, realm has an m at the end. Does this have something to do with magnetic?

A: Realm border is when the reality shifts for all.

Q: (A) Yes, but why is this reality shift related to magnetic field disturbance? What is the connection?

A: Your physiology and etheric orientation are both tied into the magnetic state of your environment.


More Wikipedia Inaccuracy

False information posted by volunteer gets Wales in more trouble.

NEW YORK, NY -- Untrue information posted to Wikipedia, as fact, by an anonymous 'volunteer' (Brian Chase, 38, a resident of Nashville, TN was later exposed as the person behind the lie) suggesting that John Seigenthaler had been involved in the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy was eventually removed by Wikipedia's co-founder Jimbo Wales, but only after more than four months anguish and hard work by Seigenthaler.

"There is a problem with the structure of Wikipedia. The basic problem is that no one, neither the Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation, nor the volunteers who are connected with Wikipedia, consider themselves responsible for the content," said Daniel Brandt, the man credited with helping to expose Chase. Brandt is a founder of Wikipedia-Watch and is a frequent critic of the online encyclopedia.

Now another story suggesting that Wikipedia is out of control emerges....


Earth's Magnetic Pole Drifting Quickly

SAN FRANCISCO - Earth's north magnetic pole is drifting away from North America and toward Siberia at such a clip that Alaska might lose its spectacular Northern Lights in the next 50 years, scientists said Thursday. Despite accelerated movement over the past century, the possibility that Earth's modestly fading magnetic field will collapse is remote. But the shift could mean Alaska may no longer see the sky lights known as auroras, which might then be more visible in more southerly areas of Siberia and Europe.

The magnetic poles are part of the magnetic field generated by liquid iron in Earth's core and are different from the geographic poles, the surface points marking the axis of the planet's rotation.


Ancient legends give an early warning of modern disasters

The new science of geomythology is being harnessed by researchers who believe folklore can save lives

On the banks of Siletz Bay in Lincoln City, Oregon, officials dedicated a memorial last week to one of America's worst calamities: a huge earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands of Native Americans 300 years ago.

But the memorial's main job is not to commemorate the disaster, which has only just come to light, but to warn local people that similar devastation could strike at any time.

Comment: In case you missed it, this article is stating that a huge earthquake and tsunami hit the Western coast of the U.S. just 300 years ago, yet today, that event and the lessons that could be derived from it, have been completely wiped from the collective awareness, surviving only as "dim legend". Not only that, but we are told that such cataclysms occurred at regular intervals (somewhere between every 200 and 1,000 years) and we may well be due for the next installment.

Despite the fact that it is being claimed as a "new science" Laura Knight-Jadczyk has been working and publishing in the field of "Geomythology", for several years, albeit that she was unaware of her status as such. Indeed, Laura's work is not limited to any one geographic location, but uncovers evidence of cyclic cataclysms on a global scale. Needless to say, such information is of extreme import to every man, woman and child on this planet and any hopes or illusions they have about their own futures and the future of the planet as a whole.

To read more about Laura's pioneering work, you may want to get a copy of her seminal and very appropriately named work, "The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive".


Scientists find evidence of ancient forest in Nantucket Sound

Scientists who have found evidence of an ancient forest buried under six feet of mud in Nantucket Sound say the discovery could help answer questions about early people in North America.

Comment: Even though there is ample evidence that people came to North America long before 12,000 years ago, evidence that is conveniently ignored, dismissed, locked up in the back room, or just destroyed, the debate goes on. Rather than wondering whether or not there might have been a highly developed civilisation prior to 12,000 years ago, one destroyed by, oh, a few large pieces of space debris raining down, they talk about whether people arrived via Asia or the east coast.


Maya carved portrait of high-status 'lady'

The earliest known portrait of a woman carved by the Maya suggests women may have held positions of authority in their society, a Canadian archeologist says.

The carving from the Guatemalan site of Naachtun likely dates to the end of the fourth century, when Mayan dynasties were being established.

Maya Carving
©University of Calgary
A close-up of the carving.

Comment: Earth goddess or Mayan Nefertiti?


Ancient legends give early warnings of modern disasters

The new science of geomythology is being harnessed by researchers who believe folklore can save lives

On the banks of Siletz Bay in Lincoln City, Oregon, officials dedicated a memorial last week to one of America's worst calamities: a huge earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands of Native Americans 300 years ago.

But the memorial's main job is not to commemorate the disaster, which has only just come to light, but to warn local people that similar devastation could strike at any time.

Comment: Comment: We knew that Laura's work on mythology and natural disasters was scientific. Now they even have a name fer it!


UH astronomer finds new comet

University of Hawaii astronomer Fabrizio Bernardi came here from Italy to look for potentially dangerous asteroids.

"But, of course, we see other objects -- stars and comets. This time, the first time, I saw a new comet," the postdoctoral researcher said.

Bernardi was looking at images taken with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on Mauna Kea when he noticed an object that was "a bit fuzzy," with a tail estimated at more than 13,000 miles long.


What creature will succeed the couch potato?

Los Angeles--On the day after Christmas, a long-standard survey of people's television watching habits will take a first step into the digital present--and future.

For decades, the Nielsen Media Research audience measurement service has told networks and advertisers roughly how many people are watching, for example, ABC at 9 p.m. on a Wednesday. But as a growing number of people use TiVo or another service to record prime time shows for viewing later in the week or for watching on a laptop during a flight, the Nielsen ratings have gotten increasingly fuzzy.

In late December, Nielsen is finally taking one of several steps aimed at adapting to this new audience. Ratings will be broken out by how shows are watched--live, later in the day or within a seven-day period. Over time, Nielsen will also move to measure viewing that takes place via iPods, cell phones, laptops and other digital devices that are gaining TV privileges. The company also will track audiences for on-demand fare."I don't even try to figure out what's happening today. It's more important to try to figure out where we're going to be in 10 months, and then try to figure out how to get there."--Steve Schwaid, senior VP, NBC Universal